January 6, 2000
Mr. Mark R. Grewe
Schroder & Co. Inc.
Equitable Center
787 Seventh Avenue
New York, New York 10019-6016
Dear Mr. Grewe:
This is in response to your letter of December 28, 1999, concerning
the use of a cash account under Regulation T (12 CFR 220).
We understand the facts to be as follows. A customer has a cash account
with fully-paid securities and no cash. On trade date, the customer instructs
the creditor to sell the securities. Later on the same trade date the
customer instructs the creditor to repurchase the same issue of securities
for the same cost.
Each transaction effected in a cash account must be permissible under
section 220.8(a) of Regulation T. The sale is permissible under section
220.8(a)(2)(i) of Regulation T which allows a creditor to sell a security
for a customer if "the security is held in the account." The purchase
is permissible under section 220.8(a)(1)(ii), which allows a creditor
to purchase a security for a customer if "the creditor accepts in good
faith the customer's agreement that the customer will promptly make full
cash payment for the security or asset before selling it and does not
contemplate selling it prior to making such payment." You believe that
under Regulation T the customer should be deemed a "day trader." You further
believe that to avoid the imposition of a "90 day freeze" pursuant to
section 220.8(c), Regulation T requires the customer to pay in full for
the purchase with new funds rather than applying the proceeds of the sale
of the fully-paid securities. The term "day trader" does not appear in
Regulation T and Board staff believes that the customer is not required
to pay for the purchase with new funds if the securities are not resold
prior to the settlement date. According to section 220.8(c)(1), the 90
day freeze is triggered "if a nonexempted security in the account is sold
or delivered to another broker or dealer without having been previously
paid for in full by the customer." The customer in your example has not
engaged in this activity.
Yours truly,
(Signed) Scott Holz
Scott Holz
Senior Counsel
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