For immediate release |
The Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday approved regulatory changes intended to improve the quality and consistency of data collected on home mortgage loans. The amendments to Regulation C, which implements the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), require lenders to disclose pricing data on higher cost loans, expand the number of nondepository institutions subject to HMDA's reporting requirements, and revise certain regulatory definitions. The amendments take effect for data collection beginning January 1, 2003. The Board also requested public comment with respect to certain items by April 1, 2002. Regulation C requires depository and for-profit, nondepository institutions to collect, report, and disclose data about applications for, and originations and purchases of, home mortgage loans and home improvement loans. Data reported include the type, purpose, and amount of the loan; the race, ethnicity, sex, and income of the loan applicant; and the location of the property. Data collected under Regulation C help the public and regulatory agencies enforce fair lending laws and are used to determine whether financial institutions are serving the housing needs of their communities. The changes to Regulation C will facilitate fair lending analysis and enhance understanding of the home mortgage market generally and the subprime market in particular. The Board took into account changes in the home mortgage market, including growth in areas such as subprime lending and loan preapproval programs. At the same time, the Board has attempted to minimize the increase in the data collection and reporting burden by limiting proposed changes to those most likely to have significant benefit. The final rule:
The Board also seeks comment on requiring lenders to ask telephone applicants their race, ethnicity, and sex (lenders already ask these questions in in-person, mail and internet applications), and on requiring lenders to report lien status for applications and originated loans.
The Board also adopted a number of clarifying and technical changes, in addition to reorganizing Regulation C to make it easier to use.
2002 Banking and consumer regulatory policy