Federal Reserve Release, Press Release; image with eagle logo links to home page
Release Date: March 28, 2003

For immediate release

The Federal Reserve Board on Friday announced the launch of an online resource for researchers, educators, program directors, and others interested in advancing financial education programs.

The Financial Education Research Center was developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to promote excellence in financial education by encouraging research and disseminating information through its repository of research studies and listing of major financial education programs throughout the country. The Center is housed on the Chicago Fed's web site (www.chicagofed.org/cedric/index.cfm).

The Federal Reserve Board and the twelve Federal Reserve Banks undertake a variety of educational programs and partnerships with financial education providers. The Financial Education Research Center is one aspect of the Federal Reserve's efforts to increase awareness and further the implementation of effective financial education programs and initiatives. To date, little broad-based empirical data have been gathered regarding the most effective means for improving individuals' personal financial practices. The online center is an additional tool for those interested in supporting financial education.

Inquiries regarding the submission of material for inclusion on the site should be directed to cedric@chi.frb.org.

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Last update: March 28, 2003