Abstract: I present a simple model of migration in which the net migration rate
into a state depends on the expected present value of labor market
conditions and amenities. I show that though this is a common model,
existing empirical estimates do not separately identify the underlying
parameters. The identification problem can be thought of as an
omitted variable bias because no explicit measure of expected future
labor market conditions is included. I use state-level data to
estimate empirical models in which the underlying parameters are
identified. I find that high wages and low unemployment encourage
in-migration, but that the omitted variable bias can be large. For
example, when I control for future conditions in one model, the
strength of the relationship between current wages and net migration
is less than half as large. I integrate the migration model into a
simple labor supply and demand framework and use my estimates of the
migration model to simulate a labor market's response to permanent and
transitory demand shocks. In the short run, net migration responds
more to permanent shocks and current wages and employment rates
respond more to transitory ones.
Keywords: Migration, Local Labor Markets
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