Abstract: Using data from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances, we
examine some of the
factors influencing differences in small business credit market
across demographic
groups. We analyze credit applications, loan denials, and interest
rates paid
across gender, race
and ethnicity of small business owners. In addition, we analyze data
from small
business owners who said they did not apply for credit because they
that their
application would have been turned down. This set of analyses, in
with important
new information on the personal credit history of the principal owner,
business credit history
of the firm, a rich set of additional explanatory variables, and
on local bank market
structure, helps us to understand better the sources of observed
in the credit market
experiences of small business operators across demographic groups.
Credit market experiences often differ markedly among demographic
However, so do
the characteristics of firms and owners. Results of our multivariate
show that many of
the factors we consider help to explain the observed differences in
market experiences
However, even after controlling for a large number of firm and owner
characteristics, substantial
differences often remained. There was also evidence that some of the
differentials were
associated with the degree of lender market concentration in the firm's
Keywords: Discrimination, small business finance, market structure
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