Abstract: Many large financial institutions compute the Value-at-Risk (VaR) of their
trading portfolios using historical simulation based methods, but the
methods' properties are not well understood. This paper theoretically and
empirically examines the historical simulation method, a variant of
historical simulation introduced by Boudoukh, Richardson and Whitelaw
(1998) (BRW), and the Filtered Historical Simulation method (FHS) of
Barone-Adesi, Giannopoulos, and Vosper (1999). The Historical Simulation
and BRW methods are both under-responsive to changes in conditional risk;
and respond to changes in risk in an asymmetric fashion: measured risk
increases when the portfolio experiences large losses, but not when it
earns large gains. The FHS method appears promising, but requires
additional refinement to account for time-varying correlations; and to
choose the appropriate length of historical sample period. Preliminary
analysis suggests that 2 years of daily data may not contain enough extreme
outliers to accurately compute 1% VaR at a 10-day horizon using the FHS method.
Keywords: Risk measurement, value at risk, GARCH
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