Abstract: In the early 1990s, nearly forty years after Brown v. the Board of Education,
three Supreme Court decisions dramaically altered the legal environment for
court-ordered desegregation. Lower courts have released numerous school districts
from their desegregation plans as a result. Over the same period racial segregation
increased in public schools across the country -- a phenomenon which has been
termed resegregation. Using a unique dataset, this paper finds that dismissal of
a court-ordered desegregation plan results in a gradual, moderate increase in
racial segregation and an increase in black dropout rates and black private
school attendance. The increased dropout rates and private school attendance are
experienced only by districts located outside of the South Census region. There is
no evidence of an effect on white student along any dimension.
Keywords: Desegregation, education, dropout, race
Full paper (383 KB PDF)
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