Abstract: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) that
securitize mortgages and issue mortgage-backed securities (MBS). In addition, the
GSEs are active participants in the secondary mortgage market on behalf of their
own investment portfolios. Because these portfolios have grown quite large, portfolio
purchases (in addition to MBS issuance) are often thought to be an important
force in the mortgage market. Using monthly data from 1993 to 2005 we estimate a
VAR model of the relationship between GSE secondary market activities and mortgage
interest rate spreads. We find that GSE portfolio purchases have no significant
effects on either primary or secondary mortgage rate spreads. Further, we examine
GSE activities and mortgage rate spreads in the wake of the 1998 debt crisis,
and find that GSE portfolio purchases did little to affect interest rates paid by new
mortgage borrowers. This empirical finding is robust to alternative identification
assumptions and to alternative model and variable specifications.
Keywords: Mortgage finance, government-sponsored enterprises, financial stability
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