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Finance and Economics Discussion Series: 2007-32 Screen Reader version

Labor Reallocation over the Business Cycle: New Evidence from Internal Migration

Raven E. Saks
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Abigail Wozniak
Department of Economics and Econometrics
University of Notre Dame and IZA
April 2007

Figure 2 Data: Top panel
x-axis y-axis year fitted value
-0.0494003 -0.0077771 1950 -0.0051425
-0.0464946 -0.0050026 1983 -0.0048289
-0.0299888 -0.0027014 1961 -0.0030474
-0.0277685 -0.0071999 1993 -0.0028078
-0.0265777 0.0041604 1963 -0.0026793
-0.0246172 0.0061152 1964 -0.0024677
-0.0242607 -0.0060231 1992 -0.0024292
-0.0232936 -0.006793 1949 -0.0023248
-0.0227159 0.0062808 1958 -0.0022624
-0.0217687 -0.0046507 1976 -0.0021602
-0.021722 -0.0133705 1962 -0.0021552
-0.0185109 0.0053606 1984 -0.0018086
-0.0175656 -0.0040524 1994 -0.0017066
-0.0171937 -0.0073619 2004 -0.0016664
-0.0161281 0.0055667 1965 -0.0015514
-0.0145633 -0.0020334 2003 -0.0013825
-0.0130077 -0.0021682 1971 -0.0012147
-0.0124439 0.002859 1982 -0.0011538
-0.0065526 -0.0000472 1954 -0.000518
-0.0056311 -0.004418 1959 -0.0004185
-0.0053359 0.0051366 1996 -0.0003866
-0.0052906 -0.0000445 1955 -0.0003817
-0.0039941 -0.0003686 1991 -0.0002418
-0.0013711 0.0058993 1986 0.0000413
-0.0005299 0.0000573 2002 0.0001321
0.0008525 -0.0037504 1987 0.0002813
0.0012987 -0.0047674 1997 0.0003294
0.0038953 -0.0033271 1960 0.0006097
0.007237 -0.0020455 1948 0.0009704
0.0074794 -0.0019951 1966 0.0009965
0.0095956 -0.0053771 1998 0.0012249
0.0124451 0.0056968 1952 0.0015325
0.0134466 -0.0006036 1988 0.0016405
0.0140958 0.0055969 1968 0.0017106
0.0151128 -0.0021838 1981 0.0018204
0.0154677 0.0014846 1967 0.0018587
0.0171474 0.016776 1951 0.00204
0.0179593 0.0073516 1999 0.0021276
0.020631 0.0006687 1970 0.002416
0.0237811 0.0024081 1989 0.002756
0.0239717 0.0062906 1990 0.0027765
0.0249553 -0.001679 1969 0.0028827
0.025726 0.0008278 1956 0.0029659
0.0261337 0.002817 2001 0.0030099
0.0276025 -0.0022908 1957 0.0031684
0.0299818 0.0124312 2000 0.0034252
0.0355277 -0.0017492 1953 0.0040237

Figure 2 Data: Middle Panel
x-axis y-axis year fitted value
2.9333333 -0.0017492 1953 0.0028317
3.175 0.0056968 1952 0.0025716
3.475 -0.001679 1969 0.0022489
3.5666667 -0.0000472 1954 0.0021502
3.6833333 0.0006687 1970 0.0020247
3.7833333 0.0014846 1967 0.0019171
3.8166667 0.0055969 1968 0.0018813
3.9833333 -0.006793 1949 0.0017019
4.0166667 0.002817 2001 0.0016661
4.1 -0.0022908 1957 0.0015764
4.15 0.0124312 2000 0.0015226
4.1916667 0.0008278 1956 0.0014778
4.25 -0.0019951 1966 0.001415
4.4166667 0.0073516 1999 0.0012357
4.4833333 0.016776 1951 0.001164
4.7916667 -0.0053771 1998 0.0008322
4.8916667 0.0062808 1958 0.0007246
5.0166667 0.0055667 1965 0.0005901
5.1083333 0.0000573 2002 0.0004915
5.275 -0.0033271 1960 0.0003122
5.2833333 0.0062906 1990 0.0003032
5.3333333 -0.0047674 1997 0.0002494
5.3666667 0.0024081 1989 0.0002135
5.425 -0.0021682 1971 0.0001508
5.4583333 -0.0000445 1955 0.0001149
5.5666667 0.0061152 1964 -1.64E-06
5.6 0.0041604 1963 -0.0000375
5.6083333 0.0051366 1996 -0.0000465
5.825 -0.0020334 2003 -0.0002796
5.9416667 -0.0003686 1991 -0.0004051
5.95 -0.0006036 1988 -0.0004141
5.95 -0.0073619 2004 -0.0004141
5.9583333 -0.0027014 1961 -0.0004231
6.4 -0.0133705 1962 -0.0008983
6.4833333 -0.0077771 1950 -0.0009879
6.725 -0.004418 1959 -0.0012479
6.7666667 -0.0040524 1994 -0.0012928
6.8916667 -0.0037504 1987 -0.0014273
7.0416667 -0.0060231 1992 -0.0015887
7.1416667 0.0058993 1986 -0.0016962
7.4333333 -0.0071999 1993 -0.0020101
7.4583333 -0.0021838 1981 -0.002037
7.9666667 0.002859 1982 -0.0025839
8.3416667 -0.0046507 1976 -0.0029874
8.975 0.0053606 1984 -0.0036688
10.091667 -0.0050026 1983 -0.0048703

Figure 2 Data: Bottom Panel
x-axis y-axis year fitted value
6.709697 0.002817 2001 0.002134
6.775044 0.0124312 2000 0.0021076
7.313789 0.0073516 1999 0.0018899
7.48716 -0.0053771 1998 0.0018198
8.043973 0.0006687 1970 0.0015948
8.168935 0.0024081 1989 0.0015443
8.334092 -0.001679 1969 0.0014776
8.438034 -0.0047674 1997 0.0014356
8.551965 0.0062906 1990 0.0013896
8.680105 0.0014846 1967 0.0013378
8.702909 0.0051366 1996 0.0013286
8.854511 -0.0006036 1988 0.0012673
9.078039 -0.0040524 1994 0.001177
9.467102 0.0055969 1968 0.0010198
9.4877 0.0000573 2002 0.0010114
9.785522 -0.0073619 2004 0.0008911
9.88123 -0.0020334 2003 0.0008524
9.916948 -0.0003686 1991 0.000838
10.57077 -0.0037504 1987 0.0005738
10.67275 -0.0019951 1966 0.0005326
10.80727 0.0058993 1986 0.0004782
10.86197 -0.0071999 1993 0.0004561
11.52972 -0.0000472 1954 0.0001863
11.84005 0.0056968 1952 0.0000609
11.86556 -0.0060231 1992 0.0000505
11.9672 -0.0022908 1957 9.47E-06
12.11569 -0.006793 1949 -0.0000505
12.26253 -0.0021682 1971 -0.0001099
12.32132 0.0008278 1956 -0.0001336
12.32265 -0.0017492 1953 -0.0001342
12.34374 -0.0020455 1948 -0.0001427
12.5776 0.0053606 1984 -0.0002372
12.72655 0.0055667 1965 -0.0002974
13.07197 0.002859 1982 -0.000437
14.02237 -0.0021838 1981 -0.000821
14.05223 0.0062808 1958 -0.0008331
14.3777 0.0061152 1964 -0.0009646
14.70963 -0.0033271 1960 -0.0010987
14.71065 0.0041604 1963 -0.0010992
15.84802 0.016776 1951 -0.0015588
16.56212 -0.0050026 1983 -0.0018473
16.8006 -0.0027014 1961 -0.0019437
17.64233 -0.0133705 1962 -0.0022838
18.63187 -0.0000445 1955 -0.0026837
18.87099 -0.0046507 1976 -0.0027803
20.55432 -0.004418 1959 -0.0034606
23.23321 -0.0077771 1950 -0.0045431

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