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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

1.55  Consumer Credit1
Millions of dollars, amounts outstanding, end of period
Holder and type of credit 2002
May June July Aug Sept Oct
  Seasonally adjusted
1 Total 1,921,852 2,009,850 2,098,996 2,125,590 2,136,442 2,147,755r 2,159,485r 2,164,822r 2,157,590
2 Revolving 732,665 752,792 781,057 784,684 789,323 790,701r 796,093r 802,428r 801,400
3 Nonrevolving2 1,189,187 1,257,058 1,317,940 1,340,905 1,347,119 1,357,053r 1,363,391r 1,362,394r 1,356,190
  Not seasonally adjusted
4 Total 1,948,987 2,037,519 2,128,440 2,113,941 2,122,432 2,132,213r 2,154,312r 2,166,154r 2,162,368
  By major holder  
5 Commercial banks 602,570 669,386 704,270 685,201 683,951 694,658 705,390 708,183 710,802
6 Finance companies 237,790 295,424 366,834 357,793 355,600 354,551 357,357 361,994 363,706
7 Credit unions 195,744 205,877 215,384 221,148 221,367 225,516 229,223 230,110 229,463
8 Federal government and Sallie Mae 129,576 114,658 98,363 98,795 98,647 98,120 98,205 103,921 103,988
9 Savings institutions 68,705 77,850 91,271 92,931 94,002 95,819r 97,636r 99,394r 100,567
10 Nonfinancial business 77,520 63,348 64,684 60,976 61,088 61,081 63,270 63,080 60,068
11 Pools of securitized assets3 637,082 610,976 587,634 597,096 607,776 602,467r 603,232r 599,473r 593,774
  By major type of credit4  
12 Revolving 753,942 774,887 804,953 780,317 785,498 785,851r 793,583r 796,749r 795,948
13 Commercial banks 246,395 285,015 314,649 292,530 293,725 296,856 298,081 300,614 303,408
14 Finance companies 38,948 37,576 40,496 43,467 44,497 45,479 45,346 46,157 47,218
15 Credit unions 22,228 22,410 23,244 22,622 22,816 23,130 23,385 23,302 23,441
16 Federal government and Sallie Mae n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
17 Savings institutions 16,260 23,848 27,905 27,896 28,242 28,792 29,341 29,873 30,178
18 Nonfinancial business 39,848 19,363 17,899 17,252 17,266 17,240 19,189 19,102 15,830
19 Pools of securitized assets3 390,263 386,675 380,760 376,550 378,952 374,355r 378,241r 377,701r 375,874
20 Nonrevolving 1,195,045 1,262,632 1,323,487 1,333,624 1,336,933 1,346,361r 1,360,729r 1,369,405r 1,366,420
21 Commercial banks 356,175 384,371 389,621 392,672 390,226 397,803 407,308 407,569 407,394
22 Finance companies 198,842 257,847 326,338 314,326 311,103 309,073 312,011 315,837 316,489
23 Credit unions 173,516 183,467 192,140 198,526 198,551 202,386 205,838 206,808 206,022
24 Federal government and Sallie Mae 129,576 114,658 98,363 98,795 98,647 98,120 98,205 103,921 103,988
25 Savings institutions 52,445 54,002 63,366 65,035 65,760 67,027r 68,295r 69,521r 70,389
26 Nonfinancial business 37,673 43,986 46,786 43,725 43,822 43,840 44,081 43,979 44,238
27 Pools of securitized assets3 246,819 224,301 206,874 220,545 228,824 228,112 224,991 221,771 217,900

1. The Board's series on amounts of credit covers most short- and intermediate-term credit extended to individuals, excluding loans secured by real estate. Data in this table also appear in the Board's G.19 (421) monthly statistical release.   Return to table

2. Comprises motor vehicle loans, mobile home loans, and all other loans that are not included in revolving credit, such as loans for education, boats, trailers, or vacations. These loans may be secured or unsecured.   Return to table

3. Outstanding balances of pools upon which securities have been issued; these balances are no longer carried on the balance sheets of the loan originator.   Return to table

4. Totals include estimates for certain holders for which only consumer credit totals are available.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006