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Statistical Supplement | October 2007

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 2007

3.28  Foreign Exchange Rates and Indexes of the Foreign Exchange Value of the U.S. Dollar1
Currency units per U.S. dollar except as noted
Item 2004 2005 2006 2007
Mar Apr May June July Aug
  Exchange rates
Country/Currency Unit  
1 Australia/dollar2 0.7365 0.7627 0.7535 0.7932 0.8273 0.8254 0.8423 0.8677 0.8291
2 Brazil/real 2.9262 2.4352 2.1738 2.0883 2.0302 1.9836 1.9323 1.8812 1.9620
3 Canada/dollar 1.3017 1.2115 1.1340 1.1682 1.1350 1.0951 1.0651 1.0502 1.0579
4 China, P.R./yuan 8.2768 8.1936 7.9723 7.7369 7.7247 7.6773 7.6333 7.5757 7.5734
5 Denmark/krone 5.9891 5.9953 5.9422 5.6232 5.5155 5.5120 5.5463 5.4199 5.4621
6 European Monetary Union/euro3 1.2438 1.2449 1.2563 1.3246 1.3513 1.3518 1.3421 1.3726 1.3626
7 Hong Kong/dollar 7.7891 7.7775 7.7681 7.8132 7.8154 7.8187 7.8142 7.8197 7.8155
8 India/rupee 45.26 44.00 45.19 43.79 42.02 40.57 40.59 40.27 40.68
9 Japan/yen 108.15 110.11 116.31 117.26 118.93 120.77 122.69 121.41 116.73
10 Malaysia/ringgit 3.8000 3.7869 3.6661 3.4894 3.4364 3.4002 3.4444 3.4397 3.4826
11 Mexico/peso 11.290 10.894 10.906 11.114 10.980 10.822 10.833 10.815 11.044
12 New Zealand/dollar2 0.6643 0.7049 0.6492 0.6995 0.7345 0.7334 0.7570 0.7862 0.7259
13 Norway/krone 6.7399 6.4412 6.4095 6.1401 6.0098 6.0220 5.9980 5.7807 5.8492
14 Singapore/dollar 1.6902 1.6639 1.5882 1.5242 1.5150 1.5231 1.5367 1.5156 1.5226
15 South Africa/rand 6.4402 6.3606 6.7668 7.3525 7.1026 7.0148 7.1515 6.9730 7.2153
16 South Korea/won 1,145.24 1,023.75 954.32 942.88 930.69 927.56 927.87 918.12 934.48
17 Sri Lanka/rupee 101.268 100.383 103.940 109.294 109.360 110.800 110.966 111.672 112.184
18 Sweden/krona 7.3480 7.4710 7.3718 7.0171 6.8371 6.8094 6.9485 6.6933 6.8429
19 Switzerland/franc 1.2428 1.2459 1.2532 1.2178 1.2124 1.2211 1.2330 1.2069 1.2027
20 Taiwan/dollar 33.372 32.131 32.507 33.010 33.145 33.278 32.974 32.810 32.962
21 Thailand/baht 40.271 40.252 37.876 32.642 32.421 32.818 32.318 30.387 31.796
22 United Kingdom/pound2 1.8330 1.8204 1.8434 1.9474 1.9879 1.9842 1.9867 2.0355 2.0110
23 Venezuela/bolivar 1,886.13 2,107.13 2,144.60 2,144.60 2,144.60 2,144.60 2,144.60 2,144.60 2,144.60
24 Broad (January 1997=100)5 113.63 110.71 108.52 106.67 105.30 104.40 104.12 102.77 103.33
25 Major currencies (March 1973=100)6 85.37 83.71 82.46 81.23 79.87 79.20 78.93 77.51 77.51
26 Other important trading partners (January 1997=100)7 143.38 138.89 135.38 132.80 131.64 130.48 130.23 129.26 130.72
27 Broad (March 1973=100)5 99.47r 97.82r 96.67r 94.93r 94.29r 93.91r 93.69r 92.15r 92.19
28 Major currencies (March 1973=100)6 91.00r 90.81r 90.74r 89.97r 88.84r 88.46r 88.25r 86.63r 86.41
29 Other important trading partners (March 1973=100)7 119.97r 116.27r 113.53r 110.33r 110.27r 109.85r 109.61r 108.02r 108.43

1. Averages of certified noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers. Data in this table also appear in the Board's G.5 (405) monthly statistical release.   Return to table

2. U.S. dollars per currency unit.   Return to table

3. The euro is reported in place of the individual euro area currencies. By convention, the rate is reported in U.S. dollars per euro.   Return to table

4. Starting with the January 2004 Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, revised index values resulting from the periodic revision of data that underlie the calculated trade weights are reported. For more information on the indexes of the foreign exchange value of the dollar, see Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 91 (Winter 2005), pp. 1-8.   Return to table

5. Weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of a broad group of U.S. trading partners. The weight for each currency is computed as an average of U.S. bilateral import shares from and export shares to the issuing country and of a measure of the importance to U.S. exporters of that country's trade in third country markets. The source for exchange rates not listed in the table above but used in the calculation of this index is Bloomberg LLP.   Return to table

6. Weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of broad index currencies that circulate widely outside the country of issue. The weight for each currency is its broad index weight scaled so that the weights of the subset of currencies in the index sum to one.   Return to table

7. Weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of broad index currencies that do not circulate widely outside the country of issue. The weight for each currency is its broad index weight scaled so that the weights of the subset of currencies in the index sum to one. The source for exchange rates not listed in the table above but used in the calculation of this index is Bloomberg LLP.   Return to table

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Last update: November 1, 2007