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Statistical Supplement | November 2008

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, November 2008

1.18  Federal Reserve Banks, Condition and Federal Reserve Note Statements1
Millions of dollars
Account Wednesday End of month
2008 2008
July 30 Aug 6 Aug 13 Aug 20 Aug 27 June July Aug
  Consolidated condition statement
1 Gold certificate account 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037
2 Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
3 Coin 1,386 1,379 1,378 1,402 1,415 1,339 1,409 1,422
4 Securities, repurchase agreements, term auction credit, and other loans 769,833 751,584 765,335 748,851 759,644 768,985 765,770 766,306
5 Securities held outright 479,206 479,330 479,434 479,538 479,642 478,841 479,240 479,702
6 U.S. Treasury2 479,206 479,330 479,434 479,538 479,642 478,841 479,240 479,702
7 Bills3 21,740 21,740 21,740 21,740 21,740 21,740 21,740 21,740
8 Notes and bonds, nominal3 412,392 411,731 411,731 411,731 411,731 412,392 411,731 411,731
9 Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed3 39,171 39,832 39,832 39,832 39,832 39,171 39,832 39,832
10 Inflation compensation4 5,903 6,027 6,131 6,235 6,339 5,538 5,937 6,399
11 Federal agency3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Repurchase agreements5 123,250 104,750 118,250 100,750 111,000 114,500 119,000 117,500
13 Term auction credit 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
14 Other loans 17,377 17,504 17,651 18,563 19,002 25,644 17,529 19,104
15 Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC6 29,099 29,139 29,179 29,207 29,247 29,970 29,099 29,247
16 Items in process of collection 805 2,514 1,600 938 926 1,020 1,085 785
17 Bank premises 2,161 2,160 2,162 2,163 2,166 2,163 2,167 2,173
18 Other assets 103,471 103,115 103,147 104,315 104,840 103,382 102,935 100,054
19 Denominated in foreign currencies7 85,157 84,519 82,204 88,186 88,172 87,802 85,461 85,262
20 All other8 18,314 18,597 20,942 16,129 16,668 15,580 17,474 14,792
21 Total assets 919,992 903,127 916,038 900,113 911,475 920,095 915,702 913,223
22 Federal Reserve notes, net of F.R. Bank holdings 795,563 795,848 795,101 793,703 795,694 789,299 794,909 798,152
23 Reverse repurchase agreements9 44,463 43,198 44,172 43,606 43,768 43,822 45,422 42,610
24 Deposits 33,417 16,065 30,480 16,051 24,850 38,971 28,909 25,246
25 Depository institutions 28,712 10,862 25,345 10,463 19,377 33,497 23,223 20,168
26 U.S. Treasury, general account 4,271 4,798 4,715 5,177 4,989 4,978 5,256 4,681
27 Foreign official 101 101 101 102 100 211 103 99
28 Other 333 303 319 310 385 284 327 298
29 Deferred availability cash items 2,736 4,169 2,592 2,632 2,614 1,657 2,481 2,246
30 Other liabilities and accrued dividends10, 11 3,431 3,532 3,576 3,685 3,760 5,168 3,450 3,717
31 Total liabilities 879,609 862,812 875,920 859,678 870,686 878,916 875,171 871,972
Capital Accounts  
32 Capital paid in 19,937 19,937 19,935 20,189 20,189 19,874 19,935 20,190
33 Surplus 18,501 18,502 18,505 18,507 18,509 18,493 18,501 18,509
34 Other capital accounts 1,946 1,875 1,678 1,740 2,091 2,811 2,095 2,552
35 Total capital 40,383 40,315 40,117 40,436 40,789 41,179 40,531 41,251
36 Marketable securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts3, 12 2,376,324 2,400,849 2,394,588 2,395,304 2,408,874 2,364,100 2,391,753 2,405,090
37 U.S. Treasury 1,394,631 1,420,203 1,419,375 1,423,017 1,440,551 1,389,731 1,417,852 1,437,380
38 Federal agency 981,693 980,646 975,212 972,287 968,323 974,369 973,901 967,710
39 Securities lent to dealers 134,715 132,790 131,057 126,022 124,141 124,810 137,234 127,996
40 Overnight facility13 11,567 7,642 2,211 8,676 6,793 20,713 14,086 12,098
41 Term facility14 123,148 125,148 128,846 117,346 117,348 104,097 123,148 115,898
  Federal Reserve notes and collateral statement
42 Federal Reserve notes outstanding 990,738 991,468 991,705 992,338 991,668 988,739 990,808 991,160
43 Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks not subject to collateralization 195,175 195,620 196,604 198,635 195,974 199,440 195,899 193,008
44 Federal Reserve notes to be collateralized 795,563 795,848 795,101 793,703 795,694 789,299 794,909 798,152
45 Collateral held against Federal Reserve notes 795,563 795,848 795,101 793,703 795,694 789,299 794,909 798,152
46 Gold certificate account 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037
47 Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
48 U.S. Treasury and agency securities pledged15 558,980 541,515 554,113 537,703 547,720 550,512 553,552 555,319
49 Other assets pledged 223,346 241,096 227,750 242,762 234,737 225,550 228,120 229,597
50 Total U.S. Treasury and agency securities15 602,456 584,080 597,684 580,288 590,642 593,341 598,240 597,202
51 Less: Face value of securities under reverse repurchase agreements16 43,475 42,564 43,570 42,585 42,922 42,830 44,688 41,883
52 U.S. Treasury and agency securities eligible to be pledged 558,980 541,515 554,113 537,703 547,720 550,512 553,552 555,319

1. Some of the data in this table also appear in the Board's H.4.1 (503) weekly statistical release.   Return to table

2. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight and term securities lending facilities.   Return to table

3. Face value of the securities.   Return to table

4. Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities.   Return to table

5. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.   Return to table

6. Fair value.   Return to table

7. Includes any exchange-translation assets, which are revalued daily at market exchange rates.   Return to table

8. Includes special investment account at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in Treasury bills maturing within ninety days.   Return to table

9. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.   Return to table

10. Includes any exchange-translation liabilities, which are revalued daily at market exchange rates.   Return to table

11. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including liabilities that have recourse only to the portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC.   Return to table

12. Includes U.S. Treasury STRIPs and other zero coupon bonds at face value.   Return to table

13. Fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.   Return to table

14. Fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency securities, and highly rated non-agency asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities.   Return to table

15. Includes face value of U.S. Treasury and agency securities held outright, compensation to adjust for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities, and cash value of repurchase agreements.   Return to table

16. Face value of agreements, which are fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.   Return to table

Statistical Supplement | November 2008 | Tips for printing wide tables | Symbols and Abbreviations

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Last update: November 26, 2008