Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.4.1, Factors Affecting Reserve Balances; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: September 26, 1996

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 These data are scheduled for release each Thursday. The exact time of each release will be announced, when
 the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.


 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
 Condition Statement of F.R. Banks

                                                                                             September 26, 1996
 Millions of dollars
                                                                 Averages of daily figures
      Reserve balances of depository institutions at       Week ended     Change from week ended      Wednesday
    F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items    Sep 25, 1996  Sep 18, 1996  Sep 27, 1995  Sep 25, 1996
 Reserve Bank credit 1 2                                      427,754    +    1,725    +   18,116       431,716
   U.S. government securities
     Bought outright--system account                          387,577    +      661    +   16,228       389,613
     Held under repurchase agreements                           5,298    +    1,284    +    2,811         7,170
   Federal agency obligations
     Bought outright                                            2,311             0    -      610         2,309
     Held under repurchase agreements                              86    -      151    +       64           100
   Acceptances                                                      0             0             0             0
   Loans to depository institutions
     Adjustment credit                                             20    +        4    -        4            60
     Seasonal credit                                              323    +       13    +       57           325
     Extended credit                                                0             0             0             0
   Float                                                          264    -      303    -      212            15
   Other F.R. assets                                           31,875    +      219    -      218        32,123
 Gold stock                                                    11,050             0    -        3        11,050
 Special drawing rights certificate account                     9,718             0    -      450         9,718
 Treasury currency outstanding                                 24,679    +       14    +      932        24,679
         Total factors supplying reserve funds                473,201    +    1,739    +   18,595       477,162

 Currency in circulation*                                     430,161    -    1,477    +   20,860       430,808
 Treasury cash holdings*                                          285    +        2    -       36           286
 Deposits, other than reserve balances, with F.R. Banks
   Treasury                                                     7,620    +    1,867    +      970         6,846
   Foreign                                                        170    -        3    -       12           165
   Service-related balances and adjustments 3                   6,503    +      208    +    1,743         6,502
   Other                                                          364    -        2    +       35           369
 Other F.R. liabilities and capital                            14,334    +      275    +    1,640        14,102
         Total factors, other than reserve balances,
         absorbing reserve funds                              459,437    +      869    +   25,199       459,078

 Reserve balances with F.R. Banks 4                            13,764    +      870    -    6,604        18,085
 On  September 25, 1996, the face amount of marketable U.S. government securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve Banks for foreign
 official and international accounts was $     585,105 million, a change of + $     6,025 million for the week.  The total includes the face
 value of U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
 1 Net of $    11,534 million, daily average, matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding during the latest statement week, of which
   a net of $    11,534 million was with foreign official and international accounts.  Includes securities loaned--fully secured by U.S.
   government securities.
 2 Net of $     9,499 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week, of which a net of
   $     9,499 million was with foreign official and international accounts.  Includes $       402 million securities loaned--fully
   secured U.S. government securities.
 3 Consists of required clearing balances of $     6,078 million and adjustments of $       424 million to compensate for float.
 4 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.

 * Estimated (Treasury's figures).
 Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

 Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)

 Millions of dollars
                                                                                           Change since
                                                        *            Wednesday       Wednesday       Wednesday
                                                                   Sep 25, 1996    Sep 18, 1996    Sep 27, 1995
 Gold certificate account                                               11,050               0      -        2
 Special drawing rights certificate account                              9,718               0      -      450
 Coin                                                                      584      +       11      +      180

 Loans                                                                     385      +       33      +       45
 Acceptances                                                                 0               0               0
 Federal agency obligations
   Bought outright                                                       2,309      -        2      -      586
   Held under repurchase agreements 1                                      100      -      108      -       50
 U.S. government securities
   Bought outright--Bills                                              189,352      +    2,846      +   10,276
                    Notes                                              152,392               0      +    4,488
                    Bonds                                               47,869               0      +    5,196
                                                                    ----------      ----------      ----------
     Total bought outright 2                                           389,613      +    2,846      +   19,961
   Held under repurchase agreements 1                                    7,170      +    2,260      +      683
                                                                    ----------      ----------      ----------
       Total U.S. government securities                                396,783      +    5,106      +   20,644
                                                                    ----------      ----------      ----------
         Total loans and securities                                    399,577      +    5,029      +   20,054

 Items in process of collection                          (331)           5,788      -      944      +      194
 Bank premises                                                           1,208      +        3      +       96
 Other assets 3                                                         30,961      +      226      -       43
                                                                    ----------      ----------      ----------
           TOTAL ASSETS                                  (331)         458,886      +    4,325      +   20,029

 Federal Reserve notes                                                 406,999      -      658      +   19,795
   Depository institutions                                              25,008      +    6,401      -    2,260
   U.S. Treasury--general account                                        6,846      -    1,369      +      293
   Foreign--official accounts                                              165               0      -        6
   Other                                                                   369      -        2      +       38
                                                                    ----------      ----------      ----------
     Total deposits                                                     32,388      +    5,029      -    1,935
 Deferred availability cash items                        (331)           5,398      -      337      +      730
 Other liabilities and accrued dividends 4                               4,584      +      312      -       39
                                                                    ----------      ----------      ----------
           TOTAL LIABILITIES                             (331)         449,369      +    4,346      +   18,551

                CAPITAL ACCOUNTS
 Capital paid in                                                         4,549      +        5      +      632
 Surplus                                                                 3,966               0      +      349
 Other capital accounts                                                  1,002      -       27      +      497
 * Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
 1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official
   and international accounts of which $     2,336 million was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
 2 Net of $     9,499 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week. Includes
   $       402 million securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
 3 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes special investment account
   at Chicago of $       142 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
 4 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.

 Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

 Acceptances and securities held under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in
 accordance with maximum maturity of the agreements.
 Millions of dollars
                                                                         U.S. government       Federal agency
                                                                           securities           obligations
                       Loans    Acceptances                                        Weekly               Weekly
                                                                       Holdings    changes   Holdings   changes
 Within 15 days             353          0  Within 15 days                20,000 +      199        435 -       10
 16 days to 90 days          32          0  16 days to 90 days            93,122 +        7        566 -      100
 Over 90 days                 0          0  91 days to 1 year            114,624 +    4,900        477          0
                                            Over 1 year to 5 years        95,027          0        440          0
                                            Over 5 years to 10 years      33,653          0        467          0
                                            Over 10 years                 40,356          0         25          0
                     ---------- ----------                            ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   Total                    385          0    Total                      396,783 +    5,106      2,409 -      110
 Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

 H.4.1 (b)

 Millions of dollars
                                    |   Total   | Boston | New York|  Phila. | Cleve.| Rich. |Atlanta| Chicago |S.Louis| Minneap.|KansasC| Dallas|San Fran.
 Gold certificate account                 11,050      661     4,051       423     624     919     769     1,140     474       168     321     433     1,067
 Special drawing rights certif. acct.      9,718      636     3,385       396     543     835     745       979     419       144     280     399       957
 Coin                                        584       15        18        38      30      99      85        59      31        18      64      51        77

 Loans                                       385        0         0        59       0       0      12        59      64       123      53       5         9
 Acceptances                                   0        0         0         0       0       0       0         0       0         0       0       0         0
 Federal agency obligations
   Bought outright                         2,309      136       859        89     136     192     154       250     108        35      72      83       196
   Held under repurchase agreements 1        100        0       100         0       0       0       0         0       0         0       0       0         0
 U.S. government securities
   Bought outright--Bills                189,352   11,141    70,419     7,329  11,129  15,702  12,637    20,521   8,870     2,856   5,931   6,780    16,037
                    Notes                152,392    8,966    56,674     5,898   8,957  12,637  10,170    16,515   7,139     2,298   4,773   5,457    12,907
                    Bonds                 47,869    2,817    17,802     1,853   2,814   3,969   3,195     5,188   2,242       722   1,499   1,714     4,054
     Total bought outright 2             389,613   22,924   144,895    15,079  22,900  32,308  26,001    42,223  18,252     5,876  12,204  13,951    32,999
   Held under repurchase agreements 1      7,170        0     7,170         0       0       0       0         0       0         0       0       0         0
       Total U.S. govt. securities       396,783   22,924   152,065    15,079  22,900  32,308  26,001    42,223  18,252     5,876  12,204  13,951    32,999
         Total loans and securities      399,577   23,060   153,024    15,228  23,035  32,500  26,167    42,533  18,424     6,034  12,329  14,039    33,203

 Items in process of collection            6,119      402       822       243     261     477     814       654     211       449     320     308     1,156
 Bank premises                             1,208       95       147        48      97     127      82       110      30       100      55     155       161
 Other assets 3                           30,961    1,414     9,964     1,336   1,859   2,401   2,629     3,535     928       658   1,075   1,606     3,555
 Interdistrict settlement account              0     +282   -27,576    -2,217  +5,441  +4,340  +1,138    +1,517  -2,665      -237    -861    -656   +21,494
           TOTAL ASSETS                  459,217   26,564   143,835    15,495  31,891  41,698  32,428    50,527  17,853     7,334  13,584  16,336    61,670
 1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official and
   international accounts, of which $     2,336 million was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
 2 Net of $     9,499 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week. Includes $       402 million
   securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
 3 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes special investment account at Chicago of
   $       142 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.

 Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

 H.4.1 (c)

 Millions of dollars
                                    |   Total   | Boston | New York|  Phila. | Cleve.| Rich. |Atlanta| Chicago |S.Louis| Minneap.|KansasC| Dallas|San Fran.
 Federal Reserve notes                   406,999   24,073   126,408    13,373  30,056  38,640  28,613    44,571  16,180     5,577  11,905  12,562    55,040
   Depository institutions                25,008    1,511     5,701     1,240     735   1,431   1,830     3,681   1,006       969     823   2,806     3,277
   U.S. Treasury--general account          6,846        0     6,846         0       0       0       0         0       0         0       0       0         0
   Foreign--official accounts                165        6        60         7       9      11      14        17       4         4       5       9        20
   Other                                     369        1       112         2       3     100       2       143       0         1       2       1         3
     Total deposits                       32,388    1,518    12,718     1,248     747   1,541   1,846     3,841   1,010       973     830   2,816     3,300
 Deferred credit items                     5,729      348       746       217     224     492     764       509     203       466     310     256     1,194
 Other liabilities and accrued
   dividends 1                             4,584      266     1,607       196     262     367     323       482     216       107     175     182       402
     TOTAL LIABILITIES                   449,700   26,205   141,479    15,034  31,290  41,041  31,546    49,403  17,608     7,123  13,220  15,816    59,936

 Capital paid in                           4,549      167     1,100       222     288     312     427       540     113       103     176     253       850
 Surplus                                   3,966      171     1,057       190     259     292     389       473      98        99     152     246       542
 Other capital accounts                    1,002       22       200        49      54      54      67       112      35        10      37      21       343
       ACCOUNTS                          459,217   26,564   143,835    15,495  31,891  41,698  32,428    50,527  17,853     7,334  13,584  16,336    61,670


 F.R. notes outstanding                  532,507   29,861   179,797    16,594  33,493  47,162  36,559    53,633  20,027     7,011  14,284  22,017    72,067
   Less--Held by F.R. Banks              125,507    5,789    53,389     3,222   3,436   8,522   7,946     9,062   3,847     1,434   2,379   9,455    17,027
   F.R. notes, net                       406,999   24,073   126,408    13,373  30,056  38,640  28,613    44,571  16,180     5,577  11,905  12,562    55,040
 Collateral held against F.R. notes
   Gold certificate account               11,050
   Special drawing rights
     certificate account                   9,718
   Other eligible assets                       0
   U.S. govt. and agency securities      386,231
     Total collateral                    406,999
 1 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.

 Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

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Last update: September 26, 1996