This fourth biennial research conference brings together a diverse audience from
academia, financial institutions, community organizations, foundations and government
to learn about current research on consumer finance. Consumer financial
markets channel trillions of dollars of credit to households of varying income levels
through a wide range of intermediaries operating in many
markets. How efficiently do these markets operate, and how
well are consumers' needs being met?..
Papers selected for presentation offer an evaluation of
- behavioral economics and consumer financial decision-making;
- financial literacy;
- immigrant populations;
- subprime and predatory lending;
- consumer debt burdens, loan foreclosures, loss mitigations and bankruptcies; and
- trends and innovations in consumer finance.
Promises & Pitfalls provides a unique opportunity to hear and discuss original studies
about new products, new players and new threats to access to credit and capital
for low- and moderate-income consumers. Emerging markets will also be discussed.
This conference will be of interest to:
- financial institutions' executives, lenders, compliance and community
development officers;
- leaders and staff of community and economic development organizations;
- policy-makers in community and economic development; and
- scholars of economics, finance and banking, and urban studies.
Media contact
Ben Hardaway
202-452-2955 |
Community Affairs in the Federal Reserve
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