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Converting From a SAS Transport File to a SAS Dataset

The dataset available here comes in the form of a SAS transport file. Examples are provided below of how to convert the SAS transport file to a SAS dataset on the Unix and Windows platforms. To convert the SAS transport file to a SAS dataset on other platforms or for more information on SAS transport files, refer to SAS Technical Report P-195.

UNIX: Copy the following example and modify the libname, transport file path, and the selected dataset for the year you have downloaded; this example assumes you have downloaded the 1993 survey data:

LIBNAME dataout '/Your/Output/Libname/Here';
/* Don't forget to uncompress the transport file first. */ 
LIBNAME transin XPORT '/Your/Transport/Filename/Here/nssbf93.tra';
PROC COPY IN=transin out=dataout;
        SELECT nssbf93;

WINDOWS: Copy the following example and modify the libname, transport file path, and the selected dataset for the year you have downloaded; this example assumes you have downloaded the 1993 survey data:

LIBNAME dataout 'DRIVE:\Your\Output\Libname\Here';
/* Don't forget to uncompress the transport file first. */ 
LIBNAME transin XPORT 'DRIVE:\Your\Transport\Filename\Here\nssbf93.tra';
PROC COPY IN=transin out=dataout;
        SELECT nssbf93;

This creates uncompressed SAS datasets that can be read by SAS version 6 or higher.

In the above two examples, if the COMPRESS=YES option is used, the resulting SAS datasets are the following sizes: dmi.sasextension is approximately 19 MB, sba.sasextension is approximately 4 MB, nssbf93.sasextention is approximately 22 MB, and ssbf98.sasextension is approximately 23 MB.

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