Kansas City
Emprise Financial Corporation, Wichita, Kansas -- the M.D. Michaelis GST Exempt Trust and the M.D. Michaelis Trust B, Michael D. (M.D). Michaelis, Wichita, Kansas, and L. Thomas Veatch, Park City, Kansas, both previously approved as
co-trustees; and the Paula Sue Michaelis GST Exempt Trust and the Paula Sue Michaelis Trust B, Paula Sue Michaelis and M.D. Michaelis, both of Wichita, Kansas, and L. Thomas Veatch, all previously approved as co-trustees; to become members of the Michaelis Family Group, a group acting in concert, to retain voting shares of Emprise Financial Corporation (the company), and thereby indirectly retain voting shares of Emprise Bank, Wichita, Kansas. Aaron K. Veatch, Wichita, Kansas, as co-trustee of the Michael D. Michaelis Trust and the Paula Sue Michaelis Trust, previously approved trusts, with M.D. Michaelis and Paula Sue Michaelis, both previously approved co-trustees, to become a member of the Michaelis Family Group and acquire shares of the company.
-Permitted, March 21, 2022