Federal Reserve Release, Press Release; image with eagle logo links to home page
Release Date: May 26, 1998

For immediate release

The Federal Reserve Board announced today that a Windows version of the Federal Reserve Regulatory Service (FRRS) is now available on CD-ROM for use on personal computers.

This Service, which uses Folio Views® 4.11 search-and-retrieval software, will be updated each month, the same as the printed version of the Service. The software will permit users to:

  • Search for any word, phrase, or combination of words and phrases in the Regulatory Service
  • Search the complete text or the major headings
  • Limit searches to a specific portion of the Service such as a statute, a regulation, or one section of a statute or regulation.
  • Review search results through a condensed hit list

Single-user subscriptions to the new electronic Service are available for $300 annually ($350 for subscriptions outside the United States). The cost of the printed version of the Service remains at $200 annually.

In addition to an on-screen user's manual, a printed user's guide explains the basic features of the software and how best to use them in researching the FRRS. A telephone number will also be provided for technical assistance.

Other features of the Service include:

  • Summaries of monthly changes with links to amended text
  • Cross-references and indexes with links to referenced text within the FRRS
  • Pop-up footnotes
  • Print and save capability
The new Windows version can be used on both 32-bit and 16-bit systems. Following are the system requirements:

Hard Drive Space
10 MB for minimum installation (software only)
28 MB for full installation (software and infobase)

VGA or higher-resolution video adapter
SVGA 256-color recommended

32- Bit Version
486 or higher processor (Pentium® recommended)
Microsoft Windows 95® with 8 MB of memory or Microsoft Windows NT® 3.51 or later with 12 MB of memory

16-Bit Version
486 or higher processor
Microsoft Windows® 3.1x with 8MB of memory or Windows for Workgroups®

For a stand-alone PC, the annual subscription fee is $300. For network subscriptions, the annual fee is $300 for a maximum of 1 concurrent user, $750 for a maximum of 10 concurrent users, $2,000 for a maximum of 50 concurrent users, and $3,000 for a maximum of 100 concurrent users. Subscribers outside the U.S. should add $50 to cover additional air mail costs. Each network subscriber will receive a single CD and a corresponding number of user's guides. Additional users's guides may be purchased for $5 each.

Orders should be sent to the Publications Services, Mail Stop 127, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. All subscription requests must be accompanied by a check or money order payable to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or charged to VISA, MasterCard or American Express. Charge customers only may fax their orders to 202-728-5886.

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Last update: May 27, 1998, 11:00 AM