Federal Reserve Release, Press Release; image with eagle logo links to home page
Release Date: May 24, 2000

For immediate release

The Federal Reserve Board announced today that it is seeking nominations for seven appointments to its Consumer Advisory Council.

The Council advises the Board on the exercise of its responsibilities under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and on other matters on which the Board seeks advice. The group meets in Washington, D.C., three times a year.

The seven new members will be appointed to serve three-year terms beginning in January 2001.

Nominations should include the following information about nominees:

  • Complete name, title, address, telephone and fax numbers
  • Organization name, brief description of organization, address, and telephone number
  • Past and present positions
  • Knowledge, interests or experience related to community reinvestment, consumer protection regulations, consumer credit, or other consumer financial services
  • Positions held in community and banking associations, councils, and boards.

Nominations should also include the complete name, organization name, title, address, telephone and fax numbers for the nominator. Letters of nomination with complete information must be received by August 1, 2000, and should be mailed (not sent by facsimile) to Sandra F. Braunstein, Assistant Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551.

The Board's notice is attached.

Attachment (11 KB PDF)

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Last update: May 24, 2000