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14. Acquisition Costs and Net Book Value of the Premises of the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, December 31, 2008
Thousands of dollars
Federal Reserve Bank or Branch Acquisition costs Net book value Other real estate3
Land Buildings (including vaults)1 Building machinery and equipment Total2
BOSTON 27,293 144,564 30,073 201,929 123,212
NEW YORK 20,103 271,973 69,961 362,036 212,000
PHILADELPHIA 7,343 93,389 15,254 115,985 64,669  
CLEVELAND 4,219 123,401 29,050 156,671 107,505
Cincinnati 2,806 29,468 14,858 47,132 19,938
Pittsburgh 2,360 19,640 15,807 37,808 19,690
RICHMOND 25,902 141,602 45,906 213,410 153,488
Baltimore 9,393 35,988 11,690 57,070 37,319
Charlotte 3,130 47,389 7,859 58,377 41,889
ATLANTA 22,847 150,034 17,181 190,061 160,138
Birmingham 5,347 12,766 1,465 19,578 12,327
Jacksonville 1,779 22,215 4,078 28,072 17,237
Miami 4,254 24,975 5,469 34,697 21,152
Nashville 603 6,126 3,542 10,271 4,572
New Orleans 3,785 9,651 5,174 18,609 9,560
CHICAGO 4,512 179,653 22,807 206,972 121,339
Detroit 10,138 73,057 10,690 93,885 87,218
ST. LOUIS 9,377 127,271 14,763 151,411 118,899
Memphis 2,472 14,127 5,162 21,761 13,125
MINNEAPOLIS 15,826 106,497 14,293 136,615 102,534
Helena 2,890 10,000 1,050 13,940 9,383
KANSAS CITY 38,322 198,440 27,570 264,332 259,564
Denver 3,511 9,170 4,622 17,303 7,713
Omaha 3,559 7,303 1,673 12,535 6,098
DALLAS 36,185 112,124 24,689 172,998 117,738
El Paso 262 3,426 1,843 5,531 1,084
Houston 23,699 104,515 8,756 136,970 126,395 7,204
San Antonio 826 8,407 2,491 11,724 5,687
SAN FRANCISCO 20,988 103,483 23,938 148,409 84,844
Los Angeles 6,306 72,900 14,807 94,013 56,762
Salt Lake City 1,294 4,800 1,455 7,549 2,891
Seattle 12,329 52,552 4,915 69,797 68,212 9,633
Total 333,657 2,320,905 462,890 3,117,452 2,194,183 16,837

Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1. Includes expenditures for construction at some offices, pending allocation to appropriate accounts.  Return to table

2. Excludes charge-offs of $17,699 thousand before 1952.  Return to table

3. Includes real estate held for future Bank use and Bank premises formerly occupied and being held pending sale.  Return to table

Not applicable.  Return to table

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