Remarks by Governor Laurence H. Meyer At the Charlotte Economics Club, Charlotte, North Carolina January 16, 1997 |
The Economic Outlook and Challenges for Monetary Policy 1996 was an extraordinarily good year for the economy. Measured on a fourth quarter to fourth quarter basis, it appears that GDP advanced around 3% and prices, measured by the chain price index for GDP, increased just above 2%. |
A little historical perspective will help us further appreciate recent economic performance. Inflation in 1996, measured by the chain price index for GDP or the core CPI, was the lowest in 30 years. And this was not a one-year fluke. Last year was the fifth consecutive year that inflation, measured by the chain GDP price index, was 2.6% or lower and the 5-year compound annual inflation rate is now 2.5%, the lowest since 1967. The extraordinary achievement of 1996, of course, was reaching such low levels of unemployment and inflation at the same time. The 5.4% unemployment rate in 1996 was the lowest annual rate since 1988 and before that since 1973. Specifically, the surprise was a decline in measures of core inflation for consumer and producer goods and in the inflation rate for the GDP price index during a year when the unemployment rate declined and averaged more than 1/2 percentage point below levels that in the past had been associated with stable inflation. In the second half of the year, growth slowed, the unemployment rate stabilized, and inflation remained well contained. There is little evidence of imbalances that would jeopardize the expansion. As a result, the consensus forecast projects growth near trend and relatively stable inflation and unemployment rates. We should not, however, let ourselves be overcome by our good fortune. The business cycle is not dead and monetary policy is certain to be challenged again. At the moment, trend growth near full employment appears to be a reasonable prospect in the year ahead. Still we want to remain alert for challenges that might lie just over the horizon. In particular, there remains some uncertainty as to whether the current unemployment rate will prove consistent with stable inflation over time and we need to pay some attention to the challenge of how we approach our longer-term goal of achieving and maintaining price stability. |
First I will discuss the risks in the outlook. Next I will consider some explanations for the surprisingly good recent inflation performance and implications for inflation going forward. I'll end with a discussion of challenges for the Federal Reserve: three it has faced and met in this expansion, one still in play, and one that may deserve further attention.
Balanced Risks Going Forward When I arrived at the Board in late June of last year, the risks appeared to be one-sided. The economy was near capacity and growing above trend. There was a clear risk of overheating, and monetary policy was poised to tighten if necessary. But the forecast was that growth would slow toward trend and, given how well behaved inflation remained, we believed we could afford to be patient and give economic growth a chance to moderate and, so far at least, that patience appears to have been justified. During the second half of 1996, the risks in the outlook became more balanced. The most recent data suggest stronger growth in the fourth quarter than in the third quarter, but growth in the second half of 1996 seems to have been slower than in the first half of the year, and the recent data have not altered my expectation that the economy will grow near trend over the next year. |
What factors might disturb this benign picture? I want to focus on two basic risks in the outlook � what I will refer to as utilization risk and the growth risk. Let's start with the utilization risk. There is a risk that the current unemployment rate is already below its critical threshold, the full employment unemployment rate, also known as the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, or NAIRU. In this case, trend growth would sustain the prevailing unemployment rate and would therefore be accompanied by modest upward pressure on the inflation rate. Compensation per hour has been edging upward, consistent with the unemployment rate being slightly below NAIRU; on the other hand, core measures of inflation have been trending lower, with the opposite implication. This contrast has kept the Federal Reserve alert, but on the sidelines. But it would be unwise to ignore this risk factor. The growth risk is the risk that growth will be above or below trend. Higher trend growth is unquestionably desirable and should, of course, be accommodated by monetary policy. But above-trend growth implies rising utilization rates. Given that the economy is already near capacity, such an increase in utilization rates would raise the risk of higher inflation. |
When you are near full employment with stable inflation and growing at trend, both higher and lower growth become risk factors. Another way of making this point is that the downside of such excellent economic performance is that virtually any alternative scenario will represent a deterioration. It's like being at the top of a mountain. There is an exhilaration from getting there and the view is great, but all paths are downhill. Still, history suggests that expansions do not usually end because aggregate demand spontaneously weakens, but rather as a result of excessively buoyant demand, resulting in an overheated economy and an associated acceleration of inflation. On balance, taking into account the possibility that we are already slightly below NAIRU and historical precedent, I have slightly greater concern that inflation will increase than that the economy will lapse into persistent below trend growth and face rising unemployment and further disinflation. This modest asymmetry relative to the base forecast suggests that we need to balance our celebration over recent economic performance with a vigilance with respect to future developments to ensure that the progress we have made with respect to inflation over the last fifteen years is not eroded.
The Inflation - Unemployment Rate Puzzle |
The recent surprisingly good inflation performance challenges our understanding of inflation dynamics. The equation relied on in most structural macro models to explain inflation, the Phillips Curve, has recently been over-predicting inflation. Some will no doubt argue that there should be no great surprise here because the Phillips Curve regularity between short-run movements in inflation and unemployment was long ago theoretically discredited and historically repudiated. When I hear such remarks, and I often do, I know I am listening to someone who has not bothered to look at the data and probably has never estimated a Phillips Curve nor tried his or her hand at forecasting inflation. The truth is that the Philips Curve, in its modern, expectations-augmented form, was the single most stable and useful econometric tool in a forecaster's arsenal for most of the last fifteen years. During this period at Laurence H. Meyer & Associates, our excellent inflation forecasting record was based on one simple rule: don't try to outguess our Phillips Curve. We did not always, of course, religiously follow our own rule. I remember vividly one episode when inflation accelerated early in the year and I convinced my partners to adjust our inflation forecast upward by add-factoring our Phillips Curve. One of our clients called to brag that he was going to make a better inflation forecast for the year than we were. His secret: he was going to ignore our judgment and listen to our model instead. He suggested we do likewise. He was right. Our equation once again distinguished itself. |
Over the last couple of years, however, estimated Phillips Curves have generally been subject to systematic over-prediction errors; that is, the inflation rate is lower than would have been expected based on the historical relationship and given the prevailing unemployment rate. One possibility is that the equilibrium unemployment rate, or NAIRU, has declined. The estimated value of NAIRU is generally determined in the process of estimating the Phillips Curve; it is the value of the unemployment rate consistent with equality between actual and expected inflation where expected inflation is typically proxied by lagged inflation. Historically, NAIRU has been estimated as a constant, or as a time-varying series that changes over time only due to demographic changes in the labor force. Recently, several studies have used time-varying parameter estimation techniques to look for evidence of a recent decline in NAIRU. Bob Gordon, for example, finds that, based on time-varying parameter estimates, NAIRU has declined from a relatively constant value of 6% over the previous decade to near 5 �% recently. If the claim that NAIRU has declined recently is correct, it would obviously help explain why we were able to achieve simultaneously low rates of inflation and unemployment in 1996. But, to build confidence in this result, we would like to be able to tell a qualitative story that explains why NAIRU may have declined and find evidence in labor markets, beyond the time varying parameter estimates of NAIRU, that is consistent with it. The source of the decline in NAIRU will, hopefully, help us to answer a very important related question. To the extent that there has been a decline in NAIRU, is it likely to be permanent or transitory? This may have important implications for the inflation forecast over the coming year.
I am going to develop two sets of explanations for the surprisingly good performance of inflation relative to unemployment. The first is that there have been a series of favorable supply shocks that have temporarily lowered inflation, for a given unemployment rate, resulting in the appearance of a decline in NAIRU. In this case, absent further favorable supply shocks, inflation performance will not be as favorable for any given unemployment rate as we return to the historical relationship between inflation and unemployment. |
Second, there may have been a longer-lasting change in the bargaining power of workers relative to firms and/or in the competitive pressure on firms that has resulted in unusual restraint in wage gains and price increases. One explanation in this genre is the "job insecurity" hypothesis and a second is the "absence of pricing leverage" hypothesis. Both are consistent with anecdotal accounts we read about almost daily in the newspapers and hear from businesses, but both of these explanations are difficult to quantify and therefore to test. |
Let's begin with the favorable supply shock story. We start with a simple version of the Phillips Curve which relates inflation to expected inflation and the gap between unemployment rate and NAIRU. Estimated versions of such a Phillips Curve typically also take some supply shocks into account. Supply shocks refer to exogenous changes in sectoral prices (or wages) which may affect the overall price (or wage) level and, at least temporarily, the overall inflation rate. The classic examples would be legislated changes in the minimum wage, weather-related movements in food prices, and politically inspired changes in energy prices. An adverse supply shock -- an increase in oil prices, for example -- would raise the rate of inflation at any given unemployment rate. |
Traditionally, NAIRU is estimated assuming an absence of supply shocks. It is the unemployment rate that is consistent with stable inflation in the long run, or, alternatively, is consistent with stable inflation in the absence of supply shocks. We can also calculate a short-run or effective NAIRU as the unemployment rate consistent with stable inflation given whatever supply shocks are in play at the moment. In the case of an adverse supply shock, for example, the short-run or effective NAIRU would be higher than the long-run NAIRU. This simply means that the unemployment rate required to hold overall inflation constant in the face of an increase in oil prices has to be high enough so that inflation in the non-oil sectors will slow on average. Before we can tell the story about favorable supply shocks, I should note that 1996 featured an unusual coincidence of adverse supply shocks. First, the minimum wage was increased; this should boost overall wage gains, labor costs and hence prices. Second, both food and energy prices increased faster than other prices. As a result of the food and energy price increases, there were wide gaps between overall and core measures of inflation for both the PPI and the CPI. The overall CPI increased about 3/4 percentage point more than the core CPI and overall PPI increased more than two percentage points faster than core PPI.
However, because minimum wage increases, food and energy price increases are routinely included as shock terms in estimated Phillips Curves, these adverse shocks should not result in a systematic under-prediction of inflation and hence any sign of a change in NAIRU.