Financing Community Devlopment, Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future.  Picture of a woman standing in front of a row of houses looking through a spyglass into the distance. Home | Agenda

The Community Affairs officers of the Federal Reserve System invite you to attend a conference presenting research on trends and innovations in products serving low- and moderate-income communities and people.

Every year, communities around the country invest millions of dollars to stabilize and rebuild distressed and underserved urban and rural communities. This fifth biennial research conference brings together a diverse audience from academia, financial institutions, community organizations, foundations, and government to examine the issues and challenges facing successful community development.

The topics we will examine are important and include:

  • subprime lending remedies and penalties;
  • foreclosure;
  • bankruptcy;
  • consumer education;
  • small business lending;
  • payday lending; and
  • prepaid cards.

Financing Community Development provides a great opportunity to hear and discuss original studies about the opportunities and obstacles to helping low- and moderate-income communities and people build wealth through home loans, small business loans, or other financial services. This conference will be of interest to:

  • financial institutions' executives, lenders, and
    compliance and community development officers;
  • leaders and staff of community and economic development organizations;
  • policymakers in community and economic development; and
  • scholars of economics, finance and banking, and urban and rural development.

Media contact

Ben Hardaway    202-452-2955

Community Affairs in the Federal Reserve System
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Last update: January 22, 2015