Student Loans and Homeownership Trends, Accessible Data

Accessible version of figures

Figure 1: Home Ownership Rate: 2004-2010

Source: TransUnion, LLC and National Student Clearinghouse.

Notes: Individuals with no college denote those with no post-secondary education. Individuals with college denote those with at least some post-secondary education. Dotted lines represent 95 percent confidence intervals.

Panel A

year With No Student Loan Debt* With College Education and Student Loan Debt
Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound
2004 27.49% 26.47% 28.53% 32.82% 31.44% 34.23%
2007 29.00% 27.91% 30.12% 33.99% 32.65% 35.34%
2008 28.09% 27.01% 29.19% 32.25% 30.97% 33.56%
2010 22.47% 21.40% 23.58% 24.57% 23.38% 25.78%

Panel B

With No Student Loan Debt* With No College With College Education and No Student Loan Debt
year Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound
2004 27.49% 26.47% 28.53% 23.21% 22.00% 24.46% 34.87% 33.06% 36.71%
2007 29.00% 27.91% 30.12% 23.33% 21.98% 24.71% 36.57% 34.78% 38.38%
2008 28.09% 27.01% 29.19% 20.80% 19.49% 22.15% 37.04% 35.30% 38.81%
2010 22.47% 21.40% 23.58% 17.35% 15.97% 18.79% 27.54% 25.91% 29.21%

Panel C

year With College Education and Student Loan Debt With College Education and No Student Loan Debt
Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound
2004 32.82% 31.44% 34.23% 34.87% 33.06% 36.71%
2007 33.99% 32.65% 35.34% 36.57% 34.78% 38.38%
2008 32.25% 30.97% 33.56% 37.04% 35.30% 38.81%
2010 24.57% 23.38% 25.78% 27.54% 25.91% 29.21%

* Includes individuals both with and without post-secondary education.

Return to figure.

Figure 2: Home Ownership Rate: Ages 23-35

Source: TransUnion, LLC and National Student Clearinghouse

Notes: Individuals with no college denote those with no post-secondary education. Individuals with college denote those with at least some post-secondary education.

Dotted lines represent 95 percent confidence intervals.

Age With No College With College Education and Student Loan Debt With College Education and No Student Loan Debt
Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound Rate Lower Bound Upper Bound
23 7.53% 6.85% 8.25% 4.33% 3.90% 4.80% 6.21% 5.54% 6.94%
24 9.89% 9.11% 10.72% 6.75% 6.18% 7.36% 10.69% 9.77% 11.67%
25 11.93% 11.10% 12.81% 10.25% 9.56% 10.97% 15.34% 14.27% 16.45%
26 14.67% 13.75% 15.63% 14.97% 14.16% 15.82% 19.36% 18.16% 20.60%
27 16.67% 15.76% 17.62% 19.35% 18.49% 20.22% 24.38% 23.16% 25.63%
28 19.53% 18.51% 20.58% 24.53% 23.53% 25.55% 28.13% 26.77% 29.52%
29 19.63% 18.64% 20.64% 26.67% 25.70% 27.66% 30.99% 29.66% 32.35%
30 21.88% 20.82% 22.97% 31.02% 29.96% 32.10% 33.68% 32.24% 35.14%
31 22.92% 21.78% 24.10% 34.21% 33.02% 35.41% 36.27% 34.72% 37.83%
32 26.18% 24.80% 27.60% 37.28% 35.92% 38.66% 38.87% 37.08% 40.69%
33 27.39% 26.02% 28.80% 39.07% 37.65% 40.50% 40.90% 39.03% 42.78%
34 28.81% 27.26% 30.40% 42.32% 40.69% 43.97% 42.40% 40.31% 44.51%
35 30.82% 29.11% 32.56% 42.08% 40.27% 43.91% 42.98% 40.65% 45.34%

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