The Role of Social Security in Overall Retirement Resources: A Distributional Perspective, Accessible Data

Accessible version of figures

Figure 1: Retirement Plan Participation, 1989 to 2013

Cohort 1 (1981-1990) based on 1986 birth year Cohort 2 (1971-1980) Based on 1976 birth year Cohort 3 (1961-1970) Based on 1966 birth year Cohort 4 (1951-1960) Based on 1956 birth year Cohort 5 (1941-1950) Based on 1946 birth year Cohort 6 (1931-1940) Based on 1936 birth year
Year Age Pct Holding Age Pct Holding Age Pct Holding Age Pct Holding Age Pct Holding Age Pct Holding
1989 3 N/A 13 0.00 23 0.29 33 0.61 43 0.74 53 0.77
1992 6 N/A 16 0.07 26 0.46 36 0.64 46 0.75 56 0.76
1995 9 N/A 19 0.23 29 0.59 39 0.70 49 0.76 59 0.75
1998 12 N/A 23 0.33 32 0.63 42 0.72 52 0.74 62 0.77
2001 15 0.04 25 0.46 35 0.67 45 0.73 55 0.79 65 0.74
2004 18 0.16 28 0.52 38 0.65 48 0.73 58 0.77 68 0.71
2007 21 0.34 31 0.56 41 0.65 51 0.75 61 0.78 71 0.74
2010 24 0.38 34 0.58 44 0.64 54 0.72 64 0.73 74 0.71
2013 27 0.46 37 0.59 47 0.66 57 0.73 67 0.75 77 0.63

Source: Author's tabulations of the Survey of Consumer Finances. See Devlin-Foltz, Henriques, and Sabelhaus (2016) for details.

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Figure 2. Retirement Plan Participation, 1995 to 2013, Bottom 50, Next 45 and Top 5 Percent

Bottom 50 Percent

Cohort 1 (1981-1990) based on 1986 birth year Cohort 2 (1971-1980) Based on 1976 birth year Cohort 3 (1961-1970) Based on 1966 birth year Cohort 4 (1951-1960) Based on 1956 birth year Cohort 5 (1941-1950) Based on 1946 birth year Cohort 6 (1931-1940) Based on 1936 birth year
Year Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent
1995 9 N/A 19 0.13 29 0.38 39 0.53 49 0.59 59 0.58
1998 12 N/A 23 0.15 32 0.45 42 0.55 52 0.59 62 0.66
2001 15 N/A 25 0.27 35 0.46 45 0.54 55 0.63 65 0.59
2004 18 N/A 28 0.28 38 0.45 48 0.57 58 0.63 68 0.55
2007 21 0.16 31 0.40 41 0.45 51 0.59 61 0.63 71 0.58
2010 24 0.18 34 0.36 44 0.45 54 0.55 64 0.57 74 0.54
2013 27 0.24 37 0.37 47 0.45 57 0.54 67 0.57 77 0.39

Next 45 Percent

Cohort 1 (1981-1990) based on 1986 birth year Cohort 2 (1971-1980) Based on 1976 birth year Cohort 3 (1961-1970) Based on 1966 birth year Cohort 4 (1951-1960) Based on 1956 birth year Cohort 5 (1941-1950) Based on 1946 birth year Cohort 6 (1931-1940) Based on 1936 birth year
Year Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent
1995 9 N/A 19 0.35 29 0.79 39 0.86 49 0.94 59 0.92
1998 12 N/A 23 0.47 32 0.79 42 0.89 52 0.88 62 0.88
2001 15 N/A 25 0.63 35 0.87 45 0.92 55 0.95 65 0.89
2004 18 N/A 28 0.75 38 0.85 48 0.89 58 0.92 68 0.87
2007 21 0.48 31 0.72 41 0.85 51 0.90 61 0.92 71 0.89
2010 24 0.54 34 0.78 44 0.83 54 0.89 64 0.88 74 0.87
2013 27 0.65 37 0.81 47 0.85 57 0.91 67 0.93 77 0.88

Top 5 Percent

Cohort 1 (1981-1990) based on 1986 birth year Cohort 2 (1971-1980) Based on 1976 birth year Cohort 3 (1961-1970) Based on 1966 birth year Cohort 4 (1951-1960) Based on 1956 birth year Cohort 5 (1941-1950) Based on 1946 birth year Cohort 6 (1931-1940) Based on 1936 birth year
Year Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent Age Percent
1995 9 N/A 19 0.24 29 0.84 39 0.97 49 0.95 59 0.98
1998 12 N/A 23 0.92 32 0.95 42 0.92 52 0.96 62 0.93
2001 15 N/A 25 0.89 35 0.89 45 0.94 55 0.97 65 0.95
2004 18 N/A 28 0.81 38 0.91 48 0.96 58 0.96 68 0.94
2007 21 0.82 31 0.80 41 0.97 51 0.98 61 0.96 71 0.97
2010 24 0.89 34 0.91 44 0.92 54 0.94 64 0.98 74 0.92
2013 27 0.89 37 0.94 47 0.97 57 0.95 67 0.94 77 0.95

Source: Author's tabulations of the Survey of Consumer Finances. See Devlin-Foltz, Henriques, and Sabelhaus (2016) for details.

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