Public Meeting Regarding Citicorp and Travelers Group
433 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING CITICORP AND TRAVELERS 9 GROUP 10 FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1998 11 NEW YORK CITY 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 434 1 2 (8:00 a.m.) 3 MR. LONEY: If we could begin, 4 please. I want to welcome you all to this 5 public meeting. This is a continuation of the 6 public meeting that we are holding on the 7 application by Travelers Group to acquire 8 Citicorp. 9 Yesterday we held a meeting here. We 10 had approximately 90 witnesses, and I think it 11 was a very useful exercise for everyone 12 involved. I am confident that today's meeting 13 will be useful as well. 14 Let me first introduce myself. I am 15 Glenn Loney, Deputy Director of the Division of 16 Consumer and Community Affairs of the Federal 17 Reserve Board in Washington D.C. I am the 18 presiding officer for this meeting. 19 Our other panelists today, to my 20 immediate left Scott Alvarez, Associate General 21 Counsel from the Board's legal division, and to 22 his left is Jim Hodgetts, Senior Vice President 23 from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and 24 to his left is Barbara Kent, who is Acting 25 Deputy Superintendent of the Consumer Services . 435 1 2 Division of the State of New York Banking 3 Department, and we are particularly happy to 4 have the State of New York Banking Department 5 represented here today. 6 We are here today because Travelers 7 Group of New York has applied for the Federal 8 Reserve's approval to acquire Citicorp, also in 9 New York. 10 When the Federal Reserve system 11 considers one of these applications, we look at 12 a number of factors under the Bank Holding 13 Company Act. These include financial issues, 14 managerial issues, competitive issues and the 15 convenience and needs of the communities 16 affected. In doing so, we are particularly 17 looking at the record of performance of the 18 parties under the Community Reinvestment Act. 19 The Community Reinvestment Act 20 requires the Board to take an institution's 21 record of meeting the credit needs of its 22 entire community into account. 23 In addition, the transaction also 24 involves the proposed acquisition or retention 25 of nonbanking companies engaged in activities . 436 1 2 permissible for bank holding companies, as well 3 as a proposal to divest or otherwise conform a 4 number of other activities that are not 5 permissible for bank holding companies under 6 current law. 7 With respect to the proposal to 8 conduct permissible nonbanking activities, the 9 Board also must determine whether conducting 10 the proposed nonbanking activities can 11 reasonably be expected to produce benefits to 12 the public that outweigh possible adverse 13 effects, such as undue concentration of 14 resources, decreased or unfair competition, 15 conflicts of interest, or unsound banking 16 practices. 17 The purpose of today's meeting is to 18 receive information regarding these factors, 19 and we are very pleased that you have all been 20 willing to come and testify in our public 21 meeting. 22 Over the two days we will have had 23 over 120 witnesses, representing varying groups 24 or speaking on their own behalf at these 25 meetings. Let me make a few remarks about the . 437 1 2 procedures. 3 This is what is called an informal, 4 public meeting. Members of the panel, those of 5 us up here, may ask the people who are 6 testifying questions about their testimony in 7 this kind of a forum. This is not a formal 8 administrative hearing, so we are not bound by 9 rules regarding evidence, cross-examinations, 10 and some of those formal trappings of that kind 11 of a proceeding. 12 We will be here for a full morning 13 and, as you see from the agenda, we need to 14 stick to that schedule very rigorously in order 15 to give everyone a chance to say what they 16 would like to say. We are going to ask the 17 people today to help us stay on schedule. The 18 panels will be expected to keep within their 19 allotted time, so please be mindful of the 20 needs of others. 21 We have a very dramatic, and as it 22 turned out at yesterday's meeting, an effective 23 timekeeping system that you will see from the 24 first row will help people keep on target in 25 terms of their timing. The timekeepers, the . 438 1 2 lady sitting in the middle of the front row, 3 will give you a signal when you have two 4 minutes left to speak and another signal when 5 your time is up. 6 Thank you all for coming. There may 7 have been some individuals who haven't had a 8 chance to sign up in advance, and to the extent 9 possible we want to give them a chance to speak 10 as well. 11 At the end of the meeting, we will 12 throw the mike open to anyone who would want to 13 make a presentation at the end of the time, 14 time permitting. 15 Witnesses may submit a written 16 supplement to the oral testimony by July 2 and 17 then the record for this matter will be closed. 18 Any written supplements must be 19 received by close of business at 5 p.m. on July 20 2 and directed to Jennifer J. Johnson, 21 Secretary of the Board, Board of Governors of 22 the Federal Reserve System, Washington D.C. 23 20551. You may fax your submission to area 24 code 502-457-3462. 25 Also, if you haven't turned in copies . 439 1 2 of your written testimony or if you have any 3 other written statements to put in the record, 4 please leave them with the Federal Reserve Bank 5 staff at the registration table outside. It is 6 important that we get this material for the 7 record. 8 The transcript of the meeting will be 9 available by June 30 for the June 25 meeting 10 yesterday, and by July 1 for the June 26 11 meeting today to the Federal Reserve Bank of 12 New York. 13 In addition, the official transcript 14 will be available by close of business on June 15 29 for the June 25 meeting, and by the close of 16 business on June 30 for the June 26 meeting on 17 the Board's website on 18 With that, I would like to begin this 19 morning's proceedings. The first panel, Number 20 Seventeen in the agenda is made up of Marie 21 Nahikian, George McDonald, Freddy Espaillat and 22 Julie Colon. If those folks would come 23 forward. 24 Ms. Nahikian, is that how you say 25 your name? . 440 1 2 MS. NAHIKIAN: That's right. 3 MR. LONEY: Will you begin for us, 4 please. 5 MS. NAHIKIAN: Certainly. I do have 6 copies, which I can either give you now. 7 MR. LONEY: You can leave it at the 8 table out front. 9 MS. NAHIKIAN: The Queens County 10 Overall Economic Development Corporation, which 11 was created in 1978, has a central focus -- 12 MR. LONEY: Excuse me. Could you 13 move the mike closer to you, please. 14 MS. NAHIKIAN: The Queens County 15 Economic Development Corporation has a central 16 focus to increase economic opportunity for the 17 residents of Queens County, and this really 18 requires Queens County to maintain multiple 19 roles in the economic life of an area that is 20 probably the nation's most diverse area in 21 population and has a population equal in size 22 to the fourth largest city in the United 23 States. 24 Our mission could not be met without 25 close working relationships with sources of . 441 1 2 national and international capital. We work 3 with over 75 financial institutions, and how we 4 work with these institutions is probably best 5 summed up in one word, and that is that we 6 sell. We sell Queens neighborhoods, locations, 7 businesses, residents as essentially good 8 investments. And the interest in our sales 9 pitch, so to speak, varies, but one fact is 10 critical, and that is that the financial's 11 institutions listen much more closely since the 12 passage and the strengthening of the Community 13 Reinvestment Act. 14 The matter before the Board this 15 morning, the acquisition of Citicorp by 16 Travelers, speaks somewhat to our concerns and 17 our hope. Citicorp and its affiliates, such as 18 Citibank, has worked closely with Queens County 19 for the past ten years. We've been fortunate 20 in having the direct participation of Citibank 21 in much of our work, and this work has taken 22 the form of Citibank employees who were civic 23 leaders, provide leadership within the county 24 itself, who live in Queens County, but also 25 more directly in lending to small business . 442 1 2 clients. As a financial supporter, we have 3 enjoyed Citibank philanthropic support and 4 providing technical assistance, particularly 5 around issues of how to structure real estate 6 investment. 7 The question that is posed for this 8 acquisition is harder. After listening to 9 community developers, which Citibank I think 10 does very well, the question is, would there be 11 action? And action is another way of defining 12 the purpose of this public hearing. What 13 actions had been taken or are proposed to be 14 taken to meet the credit needs of our 15 community? 16 We have very little experience with 17 the Travelers Group. The issues of the 18 availability of insurance products and the 19 cost/risk analysis that seems to always produce 20 higher premiums in a place like Queens County 21 is well-known. One hopeful note, however, we 22 believe that the Travelers Group can learn from 23 Citicorp: Investing in our communities is a 24 good business and profit does not need to come 25 from higher costs charged for a perception of . 443 1 2 higher risk. 3 More information is needed about the 4 potential for a bank holding company to conduct 5 nonbanking activities. If access to affordable 6 products is available as a result of this 7 relationship, these nonbanking activities could 8 produce significant benefits to our community 9 For example: Investment health and retirement 10 products for nonprofits and specific groups of 11 individuals; local recruitment for training and 12 employment opportunities. 13 The other part of the question is, 14 will there be a strategy to invest the $6 15 billion increased commitment by Citicorp in 16 community development? So far Citibank's 17 participation has been significant. The 18 commitment to increase lending and support for 19 community economic development from the current 20 level of $136 million to $6 billion over the 21 next ten years should mean that the impact will 22 be even larger. The commitment is a major 23 challenge, and we have encouraged that 24 implementation strategies with the community 25 development partners must begin immediately. . 444 1 2 In order to move $6 billion into 3 community development over the next ten years, 4 I think Citicorp has realized that it requires 5 increased resources, staff and support, to move 6 those kinds of commitments. 7 We urge the strategy to include the 8 use of community development intermediary and 9 technical assistance providers which have a 10 knowledge of local communities. It is the only 11 way we'll ever seen the resources in Maspeth, 12 in Cambria Heights or on Sutphin Boulevard, 13 which I should just footnote has already been 14 supported by Citicorp. 15 I think it is important, one final 16 concept, that there be created an investor 17 environment. Over the last 15 years, as you 18 all well know, we have seen a major change in 19 how affordable housing gets financed in this 20 country. In New York City alone, thousands of 21 units have been created. The reason why is 22 because there was an economic concept of 23 creating value in the marketplace, where none 24 previously existed by coupling investment with 25 tax credits is a strategic way of rebuilding . 445 1 2 and revitalizing communities. 3 This has allowed investors to analyze 4 a different way of analyzing return and has 5 mitigated the traditional discussion of 6 underwriting risk. I can remember trying to 7 structure some of the very early tax credit 8 deals with some of Fannie Mae's very early 9 investments with banks in Philadelphia, and we 10 weren't even sure what those investments should 11 look like, but the same economic concept needs 12 to be used. 13 The same economic concept must be 14 used in economic development. Small business 15 owners, and particularly minority and 16 women-owners rarely have the luxury of 17 considering an investment. Most financial 18 institutions cannot mitigate the risk of 19 lending to startups or when an operation needs 20 to grow and expand. 21 So hopefully the combination of the 22 Travelers and Citicorp, with Travelers' history 23 in investment, will bring about a different 24 kind of risk analysis that includes 25 nontraditional equity, such as labor, family . 446 1 2 cosigners or intellectual property, developing 3 a secondary market for small business loans, 4 using a pooled risk concept, and, finally, the 5 possibility of providing leadership for 6 federal, state and local tax credits, and to 7 create value in small minority-owned businesses 8 in our neighborhoods will make a huge 9 difference. 10 Is the $6 billion commitment enough? 11 The answer is no. Is it significant? Yes. 12 The only correlation I can draw is that Queens 13 County is a 60-percent owner of a shopping 14 center, one of the first built in the Hollis 15 neighborhood in Queens. We've received about 16 $200,000 in income from the ownership, net 17 income from the ownership of this shopping 18 center as a limited partner. 19 Recently the corporation made a 20 commitment to invest $25,000 in the Queens 21 Access Neighborhood Fund with two premises. 22 One, it can be used to be invested or loaned as 23 risk and, two, that it would be a magnet to 24 pool other funds. 25 Is $25,000 significant in that . 447 1 2 neighborhood? No. But the way that money is 3 structured is significant because it could be 4 used for the risk and because it represents 5 almost 15 percent of the total net income on 6 that project. 7 I think that those kinds of 8 guidelines in looking at the notion of making 9 an investment in a community versus just 10 lending products to a community could make a 11 dramatic difference in how the $6 billion 12 increases. 13 Thank you very much. 14 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 15 Mr. McDonald. 16 MR. MCDONALD: Thank you for the 17 opportunity to testify this morning. I gladly 18 volunteered to testify before you today 19 regarding the many years of support that 20 Citibank has offered The Doe Fund, which I am 21 the president and founder of, and the 22 confidence I have that Citibank will continue 23 its commitment to our work well after the 24 merger with Travelers. 25 The mission of The Doe Fund is to . 448 1 2 empower formerly homeless individuals to work 3 and to realize their potential to live as 4 responsible, productive and self-sufficient 5 individuals. 6 In 1990, The Doe Fund launch Ready, 7 Willing & Able, an innovative work and job 8 skills training program which provides homeless 9 participants with meals, housing, social 10 services, basic education training and above 11 all, paid work opportunities. Since its 12 inception, the program has helped over 500 13 individuals to secure full-time employment and 14 permanent housing and to achieve lives of 15 productivity and independence. 16 The Doe Fund's original Ready, 17 willing & Able residence is located in Bedford 18 Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. 19 In 1996, The Doe Fund expanded the 20 program to the formerly city-operated Harlem 21 Men's Shelter, and on May 4th of this year, The 22 Doe Fund launched a Ready, Willing & Able 23 program in Jersey City, New Jersey. We also 24 operate the same program in Washington D.C. 25 Today The Doe Fund serves over 800 . 449 1 2 formerly homeless member and women annually and 3 Ready Willing & Able stands as a model welfare 4 to work program for homeless service providers 5 nationwide. 6 The success and expansion of Ready 7 Willing & Able as has been experienced over the 8 years would not have been possible without the 9 support and guidance of Citibank. In 1991, 10 shortly after The Doe Fund opened the doors of 11 its first Ready Willing & Able residence, vice 12 president and director of corporate 13 contributions, Mr. Paul Ostergard, and several 14 Citibank colleagues, visited the program. 15 Impressed by the program's work-based 16 philosophy and recognizing the great need and 17 potential among our city's homeless population, 18 Citibank awarded The Doe Fund a grant of $5,000 19 and expressed a sincere interest in developing 20 a relationship with what was then a fledgling 21 organization. 22 Since that first visit, Citibank has 23 provided The Doe Fund with annual grants in 24 support of our work in excess of $50,000. 25 Citibank employees also frequently make . 450 1 2 matching gifts to support our work, and one 3 employee, Ms. Peggy Cohen, a vice president of 4 private banking, has served on The Doe Fund's 5 board of directors since 1995. Ms. Cohen, who 6 served as chairperson of our board from 1996 to 7 1997, has tirelessly given of her time and 8 energy in support of our work. 9 In addition to financial support over 10 the years, Citibank has generously provided 11 banquet rooms in its corporate headquarters for 12 community and board of director's meetings. 13 Last spring Citibank hosted a community 14 breakfast for prospective individuals and 15 foundation donors which resulted in a grant of 16 $75,000 from a local family foundation. 17 Most recently, the Citicorp 18 Foundation has awarded The Doe Fund a grant of 19 $10,000 in support of a revenue-generating shoe 20 making business, Harlem Shoemakers, Inc. With 21 the help of internationally renowned shoe 22 designer, Joe Famolare, The Doe Fund is working 23 to open a shoe factory in Harlem. Harlem 24 Shoemakers will employ low-income Harlem 25 residents, graduates and trainees of the Ready . 451 1 2 Willing & Able program. 3 Citibank is currently considering a 4 $500,000 line of credit for that business. I 5 might add parenthetically on lines of credit, 6 we're a small not-for-profit. We do about $12 7 million a year now and have about 150 employees 8 from none in 1990. So we grew during a period 9 of time that was -- we could call it a 10 depression in the northeast. And it is very 11 difficult to get banks to give lines of credit 12 to not-for-profits. I went to every bank in 13 New York City, and the only bank that would 14 give us the line of credit was Citibank. 15 Given that relationship, I feel 16 confident that they will continue to support 17 our work and grassroots organizations like our 18 own after they merge with Travelers. 19 Now, I might say, and I know it is 20 the not the subject of the hearing today, but 21 Travelers has been very supportive of our work. 22 Travelers is a terrific philanthropic company. 23 We only see good things coming about, as the 24 merger of these two great companies make for 25 greater support for our organization. . 452 1 2 Thank you for the opportunity to 3 testify. 4 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. McDonald. 5 Mr. Espaillat. Is that how you say 6 that? 7 MR. ESPAILLAT: Yes. 8 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, 9 my name is Freddy Espaillat and I am a graduate 10 of the Academy of Finance at Brandeis High 11 School in New York City. 12 Last summer I had what I felt was the 13 opportunity of a lifetime -- 14 MR. LONEY: Could you put the mike 15 closer to you, please. 16 MR. ESPAILLAT: I applied to Salomon 17 Smith Barney for a summer internship they 18 sponsor as part of the Academy of Finance 19 program. I sent in my resume, was interviewed 20 for the position and was placed in the high net 21 worth department at Salomon Smith Barney. 22 This was my first job in the real 23 world and everyone at Salomon Smith Barney made 24 me feel like I was part of the organization. 25 My supervisor, Tina Monahan, took me out to . 453 1 2 lunch at least once a week and give me many 3 responsibilities. 4 I worked on the computer inputting 5 data into the database. I updated client 6 portfolios, and I was included in daily 7 department meetings. My internship at Salomon 8 Smith Barney taught me the value of teamwork, 9 punctuality, and gave me the ability to network 10 with coworkers. I feel all of these things 11 will help me build a better future. 12 In addition, I feel that my 13 internship greatly advanced my computer skills 14 which will help me when I go either to Barouch 15 College or DeVry Institute where I plan to 16 study computer programming and business 17 management. 18 I don't believe that I would have had 19 the opportunity to do any of these things if 20 Sandy Weill and the Travelers Group did not 21 create these opportunities for the students in 22 the Academy of Finance. 23 In conclusion, I would like to say 24 that I believe that the expansion of the 25 Travelers Group will make even more internship . 454 1 2 opportunities for many more students in the 3 Academy of Finance. 4 Thank you very much for the chance to 5 speak to you today. 6 MR. LONEY: Thank you very much. 7 I can't see that far. 8 MS. CHIN: My name is Margaret chin. 9 MR. LONEY: You are speaking for 10 Mr. Galan? 11 MS. CHIN: I am speaking on behalf of 12 Mr. Julie Colon. 13 Good morning. My name is Margaret 14 Chin. I am the executive director of the Asian 15 Americans for Equality Fair Housing Center. 16 I'm also speaking on behalf of our affiliates, 17 Asian Americans for Equality and Renaissance 18 Economic Development Corporation. 19 AAFE is a community-based nonprofit 20 organization founded in 1974 to advocate for 21 equal opportunities for minorities. We are 22 located in Chinatown, Lower East Side and 23 Flushing, Queens. Serving an estimated 20,000 24 people annually, AAFE's programs and services 25 include housing development, home ownership, . 455 1 2 housing rights, entitlement services 3 counseling, citizenship counseling, civil 4 rights, economic development and technical 5 assistance. AAFE has been actively advocating 6 for greater community reinvestment by banks 7 since its inception in the '70s. 8 The AAFE Fair Housing Center conducts 9 education and outreach, testing and assists in 10 the filing of complaints in the areas of fair 11 housing and fair lending to Asian American 12 communities in all five boroughs. The 13 Renaissance Economic Development Corporation is 14 a federally certified Community Development 15 Financial Institution, with a loan pool of 16 approximately $1 million to conduct lending 17 throughout the five boroughs in concentrated 18 areas of Asian and Latino immigrant 19 communities. 20 Today I would like to make you more 21 aware of the specific needs of the Asian 22 community generated by cultural and linguistic 23 differences, the impact of the Community 24 Reinvestment Act on the Asian-American 25 community, specific ways in which CRA can be . 456 1 2 strengthened to benefit low-income and minority 3 communities and the recommendation to Citibank 4 in light of this merger. 5 Asian-Americans are the fastest 6 growing population in both the United States 7 and New York City. The number of 8 Asian-Americans in New York City has doubled 9 from 1980 to 1990 from 3 percent to 7 percent 10 of the city's population, accounting for nearly 11 half a million people. By the year 2,000, 12 Asians are expected to compose over 10 percent 13 of the New York City's population. 14 Today, the diversity of the Asian 15 community is represented by over two dozen 16 nationalities, each with its distinct language, 17 religion and culture, its distinct challenges 18 and potential. Two out of three of us were 19 born in our native countries, and the majority 20 of those who chose to come here have difficulty 21 with language and its dominant culture. 22 The staggering four-fold growth in 23 the past 20 years of the Asian population has 24 spawned many challenges in its wake. The Asian 25 community lives in one of the most densely . 457 1 2 populated areas in the nation. In New York 3 City's Chinatown, there are 189 persons per 4 acre. Other areas of the city have only 37 per 5 acre. This density is accurately reflected in 6 the fact that in Chinatown, two or three 7 families often live together in a single 8 apartment. 95 percent of the housing stock in 9 Chinatown predates 1939, exacerbating the lack 10 of services and investment by the larger 11 community. 12 The Asian community is a savers 13 community. The increased population brought 14 tremendous deposits into banks operating in 15 Asian-concentrated enclaves. In Chinatown 16 alone, the deposits total $4 billion. But most 17 banks do not have mortgage officers who speak 18 Asian languages. Also, Chinatown landlords are 19 unable to access affordable financing for 20 building improvements. This lack of capital 21 allows for extensive housing deterioration, 22 causing dangerous conditions that leads to 23 fires, deaths and homelessness. Chinatown's 24 housing stock is among New York City's oldest 25 and has some of the most run-down conditions. . 458 1 2 According to a letter published by 3 Ming Pao Daily News, this was in 1997, this was 4 the rate of home ownership, and the Asian was 5 rated among the lowest in terms of home 6 ownership rate. Nationally among whites is 7 70.8 percent; women at 49.5 percent; 8 African-American at 44 percent; Latinos at 9 43.9; and Asian at 42 percent. 10 AAFE has found that home ownership 11 rate is an important vehicle for the Asian 12 community to enter the mainstream society and 13 to improve local communities. The lack of 14 Asian home ownership is caused by a dire lack 15 of information about home ownership and access 16 to credit and its related benefits available to 17 the local communities. 18 To overcome these obstacles, AAFE has 19 led a multipronged effort to meet the 20 challenges of the Asian community. Our work to 21 meet the challenges of the language and 22 cultural barriers has resulted in unprecedented 23 success, accounting for more awareness and 24 access to mainstream services. 25 In 1984, AAFE developed the first . 459 1 2 ever housing development project to utilize the 3 federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, 4 launching a public/private partnership that 5 continues to gain steam today. In the past ten 6 years, AAFE has raised over $40 million to 7 develop 400 units of affordable housing. Also 8 working with public and private partnership, we 9 counsel and access over $5 million of 10 affordable mortgages for over 500 families. 11 AAFE has a long history of 12 partnership with Citibank. Citibank holds the 13 largest proportion of AAFE's financial 14 businesses. AAFE is one of Citibank's Partners 15 In Progress, which contributes to AAFE's 16 housing development on the lower east side. We 17 have seen Citibank take a leadership position 18 in serving the Asian-American community in the 19 delivery of retail products, but we encourage 20 Citibank to deeper its commitment to economic 21 and community development to the Asian-American 22 community in the New York metropolitan area and 23 in Citibank's other major service areas. 24 AAFE looks to continue to work with 25 Citibank to deepen their investments and . 460 1 2 activities with the Asian-American and other 3 immigrant and minority communities. 4 We recommend, one, focusing on 5 partnering to provide long-term credit, 30 6 years versus the typical 10-year term, for 7 investment in new construction, such as new 8 in-fill housing throughout on the Lower East 9 Side. Today AAFE needs over 10 million in 10 long-term equity to continue our rate of 11 development. More would be needed to meet the 12 needs, or to spur greater activities on a 13 national level. 14 Partnership to spur community 15 development and home ownership initiatives with 16 the Asian-American community on a national 17 level. Cosponsoring national economic 18 development summits for the Asian-American 19 community. Cosponsoring technical assistance 20 workshops to increase the development capacity 21 of community groups. 22 Partnership with other organizations 23 and AAFE to create a community advisory group 24 to provide input directly to Citibank on local 25 and national issues that affects low and . 461 1 2 moderate and minority communities. 3 Provide more multiyear capacity 4 building grants to stabilize and expand the 5 work of nonprofit partners who have been forced 6 to fill the void of shrinking government 7 resources to spur economic growth in our 8 communities. 9 In this time of mega-merger, we 10 expect Citibank to expand its role in providing 11 financial services and spurring economic and 12 community development within the communities 13 they serve, especially the low and moderate 14 income, immigrant and minority communities. It 15 will be a big challenge but continuing to work 16 with community groups who understand the needs 17 can make the difference. 18 Thank you for the opportunity to 19 speak today. 20 MR. LONEY: Thank you. I might ask 21 you, Ms. Chin, have you asked Citibank about 22 that? You presented that list of your requests 23 to them. Have you gotten a response? 24 MS. CHIN: We've been having 25 discussions with Citibank. The executive . 462 1 2 director is not here for AAFE, but we do have a 3 long-working relationship with them, and I know 4 they support many of our projects, and I think 5 one of their vice presidents, Wendy Takhaja, 6 she is on the board of the Fair Housing Center. 7 So we will be discussing some of this, but we 8 would like to make the proposal in public. 9 MR. LONEY: Any questions? 10 MR. ALVAREZ: I had a question for 11 Ms. Nahikian. You spoke of the importance of 12 having both equity investments as well as 13 credit available for starting small businesses 14 and revitalizing communities. If you start 15 from the premise that banks have very limited 16 ability to make equity investments, their legal 17 authority is very limited in that area so they 18 are primarily lenders, and you look at 19 Citibank's commitment, or commitments of other 20 banks that have made similar kinds of 21 commitments to make CRA kind of lending, what 22 would, in your view, be the most effective way 23 that the banks could use their credit abilities 24 in order to help revitalize the community? 25 What kind of partnerships are available to . 463 1 2 bring equity into serve as a base for that kind 3 of bank credit? 4 MS. NAHIKIAN: I raise the issue of 5 equity or investment because I think the 6 opportunity with Travelers presents some of 7 that, perhaps for the first time. Banks, of 8 course, do loan money. That is their function. 9 I think there are three or four different ways 10 that credit issues could be addressed. 11 One is the notion that you have to 12 view underwriting of small businesses and what 13 brings value and what can be used as collateral 14 or equity in a lending situation. I think that 15 has to be looked at differently. I think that 16 you do have to look at things like family 17 equity, labor, some of the things that may not 18 traditionally be on the chart when you try to 19 value enough equity into a business to support 20 a loan. 21 I think another critically important 22 thing is the creation or working maybe in a 23 pool-risk situation to create some secondary 24 markets for small business loans. I think 25 everyone recognizes that on one hand small . 464 1 2 businesses have a high failure rate. On the 3 other hand, they are the fastest growing source 4 of employment in our country. I think it is 5 particularly true with minority and women 6 owners, that because of leadership from some of 7 our financial institutions and CRA, we are 8 seeing a number of new businesses and the 9 business owners get loans. 10 What we found is that the second loan 11 is even higher because it falls in a much more 12 traditional hole of do you have enough equity, 13 do you have enough operation. Particularly 14 women business owners seem to have a very hard 15 time getting the second line, the expansion, 16 the growth loan. Those are some of the 17 recommendations I would make. 18 I certainly think that AAFE has made 19 some excellent suggestions, because I think 20 that having direct input through an advisory 21 group will make a big difference. I'm not sure 22 that any of us know exactly what these products 23 look like. We just know that the risk analysis 24 doesn't work, but these are strong economic 25 institutions in our community that need . 465 1 2 support. 3 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 4 Any other questions? If not, I will 5 thank the panel. 6 (Continued on next page) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 466 1 2 MR. LONEY: I have to adjust the 3 schedule a little bit. Our next group will be 4 comprised of a couple of folks scheduled from 5 panel 18, and one from panel 19. I would ask 6 Jerry Weber and Jane Canner, and Dr. Francois 7 de Cassagnol to come forward please. 8 MS. WEBER: I'd like to thank you for 9 inviting me here. I am working, and I am the 10 director of branch management for The New York 11 Association for new Americans which is the 12 largest resettlement agency, refugee 13 resettlement agency in the country basically. 14 We have a fifty-year history and we started off 15 with the resettlement of holocaust survivors 16 coming from Europe. 17 We have a really new relationship 18 with Citibank. It's approximately two years 19 old, and I must say that it's a good 20 relationship because it's a relationship backed 21 with commitment. 22 We resettle roughly anywhere between 23 ten and 15,000 people a year. Most of the 24 folks now coming from the former Soviet Union. 25 We also have settled folks from Vietnam, from . 467 1 2 Tibet, from Liberia, et cetera. 3 We also have a very large citizenship 4 program helping folks who become citizens and 5 provide legal assistance in that area. Most of 6 our costs are absorbed through foundations, 7 public and private support and some small fees 8 to cover costs that the INS has in fact asked 9 to be collected, so we do that. 10 We are located right down here in 11 Battery Place, but we work in four of the five 12 boroughs. The only borough we do not work in 13 at this moment is Staten Island. 14 What Citibank has offered us in terms 15 of commitment is two things. One is a vision 16 of a real commitment to work together to 17 revitalize the areas and to put some resources 18 into some parts of Brooklyn where we have a 19 large number of folks from the former Soviet 20 Union living, and that's a part of South 21 Brooklyn. 22 The other thing that Citibank has 23 done already, and Mr. McDonough from the Doe 24 Foundation talked about, you know lines of 25 credit and so on. They have been very good . 468 1 2 about that, and, in fact, have lowered some of 3 the costs to almost nil, so that we could move 4 money and work with money, because we do 5 provide assistance for the first four months 6 for our clients to keep them off public 7 assistance. So it's not only monetary 8 assistance from the philanthropic community but 9 we also work very hard to move clients into the 10 area of self-sufficiency, and, you know I just 11 need a very quick anecdote here, is that when I 12 deal with folks who come from the former Soviet 13 Union, a lot of them their first job is their 14 last job, and it's a whole different mind set 15 coming to this country. It is not your first 16 job is necessarily your last job. It's your 17 beginning. 18 But where Citibank has been extremely 19 helpful right now, we are working with them in 20 the micro enterprise program where we got some 21 OR grant to do some micro enterprise. They 22 have a member one of their vice presidents 23 sitting on our panel, they are providing 24 technical assistance for us and you know I very 25 quickly run that through. . 469 1 2 The other place they are is matching 3 up some of our creative folks with SBA loans 4 giving them technical assistance in how to do 5 that working through that with them and helping 6 them any way they can. Our clients come from 7 folks who have limited, limited, limited 8 education, not the folks who are computer 9 literate to the nth degree, but their whole 10 computer literacy is main frame, okay, so there 11 is a transaction there that goes on, I can't 12 get into the technical end, because you'll see 13 how computer illiterate I am. 14 MR. HODGETTS: I probably wouldn't 15 notice. 16 MS. WEBER: But that in fact is where 17 we can now nurture some of our people to start 18 as entrepreneurs into moving up the ladder of 19 success. 20 The other area that Citibank is 21 working with us on is the whole thing of 22 planning towards the future and working with us 23 to do some community revitalization, some 24 economic development, both from a housing point 25 of view and from a small business point of view . 470 1 2 so that that community becomes self sufficient 3 as a whole and becomes dependent upon itself to 4 survive and I think that's extremely important. 5 Lastly, their branch in Sheepshead 6 Bay has a number of folks who are bilingual, 7 trilingual, we'll name it, who have worked with 8 our folks in teaching them the banking system, 9 in helping them through that system, because 10 one of the things we've done, since we do cash 11 assistance in the first four months, is we have 12 used the ATM systems so that checks and money 13 do not move along, and they have been very 14 helpful in moving our clients through the steps 15 and educating them in the whole banking system. 16 So I thank you for your time. 17 MR. LONEY: We thank you. 18 Ms. Canner. 19 MS. CANNER: On behalf of Classroom 20 Inc., New York City nonprofit organization, 21 where I'm director of programs, I am pleased to 22 be here to support Citibank in the work 23 accomplished through their foundation to 24 improve communities across the country. 25 Classroom Inc., has a two-fold . 471 1 2 mission to engage students in productive 3 learning experiences that will help them in 4 their transition to the world beyond school and 5 to provide teachers with the tools and support 6 they need to enhance their effectiveness. 7 To accomplish our mission we create 8 computer-based simulations of real life 9 experiences for use by students in middle and 10 high schools and we provide ongoing 11 professional development opportunities and 12 support for educators participating in our 13 program. 14 Classroom Inc., is committed to 15 serving those young people who most need to 16 believe in a world beyond the school where they 17 can indeed achieve, and who sadly often have 18 the fewest resources available to them. 19 Participating students are afforded an 20 opportunity too seldom available to our 21 financially and socially disadvantaged 22 children, access to technology, and not mere 23 access, but constructive access through 24 effective software. 25 Through our relationship with . 472 1 2 Citibank we have been able to create 3 simulations and offer these learning tools to 4 thousands of teachers and students across the 5 country. 6 In 1994, Citibank provided support 7 for our first banking simulation Chelsea Bank 8 and subsequently fully funded the development 9 production of a financial services stimulation, 10 a course with a community bank which was 11 completed in 1996. 12 These banking simulations served to 13 bring students to a level of financial literacy 14 and to help them understand the role of the 15 bank in their community. They are introduced 16 to a variety of concepts such as profit and 17 loss, interest rate, credit worthiness, 18 mortgages and loans. 19 The simulations are also designed to 20 encourage these students to competency that I 21 have identified by the US Department of Labor 22 Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary 23 Skills or SCAN competencies, things such that 24 they will need in the world of work such as the 25 effective use of resources, the ability to work . 473 1 2 collaboratively with others and proficiency 3 with technology. 4 External resources that has been done 5 on our work today and on the simulations 6 provides evidence that they are effective. 7 Indiana University has been studying students 8 use of the Chelsea Bank, and has found that 9 students using it are effectively in the SCAN 10 skills, and the case studies show that the 11 students have learned about banking customers 12 and awareness of the world of work. 13 At another more recent research study 14 at the University of Pittsburgh Learning 15 Research and Development Center has been 16 studying our financial services simulation 17 because we're a community bank and they have 18 reported that it's one of the best simulations 19 available to use in schools to work programs in 20 schools, and that it provides many 21 opportunities for the students to learn and use 22 a variety of SCAN skills and our own internal 23 research has corroborated this. 24 Citibank and the Citicorp Foundation 25 have helped us position our simulations in a . 474 1 2 variety of school districts across the country. 3 With Citibank taking the lead, we have been 4 introduced into school districts of Las Vegas, 5 Nevada and Sioux Falls, South Dakota where we 6 are serving hundreds of middle and high stool 7 students. 8 We began our work in Sioux Falls in 9 1997 and are expanding it there this year and 10 in Sioux Falls our work has now been embraced 11 at the state level, and with Citibank's support 12 we would hope to be expanding there. 13 We have also begun to look at 14 partnerships in the States of Florida and 15 Georgia where Citibank is an active community 16 member. In addition, our simulations are used 17 in areas where Citibank is not our primary 18 partner, such as in New York City, Philadelphia 19 the State of West Virginia, Houston and other 20 places across the country. 21 We deeply value our relationship with 22 Citibank and Citicorp Citibank leaders share 23 our goal for improving teaching and learning in 24 schools so that students may look forward to a 25 stable and productive future. . 475 1 2 We have confidence that Citibank will 3 continue to play an important role as a 4 community development financial leader and that 5 its support will continue as a corporate value 6 after the proposed merger. 7 Thank you. 8 MR. LONEY: Did I understand you to 9 say Citibank is not your primary partner in New 10 York City? Is that what you said? 11 MS. CANNER: No, I'm sorry, I said 12 they have been the lead role for bringing us 13 into Sioux Falls and Las Vegas. They help us 14 produce the simulations which are in widespread 15 use in New York City. 16 MR. LONEY: Dr. de Cassagnol. 17 DR. de CASSAGNOL: Thank you. I have 18 provided some information for you all. 19 I am Dr. Cassagnol. I'm the founder 20 and chairman of Dr. Cassagnol Cyber Banking 21 Group, and Dr. Cassagnol Foundation. Certified 22 minority fully centered by the state and some 23 of the government. Dr. Cassagnol Foundation is 24 non-profit, tax exempt, and I have to make it 25 very clear that we do not seek the contribution . 476 1 2 of organization or contribution from anybody, 3 that we doing everything by ourself. And what 4 I would like to see, make it very clear that I 5 support the merger. 6 I had a long talk with Matthew Lee 7 yesterday. I tried to convince him to give me 8 his blessings, and he had done that. I could 9 not convince him to wear the Travelers logo, 10 but he understands and knows our procedure and 11 the message we send to these people. 12 We want to pay for the communities 13 and some of them do it in a different way. In 14 my role as a community person, Matthew Lee is 15 my neighbor and friend, and I'm very happy that 16 he understands my position that I support the 17 merger. He tried to convince me to not to say 18 that I support Citicorp, because for some 19 reason he doesn't care that much for Citicorp. 20 (Laughter) 21 And I don't know why, but, anyhow, I 22 told him I support Travelers because I had a 23 lot of good contact with Travelers. I have sat 24 with them, and they have pledged that they work 25 together with me. With all fairness to . 477 1 2 Citicorp, I have never tried to get in contact 3 with Citicorp, because of the reason that I 4 have had a lot of contact with other banks and 5 I have gone nowhere with them, so I try to save 6 them the aggravation by not being in contact 7 with them. 8 The Travelers, I have presented a 9 huge project to them. This is one of the 10 projects to, the vice-president in charge of 11 property casualty, and that project 12 incorporates the development of the cyber 13 village. In the cyber village we have 14 everything in it from cyber university on line, 15 a greeting cards, everything you can find, 16 cyber view, cyber banking, everything you can 17 find in a village, but electronically. 18 I have presented a huge package like 19 that to them, and we have set up the mechanics 20 to start working together. One of the promise 21 I had to make to Matthew Lee yesterday that if 22 for any reason that Travelers decided not to 23 work together with me, to give him a call, and 24 we'll get our volunteers and go to the 25 building. . 478 1 2 I do not plan to do that because 3 Travelers seems to be, you know, very receptive 4 to me, to my organization and I plan to work 5 together with them, and in that way I support 6 Citicorp. 7 This is the 21st century project and 8 I totally believe we have to spend a lot of 9 time and money in developing that project. 10 This is the 21st century project, and this is 11 another opportunity for an organization like 12 the Travelers to work together, to create the 13 kind of economic development that probably will 14 not find people like myself to work with. 15 This is a unique experience, and what 16 I would like to happen is to work with me and 17 create about two thousand jobs, you know, for 18 the next five, ten years, and I strongly 19 believe that we can do it, because I only use 20 commercial hack library and that hack library 21 can be converted to an unlimited amount of 22 products, and all we have to do is have people 23 working together with us to help people like 24 the people of my Inner City, to make them a 25 little bit happier, because the frustration and . 479 1 2 aggravation with them is people are not 3 listening. 4 And as you can see the way they take 5 all the umbrellas yesterday was to catch the 6 attention of people really making the decision. 7 Again, that I want to make it very clear that I 8 support the merger. Based on my talk with 9 Matthew Lee yesterday, I don't think because of 10 me, I don't think he will want me to deal in my 11 project, and not create the jobs that was 12 promised to create in the Bronx, so he supports 13 me and I will ask the Fed in their 14 consideration not to deny the merger, to give 15 Travelers and Citibank an opportunity to people 16 like myself, and create the kind of 17 opportunities that people like Inner City are 18 looking for. 19 And, again, I'm extremely happy to 20 support the merger. And then I hope that 21 anything I can do to help to support those 22 activities to prevent any delays, because I do 23 understand people like myself create a lot of 24 aggravation for some of those people with 25 Matthew Lee, and I do not want that to happen, . 480 1 2 the same thing that happened with the state 3 merger. 4 We just want to go on and start doing 5 the work that we need for the community. Thank 6 you. 7 MR. LONEY: Thank you. Any questions 8 of these folks? 9 MR. ALVAREZ: I have a question for 10 Mr. Weber. In dealing with immigrants -- in 11 fact, any of the three may want to answer -- do 12 you deal with a bunch of immigrants in 13 particular that come from cash based economies, 14 and they're coming here and beginning to 15 navigate around the financial system in the 16 United States, the bank-serving economy, is 17 there much resistance or difficulty in folks 18 getting adjusted to a different kind of system? 19 MS. WEBER: Yes, especially at the 20 beginning. One of the issues is trust of the 21 institution. They come from a place where very 22 honestly without a cash economy they don't 23 survive. That's the way they've done business. 24 That's the way they've done business for 25 generations, and it's something that we have to . 481 1 2 work with, and explain and we do a whole thing 3 on acculturation, and part of that is to move 4 along and to teach people gradually the system 5 and how it works for them, and that they can 6 trust the system. 7 And, remember, you got folks who came 8 off the plane. You know, years ago you'd come 9 off the boat. But now you got folks coming off 10 the plane with the same fears. They don't know 11 how to get from the airport to where they're 12 going, and they don't know how to get on the R 13 or the N. So, you know, we start at that 14 point. We meet them at the airport. 15 And, you know, I would say two months 16 of or three months of trauma, you know, 17 depression. You know, they've left an 18 environment they're very comfortable with. 19 Many of them have been forced to leave and 20 they're coming here. 21 Now, it's a little better there 22 because there are relatives here now that take 23 them in, but it takes a lot of getting used to. 24 And, you know, if you come to our offices from 25 the first to the fourth month you will see it . 482 1 2 in the dress, how they dress when they first 3 come here and how they slowly become Americans 4 in their dress and some of their gestures even 5 within that short period of time, but, yes, it 6 is an issue. 7 MR. HODGETTS: I have a question of 8 Dr. Cassagnol. You believe that the merger 9 will result in increased community development 10 activity in the South Bronx? 11 DR. de CASSAGNOL: The only way the 12 merger can resolve in increased economic 13 activities in the Bronx is for people like the 14 Travelers and Citicorp to work with people like 15 myself. 16 MR. HODGETTS: More than they do 17 today? 18 DR. de CASSAGNOL: Well, I don't 19 want, I look at Travelers as a friend, and I do 20 not want to say anything to challenge them or 21 to challenge Citicorp, but what I would like to 22 see or what people like Matthew Lee and other 23 community activists would like to see, is for 24 us to get involved in creating things for 25 ourself creating jobs. . 483 1 2 We do not need $5,000, you know, 3 contribution a year for the community. We 4 don't need that. We need to create the 5 mechanism to develop jobs in the community and 6 people like myself can be a link between these 7 people and Travelers or Citibank, but it is, as 8 I indicated in some of my writings, it is 9 impossible to be in a community like New York 10 City, almost 57 percent minorities and not 11 doing anything for this group, and saying that 12 we're doing something for the community. 13 You don't have to be a rocket 14 scientist to understand that. You cannot 15 increase community activities by not getting 16 people like myself and other people get 17 involved in creating those jobs. 18 I have a huge amount of resources 19 that I can help creating those jobs. It has 20 been impossible for some of the banks to work 21 together with me for one reason or the other. 22 They will say, well, these affairs, you know, 23 we cannot do this, we cannot do that, and we 24 are hurting people. Like these people 25 yesterday with the red umbrellas, they are . 484 1 2 hurting. Their aggravation is to trying to 3 catch people's attention and I think in my 4 position the resources that we have we can 5 create that link between them and Travelers. 6 If Travelers work with me, continue 7 working, because it pays to work with me, with 8 all fairness to Citicorp, I have never get in 9 contact with them, so I cannot give, but if 10 they put their heads together, work together 11 with me, I have provided information to 12 Citicorp people, some of the vice presidents -- 13 Ms. Pamela is here? She is there. 14 I provided information to her. I 15 provided information to them. I provided thick 16 package like that to the Travelers' people. 17 All they have to do is find the mechanism to 18 work together with me and create those jobs and 19 we can only develop an activity, but it is not 20 going to happen if you don't work with people 21 like myself, it's not going to happen. 22 It's just like a dream, and that will 23 have to be fulfilled myself or people like 24 myself. 25 MR. HODGETTS: Thank you. . 485 1 2 MR. LONEY: Thank you very much. 3 I understand from panel 19 scheduled 4 for 9 o'clock we have Robert Sanchez, Carmelo 5 Loran and Truda Cleeves Jewett. Would you come 6 up, please. 7 MR. LONEY: Mr. Sanchez, will you 8 begin with the panel, please? 9 MR. SANCHEZ: I'm Robert Sanchez and 10 I own United Business Forms, we're printers in 11 Long Island City. I'm also vice-chairman of 12 the National Hispanic Business Group. 13 Now, part of our mission at the 14 National Hispanic Business Group is we seek to 15 expand opportunities to our members by 16 fostering a dialogue in economic exchanges with 17 corporate America, about a year ago we reached 18 out to the Travelers Group, and found them 19 very, very accommodating. They met with us. 20 As a matter of fact, they nominated someone 21 from our Hispanic Corporate Achiever Award and 22 then they, most importantly, facilitated a 23 luncheon meeting with an executive from their 24 purchasing department with some of our 25 executive committee members. . 486 1 2 So the point of my testimony this 3 morning was that we found the Travelers Group 4 to be on the right page as far as fostering 5 economic development in the Hispanic community. 6 The national Hispanic business group feels all 7 we need is an opportunity to open the door a 8 little bit and we'll do our job and get 9 business in corporate America. 10 That's the basis of my testimony this 11 morning. 12 MR. LONEY: Thank you Mr. Sanchez. 13 Mr. Loran. 14 MS. LORAN: Thank you. Good morning. 15 I represent the Occupation Training 16 Institution. We are a non-profit organization 17 based in the Bronx. We provide vocational and 18 educational training to adults and youth, 19 specifically youths from the Bronx where I 20 live. 21 The reason I'm here today is to 22 really testify in favor of the merger between 23 Travelers group and Citicorp. We've been 24 involved with Citicorp in expanding our 25 operation. The Citicorp services our parent . 487 1 2 company, and two years ago became its own 3 entity to the division and the entrepreneurship 4 of the executive director and the board of ESS. 5 We identify Citicorp Bank as one of 6 our bankers to be able to help us expand our 7 program. Due to the fact that we provide 8 vocation training in the auto mechanic field 9 which is a very diverse field, and a very 10 lucrative field for those individuals who have 11 a mechanical aptitude. 12 Citibank through its effort to the 13 Community Revitalization Act came to us and 14 provided us with assistance to assist us in how 15 best to serve our need, and reinforce our 16 philosophy of strengthening the community. 17 As some of our panelists have spoken 18 in the past in terms of revitalizing the 19 community, I think Citibank has a sensitivity 20 that needs to be, I think, recognized here 21 today that they help in strengthening the 22 infrastructure. How can a bank or any other 23 entity provide services if individuals are 24 unemployed? 25 They see that as a first step in . 488 1 2 trying to provide help to the community. We 3 provide the vocational training and the job 4 placement. Then the Citibank helps them of 5 course with the banking services of course and 6 maybe they are now available to take out loans. 7 Citibank has been working with me to 8 provide us help with the business plan and 9 other areas. We are in a 24 month process to 10 purchase city land and build a structure 11 multicertification in academic training within 12 the central Bronx, which is the industrial 13 park. Right now we're located in the annex 14 area and we are also expanding part of the 15 operations into the Hub and 129th Street. 16 I know questions were asked of one 17 other panelist. I will say that Citibank has 18 been sensitive to the community needs 19 specifically in the Bronx. We provide services 20 to residents in all five boroughs. I look 21 forward to working with Citibank. I have not 22 worked with Travelers Group, but I know in the 23 marriage between Citigroup and Travelers if 24 Citigroup educates Travelers in some of the 25 needs to the community and be more sensitive to . 489 1 2 the need I believe that the merger will help 3 not only these businesses, but also the 4 community. Thank you very much. 5 MR. LONEY: Yes, Ms. Jewett. 6 MS. JEWETT: Thank you. Thank you 7 for asking me to testify today. I am Truda 8 Jewett, the assistant executive director of the 9 Childrens Aid Society here in New York City. 10 Childrens Aid is one of the oldest 11 and largest social service agency in this city. 12 It's been here for 145 years. It serves more 13 than 120,000 children and their families each 14 year with a budget of about $45 million this 15 year. 16 We could not survive without 17 government help, without individual help, 18 without corporate and foundation help. We've 19 been fortunate, I think in that we've had the 20 good fortune to be involved in what is now all 21 the Travelers Group. We've had less, really 22 less involvement with Citicorp, but between 23 Travelers starting with Primerica, Salomon, 24 Smith Barney and Citicorp, I think in the last 25 few years those organizations have contributed . 490 1 2 more than $500,000 to Childrens Aid Society. 3 That money had gone specifically for 4 child care and for education. Interesting, all 5 of them have been particularly interested in 6 these two very important issues here in the 7 city. 8 Perhaps as important, if not even 9 more important than the financial support is 10 the leadership that this represents, and by 11 that I mean physically the leadership from 12 Mr. Weil and his wife, Mr. Diamond and his 13 wife, Mr. Denim from Salomon and his wife, and 14 Mr. Coleman and his wife from Smith Barney. 15 Between those individuals, their 16 friends and employees, they have contributed 17 more than $1.5 million in the last two years to 18 the Childrens Aid Society. 19 This leadership by example I think is 20 something that's very important in the 21 community, and while we haven't had the close 22 involvement with Citicorp, I can only hope that 23 that would increase with this merger so that I 24 support it. 25 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Jewett. . 491 1 2 Do we have any questions of this panel? 3 MR. HODGETTS: Mr. Loran, does 4 Citibank have a lending or investment 5 relationship with your organization or with 6 your graduates? 7 MS. LORAN: The parent agency that's 8 referred to currently has their business bank, 9 business account with Citibank, and we haven't 10 reached the next level because of the fact that 11 as I said before, we've just begun the creating 12 of OCI, and we're looking more into eventually 13 in trying to receive more funding. 14 What I hope to do is we are in 15 October of this year starting a program for 16 youth in the Bronx, and to incorporate banking 17 and budgeting, that hopefully the Citibank will 18 help us in terms of that. Thank you. 19 MR. HODGETTS: Thank you. 20 MR. LONEY: Are there any other 21 questions? If not, I will thank the panel for 22 coming. 23 Let me just ask the audience, Lloyd 24 Williams, Cary Sanchez, or John Defano? Are 25 any of them in the audience? If not, we're . 492 1 2 scheduled for a break, and we're early for that 3 break, but since the folks who were scheduled 4 to testify aren't here, I think we have no real 5 choice but to take the break. We'll come back 6 at the next panel scheduled for 9:40. 7 (Recess) up low piece? 8 My name is Lillian Rodriguez Lopez 9 and I serve as the acting president of the 10 Hispanic Federation, a membership organization 11 representing the Latino human services sector 12 in New York, and New Jersey. 13 I am pleased to have been given this 14 opportunity to address you about the proposed 15 merger. I can speak with authority about the 16 philanthropic activities of Citibank, and its 17 impact in the Hispanic community as well as 18 Citibank's commitment to economic development 19 in New York City neighborhoods. 20 Citibank was one of our first 21 supporters and has remained a supporter since 22 our inception in 1990. Our partnership has 23 resolved around the collection and analysis of 24 data on Latinos that serves to promote a 25 greater understanding of our social, economic, . 493 1 2 and political roles in the city. They have 3 helped us to share with the larger community, 4 our dreams, our aspirations, and our reality. 5 Citibank has supported the publication of 6 Hispano-Stats, one of our yearly publications 7 for the past three years. 8 With Citibank assistance, we 9 distributed over ten thousand copies of our 10 first Hispano-Stats, which presented a 11 demographic and economic profile of Latino New 12 Yorkers. We still receive requests for the 13 inaugural Hispano-Stats from elected officials, 14 funders, students and many of our member 15 agencies. 16 Our second edition of Hispano-Stats 17 helped interpret the political strength and 18 potential of the Hispanic community in 29 New 19 York City neighborhoods, and the third one 20 which we'll be issuing shortly will profile 21 Hispanic institutions providing services to 22 communities throughout the State of New York. 23 This I say just to illustrate 24 Citibank's commitment to a better understanding 25 of the Hispanic community in New York. . 494 1 2 Citibank has also been committed to 3 strengthening the economic fiber of the Latino 4 community. Three years ago, Hispanics in 5 northern Manhattan joined together to create an 6 economic development institution dedicated to 7 growing neighborhoods and assisting Hispanic 8 and Dominican with small business. 9 Citibank has been a partner in this 10 enterprise and today, the Audubon Partnership 11 for Economic Development grows stronger. Just 12 one month ago the empowerment zone awarded to 13 the Audubon Partnership, a three quarter 14 million dollar grant to help Dominican 15 merchants in this area. 16 This is a fine accomplishment for 17 such a young nonprofit organization. I could 18 share much more with you about Citibank, but my 19 time is limited. I just want to say that they 20 have been a very strong supporter of the 21 Hispanic community. 22 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 23 (Continued on next page) 24 25 . 495 1 2 MR. LONEY: Thank you. I would just 3 say to the panel, if you have written testimony 4 and you want to make sure it all gets in, leave 5 a copy with the registration desk in the front; 6 the entire statement will be put in the record. 7 Ms. Middleton. 8 MS. MIDDLETON: Good morning and 9 thank you for affording me this opportunity to 10 speak before this panel. My name is Shirley 11 Middleton, and I am the founder of WLM Bridge 12 the Gap Family Day Care, which was established 13 to provide professional, educational, and 14 affordable childcare services in a safe and 15 motivating environment. 16 As for our children and their 17 families, our broad range and comprehensive 18 program addresses these changing needs that 19 help our clients to maintain human dignity to 20 be functional and productive members of 21 society. We provide job training development 22 and offer entrepreneurial training to the 23 family day care providers and new small 24 business operators and home businesses. 25 Bridge the Gap Family Day Care . 496 1 2 network has established a relationship and a 3 commitment with Citibank to support our 4 community entrepreneurial and economic training 5 program. They have supported these programs 6 and others through grants, and they have been 7 mainstays of our board of directors. 8 Citibank has been servicing our 9 community through a joint effort for the past 10 two years, for the past two-and-a-half years. 11 We have trained approximately 60 family day 12 care providers in developing their business as 13 a professional business, who now have had 14 access to opening up a business account with 15 the proper credentials. 16 The staff of Citibank assists with 17 the training of the providers, helping the 18 providers to develop business plans; also, in 19 terms of how to report their quarterly taxes; 20 setting up payrolls; and, also, assisting them 21 in opening up the business account that will 22 suit their business; also, they have training 23 in PC Banking; and, also, they have helped with 24 the credit plans of these providers; and they 25 have had seminars on mortgages and commercial . 497 1 2 buying. 3 Bridge the Gap supports the merger of 4 Citicorp and Travelers Insurance to become one. 5 We, the members of the Bridge the 6 Gap, hope for the merger because change must 7 come within all our lives. We do not agree 8 with their past servicing, servicing of the 9 minority communities across this land. We will 10 not quote statistics because it is all in the 11 record. 12 To go forward, we believe history is 13 a lesson we all must learn from. History keep 14 us from making the same errors over and over. 15 History has posed to us many opportunities; 16 some have been partially implemented and some 17 have not been acknowledged. We all have a 18 history, but we were not a part -- it was not a 19 part of our lives. Many changes came about by 20 war, enslavement and cheating. No matter what 21 the methods used, history remains on the 22 record. 23 Today and the future is what we are 24 addressing going into the new millennium. 25 Although we support the merger of these two . 498 1 2 financial institutions, we put before you this 3 day the following proposal: 4 Let us begin by developing a 5 community business consultant group that will 6 be directly involved with the local community 7 small businesses and home businesses; also, to 8 have staff or members from this financial group 9 to be able to be a part of the small business 10 not-for-profit board, in terms of helping them 11 in managing their business for the first five 12 years of operation, because doing business in 13 the first five years, for one who does 14 not-for-profit business development -- to have 15 the team review with the businesses, and 16 seminars, how to maintain good records, tax 17 reporting, business accounts, reviewing their 18 books every three months -- this will provide 19 the kind of support for the business to go on 20 and not become a failing business and here we 21 are again in trouble. 22 Instead of always giving us loans to 23 start up a business, provide many startup 24 business grants instead of loans, as I said 25 before. Because this creates problems; we . 499 1 2 start out with a loan and we end up in a hole. 3 We also would like partnerships to be 4 developed with the various programs of our 5 community, educational programs, between 6 Citibank, also, economic development programs 7 within our community. 8 The other thing, instead of giving 9 students loans all the time, let us develop 10 some kind of grant or scholarship for students, 11 at least for the first two years, so when they 12 graduate from college they will owe 25,000 and 13 30,000 before they get a job. 14 As we outlined in this partial 15 proposal, we challenge you to be committed to 16 all of the minority communities across the 17 land. Once again we get into classifying 18 minorities, Afro-American women, and who knows 19 better but myself and as a single parent. 20 Thank you for allowing me this 21 opportunity. 22 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Middleton. 23 Ms. Johnson-Claxton. 24 MS. JOHNSON-CLAXTON: Good morning. 25 My name is Grace Johnson-Claxton. I am the . 500 1 2 president of Johnson Home Care Services. We 3 are a nursing agency that places nurses in the 4 home. 5 Citibank has been very instrumental 6 in assisting us in our payroll and also in 7 helping us to acquire larger headquarters. 8 They also have assisted us in making available 9 different opportunities for our employees, like 10 direct deposit, and give an offering to our 11 employees, mortgages at a lower rate, and car 12 loans. 13 I enjoy a very positive relationship 14 with my bank, bank manager -- her name is Kathy 15 Wheeler -- and also with my personal banker 16 whom made the request for me to be here today, 17 Gus Patraco. I am very grateful to the support 18 and help that the bank had given to me. 19 My credit line they have increased, 20 and, as I said, that assisted me very much with 21 my payroll because many a nights before the 22 credit line -- and the business keep, you know, 23 burning up on the cash flow -- we had to divest 24 to meet our payroll. That has really afforded 25 me to have good sleep at night. It has given . 501 1 2 me that assurance, because the payroll, it's 3 very much a headache for a small business. 4 One of the things that I appreciate 5 that Citibank have done, many banks have been 6 known to not want to deal with minority women 7 owned. The true testimony, this has not been 8 the case. Many banks have been known to 9 redline. We are located in East Flatbush, 10 which is a predominantly immigrant population, 11 and it is the new headquarters that, with the 12 help of Citibank through SB loan, we got it at 13 the lower rate with that assistance. That 14 really is a true testimony that they have met 15 that criteria, which is a need in the 16 neighborhood that we have, by lending to 17 minority, by lending to a woman and by lending 18 also in the East Flatbush minority-owned 19 neighborhood. The loan that we had, it was at 20 a lower interest rate, which really helped us 21 also. 22 Once again, I am giving my support to 23 this merger because I believe that it would be, 24 much more programs would be beneficial to our 25 community, and I support this merger, and I . 502 1 2 also support the help that they are giving me 3 and also thanking my bank manager and my 4 personal banker. 5 Thank you. 6 MR. LONEY: Thank you very much. 7 It is good to sleep at night, isn't 8 it? 9 MS. JOHNSON-CLAXTON: That was a big 10 problem for me. 11 MR. LONEY: Mr. Gotto. 12 MR. GOTTO: Thank you, Governor Loney 13 and panel. I am pleased to be here today to be 14 able to address this public meeting concerning 15 the proposed Travelers/Citicorp merger. My 16 name is Alberto Gotto. I am the Provost for 17 Federal Affairs at Cornell University and the 18 dean of the Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical 19 College in New York City. 20 Here as the dean of the medical 21 college in New York City, practicing physician 22 and medical educator, I have no special 23 credentials in business economic matters, but I 24 do want to speak about an area in which I do 25 have special and particular knowledge, and that . 503 1 2 concerns the excellent corporate citizenship of 3 the Travelers Group and its chairman and CEO 4 Sanford I. Weill. 5 Mr. Weill received his bachelors of 6 arts degree from Cornell University in 1955 7 and, of course, as we all know, he's had a 8 remarkably successful career in business since 9 then. But just as remarkable as his business 10 success has been the extraordinary degree to 11 which Mr. Weill has volunteered his time, 12 effort, his vision and his financial resources 13 to support educational, civic and cultural 14 organizations that make meaningful 15 contributions to our society as a whole. 16 Mr. Weill's been on the Board of 17 Overseers in the medical college since 1982, 18 and we have been especially fortunate to 19 witness the depth of his dedication and 20 commitment to enable Cornell State the 21 cutting-edge of medical education, research and 22 patient care. 23 In 1995 he became the chairman of the 24 Board of Overseers. I'd like to just give a 25 few examples to illustrate Mr. Weill's . 504 1 2 commitment. 3 He and Mrs. Weill endowed the Joan 4 and Sanford Weill Medical Education Center 5 which made it possible for us to introduce a 6 problem-based learning curriculum. This has 7 been extraordinarily popular with our students 8 and the faculty. Cornell has currently over 9 7,000 applicants. We accept 100 medical 10 students each year. And, we wouldn't be able 11 to do this program without this new educational 12 center which provides one computer for every 13 two students and really has state-of-the-art 14 educational facilities. 15 We are in the process of implementing 16 a strategic plan. We are expanding our 17 research space by 25 percent and are increasing 18 the size of our research faculty by recruiting 19 30 new faculty in three areas -- structural 20 biology, neuroscience, gene therapy and genetic 21 medicine. These are all going to be very 22 important areas of research going into the 21st 23 century. It will enable us, we believe, to 24 make New York more competitive in regaining our 25 share of federal grants. . 505 1 2 Mrs. Weill, on April, the 30th, 3 announced a commitment, personal commitment of 4 $100 million to fund this strategic research 5 effort of the medical college. 6 We for 30 years, Cornell Medical 7 College, has had a Summer Minority Research 8 Fellowship. This has been highly successful. 9 The program enrolls college juniors and seniors 10 and gives an intensive summer experience. Each 11 student receives a stipend and housing, as well 12 as travel expenses. 13 From 1969 to 1983, we supported this 14 with federal grants. And in 1985, under 15 Mr. Weill's leadership, the Travelers Group has 16 stepped forward and provided an endowment to 17 ensure the continuation of this program. 18 Since 1969, more than 700 minority 19 students have participated in this program, and 20 an extraordinary number, over 90 percent of 21 them, have gained admission to U.S. medical 22 schools; over 100 of them have come to Cornell 23 Medical School. Cornell has one of the best 24 records in the country in underrepresented 25 minority students, one of the highest . 506 1 2 proportion of underrepresented minorities of 3 any medical school in the country. We accept 4 students on a needs basis, and 43 percent of 5 the tuition is discounted with either grants or 6 loans. 7 We renamed the medical college in 8 honor of Mr. and Mrs. Weill's extraordinary 9 support of the medical college over the years 10 and it is now the Joan and Sanford I. Weill 11 Medical College of Cornell University. 12 Mr. Weill, since 1991, has served as 13 the chairman of Carnegie Hall's board of 14 trustees. He cochaired the steering committee 15 to raise $60 million for Carnegie Hall, and in 16 1997 was honored by New York State with the 17 Governor's Arts Award. 18 Just one final example, with regard 19 to one of the comments of the earlier speakers 20 about grants for minority businesses. On July, 21 the 15th, Mr. Weill and the Reverend Jessie 22 Jackson will cochair a meeting under the 23 sponsorship of the Rainbow Coalition to be held 24 at Cornell Medical College. Represented there 25 will be corporations with $3 trillion of assets . 507 1 2 and pension funds and the stated goal of this 3 program is to provide money for minority 4 businesses. 5 I think Mr. Weill is amply dedicated 6 or demonstrated his dedication both personally 7 and through his leadership with Travelers and I 8 am confident with this merger there will be a 9 continuing and ongoing support of the community 10 and civic activities throughout New York. 11 Thank you. 12 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Gotto. 13 Are there any questions? 14 MR. ALVAREZ: I had a question for 15 Ms. Middleton. 16 You suggested at the end of your 17 remarks a list of things that you thought could 18 be improvements. I was wondering, you also at 19 the beginning of your remarks mentioned a few 20 of those same things that you thought City was 21 doing now, some of the services, the lending 22 programs, technical assistance and training. I 23 was wondering if you could differentiate a 24 little bit for us or clarify a little bit for 25 us the areas you thought City was stronger and . 508 1 2 the areas you were pointing out where they 3 could improve more. 4 MS. MIDDLETON: The area in which 5 they were strong, in terms of providing the 6 technical assistance to help to educate us, in 7 terms of what kinds of banking accounts that we 8 should open as a small not-for-profit business 9 or as a for-profit business; also, the 10 introduction to us about the PC Banking, which 11 I was one of those that they are teaching; 12 also, the area in terms of how to keep our 13 records, how to pay our taxes. They were very 14 strong in the whole business area of 15 developing, to help us to go forward and to be 16 a part of the board so that we can continue on 17 so we will not have, within two years, failed 18 as we have done. 19 The other areas I have mentioned, in 20 terms of grants to small businesses, if you 21 give us a loan and we have no capital, etc., 22 what happens? You are giving us a loan for 23 $70,000. If our businesses fail or we begin to 24 go under or we cannot keep the business going 25 because we lack that continuity to keep going . 509 1 2 forward, that would only mean that our business 3 is going to fold, and what has happened in the 4 Harlem community, many businesses have folded 5 because of this, and then we end up paying the 6 money back or we end up going to court because 7 they are forcing us to pay the money back which 8 we don't have. So it has to come out our 9 personal needs. 10 So instead of giving us loans to 11 start us out with, which is starting us out at 12 a handicap, start us out at a mini-grant which 13 we will then be able to develop and go forward 14 from there. That is our major problem, to be 15 able to continue to go forward. That is where 16 at this point we need that kind of assistance 17 and we are not getting it at this particular 18 point. 19 MR. ALVAREZ: Thank you. 20 MR. LONEY: Any other questions? If 21 not, I thank you, our panel, very much. 22 We are going to combine Panel 23 Twenty-one and Twenty-two. Could I ask Edward 24 Sheeran, Vicki Hurewitz, April Tyler, Greg Todd 25 and Florence Rice to come up, please. . 510 1 2 Mr. Sheeran, will you begin for us, 3 please. 4 MR. SHEERAN: Thank you. Good 5 morning. I am Edward Sheeran. I am special 6 assistant to the Mayor of the City of Yonkers, 7 Westchester County. I am also the executive 8 director of the Yonkers Industrial Development 9 Agency. 10 The City of Yonkers is the largest 11 city in Westchester County and the fourth 12 largest in the State of New York with 13 approximately 190,000 residents. Yonkers has 14 the largest number of high poverty level census 15 tracts in the County of Westchester. For over 16 a decade the New York State Financial Control 17 Board has been overseeing the city's financial 18 activities. 19 Citibank, one of the nation's largest 20 banking institutions, serves the residents of 21 the County of Westchester with 18 full service 22 branch banking facilities. The areas Citibank 23 has elected to service within Westchester 24 County are affluent upscale areas. These areas 25 are as follows: . 511 1 2 Armonk, Bedford, Bronxville, 3 Chappaqua, Eastchester, Harrison, Hastings, 4 Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Mount Kisco, New 5 Rochelle, Ossining, Pelham Manor, Rye, 6 Scarsdale, Somers and two branches in White 7 Plains. 8 Last year Citibank opted to close its 9 only manned branch in the City of Yonkers. 10 Accordingly, Citibank has no manned facilities 11 to provide day-to-day banking services to the 12 190,000 residents of the largest city in the 13 County of Westchester. 14 Recently I spoke with Citibank's 15 Westchester County senior management regarding 16 Citibank's redlining of the City of Yonkers. I 17 was advised that it was Citibank's strategy to 18 provide banking services to its customers 19 through technology rather than bricks and 20 mortar and that Citibank would not be adding 21 additional branch facilities to its network. 22 This statement was contradicted 23 following a Craines June 15, 1998 publication 24 when it reported that Citibank had branches 25 under construction in the State of New Jersey . 512 1 2 and, in particular, in Fort Lee and Englewood. 3 Clearly, Citibank's strategy is to 4 provide day-to-day personal banking services to 5 affluent upscale communities and to ignore the 6 day-to-day banking needs of the less affluent 7 communities. We believe its Westchester 8 network of branches is an orchestrated example 9 of this and proves that the 190,000 residents 10 of the City of Yonkers are not being given the 11 same banking convenience that are provided by 12 Citibank to towns, villages, and hamlets within 13 the County of Westchester. 14 We, in the City of Yonkers believe in 15 addition to providing day-to-day banking 16 services, large financial institutions such as 17 Travelers Group and Citicorp should be obliged 18 as good citizens to participate in the economic 19 revitalization of cities, such as the City of 20 Yonkers. We believe they should utilize their 21 vast resources, both financial and otherwise, 22 to promote, encourage and finance economic 23 development. By doing this, they will be 24 contributing to the creation of jobs and 25 increasing the quality of life for all our . 513 1 2 citizens. 3 Citibank's activities to date have 4 been to the contrary. The future must be based 5 on past performance. Frankly, we are not 6 satisfied with the manner in which our city has 7 been ignored and our citizens treated by the 8 powerful Citibank. 9 Should the acquisition be approved, 10 Citibank will be the largest and most powerful 11 institution in the country. This may be very 12 good for the affluent upscale areas, but if 13 Citibank's past is any indication of the 14 future, then our 190,000 residents in the 15 largest city of Westchester County can expect 16 more of the same from the nation's most 17 powerful financial institution. 18 I am here today on behalf of the 19 citizens of Yonkers to request that the 20 approval of the acquisition of Citicorp by 21 Travelers Group be denied until such time as 22 Citibank institutes and delivers programs that 23 provide services to the citizens of the City of 24 Yonkers equal to the services they provide to 25 the citizens of the 18 affluent upscale . 514 1 2 communities in the County of Westchester. 3 Thank you. 4 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Sheeran. 5 Ms. Hurewitz. 6 MS. HUREWITZ: Good morning 7 distinguished members of the Federal Reserve 8 Board. Thank you for giving me this 9 opportunity to express my opinion about the 10 Citicorp/Travelers merger. My name is Vicki 11 Hurewitz, and I am here representing the 12 organization SENSES, which stands for the 13 Statewide Emergency Network for Social and 14 Economic Security. 15 We work on a variety of public policy 16 issues which affect low-income people here in 17 New York State. SENSES is a member of the 18 National Community Reinvestment Coalition. 19 As I thought and read about the 20 Citicorp/Travelers merger and HR10, the 21 financial modernization bill that would allow 22 the merger if passed, I decided there were 23 three questions I wanted to address in my 24 testimony. 25 First, if this were a standard . 515 1 2 mega-merger like so many we have seen lately, 3 how are these two institutions doing in terms 4 of their fair lending and community 5 reinvestment obligations under current law? A 6 merger can be denied if either party has not 7 met these obligations. 8 Second, I am puzzled as to how this 9 merger can occur since HR10, the financial 10 modernization bill, is still making its way 11 through Congress. 12 Third, what are the most important 13 issues around HR10 that should be addressed 14 before the law passes? 15 How are the institutions doing under 16 the mortgage law? The Home Mortgage Disclosure 17 Act requires Citicorp and all its lending 18 subsidiaries and affiliates to report out 19 detailed information on every home purchase, 20 home improvement, and refinance application 21 taken. 22 Using 1996 HMDA data, I performed a 23 limited analysis on Citibank's lending in all 24 the metropolitan areas of New York State. I 25 only examined those markets where an individual . 516 1 2 institution took more than 30 applications, 3 statisticians considering this an ample sample 4 size. 5 I compared the market penetration of 6 Citicorp entities among black borrowers to all 7 categories of borrowers. I also compared the 8 bank's loan denial rate to black versus white 9 applicants to the same rate for all lenders in 10 the individual markets. The reason I only 11 looked at these particular indicators is that I 12 am still in the process of database 13 development. In the future I will able to look 14 at many more indicators of bank lending 15 performance around the state. 16 Three Citibank entities, Citibank New 17 York State, Citibank Mortgage and Citibank NA 18 accepted applications for home purchase loans 19 in 1996. Citibank NA is minimally active in 20 two markets upstate, Buffalo and Rochester. 21 The other two lenders are primarily downstate 22 in the New York City and Long Island areas. 23 With the exception of Citibank New 24 York State in the two upstate markets, all the 25 Citibank entities had a lower market share of . 517 1 2 black applications than of all applications. 3 In all areas for all the Citibank entities, the 4 loan denial rates to black versus white 5 borrowers were higher than the rates for all 6 lenders in the markets. In Rochester, for 7 example, blacks were denied at over nine times 8 the rate of whites compared to 1.8 times as 9 often for the aggregate lenders. 10 These same patterns occurred in 11 Citibank's Home Improvement and Refinance 12 applications. Again, with home improvement 13 applications Citibank New York State was active 14 upstate and Citibank NA downstate. And in all 15 cases market penetration was lower than among 16 black borrowers than white. With the exception 17 of Citibank NA in the Long Island area, loans 18 were denied to blacks at slightly higher rates 19 than to whites, although the differences are 20 not as marked as they were with home purchase 21 loans. The same thing was true with the 22 refinance application. 23 Travelers Insurance Company unlike 24 Citibank is not required to report under HMDA 25 nor is it covered by the Community Reinvestment . 518 1 2 Act. It is, however, covered by the Fair 3 Housing Act of 1968. 4 Currently HUD is investigating a Fair 5 Housing complaint brought by the Fair Housing 6 Council of Washington D.C. The complaint 7 alleges that the company's policies have a 8 discriminatory impact on African-American and 9 Latino policy seekers and neighborhoods. In 10 the D.C. area, Travelers has a policy whereby 11 the minimum house value that it will insure is 12 $250,000. This automatically excludes from 13 coverage 90 percent of homes in 14 African-American and Latino neighborhoods. 15 Travelers also -- is my time up? 16 Travelers also has a policy of 17 limiting coverage to homes which are less than 18 45 years old. This has the impact of excluding 19 almost twice as many homes in minority 20 neighborhoods as in white neighborhoods. 21 Interestingly, Washington D.C. is one 22 of the four cities that has been in Travelers 23 Urban Availability of Insurance program, a 24 program which was founded 1994 to improve the 25 availability of insurance in urban areas. I . 519 1 2 wonder what the company's policy would be in 3 Washington D.C. without this program. 4 Given that Travelers has this suit 5 pending against it and given my HMDA findings 6 on Citibank, I am convinced that even if this 7 were a standard mega-merger, it should not be 8 allowed until these fair lending issues are 9 addressed. 10 Regarding Citibank, I am well aware 11 that the Community Reinvestment Act is mostly 12 about making credit available in low- and 13 moderate-income areas. However, it is stated 14 in the legislation that "in arriving at an 15 institution's (CRA) rating, the agencies 16 consider whether there is evidence of 17 discrimination in violation of the Fair Housing 18 Act or the Equal Credit Opportunity Act or 19 evidence of other illegal credit activities." 20 I am also aware that HMDA has never 21 been used to prove discrimination; however, as 22 my analysis shows, the data can point to 23 patterns that need further investigation. 24 Before going on with this merger, I 25 request that HUD investigate Travelers' . 520 1 2 underwriting criteria in other urban areas 3 where it writes policies to determine if there 4 are possible hidden discriminatory patterns 5 that prevent protected classes from getting 6 property insurance. I also request that the 7 Federal Reserve look at Citicorp entities 8 underwriting criteria for the three HMDA 9 reportable loan types to see what is 10 responsible for the bank's poor showing among 11 black borrowers across New York State. 12 How could this merger occur -- time 13 is up. 14 MR. LONEY: If you want to wrap up. 15 MS. HUREWITZ: I will continue. 16 I just want to say, I am opposed to 17 the merger for three reasons: The fair lending 18 records of the two applicants, the illegality 19 of the merger, and the potential power of HR10 20 to destabilize the American economy. 21 Thank you very much. 22 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 23 If you want to put your full 24 statement in, it will get into the record if 25 you will leave a copy with the registration . 521 1 2 desk up front. 3 MS. HUREWITZ: Thank you. 4 MR. LONEY: Ms. Tyler. 5 MS. TYLER: Good morning. My name is 6 April Tyler and I am a democratic leader in the 7 West Harlem community. On behalf of myself, my 8 coleader Joseph Aplin and the residents of 9 Harlem's 70th Assembly District, I thank you 10 for the opportunity to testify and present 11 information on Citibank's record in the Harlem 12 community and to register my objection to this 13 proposed merger. 14 I will focus on the core lending 15 record in Harlem, but I'd like to reiterate a 16 few points that have been covered in prior 17 testimony by many of my colleagues and many of 18 Citicorp Travelers Watch. 19 This transaction is illegal, as the 20 prior testifier just stated. The public's 21 privacy rights may be trampled on. Both 22 institutions have not been forthcoming with 23 information that's been requested numerous 24 times, and we feel the danger of creating such 25 a large international financial entity, a . 522 1 2 portion of which is protected by U.S. 3 taxpayers' dollars, may be deemed too big to 4 fail. 5 The companies' individual records 6 with regard to inner city neighborhoods leaves 7 much to be desired. Travelers has virtually no 8 brokers in low- and moderate-income 9 neighborhoods, and Citicorp has few branches 10 and does almost no lending. This hardly bodes 11 well to a more promising future with the 12 proposed new entity. 13 On the prior panel, one of the 14 panelists stated that we must look to the 15 future, but we must also not ignore the 16 history. So let's take a look at Citibank's 17 history in the Harlem community and other 18 communities of color. 19 The loan rejection rates are more 20 than doubled that of whites given comparable 21 circumstances. In the Harlem community, which 22 is Community Boards 9 and 10, which are bounded 23 by 110th Street, 155th Street from Riverside 24 Drive to Fifth Avenue, there are only two 25 branches. One branch is on 111th Street and . 523 1 2 Broadway and another branch is on 152nd Street 3 and Amsterdam Avenue. No branches are north of 4 125th Street where the majority of the 5 African-American and Latino population lives. 6 One might think that this area was 7 excluded from Citibank's service area, but it 8 is not. In the two branches, that are 9 inconveniently placed for the majority of the 10 populations in these two community boards, 11 there are $233 million on deposit; there is no 12 direct lending for multifamily housing at all 13 by Citibank; and, as we all know, the majority 14 of New York City's housing stock is that type. 15 But what lending do they do? One- to 16 four-family mortgages, co-op and condo loans. 17 In Community Board 9, which is Central Harlem, 18 there were only three loans originated in 1996. 19 Community Board 9 did a little better: 27 20 loans were originated. That sounds really 21 good, but the majority of those loans were 22 originated in the area south of 125th Street, 23 right around Columbia University where the 24 majority of the population is white. Only six 25 loans of the 27 were to African-Americans or . 524 1 2 Latinos; one was to a Latino. So so much for 3 the prior panelist's statement about empowering 4 Latinos. 5 The banks that exist have high-fee 6 structures for banking services. The brochures 7 say that you can experience less expensive and 8 more convenient banking. Not so if you live in 9 the Harlem community. Given this record, it is 10 amazing that Citibank has received an 11 outstanding CRA rating. 12 The proposed new entity made a 13 commitment of $115 billion, but not to improve 14 in the areas stated above. There is no 15 guarantee that any of the money will be 16 targeted and invested in New York City or in 17 low-income neighborhoods. 18 More than half of that $115 billion 19 commitment is for consumer loans, student 20 loans, credit cards and such. The portion for 21 small business lending isn't targeted to 22 low-income areas. 23 We urge you to reject this 24 application and demand immediate improvement in 25 their performance right now, not some nebulous . 525 1 2 promise for the future. 3 Thank you. 4 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Tyler. 5 Mr. Todd. 6 MR. TODD: Good morning. My name is 7 Greg Todd. I am the marketing director with 8 BEC New Communities. I would like to thank the 9 Federal Reserve Bank of New York for sponsoring 10 this hearing today. I very much appreciate the 11 opportunity to speak on behalf of BEC New 12 Communities. 13 BEC is a 14-year-old community-based 14 nonprofit housing group. To date we have 15 developed about 900 units of housing from 16 city-owned properties. In so doing, we have 17 invested almost $100 million in the communities 18 of Bedford Stuyvesant, Crown Heights and Sunset 19 Park. In addition, we have sold over 200 units 20 of ownership housing, including both 21 condominiums and two- and three-family homes. 22 BEC also sponsors a community-based credit 23 union with over 2,000 members and $2.2 million 24 in assets. 25 Our organization grew out of an . 526 1 2 interdenominational organizing effort. BEC 3 stands for "Brooklyn Ecumenical Cooperatives." 4 I personally came to Brooklyn about 5 20 years ago from Michigan. Before coming 6 here, I completed a masters in business 7 administration degree and worked briefly in a 8 bank. I had heard much of Citibank. I knew it 9 to be a leader in the area of consumer banking, 10 having been one of the first banks in the 11 nation to issue credit cards and one of the 12 first to make extensive use of automatic teller 13 machines. 14 I, in fact, had such faith in 15 Citibank that it is where I opened my checking 16 and savings account and where I currently have 17 a home mortgage. 18 Unfortunately, in recent years I feel 19 Citibank's vision has become less focused on 20 its home here in New York and more directed to 21 a national and international audience. For 22 example, the branch I used to keep my accounts 23 at on 13th Street and Fifth Avenue near Sunset 24 Park was sold to Home Savings Bank -- now a 25 part of Greenpoint Bank -- about 15 years ago. . 527 1 2 Shortly thereafter, Citibank expanded 3 the number of ATMs at its branch in Park Slope, 4 a more affluent area. This pattern appears 5 typical of what it is doing throughout the City 6 of New York. 7 Citibank maintained in 1996 20 8 branches in Brooklyn. That number, 9 incidentally, is now down to 15, of which only 10 12 are full service. The total amount of 11 deposits on these branches in 1996 was $2.1 12 billion. 13 According to the Home Mortgage 14 Disclosure Act provided by the RTK Foundation, 15 during 1996 Citibank received 1,228 16 applications from Brooklyn residents. Of 17 these, they actually approved 547 or about 44.5 18 percent of the applications taken. By 19 comparison, in 1996 among banks in Brooklyn 20 that took in at least ten applications, the 21 overall approval rate was 52 percent, 7.5 22 percentage points above Citibank's approval 23 rate. 24 Assuming an average loan amount of 25 $150,000, Citibank returned to its communities . 528 1 2 in Brooklyn about $82 million in mortgages in 3 1996. This amounts to about 3.9 cents in 4 lending for each dollar deposited by Brooklyn 5 residents. 6 I must add that of the over 200 7 mortgages or about $12 million in home mortgage 8 lending given to purchasers of BEC developed 9 homes none were granted by Citibank. 10 Similarly, of the $100 million in 11 construction lending used by BEC for 12 residential development in Brooklyn, none was 13 from Citibank. 14 As a leading community group in 15 Brooklyn, BEC feels that Citibank needs to do 16 better. Rather than reaching out to lend in 17 the developing countries around the globe, why 18 not lend in the developing neighborhoods in 19 Brooklyn, for many residents are immigrants who 20 left just those developing countries that 21 Citibank appears so eager to lend to. 22 We feel it is time that Citibank 23 returned to its role as an innovative leader 24 right here in New York. If Citibank wants to 25 take deposits of Brooklyn residents, we feel it . 529 1 2 should be willing to give back its fair share 3 in loans to the Brooklyn community. 4 Thank you for your consideration. 5 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Todd. 6 Ms. Rice. 7 MS. RICE: Yes. Good morning, and I 8 am glad to be here, and thank you for giving me 9 this opportunity. 10 I am Florence M. Rice, president of 11 the Harlem Consumer Education Council. I must 12 say I oppose -- I am opposed to the merger of 13 Citicorp Group and the Travelers Insurance 14 because of their practice of racism through 15 redlining and refusal to loan to 16 African-Americans. 17 I am very concerned with Citigroup 18 and the Citicorp and Travelers merger. I want 19 to see a better world, but we can't see a 20 better world with racism running rampant like 21 it still does. 22 Living in New York State all my life, 23 and at my age of 79, I understand very well 24 institutional and economic racism, as I have 25 experienced it in this country all my life, . 530 1 2 along with my brothers and sisters. 3 As slaves, African-Americans were 4 forced to build the wealth of this country for 5 the benefit of white Americans. Today I'm 6 going to speak to you about the three robbers 7 of African-Americans, and I think I would like 8 to say the speakers of City Watch are the ones 9 that has said many of the things that I have 10 said, so there is no sense in repeating it. 11 What I wanted to do, I wanted to do 12 something different. I call it the three 13 robbers of African-Americans; they are racism, 14 power and control. 15 The belief is that race is the 16 primary determiner of human traits and capacity 17 and that racial difference produced an inherent 18 superiority of a particular race. Many white 19 people practice racism in the corporate 20 world -- antagonism toward African-Americans, 21 especially as a result of the racist belief, a 22 belief in the superiority of the white race, 23 prejudice based on this, and the theory, 24 ability, to determine by these races in our 25 society. . 531 1 2 Race riot is caused by racial 3 dissension and hatred -- which is many times 4 perpetrated by the corporate world -- power, 5 and the ability to produce a result, possession 6 to control authority and influence others, 7 having such power of controlling groups, that's 8 what happens in today's world. 9 I would like to speak third on 10 control, the power of direct command under the 11 corporate CEOs and the board of directors, 12 because that is where much of this racism stems 13 from, the power of restraining, the power or 14 authority to manage the regulation of economic 15 activity, especially by the corporate world 16 direct, one that controls a means of 17 determining the policy of a business. 18 The records of Citicorp and certainly 19 Travelers speak for themselves. I'm deeply 20 concerned. Like someone here said, if we're 21 talking these large companies, I'm concerned it 22 carries this race, economic racism, and this 23 racism within their companies travelling the 24 world. 25 I'm looking to make this a better . 532 1 2 world. I am not looking to make it the kind of 3 world that I have grown up in and that I know 4 of. So, therefore, I would say I have spoken 5 quite differently, but I am speaking this way 6 because many of my colleagues here have really 7 expressed my feeling. 8 I just want to thank you that I could 9 be here. I will put this -- I can send it in. 10 Again, I will say I am very glad to be here. I 11 am 79. I haven't changed my opinion on the 12 banks and the redlining and Travelers, which 13 never dealt with our black community. So I 14 again am supporting some of the other speakers 15 that this merger -- because mergers don't help 16 community people, poor people, because they are 17 always looking to make the executives and make 18 themselves a trillion dollar bankroll, that 19 they can go off and live better than anyone 20 else. 21 Thank you, and I am a little angry. 22 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Rice. You 23 don't look angry. 24 I have a couple of questions. 25 Mr. Sheeran, could you describe for . 533 1 2 me -- and you probably did and I may have just 3 didn't quite understand it -- the demographics 4 of Yonkers. I am not familiar with Yonkers. 5 Is it a low-income community largely? 6 MR. SHEERAN: We have, the southwest 7 part of Yonkers is the low income. There are, 8 I think, six census tracts that are poverty 9 level. The city of is made up of about 40 10 percent African-Americans, 45 percent white, 11 and the rest others. 12 MR. LONEY: Are there any middle, 13 upper-income neighborhoods? 14 MR. SHEERAN: Yes, there are. In the 15 northeast part of Yonkers, yes. 16 MR. LONEY: Did I understand you to 17 say there are no Citicorp branches. 18 MR. SHEERAN: No Citicorp branches. 19 The only manned branch that they had they 20 closed last year and there is an automatic 21 teller machine in its place. We don't regard 22 that as a facility that they can transact their 23 business. 24 MR. ALVAREZ: You mentioned that when 25 City closed the branch in Yonkers it said it . 534 1 2 would replace it with technology; is that the 3 ATM? 4 MR. SHEERAN: That is correct. 5 MR. ALVAREZ: It is a single ATM, no 6 other ATMs in Yonkers? 7 MR. SHEERAN: They have no other ATMs 8 in the community, right. As I pointed out, all 9 the areas in Westchester County are all upscale 10 areas, Bronxville, Rye, all upscale areas. 11 MR. LONEY: Apparently in Yonkers 12 there are some upscale areas as well. 13 MR. SHEERAN: Yes, but they are not 14 as upscale as the Bronxvilles of the world. 15 MR. ALVAREZ: When City proposed to 16 close the branch, did you talk with them about 17 why they were closing? 18 MR. SHEERAN: I was not in this 19 position at that time, so I am not quite sure. 20 MR. LONEY: So upscale is in the eye 21 of the beholder. 22 MR. SHEERAN: Maybe. 23 MR. LONEY: That is interesting. 24 Ms. Hurewitz, I know you wanted to 25 talk about your views on the illegality of this . 535 1 2 merger. Do you want to expound on that? 3 MS. HUREWITZ: I'm concerned because 4 currently there is a bill going through 5 Congress, as we all know, the HR10, the 6 financial modernization bill, which would allow 7 this merger. Under the current law, my 8 understanding is that if Travelers and Citicorp 9 were to merge, one of the other would have 10 to -- Travelers would have to divest itself of 11 its nonbanking activities within two to five 12 years, or Citicorp would have to give up its 13 banking charter and become part of Travelers 14 Savings & Loan. 15 My concern is that if the merger goes 16 through that the waiver will be given, the 17 five-year waiver will be given, and in the 18 interim Citicorp and Travelers will continue to 19 lobby Congress to pass HR10, because it is not 20 quite clear whether the bill will go through 21 now. There is a lot of controversy about it. 22 So currently these two entities as 23 they sit are not legally allowed to merge as 24 they both are. One or both of them have to 25 make changes. That is my concern. . 536 1 2 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 3 Ms. Tyler, I am sorry, I am not that 4 good with the geography here. You explained 5 that there were, I think the implication of 6 what you said was there were two branches, was 7 that in Harlem, on the edge of Harlem? I 8 wasn't quite clear on that. 9 MS. TYLER: Depending on who you 10 speak with, the boundaries of Harlem are 11 different. Some people would say that it 12 starts at 110th Street, and if you look at 13 documents from way past, it did. Currently, 14 it's always been considered historically the 15 African-American community in the north of 16 Manhattan. The majority of the 17 African-Americans, and at this point 18 increasingly the Latino population, are north 19 of 125th Street. South of 125th Street you 20 have to include Columbia University, where even 21 though it is in the -- a community district 22 which includes Harlem, it is higher income and 23 the population is white, primarily. North of 24 125th Street, the majority of the population is 25 African-American and Latino. . 537 1 2 MR. LONEY: And the branches are? 3 MS. TYLER: The branches are all 4 south of 115th Street. If you travel further 5 north, you will find another branch at, I 6 think, 169th Street, right by Columbia 7 Presbyterian Hospital. So the population, the 8 Latino and African-American population has been 9 skipped over in both instances. 10 MR. LONEY: So the 169th Street, is 11 that still Harlem? 12 MS. TYLER: No. That is considered 13 Washington Heights. 14 MR. ALVAREZ: Ms. Tyler, you 15 mentioned that there were, I think you said 16 $233 million worth of deposits. 17 MS. TYLER: Right. 18 MR. ALVAREZ: I didn't quite catch, 19 are those -- who are those deposits from; where 20 are those deposits? 21 MS. TYLER: We don't have access to 22 the zip code information, so we can't tell 23 where the deposits originate from. In those 24 two branches, the Data Book, which is published 25 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, . 538 1 2 gives you the figures branch by branch of the 3 deposits. But we all know that when people 4 don't have the convenience of a branch in their 5 neighborhood, they usually bank where they 6 work. 7 Even though these are inconvenient 8 branches, there are $233 million in deposits. 9 A portion of that, we suspect, is from 10 residents of the Harlem community. And if you 11 look at the branches in midtown Manhattan or 12 downtown, I would be willing to bet if we got a 13 zip-coded analysis that a portion, maybe a 14 large portion, would be from the 25, 27, 35, 39 15 zip codes that comprise Harlem. 16 MR. LONEY: Do we have any other 17 questions of the panel? If not, I will thank 18 you very much for coming in and talking to us. 19 Mark Winston Griffith, who was 20 scheduled to testify in Panel Twenty-two, is 21 now here. 22 Do you want to come up, Mr. Griffith. 23 (Continued on next page) 24 25 . 539 1 2 MR. LONEY: Mr. Griffith, please 3 proceed. 4 MR. GRIFFITH: Good morning. Sorry 5 for being late. 6 MR. LONEY: You'll stay after school. 7 MR. GRIFFITH: Okay. I get all the 8 special attention. I appreciate that. 9 Good morning. My name is Mark 10 Winston Griffith, and I'm the founding 11 executive director of the Central Brooklyn 12 Partnership and was the founding chairman of 13 the Board of the Central Brooklyn Federal 14 Credit Union. 15 The Partnership serves the 16 neighborhoods of Ft. Greene, Clinton Hill, 17 Bedford Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, Brownsville, 18 Prospect Heights, East Flatbush and Flatbush. 19 I have a confession to make. When I 20 first learned of these hearings I was planning 21 to be out of town, out of reach, or just plain 22 out. As I saw it, I would have to be out of my 23 mind to show up today and testify. No matter 24 what stance I take on what is probably the most 25 important merger prospect within the financial . 540 1 2 industry since CRA was enacted me and my 3 organization are sure to be dragged through the 4 mud one way or the other as a result of this 5 testimony. 6 To go on record against this proposed 7 merger would be perceived as dismissing and 8 betraying the efforts of one of the strongest 9 supporters of my organization, and of the 10 community development credit union industry 11 which of course is Citibank. 12 To advocate for the merger could risk 13 ignoring some glaring threats to consumer 14 interests, and more specifically to my 15 community, an area that has endured its own 16 history of betrayal and dismissal. 17 But, ultimately, staying home while 18 the future of financial services as we know it 19 is to be discussed would be a disservice to my 20 colleagues at Citibank and the people of 21 Central Brooklyn. 22 Simply put, too much is at stake and 23 as one of the few organizations in Central 24 Brooklyn that has and explicit mandate to serve 25 as community reinvestment advocate and watch . 541 1 2 dog, staying home, no matter how convenient, 3 would be irresponsible and ultimately 4 unconscionable. 5 I'm sure I don't have to tell you 6 that Central Brooklyn has been a long-standing 7 victim of bank redlining, discrimination and 8 disregard. 9 In the nation's largest black 10 community in the last ten years alone we have 11 seen twice as many bank branches close as we 12 have seen open. Nationally there is one bank 13 branch for every five thousand people. In 14 Central Brooklyn there is one bank branch for 15 every 23,000 people. 16 A now somewhat outdated study of bank 17 lending showed that for every dollar deposited 18 in local banks, less than one penny was 19 reinvested back into the community. 20 Check cashing operations inevitably 21 step in. And in Central Brooklyn there are 22 twice as many cash checking operations as there 23 are bank branches. 24 Into this environment came the 25 Central Brooklyn Partner in 1991. The . 542 1 2 Partnership provides education and training on 3 financial literacy issues and organizers and 4 advocates around community reinvestment issues. 5 The Partnership runs the youth empowerment 6 program, a leadership development and financial 7 education program for young people, the Sisters 8 Lending Circle, a financial self-sufficiency 9 support group for people who receive public 10 assistance, and an economic justice program 11 which conducts research on local financial 12 patterns, and, as I mentioned earlier, serves 13 as a CRA watch dog. 14 In 1993 the Partnership created the 15 Central Brooklyn Federal Credit Union a 16 financial cooperative that serves more than 17 five thousand people who live, work, worship 18 and do business in Central Brooklyn has almost 19 five million in assets and has made millions of 20 dollars of loans over the past five years. 21 And yet the credit union, while one 22 of the largest community development financial 23 institutions in all of New York City struggles 24 on many levels to remain healthy and robust in 25 a credit parched area. . 543 1 2 Since the beginning, Citibank has 3 been there for us. As one of our first 4 nonmember investors, Citibank helped capitalize 5 the credit union and enabled us to make low 6 interest personal and small business loans to 7 our membership almost immediately upon the 8 credit unions opening with a zero interest 9 deposit of $100,000 dollars. 10 Eager to support us in our early 11 growth period, Citibank made a grant of 12 $10,000. 13 Over the years we have also received 14 several grants for our youth program, 15 participated in a Citibank technical assistance 16 program for not-for-profit community developers 17 and have turned to people like Janet Thompson 18 for advice. 19 As you know from the testimony of the 20 National Federation of Community Development 21 Credit Unions, Citibank has made a sizable 22 development in community development credit 23 unions nationwide and Central Brooklyn is 24 scheduled to soon receive a $55,000 equity 25 grant through Federation. . 544 1 2 Depending upon how Citibank responds 3 to the rest of my testimony, I plan to make 4 additional requests for grants for the 5 Partnership and deposits for the credit union. 6 Unequivocally, Citibank has been a 7 full partner in our organizational efforts to 8 rebuild the economy of Central Brooklyn, but 9 although my organization quickly turned 10 Citibank investments into the Partnership into 11 an instrument that vastly improved the quality 12 of peoples' lives, it would be arrogant and 13 narrow minded to conclude that meeting 14 organizational needs fulfills a financial 15 institutions obligation to the people of low 16 and moderate income neighborhoods. 17 Let's be real. Community 18 reinvestment and the consideration of mergers 19 are not just about measuring a bank's support 20 of neighborhood-based community efforts, no 21 matter how impressive. 22 It's also more importantly about the 23 quality accessibility and affordability of a 24 bank's financial product and what the sum of 25 this proposed mergers parts mean for the future . 545 1 2 survivability of my community. 3 On that count I have deep-seated 4 fears and reservations. I am concerned that 5 Citibank's record of mortgage lending, once the 6 best in Central Brooklyn, has fallen 7 precipitously over the last ten years. I am 8 concerned with Citibank's growing complacency 9 in my neighborhood and its most recent failure 10 to participate in a fund raising consortium to 11 support the credit union, because it's based 12 more value on it's rivalry with Chase then the 13 future of my institution and the people we 14 serve. 15 I am concerned with Citibank's 16 prohibitively high fees for its consumer retail 17 services such as checking, where there is no 18 low to mid range pricing between life-line and 19 ridiculously expensive no-fee checking. 20 I am concerned that Citibank's 21 increasing global banking strategy is coming at 22 the expense of communities like Central 23 Brooklyn and that this merger will make them 24 even less focused on our needs. 25 I am deeply suspicious of any . 546 1 2 community reinvestment pledge, 115 billion, or 3 otherwise made while a merger is being 4 considered and I am disgusted at the way this 5 proposed merger, which at this moment in time 6 is illegal, has been treated as a foregone 7 conclusion probably turning the hearing into a 8 cynical exercise, yet again watching the 9 restless natives jump up and down and shout 10 ugga-bugga. 11 I think that ACORN had the right idea 12 yesterday when they came in here, shut the 13 place down for a moment, and made us consider 14 whether we even have the slightest bit of power 15 to direct the effects of this monumental 16 decision. 17 I for one am not going to go home and 18 passively sit by to a deal cut in the corporate 19 hallway. 20 I again acknowledge Citibank's 21 financial support of Central Brooklyn through 22 my two organizations, one of which makes loans 23 to people that every other lender has now 24 abandoned. This is a testament to Citibank's 25 reinvestment record and I'm here to bear . 547 1 2 witness to that. 3 God knows I hope the support 4 continues, and that Citibank approves the 5 deposit request that I plan to submit next 6 week. 7 (Laughter) 8 But at the risk of sounding 9 ungrateful, that is simply not enough. My 10 recommendations are simple and broad. 11 I challenge Citibank to either be a 12 more aggressive supporter of community 13 development, make more mortgage and small 14 business loans in my neighborhood, and provide 15 products that can be more widely used by people 16 of low and moderate income or give up its 17 merger plan. 18 I know you have the power, Citibank, 19 and resources. Use them. I challenge the 20 Federal Reserve to enforce this, set higher 21 standards for the consummation of this merger 22 proposal and not be seduced or rolled over by 23 the seeming inevitability of this deal. Don't 24 sacrifice my neighborhood for the sake of 25 making financial history. . 548 1 2 Thank you. 3 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Griffith. 4 Any questions from the panel? 5 MR. ALVAREZ: I have a question, 6 Mr. Griffith, do you think that the Citi is 7 learning at all from its Partnership with you 8 about how better to meet the needs of Brooklyn 9 directly? 10 MR. GRIFFITH: I think so. I mean 11 one of the advantages to working with us is 12 that we sort of cover all bases. Not only do 13 we do financial literacy and advocacy, but we 14 also include a financial organization itself, 15 so we are in the business of making loans and 16 provide financial services, and so not only are 17 powerless but there are ways in which we can 18 empathize with each other, and ways in which 19 they can learn and we can learn from them. 20 So I think that the relationship has 21 been very beneficial. I think the relationship 22 that they have established with the National 23 Federation of Community Development Credit 24 Unions has been very helpful as well. 25 Again, my fear is that they have . 549 1 2 rested on that, and they, I think, recently 3 over the past few years, have not really gone 4 beyond that and, again, I don't want to dismiss 5 or discount those efforts, because it's a lot 6 more than what most banks are doing to be quite 7 frank, but, again, to work through 8 intermediaries and organizations like ours, 9 it's just, it's not enough. 10 It's easy to say that you're doing 11 things when you have middle class people who 12 run these organizations coming up here and 13 testifying and saying thank you for those 14 contributions, but it does not necessarily, 15 does not necessarily mean that those services 16 are being translated into better product and 17 community investment efforts for the people 18 who, the low and moderate income people, who 19 live and work there. 20 MR. LONEY: Any other questions? 21 MR. ALVAREZ: Thank you very much. 22 MR. LONEY: I will wish you luck on 23 your grant request. 24 MR. GRIFFITH: Thank you. 25 (Laughter) . 550 1 2 MR. LONEY: I'd like to call panel 3 23, Carlisle Towery, Anne C. Robinson, Rhonda 4 Kotelchuck, Samuel C. Hamilton, Steven 5 Alexander, Audi Abernathy and Rev. Floyd Flake. 6 Rev. Flake, you were scheduled 7 earlier today so we will begin with you, and I 8 can claim the prerogative of the chair, I will 9 tell you that the one time I had the, shall we 10 say, pleasure of testifying in Congress, you 11 were on this side of the gavel and I was on 12 that side of the gavel. 13 REV. FLAKE: I hope I treated you 14 fairly. 15 (Laughter) 16 MR. LONEY: It was more bloody in the 17 contemplation than in the doing, I will tell 18 you. 19 REV. FLAKE: I thank you very much. 20 MR. LONEY: I appreciate you coming 21 and if you will begin the panel, I appreciate 22 it. 23 REV. FLAKE: Thank you very much, and 24 thank you for allowing this privilege to speak 25 first. Obviously, my schedule has gotten . 551 1 2 backed up, since I'm doing a group of seminars 3 up at Harvard for ministers from around the 4 country and I flew in to do this hearing, 5 because I think it is so critical. 6 In 1986 I was elected to the US House 7 of Representatives and assigned to the House 8 Banking Committee. During the first few years 9 of my tenure there I was assigned to a task 10 force headed by Doug Maynard from Georgia with 11 the responsibility of trying to determine how 12 we might best inform the financial service 13 industry. 14 One of the discoveries we made was 15 that America at that time did not have a single 16 bank in the top 25 in the world, and, 17 therefore, part of our challenge was trying to 18 repeal Glass-Stegall in a way that would allow 19 for modernization process that would open doors 20 for banks and other industries like them to be 21 able to work together in trying to give the 22 best service to the American citizenry, and to 23 the citizenry of the world, realizing that the 24 world now has become much smaller, particularly 25 in relationship to how we do our financial . 552 1 2 business. 3 Today as we come, having served as 4 Chairman of the Committee on Oversight 5 Investigation for one term, and recently 6 retired in December as the ranking member of 7 the Committee on Domestic and International 8 Monetary Policy, I realize that we are still 9 facing a major crisis as it relates to the 10 place of the American banking community in the 11 world at large. 12 Other systems have seen fit to open 13 doors of possibility so that other industries 14 could function in ways that would allow for the 15 best means of delivering services to the 16 majority of people. 17 As we have it currently in America, 18 one has to make decisions about where to invest 19 their money, to another place to decide where 20 to buy their insurance, another place to be 21 able to make other decisions relative to their 22 financial well being. It is my contention 23 after years of looking at this problem that it 24 is in the best interests of this nation to 25 create the best mechanism possible for these . 553 1 2 entities to be able to work together. 3 I realize that the Congress has been 4 slow in making a decision in relationship to 5 bank modernization, but I don't think we can 6 afford to wait for the Congress. 7 As you know, the Congress moves based 8 on political will. The political will has not 9 been there to make the decision that I think is 10 appropriate for the banking industry. 11 Therefore, Citi and Travelers have made the 12 decision that I think must be honored. It must 13 be honored because it represents to us a major 14 step in trying to move forward at a process 15 that has for years lied dormant. 16 The reality is our practices relative 17 particularly to the Glass-Stegal Act have been 18 those that were put in place over 50 years ago. 19 They are not the most modern as it relates to 20 our ability to function in a competitive 21 environment and therefore are critical to the 22 survival of the industry. 23 Someone argued that the problem is 24 that bigger is not always better. I would 25 suggest that that may well be true, but the . 554 1 2 alternative is even worse. Those banks that 3 could not compete in this environment would 4 generally not be able to provide the level of 5 services that we can anticipate from banks that 6 have the capability of delivering a wide range 7 of services that constituents feel a necessity 8 of going to. 9 Our challenge becomes to understand 10 not only the industry, but to understand the 11 fullness of this responsibility, and a part of 12 that responsibility is obviously to ensure that 13 there are fair practices on the part of the 14 bank. 15 HMDA data clearly indicates and has 16 indicated over the last twenty or thirty years 17 that the Boston Study, particularly since the 18 Boston Study of 1987 negates that there have 19 been some practices on the part of the banking 20 community in general in relationship to 21 redlining and other practices that have 22 mitigated against the possibility of the 23 development of many communities in this nation, 24 particularly urban communities where there is a 25 need for access to capital for the rebuilding . 555 1 2 of commercial strips that have deteriorated, 3 the building of homes so that people can begin 4 the process of building the necessary equity to 5 become a full participant in American society; 6 beyond that to share in the American dream, 7 which is everyone's desire. 8 It is my hope that as this merger 9 moves forward there will be some prophecy by 10 which Citi will evaluate it's overall role in 11 community development, it's role in allowing 12 institutions in those communities that have 13 been underserved and overlooked to become full 14 partners in the process of development. 15 Clearly, the weak link has been 16 capital. I must say Citibank in participating 17 in a 15 million dollar loan to my church 18 recently in the recent development of our 19 church with another seven banks joining with 20 them, show the model that could be emulated 21 throughout this nation, a model whereby banks 22 who do not want to take the major risk of 23 putting their capital on the line for an 24 institution, may do so through participation 25 with other banks. . 556 1 2 Citi has also demonstrated some 3 capability in its funding of many of the 4 financial institutions in urban communities 5 that would have otherwise gone out of business 6 by now. I would urge them to continue in that 7 participation. 8 I would ask the Fed that you be 9 vigilant in your pursuit of insuring that the 10 mandates are fully met, but I do believe that 11 you have the capability to do it. I know you 12 have the capability of doing it. Mr. Greenspan 13 has testified numerous times before committees 14 that I have sat on, and I believe that it is 15 the will of the Fed to participate in the 16 process of building a great and stronger 17 nation. 18 Indeed, I've worked with many of the 19 members of the Governors, traveled with the 20 Governors several years ago when we were 21 looking at how the Fed might become more 22 involved in our community development 23 processes, and believe that at the heart of the 24 Fed there are those that have an interest in 25 trying to assure this development take place . 557 1 2 because they realize it is in the long term 3 interests of America. 4 So I conclude by merely suggesting 5 that this body would move forward in voting in 6 support of the merger of Travelers and 7 Citicorp. 8 I believe that these two entities 9 together represents for us a very strong 10 financial institution. Its reach will not only 11 be limited to the borders of this nation, but 12 indeed, place this bank and this insurance 13 group in a category where they will be able to 14 participate with the largest banks in the 15 world. 16 We cannot do any less if we expect to 17 remain competitive. We must do this in order 18 to assure that not only does Citi continue to 19 grow in its ability and it's reach, but also to 20 assure that this merger demonstrates to the 21 Congress that it is time for them to not 22 continue to allow politics to dictate the 23 direction of this nation as it relates to 24 financial policy, but, indeed, to move forward 25 with bank modernization, which I think is . 558 1 2 critical for our overall and long-term 3 survival. 4 To that end, I yield the balance of 5 my time. Oh, I'm not in the House any more. 6 (Laughter) 7 I yield my time, which the young lady 8 says has expired anyway. 9 (Laughter) 10 MR. LONEY: Thank you very much. 11 Mr. Towery. 12 MR. TOWERY: Thank you. I'm from 13 Greater Jamaica Development Corporation which 14 is a private not-for-profit local development 15 organization whose mission is to encourage and 16 facilitate the economic recovery and 17 revitalization of downtown Jamaica and it's 18 environs. 19 We're formed in 1967 by business, 20 civic and community leaders, including 21 commercial banks, and have worked since that 22 time in close partnership with all sectors to 23 carry out the plan to transfer Jamaica's older 24 downtown into a modern center of business, 25 commercial and industrial employment, higher . 559 1 2 education, the arts, transportation and housing 3 improvement. 4 This plan was prepared by Regional 5 Plan associates, city government and local 6 leaders to service to some half million 7 residents who live in twenty-one neighborhoods 8 around this downtown. 9 We appreciate this opportunity. We 10 are after all end-users of financial 11 institution products and our communities are 12 the beneficiaries when those products are 13 shaped and tailored and prioritized to enable 14 community development and to capacitate its 15 practitioners. 16 My comments are emphasizing the 17 involvement and support we have received from 18 Citibank over the thirty-one years of our 19 economic development and community reinvestment 20 work in Jamaica. 21 This community, working to recover 22 from a ten-year period, 1975 to 1985 of severe 23 economic trauma, uncertainty and a general loss 24 of public confidence, has benefited 25 significantly from Citibank good works. It's . 560 1 2 not an overstatement to characterize the good 3 works of this good corporate citizen as 4 exemplary. 5 Jamaica has progressed from a 6 characterization at least as a low and moderate 7 income community to what is now clearly a 8 moderate to middle income emerging area. 9 Citibank aggressive proactive lending 10 programs in that area account I believe for 11 increased home ownership, business growth, and 12 other economic activities. 13 They have a very active branch in 14 Jamaica center, and their headquarter units and 15 the community development units are very 16 responsive to us. They have provided strong 17 and ongoing leadership for Greater Jamaica 18 Development Corporation's efforts, serving 19 consistently on our board with able senior 20 representation which has been exceptionally 21 active and involved. 22 Citibank's contributions to our 23 board's activities have included a high level 24 of intelligence and interest in our general 25 governance, sponsorship of retreats, meetings . 561 1 2 and special events, chairs of committees, 3 provision of in-kind services, including a 4 loaned executive for two years who helped us 5 establish a special revolving loan fund, 6 advocacy with government, and financial 7 contributions at leadership levels toward our 8 general operations and for special projects. 9 Citibank has participated in the 10 provision of local small business loans through 11 our revolving loan plan which is capitalized by 12 the US Economic Development Administration, New 13 York State Empire State Development and the 14 City of New York Department of Business 15 Services using CDBG funds, federal community 16 block grants funds. 17 Citibank provided us with a mortgage 18 loan for improving and refinancing our 19 headquarter office building, provided operating 20 support along with board and other leadership 21 for three of our associated and affiliated 22 organizations, Jamaica Arts Center, King Manor 23 Museum and Jamaica Business Resource Center, 24 that we helped establish back in the '70s, 25 which Congressman Flake helped us with the SBA . 562 1 2 loan and now is an independent and wonderful 3 entity. 4 Through Citibank pioneering Culture 5 Builds Community Program and participation in 6 something called the Arts Forward Fund, 7 Citibank helped launch an arts initiative in 8 Jamaica called Culture Collaboration Jamaica 9 and continues to support it. Their leadership 10 and support for York College, another key 11 project in Jamaica for which we were somewhat 12 instrumental. 13 Working with Citibank people is 14 inevitably a productive process for us. They 15 are thorough and eager to facilitate results to 16 get things done. 17 Their corporate and personal 18 involvement in Jamaica I believe has been 19 material in the success of this community 20 revitalization. 21 As a long-term practitioner of local 22 economic development working in the trenches 23 and on the front line, if you will, let me 24 respectfully raise some matters for the new 25 Citigroup's consideration. . 563 1 2 In our three decades of work in 3 Jamaica very challenging endeavors which are 4 high in public purpose, only modest involvement 5 have come from insurance companies and the 6 investment banking community to date. We 7 enjoyed the services of a loan executive from 8 Met Life for a key project. Equitable has 9 provided us with two mortgages that were key 10 projects. Merrill Lynch Foundation has enabled 11 the startup and investor retention effort over 12 that thirty years, but our experience suggests 13 that the interest of the investment banking and 14 insurance communities typically appear to be 15 elsewhere, only slightly related to urban 16 economic or community development. 17 Thus, we're keen to know whether this 18 acquisition will unleash the skills, the no how 19 and the resources of Travelers and Salomon and 20 Smith Barney in community development, and, if 21 so, how? 22 One, will any of the products of the 23 Travelers Group be tailored and focused on 24 community development objectives? For example, 25 we'd welcome a long view of insurers in . 564 1 2 financing small real estate projects that are 3 admittedly small for them, and it would be very 4 helpful for Jamaica's local economy if our 5 community small contractors were enabled to 6 participate in the major construction projects 7 under way in Jamaica through a prequalification 8 and special bonding method so that they can 9 compete. 10 Two. Will Salomon Smith Barney 11 devote its entrepreneurial know-how to places 12 like Jamaica bringing its professional skills 13 to bear on the community development? 14 Many of our companies, perhaps most 15 of our companies are simply outside corporate 16 America's mainstream, often small and not well 17 capitalized minority and women-owned, but they 18 are often energetic and with significant 19 potential. 20 We welcome a partnership with an 21 investment bank to identify and nurture the 22 special opportunities in Jamaica, and 23 opportunities are being missed, we believe, to 24 create markets there, literally creates markets 25 there and the products to serve them. . 565 1 2 There should be ways and means to 3 make these companies eligible for the capital 4 markets. 5 For us, these are intriguing and 6 proper questions for the new Citigroup given 7 the special capacities it will have from 8 combined commercial banking, insurance and 9 investment banking and we support this 10 acquisition with some enthusiasm. 11 Thank you. 12 MR. LONEY: Thank you Mr. Towery. 13 Ms. Robinson. 14 MS. ROBINSON: Good morning. I am 15 executive director of both Bridgeport 16 Neighborhood Fund and Bridgeport Neighborhood 17 Trust, which are located in Bridgeport, 18 Connecticut. For those of you not familiar 19 with Bridgeport, it's located in Fairfield 20 county in Connecticut, one of the nation's most 21 affluent counties. Bridgeport unfortunately 22 hasn't shared in that affluence very much. It 23 not only is Fairfield County's poorest city, 24 it's one of the two poorest cities in 25 Connecticut, and would be a poor city I think . 566 1 2 in any state. 3 That said, Bridgeport Neighborhood 4 Fund's mission is as a community developing 5 bank to make loans to rehabilitate substandard 6 rental housing. We get funds from six 7 participating banks, Citibank being one of 8 those banks, which lends funds to us, so that 9 we can relend them for our rehab activities. 10 My other organization, Bridgeport 11 Neighborhood Trust, is a community organization 12 which tries to support the efforts of residents 13 to improve the quality of their lives. We have 14 a number of programs, and Citibank has been a 15 long-time supporter of those, both financial 16 contributions and also people sitting on both 17 my boards, both the fund and the trust boards. 18 Interestingly, I can honestly say 19 that Citibank CRA officer Ellen Power is the 20 only CRA officer who ever calls me up and asked 21 me what Citibank can do for us. Usually I'm 22 knocking on other people's doors asking them to 23 do things for me. Also Citibank is the only 24 bank which has asked if they can lend us more 25 money and, again, it's usually the reverse. . 567 1 2 All of this has been done by Citibank 3 despite the fact that they do not have a branch 4 in Bridgeport. The nearest branch is in the 5 adjacent town of Fairfield, so I do believe 6 that their commitment to our organizations and 7 to Bridgeport is truly to improve the community 8 as opposed to being really driven only by CRA 9 concern, not taking deposits in Bridgeport. 10 I am hopeful that the merger will be 11 beneficial and I am here to support it. 12 Travelers in the past has been 13 contributor to another neighborhood 14 organization in Bridgeport, Neighborhood 15 Housing Services. Right now it's actually 16 easier in Bridgeport to get a loan than it is 17 insurance, so, I can say that Travelers is a 18 company which writes a fair amount of insurance 19 in Bridgeport, but I'm hoping that the merger 20 will result in more business being done in 21 Bridgeport, certainly if they pick up 22 Citibank's philanthropic bent I think that will 23 be the case. 24 Salomon Smith Barney obviously 25 doesn't have much of a presence in the city but . 568 1 2 I'm encouraged by seeing the types of programs 3 that they are starting to enact in other area 4 of the country, and I'm hopeful that that, too, 5 will have a beneficial effect in Bridgeport. 6 So on the whole I'm hopeful about the 7 merger, and I think that it should have good 8 impact on the city life of Bridgeport because 9 it should bring more resources into the 10 community such as ours. Thank you. 11 MR. LONEY: Thank you. Ms. 12 Kotelchuck. 13 MS. KOTELCHUCK: Thank you. My name 14 is Rhonda Kotelchuck. I'm the executive 15 director of the Primary Care Development 16 Corporation. 17 Thank you for this opportunity to 18 testify with regard to the work that we have 19 done over the last several years with the 20 community development group at Citibank. 21 The Primary Care Development 22 Corporation is a not-for-profit corporation 23 created to assure access to quality primary 24 health care in medically underserved 25 communities of New York City. We do this by . 569 1 2 providing financing and technical assistance to 3 nonprofit community health centers, hospitals 4 and primary care providers to build new or 5 expanded facilities in these communities. 6 Among our most important tools is a 7 24 million dollar loan fund created for the 8 financing of smaller facilities. Citibank has 9 not only been instrumental to the structuring 10 of the loan fund, but has also committed five 11 million dollars to the loan fund. Citibank has 12 also made it clear that it's interested in 13 expanding its relationship with Primary Care 14 Development Corporation and has offered 15 financing as well as its time and best thinking 16 to help us further our mission. 17 In the course of the coming year we 18 will work with Citibank in exploring several 19 new arenas, including different sources of 20 credit enhancement, the potential for creating 21 a similar loan vehicle in underserved areas 22 upstate and the expansion of our technical 23 assistance programs for project sponsors in 24 financial operations. 25 To date we have financed 15 . 570 1 2 facilities that collectively will provide basic 3 preventive and primary health care to some 4 220,000 New Yorkers living in all five boroughs 5 of New York City. Ten of these facilities are 6 now operating. We also have an active pipeline 7 of some dozen additional facilities in earlier 8 stages of development. 9 This record of achievement clearly 10 would have been impossible without the active 11 and creative involvement of the Citibank 12 community development group. We look forward 13 to a continued partnership in meeting the 14 health care needs of New York City's 15 underserved community. 16 Thank you. 17 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. 18 Kotelchuck. 19 Mr. Hamilton. 20 MR. HAMILTON: Good morning. I'm 21 executive director of the Hartford Economic 22 Development Corporation and the Greater 23 Hartford Business Development Center of 24 Hartford, Connecticut. 25 These companies provide technical . 571 1 2 assistance, loan packaging and subordinate debt 3 financing for small and medium-sized businesses 4 in Hartford and the surrounding region. 5 Both organizations have provided loan 6 assistance for business startup and expansion 7 projects located in low and moderate-income 8 neighborhoods. Since 1983, we provided more 9 than 19 and a half million dollars in loan 10 assistance resulting in the retention of almost 11 1700 jobs and the creation of another nine 12 hundred new jobs in those areas. 13 Since we are often considered a 14 lender of last resort, these much-needed funds 15 help to create jobs in companies and in 16 communities that can provide goods and services 17 that ordinarily would not be accessible to the 18 residents of these communities. 19 Of the four hundred fifty clients 20 that we serve annually, more than 60 percent of 21 our loans are given to minority and women-owned 22 businesses. The ability of the Economic 23 Development Corporation in the business 24 development center to provide services at no 25 charge for more than twenty years is directly . 572 1 2 related to the support of outstanding corporate 3 citizens like the Travelers. 4 In our early years Travelers donated 5 management and technical resources to our firm. 6 Travelers also provides a million dollars in 7 funds and loan pool targeted for women and 8 minority-owned businesses, certainly a group 9 which has and continues to have in many cases 10 access to capital. 11 Travelers has consistently been 12 represented on our board of directors and has 13 helped share our growth in contributions to the 14 community. On January 1 of 1997, Travelers 15 converted its original low interest loan of one 16 million dollars to a grant. This generosity 17 will enable our organization to continue to 18 resolve this loan pool for a considerable 19 period of time. 20 As you might expect, Travelers' 21 involvement in our community has not been 22 limited just to the companies I represent. A 23 $100,000 grant in 1986 to the Connecticut Small 24 Business Development Center, and funding for 25 the Womens Business Enterprise Specialist . 573 1 2 Program have enabled these organizations to 3 flourish and become the entrepreneurial center 4 at the Hartford College for Women. 5 This program has become a national 6 model for helping women entrepreneurs gain 7 self-sufficiency. The center continues to be a 8 collaborative effort between corporate, public 9 and private entities. 10 In 1997 the Travelers Foundation gave 11 the Entrepreneurial Center a $75,000 grant to 12 help provide small business loans for women. 13 Lastly, as chairman of the board of 14 the United Way of the Capital Area, I have seen 15 firsthand Travelers' commitment to assuring 16 that those with the greatest needs and the 17 least resources are served by the United Way 18 agencies in our community. 19 In the last four years alone, 20 Travelers' employees have contributed more than 21 three million dollars to the community 22 campaign. As to the Travelers' corporate gift, 23 that total ballooned to more than 4.2 million 24 dollars. 25 Travelers corporate concerns is . 574 1 2 consistently positive in most, if not all, 3 areas of concern in Hartford and the region. 4 It is for these reasons and others too numerous 5 to mention in the time allotted that I speak in 6 favor of combining Citicorp and the Travelers. 7 I am certain that the new entity will do even 8 greater good than is being done in the 9 communities they currently serve. 10 Thank you. 11 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Hamilton. 12 Ms. Abernathy. 13 MS. ABERNATHY: Good morning. Thank 14 you for this opportunity to speak on behalf of 15 Elaine Edmond, executive director of the Harlem 16 YMCA. 17 I'd like to say that there is a new 18 Citibank branch opening on 134th Street and 19 Eighth Avenue in Harlem. 20 Citibank has been and active 21 supporter of the Harlem YMCA since the 1971 22 inception of our National Salute to Black 23 Achievers in Industry Awards Dinner. They have 24 been our leading sponsor, generally donating 25 annually towards our various youth programs. . 575 1 2 Recently as a corporate sponsor they 3 contributed considerably in support of the 4 Jackie Robinson Youth Center. They stay in 5 constant contact with us, seeking additional 6 ways to collaborate with the Harlem YMCA, to 7 continue to support our youth programs and the 8 community. 9 Citicorp Citibank and the Harlem YMCA 10 have had and continue to have one of the most 11 positive relationships in the Harlem community. 12 Citibank is one of the very few large 13 institutions that has remained consistent in 14 their support of our community needs. 15 Their financial support has enabled 16 the Harlem YMCA to offer, in addition to our 17 youth programs, a wide variety of innovative 18 programs for the YMCA families we assist. We 19 have been able to increase and expand our 20 outreach services to a larger portion of our 21 community. 22 In recent years the population of 23 Harlem has changed to a multicultural, 24 multiracial diverse population with different 25 challenges. With Citibank as a staunch . 576 1 2 supporter we are able to meet some of these 3 challenges. We provide full-day services to 4 preschool children ranging in ages from 2.9 to 5 5 years old. Our after-school activities also 6 assist parents who need child care until 7 p.m. 7 for students ages 16 to 17 who require a safe, 8 secure structured environment. 9 Citibank recognized our increased 10 need of services when welfare reform required 11 custodial parents to join the work force. 12 Citibank approached us with ideas and financial 13 assistance to fulfill this new demand from our 14 community. 15 I came today to give testimony so 16 people can be made aware of the vital 17 assistance the Harlem YMCA receives from 18 Citicorp Citibank. The needs of the Harlem 19 community continue to increase, and so does the 20 need for financial support. 21 It is comforting for us at the Harlem 22 YMCA to know our collaboration with Citibank is 23 still a supporting one. 24 Thank you. 25 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Abernathy. . 577 1 2 I have a couple of questions. First 3 of all, Mr. Towery, I'm not sure if I am clear 4 totally. I understand that you were testifying 5 that there are a number of things that Citicorp 6 has done for you, loan access programs and such 7 as that, but either I missed it, or you didn't 8 say whether they have actually made loans to 9 your organization or through your organization. 10 MR. TOWERY: Yes, they have. The 11 mortgage on our building, our headquarter 12 building is with Citibank, one million six I 13 think it is. They've made several small 14 business loans through our revolving loan fund 15 that we participate and usually fill gaps, the 16 banks help the banks and with blended rates and 17 participated in several of those, and then I 18 think I mentioned that their expertise helped 19 us actually start that revolving loan fund. 20 MR. LONEY: Okay, thank you. Anybody 21 have any questions of the panel? 22 MS. KENT: I have. Ms. Abernathy, is 23 that a full-service bank? 24 MS. ABERNATHY: Yes, the new one 25 that's opening. As a matter of fact, . 578 1 2 ironically the vice-president and two of the 3 managers came to visit me yesterday. They came 4 to look at the branch, the Harlem YMCA offices 5 and their services there, because being that 6 they were new in the community they wanted to 7 familiarize themselves with us, and I had the 8 opportunity of meeting them then. They will be 9 on the corner of 134th and Seventh Avenue in 10 Harlem. I didn't bring my notes from the 11 meeting, but I believe they are opening in 12 August. 13 MS. KENT: That's what I'm trying to 14 ask, are they opening a full-service branch, 15 not just a -- 16 MS. ABERNATHY: No, it's a 17 full-service bank in Harlem. 18 MR. LONEY: I have a question of 19 Mr. Flake. 20 Don't you miss Washington? 21 (Laughter) 22 That's not really my question, but I 23 thought I'd ask it anyway. 24 REV. FLAKE: Actually, there is 25 something wrong with me, I haven't even had . 579 1 2 withdrawal from that. 3 MR. LONEY: One of the things that is 4 interesting from your perspective, given your 5 distinguished career in Congress, a number of 6 folks have come in and argued the illegality of 7 this transaction saying that the law as it 8 presently stands is against this transaction 9 being approved. 10 One might anticipate that one with 11 your perspective of having spent sometime in 12 Congress might share that, and it's interesting 13 to me that you don't seem to, and I wonder if 14 you could talk to me about that a bit. 15 REV. FLAKE: Well, one of the things 16 I learned in my 11 years in Congress is that 17 the wheels of progress there generally turn 18 relatively slow. 19 Most progressive moves in this nation 20 have been made outside of the political 21 process, with the political process ultimately 22 catching up and then jumping in front, and 23 doing what is necessary to clear the way. 24 I would argue that to wait, I'd 25 rather see us move forward, and if there are . 580 1 2 going to be legal challenges, allow those 3 challenges to move through the Court process, 4 even if it goes all the way to the Supreme 5 Court, to make some determinations that I think 6 are in the best long term interests, not only 7 of the industry in general, but in the 8 long-term interests of America. 9 I don't think we can afford to 10 continue in what I call the substandard state 11 relative to other countries of the world 12 waiting for Congress to act. I think it is 13 imperative that there can be a process that 14 people can at least have an opportunity to 15 evaluate, gather some data from, and I think 16 this may wind up being the model for future 17 mergers and will serve as a major impetus to 18 put forward the process that I think is very 19 archaic and outdated. 20 So I think history of our nation has 21 always been, regardless of what the law is in 22 the pure sense of the word, there are other 23 interpretations of the spirit of that law, as 24 has been evidenced by other changes that have 25 taken place in the financial services industry . 581 1 2 and those changes have taken place in spite of 3 the limitations of the Congress. 4 MR. ALVAREZ: We've been privileged 5 with this panel and other panels in the last 6 day and a half to hear from community groups, 7 organizations that are doing real work in the 8 trenches and helping a variety, a diverse 9 variety of needs and one of the points that you 10 made today, and others have made is that banks' 11 support of your program is very important and 12 allows you to do what you are doing. 13 Others have suggested that there is 14 room for banks to do, to support these groups 15 and to direct activities themselves and perhaps 16 banks are relying too much on organizations 17 such as yours and funding organizations such as 18 yours and retreating from doing direct 19 activity, direct lending, direct investment 20 which really competes with your organization, 21 but would be other means to the community. 22 My question is, do you have that 23 sense? Do you have the sense that banks are 24 relying too much on other intermediaries or 25 organizations that are in the trenches of the . 582 1 2 community and are withdrawing their own direct 3 involvement in the community? 4 MS. ABERNATHY: I would -- 5 MS. ROBINSON: I'd like to address 6 that, because Bridgeport Neighborhood Fund is a 7 community development bank, and so we are 8 making loans. 9 What I find with the type of lending 10 that we do, it's such a very peculiar niche and 11 you have to have a great deal of knowledge, not 12 only about the community, but also typically 13 about the borrower. Lots of times you're not 14 just looking at financial information about 15 that borrower, but you really need to know 16 something about either the individual or the 17 not-for-profit background and you're making a 18 loan as much on that as you are on any 19 financial information that you're getting. 20 I think it would be very difficult 21 for a conventional bank to have the type of 22 knowledge that we have and that we need to make 23 the kind of loans that we're making, and I 24 think that's one of the reasons that the six 25 banks support us because they recognize that we . 583 1 2 are better capable of making those loans. 3 Also, we make small loans. Our 4 typical loans are between $200,000, the 5 transaction cost for any banks to try to handle 6 a loan of that size would just be prohibitive, 7 so either the borrower would be getting charged 8 more fees or we'd really be costing the bank a 9 lot of money to do those types of loans, and, 10 actually, we'll do loans down to thirty 11 thousand dollars, so I just don't think it 12 would be make sense that a bank would put in 13 resources and try to make the type of loans 14 that we do. 15 MR. LONEY: Ms. Abernathy? 16 MS. ABERNATHY: Yes. I think the 17 fact that the familiarity of the population of 18 our communities with us is easier for them to 19 approach us than it would be directly going to 20 the large institution. I think being 21 intermediaries your supportive of the community 22 needs in that respect. 23 MR. HAMILTON: I would just like to 24 add one point to that. One of the things that 25 we're seeing in our community, perhaps the . 584 1 2 intermediaries, that the bank have used us 3 somewhat as a research or laboratory in a sense 4 and we're now seeing a tremendous amount of 5 activity in marketing, if you will, to the 6 small business segment by a number of the banks 7 in our community. 8 So I do believe that they have made 9 an amazing discovery that you can lend in these 10 markets to this type of business, and have it 11 be profitable. I think there will always be 12 the niche that is spoken of here that you need 13 some specialized type of expertise and time and 14 effort with, but you do see more, at least in 15 our marketplace, more involvement of the area 16 banks as they get more into small business 17 centers, small business lending, and marketing, 18 specifically, the small minority-women-owned 19 businesses as they continue to emerge as a 20 major force in the economy. 21 MR. TOWERY: You may I say that I 22 understand the appeal of wholesaling products 23 and services that larger banks have, but my 24 caveat would be that there is a risk of getting 25 out of the retailing of their products if those . 585 1 2 intermediaries are really large in terms of 3 geographic interest. Community intermediaries, 4 our little resolving loan fund a big loan for 5 us $150,000, but I do think community-scale 6 intermediaries, national regional 7 intermediaries, I'm sure there is a wonderful 8 function for them and requirement there, but I 9 think relying on just large scale 10 intermediaries at the experience of retailing 11 their products and dealing directly with local 12 communities is not a very good idea. 13 I haven't seen that huge trend in any 14 way, but I do think it's a risk worth watching. 15 REV. FLAKE: As a community developer 16 is what I do more so than what I was doing in 17 politics, I think it is critical for us to 18 understand that the actual loan of the bank 19 requires that they have a system by which they 20 can measure some standards and some 21 accountability. 22 I think the worst thing would be to 23 listen to some of those who basically would 24 draw us back into a process that would be 25 nothing but a replication of what happened with . 586 1 2 Model Cities and some of the other programs, 3 and that is that there would be dumping of 4 monies into communities through other kinds of 5 intermediaries and those monies would not be 6 accountable, and I don't think you would get a 7 product. 8 I think the way that the system works 9 now is in the best interests of most 10 communities in that the banks have identified 11 the most accountable, most capable 12 organizations for the delivery of their 13 product, and I think it has worked extremely 14 well, and to spread that out to interests that 15 are not necessarily concerned about that kind 16 of development, but are concerned about the 17 ongoing survival of the organization, or 18 concerned about having a voice, the reality is 19 that is not the bank's function, and, 20 therefore, we have to be very careful in making 21 sure that we do not demand of a bank that which 22 jeopardize its ability to be able to do what it 23 is in fact certified and organized to do, and I 24 would just urge that to have that caution as we 25 move forward. . 587 1 2 3 MS. KOTELCHUCK: Speaking from our 4 perspective, this is the first time that we're 5 aware of banks such as Citibank embracing 6 primary care as and integral part of community 7 development, which we believe it to be, and as 8 such, primary care is really a developing area. 9 It's a direction that the health system is 10 moving in. 11 It is a new area for lending and for 12 development, and it's been our experience that 13 an enormous amount of work is needed and an 14 enormous amount of expertise is needed in terms 15 of what will work in a particular community, 16 what a group needs to be successful in this 17 area, and Citibank has been quite supportive in 18 terms of the development of that expertise on 19 the part of our group, and I hope that this is 20 useful to others in terms of breaking into the 21 area of primary care from lending and other 22 communities. 23 MR. LONEY: Thank you. Any other 24 questions of this panel? If not, I thank you 25 all very much. . 588 1 2 MR. LONEY: Let me call the last 3 scheduled panel that we have, Panel 4 Twenty-four. 5 Nancy Roberts, Abdul Rahmaan 6 Muhammad, Joanne Oplustil, Dennis Kremer, 7 Robert Davenport and Jennifer Adolph Blum. 8 Thank you all for coming. We will 9 start with you, Ms. Roberts. 10 MS. ROBERTS: Good morning. I am 11 Nancy Roberts, president of the Coordinating 12 Council for Foundations, a regional association 13 of more than 80 corporate foundations, 14 corporate giving programs, independent 15 foundations, community foundations and 16 federated funds serving Connecticut. The 17 Council's mission is to promote and support 18 effective philanthropy for the public good in 19 Connecticut. 20 As head of the organization that 21 supports and provides data on and information 22 about the organized grant-making community in 23 Connecticut, I am in a position to observe and 24 comment on the corporate social investment of 25 Travelers as well as other corporate entities . 589 1 2 in the state. 3 Travelers has historically been an 4 important contributor to organizations in the 5 Hartford area that heal, educate, entertain and 6 inspire -- and its support has been steadfast. 7 The headquarters community usually 8 receives the greatest corporate support. 9 However, after the merger of Travelers and 10 Primerica, greater Hartford was still the 11 beneficiary of sizable support from Travelers. 12 Most recently, within the past four 13 years, Travelers has provided significant 14 support through its foundation in the area of 15 education, from early childhood through college 16 years. 17 Let me give you a few examples. 18 Following the merger with Primerica, 19 Travelers quickly brought to Hartford the 20 academy program which had been successfully 21 provided in other parts of the country. The 22 Academy of Finance at Weaver High School not 23 only became a success story in its own right, 24 but it provided the model and design that 25 stimulated the development of other academy . 590 1 2 programs supported by other corporations and 3 the State of Connecticut in the two other high 4 schools in the City of Hartford. 5 A three-year commitment to the 6 Hartford public schools for instrument repair, 7 replacement and music instruction provided much 8 needed support to a neglected program for the 9 cultural enrichment of children in Hartford. 10 In January 1998, Travelers donated 11 30,000 square feet of space in their Education 12 Center to the University of Connecticut for 13 three years to support business education. In 14 addition, they will provide a scholarship fund 15 and paid internships for high school and 16 college level students. This effort 17 exemplifies Travelers' efforts to link 18 educational opportunities for students to job 19 opportunities. 20 In addition to the above-mentioned 21 commitments to public education, the Travelers 22 Foundation contributes to community-based 23 tutoring, mentoring programs for children and 24 youth, to cultural and arts programs, to health 25 programs, totalling more than $1.4 million in . 591 1 2 1997 going into the Hartford community. 3 Matching gifts to educational 4 institutions has been replaced with a program 5 which both encourages and rewards employees who 6 contribute volunteer time to their community. 7 With all of the downsizing of the number of 8 employees which has happened in the greater 9 Hartford area, one of the least discussed but 10 most strongly felt effects has been the loss of 11 volunteers to both boards of directors and 12 direct service in nonprofit organizations. In 13 many corporations, employees have not been 14 encouraged to participate outside of their 15 workplace. 16 But Travelers Volunteer Incentive 17 Program provides a strong message that it is 18 not only OK to volunteer, but it is important 19 to give back to the community. Employees may 20 request up to $1500 on behalf of the charitable 21 organizations for which they volunteer, and the 22 amount received further encourages 23 participation since grants are based on the 24 longevity with the organization as well as the 25 hours of service. In 1997 over 60 employees . 592 1 2 took advantage of this program with an 3 additional $30,000 contributed to charitable 4 organizations. 5 The nonprofit community has also 6 benefitted from Travelers' generous in-kind 7 support, including opening its space in the 8 education center for conferences, programs and 9 events of community organizations. One recent 10 event for which Travelers provided space and 11 technical assistance and financial support was 12 the Greater Hartford Area Child Care 13 Collaborative's Quality Child Care Teacher 14 Award, which recognized and rewarded the best 15 early childhood teachers in greater Hartford. 16 The final area I would like to touch 17 on is Travelers' support for the civic 18 infrastructure of the greater Hartford 19 community. 20 Travelers has been a founder and key 21 player in important civic events, including the 22 Capital Region Growth Council, which was 23 developed to stimulate economic growth in the 24 greater Hartford region, and Riverfront 25 Recapture, an effort to reconnect the Hartford . 593 1 2 area towns and cities to the Connecticut River. 3 Along with the grants from its foundation, the 4 in-kind and human resources and the civic 5 efforts support to enhance the quality of life 6 in the greater Hartford area. 7 In closing, I would like to reiterate 8 that in my opinion Travelers has exhibited 9 ongoing strong commitment to greater Hartford, 10 and I expect that commitment will continue. 11 Thank you. 12 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Roberts. 13 Mr. Muhammad. 14 MR. MUHAMMAD: Yes. My name is Abdul 15 Rahmaan Muhammad, and I am here in my role as 16 the senior vice president for Community Support 17 Services and diversity manager for the Village 18 for Families and Children. 19 I am pleased to have this opportunity 20 to participate on this panel, to provide 21 information relating to factors the Board is 22 required to consider under the Bank Holding 23 Company Act. 24 I appear before you on behalf of the 25 Village for Families and Children, Inc., . 594 1 2 located in Hartford, Connecticut, and its 3 president Mr. William A. Baker. I express my 4 appreciation for this opportunity to present 5 testimony pertaining to the convenience and 6 needs of the communities to be served. I will 7 also briefly address our long and beneficial 8 relationship with the Travelers. 9 As one of the oldest human service 10 agencies in the country, the Village for 11 Families and Children has been at the forefront 12 of the development and provision of quality 13 social and human services. The Village has 14 been a key leader in the process of meeting 15 human needs for more than 185 years. 16 With a cadre of trained, experienced 17 and diversity qualified professional and 18 para-professionals, the Village has been 19 influential in research, training and service 20 provision. 21 Our services range from programs for 22 infants to the elderly. We provide outpatient 23 behavioral and mental health counseling, 24 special needs adoption services, specialized 25 foster care services, extended day treatment . 595 1 2 and family preservation programs, family 3 reunification and residential teen transition 4 programs, teen pregnancy and family housing 5 alternative services, and advocacy on behalf of 6 those most needy in our community. 7 Within the past five years, we have 8 become increasingly family centered and child 9 focused. Working in collaboration with other 10 affiliations in the community, we have 11 successfully implemented several school-based 12 family resource centers. 13 These programs have become one-stop 14 shopping centers for comprehensively meeting 15 family needs and improving the quality of life 16 by developing community-based resources. 17 Our services and programs have 18 positively impacted the lives of thousands of 19 clients, consumers and customers statewide. 20 Such cost-effective programs have been made 21 possible in part due to partnership and support 22 from the private industry in general and the 23 Travelers Group in specific. 24 The Travelers involvement and support 25 to the Village has been long-standing and . 596 1 2 consistent. For many years they have made the 3 financial difference in our summer enrichment 4 programs, as a part of our extended day 5 treatment program. This program has provided 6 services to many children. 7 In the more recent involvement for 8 them, the Travelers has funded several projects 9 in our family resource centers. Such projects 10 include, but are not limited to, our computer 11 lab in the North Hartford Family Resource 12 Center, parent educator and parent specialist 13 services and recreational and other services 14 for children. 15 With support from Travelers, both 16 financial and human, we have been able to meet 17 the needs of children needing tutoring in the 18 sciences, teens needing mentors, mothers 19 needing supplies and living space, seniors 20 needing transportation to services, and 21 families needing food and gifts for their 22 children during special observances and holiday 23 seasons. 24 Volunteers from the Travelers have 25 been crucial in improving and enhancing the . 597 1 2 program sites for many of our community-based 3 services. Not only has the Travelers provided 4 services at our program sites, they have made 5 available space at their local offices for 6 training and community-based programs. During 7 a recent annual United Way-sponsored volunteer 8 program called A Day of Caring, several of the 9 Travelers volunteers provided a full day of 10 services to the human service organizations in 11 the community. 12 The past long-term partnership 13 between the Village for Families and Children 14 and the Travelers, which includes hundreds of 15 thousands of dollars and staff involvement, 16 lead us to believe that a bigger and better 17 Travelers would continue this high quality of 18 service and support that have been products and 19 outcomes of the previous years. 20 Therefore, the Village for Families 21 and Children would like to go on record as 22 positively supporting the merger with Citicorp, 23 possibly leading to the potential for greater 24 contributions of resources, both financial and 25 human. In our estimation, such a situation . 598 1 2 would only lead to the potential enhancement of 3 the human conditions throughout the greater 4 Hartford area, would lead to volunteer support, 5 quality service provision and continued 6 financial support. 7 Should you have questions, I would be 8 pleased to address them when they are 9 appropriately asked. On the other hand, we 10 thank you for this opportunity and we express 11 our appreciation to be here. 12 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Muhammad. 13 Ms. Oplustil. 14 MS. OPLUSTIL: My name is Joanne 15 Oplustil. I am the executive director of 16 CAMBA, a nonprofit agency in the Flatbush 17 section of Brooklyn, New York. 18 In 1985 when I took over the agency, 19 I was the sole employee. Today we have over 20 350 employees and we service over 14,000 21 individuals a year. The programs that we run 22 are employment programs, health and aids, youth 23 business development, microloans, civic 24 services, homeless and education programs. 25 We're opening a primary health care center in . 599 1 2 1999, day care center in 1999, and we are in 3 the process of developing housing for special 4 needs populations, specifically people who are 5 HIV positive. 6 Through those years when I started 7 out, Citibank was always there; and, quite 8 frankly, if they weren't with me -- certainly I 9 was by myself for a while -- encouraging and 10 also giving grants to the agency, we would not 11 be where we are today. 12 I think that the merger between 13 Travelers and Citibank will only benefit 14 communities such as ours. In addition to 15 banking services and assistance that we get -- 16 for instance, we work with many people who are 17 either on public assistance or who are 18 immigrant refugees who are not always familiar 19 with the banking systems. They don't have 20 accounts. They want to cash some checks. They 21 don't have the fees. They are not able to pay 22 the fees that the banks charge. We've worked 23 out with Citibank where many of our low-income 24 clients are able to open banks or cash checks, 25 and fees had been either reduced or eliminated. . 600 1 2 And we plan to continue to work with Citibank 3 in this effort, particularly with New York 4 City's very strong push to get people from 5 welfare to work. 6 People who are now going to be 7 working are going to ultimately need to open 8 bank accounts. We are going to need 9 consumer-friendly bankers who are going to work 10 with marginal population or low-income who may 11 not have the resources to pay all the fees 12 immediately, to assist them with opening 13 accounts. That is good business, because 14 ultimately people who open a small account will 15 ultimately have larger accounts. 16 With regard to Travelers, we view 17 that as positive, because insurance is a very 18 important component, certainly in the Federal 19 Reserve. But in nonprofit agencies you 20 breathe. You have a new program, you need new 21 insurance. We hope that this merger will 22 assist us in our insurance needs, educating us 23 not only nonprofits, but also educating 24 community members on the needs of insurance, 25 what insurance is, what it is all about and how . 601 1 2 to access insurance, reduced fee insurance. 3 Our microloans -- you had asked 4 another question to the other panel about 5 having intermediaries. We do microloans. We 6 give out up to $5,000 loans. Banks can't 7 afford to give out $5,000 loans. We have been 8 very successful with working with populations 9 in giving $5,000 loans, combining them with 10 other intermediaries to make them either 11 $10,000 or $15,000 loans, where the businesses 12 have been turned down, and ultimately will then 13 go to a Citibank for a larger loan. 14 So other entities providing loans are 15 very important, because we are the ones that 16 will walk them through and ultimately they will 17 be able to access larger loans from Citibank, 18 and we have Citibank supporting our microloan 19 program and all of our other programs. 20 Thank you. 21 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 22 Mr. Davenport. 23 MR. DAVENPORT: Thank you for the 24 opportunity to speak. Like Mark Winston 25 Griffith earlier, I sort of looked at this . 602 1 2 opportunity as a no-win situation because our 3 constituency includes many of the 4 community-based organizations that have spoken 5 over the last two days, and some of our 6 constituency, some of the community-based 7 organizations have spoken in opposition to the 8 merger and some of them have spoken in favor of 9 it. So whatever I say I am going to make some 10 enemies as a result of it. 11 I, like Mark Winston Griffith, 12 thought it was a marvelous week to take a 13 vacation. But in spite of that, I want to 14 speak in favor of the proposed merger for two 15 reasons, and I will explain those in a second. 16 First of all, just a word about NDC, 17 our organization. We are one of the nation's 18 oldest not-for-profit organizations engaged in 19 community development and housing development. 20 We started in 1968. Our founder had worked for 21 Bobby Kennedy, and when Bobby was shot, he 22 organized the National Development Council, 23 founded with a Ford Foundation grant. 24 In a nutshell, we are finance people. 25 Our role is to channel capital into low-income . 603 1 2 areas in productive ways. In any given year, 3 we are working with 100 to 125 community-based 4 organizations, partnering with them to create 5 jobs and to stimulate investment, private 6 sector investment into the low-income 7 communities. 8 We own 2,000 units of low-income 9 housing nationwide. We have $250 million worth 10 of direct development experience. We're the 11 only nonprofit with what's called a small 12 business lending license from the SBA, which 13 entitles us to make SBA-guaranteed loans to 14 small businesses who invest into low- and 15 moderate-income areas. 16 As I said, I want to speak in favor 17 of the merger for two reasons, and they relate 18 very much to our experiences with Citibank, and 19 the first is really what I call attitude. 20 For 30 years our organization has 21 known that a major obstacle to the flow of 22 capital into low-income communities is not the 23 lack of investment opportunities but the 24 perception that there is a lack of investment 25 opportunities. Our experience has always been . 604 1 2 that there are a lot of good business 3 investment opportunities in low-income 4 neighborhoods and all we have to do is uncover 5 them and work to structure the deals. 6 No bank is perfect. Citibank is not 7 perfect. But our experience with them has been 8 that they do view their CRA responsibility and 9 investing in the low- and moderate-income 10 communities as an opportunity. It is good 11 business. It is an opportunity to employ 12 capital in a neighborhood. They are 13 sophisticated enough to know that it takes hard 14 underwriting and careful structuring of these 15 deals, but they don't view it as some burden or 16 some guilt money. They have the attitude this 17 is "can do," and with a little bit of hard work 18 we can make it work. 19 That makes them an excellent partner 20 for our type of development. They view low- 21 and moderate-income neighborhoods as equal 22 partners in the development process. Because 23 of this attitude, what they have done with us 24 is they have become the largest sponsor of our 25 nationally recognized training for . 605 1 2 community-based organizations, teaching them, 3 bringing the hard development and the hard 4 financial skills to the community-based 5 organizations so they have the capacity to do, 6 to catalyze, their own investments in their own 7 communities. 8 We are also funded by HUD and other 9 large state governments to do this, but 10 Citibank is the only bank and the largest bank 11 to support our training activities. In New 12 York City Citibank has underwritten directly 13 100 percent of the cost of bringing this 14 training to 200 neighborhood-based nonprofits. 15 Citibank has also engaged us to 16 survey the neighborhood organizations to 17 identify new investment opportunities for them, 18 and they booked a lot of new business as a 19 result of that. 20 They have been a major investor in 21 our $35 million low-income housing tax credit 22 fund that will, in fact, create $100 million 23 worth of new low-income housing. 24 They are the only bank that has 25 directed us to work with the low-income . 606 1 2 populations in Puerto Rico, which is one of the 3 neediest, and that really is the first reason 4 why we are in favor of it. 5 Second reason is we all know, as 6 Joanne has mentioned before, that while the 7 financial problems of low-income neighborhoods 8 goes far beyond the problems of commercial 9 banks and thrift institutions, it rests to 10 great degree also with insurance, the ability 11 to get insurance. It also rests with the 12 access to equity capital, which is almost 13 impossible in a low-income area. 14 We feel confident that a merged 15 Citicorp/Travelers will, in fact, create a new 16 generation of investment vehicles for community 17 development. For that reason, we are very much 18 in favor of the merger. 19 Thank you. 20 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Davenport. 21 Ms. Blum. 22 MS. BLUM: Good morning. I am the 23 director of government relations and 24 communications at the Brooklyn Chamber of 25 Commerce. On behalf of the Brooklyn Chamber of . 607 1 2 Commerce, I am pleased to offer this testimony 3 in support of Citibank and their pending merger 4 with Travelers. 5 The Brooklyn Chamber is a nonprofit 6 membership organization founded in 1918. This 7 is our 80th anniversary. Our mission is to 8 assist Brooklyn businesses in ways that promote 9 commerce, stimulate economic growth and improve 10 the quality of life throughout Brooklyn. We 11 serve a diverse borough-wide membership uniting 12 small and large businesses located throughout 13 Brooklyn and beyond, and we advocate on behalf 14 of Brooklyn's 35,000 businesses. 15 Citibank has been an active Chamber 16 member for almost half a century. Currently 17 two Citibank executives, Jill Kelly and Natalie 18 Abatemarco, are very active members of our 19 board of directors. In fact, almost ten years 20 ago Jill Kelly was the first woman elected to 21 our executive committee. 22 In our view, Brooklyn, New York City 23 and New York State would be hard-pressed to 24 find a more community-minded financial 25 institution. Citibank has an exemplary record . 608 1 2 of community outreach, customer service and 3 economic and small business development. The 4 bank, in our view, is a proven leader in 5 commercial revitalization and a respected 6 provider of technical assistance to small 7 businesses. 8 Citibank has funded several specific 9 innovative initiatives at the Brooklyn Chamber. 10 The bank was an active early and generous 11 supporter of a program that we called Good 12 Help. It is a free employment service created 13 to fill the needs of small businesses seeking 14 to hire and retain qualified employees. At the 15 same time, unemployed and underemployed 16 individuals are assisted in finding quality 17 employment which contributes to the overall 18 economic growth of Brooklyn. Good Help works 19 in conjunction with a citywide network of 20 nonprofit training and placement agencies to 21 produce a large pool of job-ready applicants. 22 We are not aware of any other employment 23 service or similar program in the city which 24 focuses on finding employees for small 25 businesses. . 609 1 2 Citibank has also created an exciting 3 new program run by the Chamber for the 4 commercial revitalization of failing retail 5 corridors. The approach of the Retail Strip 6 Revitalization initiative combines marketing 7 assistance, physical improvements and market 8 analysis to address the decline of traditional 9 shopping areas whose stores cater to the needs 10 of nearby residents. 11 Their decline disrupts the vitality 12 of otherwise stable and thriving neighborhoods. 13 Citibank recognizes that retail strips which 14 lack strong merchant associations, business 15 improvement districts, local development 16 corporations, organizations like CAMBA to 17 advocate on their behalf, coupled with 18 increased vacancy and increased foot traffic 19 need target development assistance. The 20 commercial industry of Nostrand Avenue between 21 Avenue W and Avenue Y in Sheepshead Bay is 22 serving as the pilot project for this 23 initiative. 24 Finally, Citibank is a strong 25 supporter of Brooklyn Goes Global, the . 610 1 2 Chamber's international trade service. The 3 program's mission is to help businesses create 4 jobs by increasing overseas sales of 5 Brooklyn-manufactured goods. The program helps 6 more than 90 Brooklyn manufacturers every month 7 to increase their capacity to export by 8 providing technical assistance, market research 9 and aggressive sales generation. 10 Overseas sales for Brooklyn 11 manufacturers result in increased product 12 demand, ensure more stable business growth and 13 add more needed blue-collar jobs to Brooklyn's 14 economy. Brooklyn Goes Global is considered a 15 model program across the country. 16 The Brooklyn Chamber supports 17 Citibank and the merger with Travelers. We 18 think the bank has an exemplary record as a 19 good corporate citizen and an unparalleled 20 commitment to community development. We 21 believe this commitment will continue and grow 22 if the proposed merger is finalized. 23 Thank you for your time. 24 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Blum. 25 Any questions of this group? . 611 1 2 MR. ALVAREZ: I have one question. 3 Ms. Blum, you mentioned the corridor 4 revitalization program and you said City was a 5 strong supporter. I assume you mean a strong 6 lender in the revitalization, they lend to 7 small businesses that are moving into the 8 corridor. 9 MS. BLUM: No. This is a program 10 that is just getting underway. They have 11 funded us, in conjunction with some government 12 funding, to hire a consultant to provide 13 targeted redevelopment assistance to -- we are 14 starting with one pilot project. It is not a 15 lending program. We have actually hired a 16 consultant who is going to go in and provide a 17 well-rounded approach to revitalizing one 18 certain retail corridor, with hopes that that 19 approach can be then replicated in other parts 20 of Brooklyn. 21 We target areas that don't have 22 existing merchant associations, businesses, at 23 least, or other groups to do that type of work. 24 MR. ALVAREZ: Thank you. 25 MR. LONEY: Barbara. . 612 1 2 MS. KENT: Did you choose that 3 Sheepshead Bay/Nostrand Avenue area or the bank 4 chose it? 5 MS. BLUM: It was really a joint 6 decision between the Brooklyn Chamber, Citibank 7 and the office of the Brooklyn Borough 8 President. We thought it provided a perfect 9 example of the kind of area we wanted to help, 10 that is, a corridor that was suffering from 11 increased vacancies, decreased foot traffic, 12 but yet was a vital shopping district for a 13 relatively large community of residents. 14 MR. LONEY: Well, thank you very much 15 for coming in. 16 We are going to take a ten-minute 17 break before we start the open session. Come 18 back at 10 after 12, please. 19 (Recess) 20 MR. LONEY: Before we start the open 21 session, I would like to again claim the 22 prerogative of the chair for just a brief 23 moment, and I would like to thank personally, 24 and I think on behalf of the panel, the folks 25 from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who . 613 1 2 have made this two days, day and a half, such a 3 seemless effort. 4 When something goes off as well as 5 this, you know there has been a lot of hard 6 work put in and good work put in. As the lady 7 said before, it's good to be able to sleep. 8 Well, this has been a great aid to us and helps 9 me relax an awful lot over the last day and a 10 half of the work that's been done here and the 11 results of that work. So for those of you out 12 there and back here, thank you very much. 13 We have some people who have asked to 14 speak on the open mike. We have a panel of six 15 that we have put together; actually, one person 16 is here that was scheduled from an earlier 17 session and we have just added him to the 18 panel. 19 The people are Gerry Vazquez, Amos 20 Brown, Charles Siegel, Pam Martens, Galen 21 Sherwin and Carol Lin. 22 Since Ms. Martens, Ms. Sherwin and 23 Ms. Lin want to go together, why don't we start 24 with the other three, and you folks can have 25 the final three places, if that is OK. . 614 1 2 I will start with Mr. Vazquez. 3 MR. VAZQUEZ: Thank you. My name is 4 Gerry Vazquez and I am executive president of 5 New Visions for Public Schools. New Visions 6 appreciates the opportunity to state our 7 support for the proposed merger of Citibank and 8 the Travelers Group and, more specifically, can 9 inform you of the generous support both 10 corporations have provided to New Visions. 11 Citibank and the Travelers Group have 12 demonstrated sustained commitment to community 13 and educational initiatives. A merger of these 14 institutions will only fortify our capacity to 15 effect change. 16 Founded in 1989, New Visions for 17 Public Schools is a not-for-profit organization 18 that works with the New York City public school 19 system, the private sector and the community to 20 mobilize resources and develop programs and 21 policies that lead to significant, lasting 22 improvements in the achievement of all 23 children. 24 Since 1990, Citibank has contributed 25 a total of $214,000 to New Visions, supporting . 615 1 2 our efforts in a number of ways. 3 The Citibank Success Fund Awards 4 program recognized exemplary teachers and 5 principals with monetary awards for the winners 6 and the winners' schools. The Citibank Success 7 Fund Awards were presented in an impressive 8 award ceremony attended by invited guests that 9 included an array of major community and 10 education leaders. The awards consistently 11 received favorable and extensive press coverage 12 and brought to these educators an all-too-rare 13 public acknowledgement and appreciation of 14 their gifts and dedication. 15 Citibank helped to start a Tech Corps 16 of students who learned how to repair 17 technology and did so in schools as part of 18 their community service project. Currently, 19 Citibank is sponsoring the Citibank College 20 Bound Program, which provides a comprehensive 21 array of supports to disadvantaged city 22 students who want to go to college. These 23 students are often the first in their families 24 to finish high school. 25 Citibank's money enables students to . 616 1 2 learn about college appropriate to their career 3 plans and to visit them, to receive preparation 4 for the SATs and to get help with college 5 applications. This assistance is often what 6 makes a difference in the students' ability to 7 navigate the complex process of college 8 selection and admissions successfully and to 9 achieve access to higher education. 10 The Travelers Group has provided 11 $115,000 in major support for New Visions' 12 Early Childhood Initiative, a program that 13 combines in the same classroom children of all 14 abilities, including those with disabilities. 15 Operating in a range of city public schools 16 representing different family incomes and 17 backgrounds, this initiative is demonstrating 18 its viability as a model for diverse urban 19 communities by making it possible for students 20 of all abilities to successfully learn and 21 excel together. 22 The Travelers Group is to be 23 commended for its readiness to invest in the 24 Early Childhood Initiative. This highly 25 innovative program breaks new ground in . 617 1 2 bringing together diverse groups of children, 3 maximizing their strengths and unique 4 contributions and achieving great benefits for 5 each child. 6 Our relationships with Citibank and 7 the Travelers Group have been truly excellent. 8 They support public education in our work and 9 we believe this support will continue in the 10 years ahead. They have demonstrated that 11 excellence in public schools is a priority 12 among the city's private sector leaders. 13 In summary, we are strongly in favor 14 of the merger based on our own involvement with 15 Citibank and the Travelers Group and their 16 clear concern for serving the needs of our 17 communities, our children and our city's 18 future. 19 Thank you. 20 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Vazquez. 21 Perhaps I should repeat for those of 22 you who are here, and may not have been here 23 when I said it earlier in the day, the way we 24 are conducting this meeting is that each person 25 will be given five minutes to speak. The . 618 1 2 timekeeper is sitting in the front row in the 3 middle. We will give you a two-minute warning 4 and then we will indicate that the time is up. 5 If you have written material, for 6 example, whether or not you get to finish it, 7 if in fact you don't get to finish what you 8 brought to say, we would appreciate it if you 9 would give us a copy of your written material. 10 Leave it with the registration desk folks out 11 front and the entire thing will be put into the 12 record. 13 The transcripts will be available in 14 a few days from the Federal Reserve Bank of New 15 York and also the transcripts will be on the 16 Board's Internet web site. 17 With that, let me turn to Mr. Brown. 18 MR. BROWN: Thank you, Mr. Chair, 19 members of the panel. I am Amos Brown, pastor 20 of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco 21 and also member of the board of supervisors. 22 I have come all the way across the 23 country today representing the National 24 Association for the Advancement for Colored 25 People of San Francisco and also for a . 619 1 2 resolution, because the board of supervisors of 3 San Francisco is expressing its concern, over 4 one particular piece of real estate that 5 Citicorp now has the mortgage for in San 6 Francisco that is now up for bidding and 7 ultimately for sale. 8 I come today to share a profound 9 reality of half of the American community in 10 San Francisco and a great measure of the 11 African-American community in this nation. I 12 would like to couch my statement in a vignette 13 from the life of the late Dr. Vernon Johns, the 14 predecessor of Martin Luther King, Jr., at 15 Dexter Church in Montgomery. He said one day 16 that if you want to see a real case of 17 perpetual motion, sell a Cadillac car to a 18 Negro and tell him to park it somewhere. 19 Real estate is something that we have 20 not been able to come by as a people, 21 particularly in San Francisco and in general in 22 this nation. And it is our considered judgment 23 that in great measure, though Citicorp has done 24 much good in terms of supporting educational 25 enterprises and other social action projects, . 620 1 2 but in terms of making loans available to 3 African-Americans to purchase a home, to do a 4 development in the city and county of San 5 Francisco, Citicorp has not given a mortgage to 6 one African-American development. 7 The development now under question, 8 the Fillmore Center that is up for bidding, for 9 sale. The previous owner was not 10 African-American. However, a minority group 11 representing an Asian and African-American 12 sought to get involved in the bidding process, 13 and the record reveals that the process was 14 problematic. It was not fair, in their 15 estimation, and these minorities were not given 16 an opportunity to get involved in the bidding 17 process, even though they had the money, they 18 had the financing, they had the sensible 19 support to consummate this purchase. 20 I feel that, though I repeat Citicorp 21 has done a lot of good, but in terms of making 22 loans available to black people so that they 23 may get out of this posture of perpetual motion 24 of buying a car and not having to park 25 anywhere, Citicorp has not contributed to our . 621 1 2 having a place to park and to lay our heads in 3 the city and county of San Francisco. 4 For that reason, we have great 5 reservations about this merger, for we do not 6 see the kind of track record in the city and 7 county of San Francisco that would suggest that 8 this bank is friendly toward African-Americans 9 and other minorities in the acquisition of 10 property through mortgages coming through the 11 bank. 12 Thank you very much. 13 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Brown. 14 Mr. Siegel. 15 MR. SIEGEL: I'm testifying on a 16 power of attorney for Mahesh Shah. I will 17 submit the original power of attorney when I 18 submit the papers inside. It is only eleven 19 lines, but I'd like you to listen carefully to 20 it because it is something that has been an 21 ongoing problem for a couple of years. 22 The letter is addressed to you, 23 Mr. Loney, concerning this meeting, and here 24 Mr. Shah has a question: 25 Will the proposed acquisition cause . 622 1 2 the managerial resources of Travelers to reform 3 and correct what appears to be Citibank's 4 obstruction of justice by failing from December 5 1995 through June 25, 1998, almost two and one 6 half years since my attorney -- speaking for 7 Mr. Shah -- and the attorneys for Citibank 8 North America, Zeichner Ellman & Krause, signed 9 on November 16, 1995 a contractual stipulation 10 settlement agreement to provide in lieu of the 11 information subpoena and to discontinue the 12 contempt of court action against a vice 13 president of Citibank, certain information. 14 Attached herewith is a copy of my attorney's 15 letter of May 28, 1996 and an updated copy of 16 same dated June 25, 1998 showing their failure 17 to furnish the contractually agreed information 18 despite the fact that subpoena duces tecums 19 were properly served in the courts with the 20 aforementioned agreement. 21 I have been unable to proceed to 22 collect my judgment of January 20, 1995 in the 23 amount of $11,241 because I have effectively 24 been denied the opportunity to recover my loss 25 because of Citibank's failure. Respectfully . 623 1 2 submitted, Mahesh Shah. 3 Thank you. 4 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 5 Ms. Martens. 6 MS. MARTENS: I'm Pamela Martens. I 7 am the lead plaintiff in the infamous "Boom 8 Boom Room" suit against Smith Barney. 9 It is amazing how soon we forget. It 10 was just 60 years ago that 4,835 of America's 11 banks went broke and closed their doors, 12 leaving shareholders and depositors destitute. 13 The underlying reason that this happened was 14 the lack of moral courage by our regulators and 15 elected representatives to just say no to 16 powerful money interests. Instead of just 17 saying no, Washington handed the banks the 18 equivalent of an ATM card to the Feds discount 19 window to speculate in stocks. At a time when 20 Japan, the second largest industrialized 21 nation, is reliving the 1930s in America, 22 complete with banking insolvency, it is amazing 23 and preposterous that we should be discussing 24 rolling back Glass-Steagll. 25 We also want to remember that the . 624 1 2 political dynamics that created the backdrop 3 for the banking meltdown in the '30s grew from 4 a corrupt cozy culture between Wall Street and 5 Washington. U.S. Supreme Court Justice William 6 O. Douglas, who knew a thing or two about the 7 matter, having just served as chairman of the 8 young, new SEC, before he went to the Supreme 9 Court, he called it what it was, chicanery and 10 corruption. 11 Frank Vanderlip, coincidentally, an 12 actual former president of National Citibank, 13 wrote in the Saturday Evening Post at the time 14 that lack separation of banking and securities 15 contributed to the stock market losing 90 16 percent -- I'd like to repeat that, 90 17 percent -- of its value from 1929 to 1933. 18 The public was so sickened by the 19 hubris and corruption that an entire generation 20 stayed away from the stock market. It was not 21 until 1954, 25 years later, that Wall Street 22 once again reached the level it had set in 23 1929. 24 There is a compelling body of 25 evidence that suggests a corrupt cozy culture . 625 1 2 has once again enveloped the brains of 3 Washington. We can hardly look to the 4 safekeepers of the public trust when they are 5 falling over themselves to reap campaign 6 windfalls from Wall Street. 7 Washington and regulators are quick 8 to criticize moral hazard when it is on foreign 9 shores. Let's look at the moral hazard 10 incubating at Travelers and Smith Barney. 11 In 1996, when the SEC and the Justice 12 Department found that Smith Barney was one of 13 24 firms fleecing their own customers through 14 six or more years of price fixing, no one went 15 to jail. Within the last two years when a 16 special prosecutor found that Smith Barney had 17 bribed the former U.S. agricultural secretary, 18 again, no one went to jail. 19 The firm is currently under 20 investigation by various municipalities for the 21 fraudulent markup of treasury securities, and 22 that, in fact, is enough to hold up this 23 merger, since a criminal charge against a 24 primary dealer of treasury securities would 25 lend its taint to one of America's major money . 626 1 2 center banks. 3 Finally, as an eleven-year employee 4 of Smith Barney and the lead plaintiff in the 5 "Boom Boom" lawsuit, I can personally attest 6 that the model espoused by Sanford Weill and 7 James Diamond is nothing we would want to 8 replicate at a money center bank or at a firm 9 employing 160,000 people. 10 As our suit lays out, women at Smith 11 Barney were called witches and whores; were 12 sexually and physically assaulted during the 13 workday on the premises of Smith Barney; we 14 were subjected to vulgar, bigoted and racist 15 language. These charges have come from 16 branches coast to coast. 17 Smith Barney's answer to this suit, 18 just as it answered the charges of price fixing 19 and bribing and yield burning is deny, deny, 20 and spend more money on political campaigns, 21 charitable contributions and TV ads to do spin 22 control. 23 Thank you. 24 MR. LONEY: Thank you. 25 Ms. Sherwin. . 627 1 2 MS. SHERWIN: Thank you. My name is 3 Galen Sherwin. I am the president of the New 4 York City Chapter of the National Organization 5 for Women. 6 Two years ago the National 7 Organization for Women named Smith Barney a 8 merchant of shame for its disgraceful 9 employment practices in hiring and promoting 10 women and minorities in disparate pay between 11 men and women employees and in its nonexistent 12 response to the hostile work environment and 13 retribution faced by those who brought sexual 14 harassment complaints. 15 The sexual harassment case Martens v. 16 Smith Barney gave notoriety for its "Boom Boom 17 Room," which you just heard some of the detail 18 from Pamela Martens. These were egregious 19 cases of sexual harassment, horrible conditions 20 across the country that employees of Smith 21 Barney were forced to work under. It has 22 grown, as she mentioned, to include plaintiffs 23 from eleven states across the country. 24 Now, you may say what does it matter, 25 all corporations face litigation during their . 628 1 2 regular business. I'm here to say that Martens 3 v. Smith Barney does matter. It matters 4 because it goes to the heart of our civil 5 rights under the Civil Rights Act, particularly 6 Title VII and the Equal Pay Act, it also goes 7 to the heart of the potential for growth and 8 success of women and minorities in the 9 workplace. 10 Now I'm speaking particularly about 11 an employment practice that is widespread in 12 the industry, mandatory arbitration. Mandatory 13 arbitration, as you probably knows, removes 14 from employees the possibility of going to the 15 courts and forces them instead, in employment 16 disputes or sexual harassment or discrimination 17 complaints, to go to an industry-wide 18 arbitration panel. 19 NOW believes that arbitration works 20 to the particular detriment of women and 21 minorities in the workplace, and we have taken 22 a very strong position, passing national 23 resolutions calling for an end to mandatory 24 arbitration and alternate dispute resolution 25 processes. We believe not only does it deprive . 629 1 2 women and minorities of the rights and 3 protections that they would enjoy under Title 4 VII of the Civil Rights Act and in our court 5 system, it also is a private system of justice 6 that is stacked in favor of the employer and 7 against the employer plaintiff. 8 Many of the members of these 9 panels -- most of the members of the panels are 10 picked from the industry itself. They are 11 people with long, established careers in the 12 industry, which means that they are necessarily 13 more often successful white men and none of 14 them have any particular expertise in hearing 15 Title VII claims or Equal Pay Act claims. They 16 are just not qualified to be deciding sexual 17 harassment and discrimination complaints. 18 These private systems of justice must 19 be abolished. It is a widespread practice, but 20 it is actually an evolving area of law and 21 policy right now. It is under statutory 22 reinterpretation by the courts across the 23 country, and it is leading to a significant 24 change in policies, in part because of outcry 25 from members of civil rights groups and . 630 1 2 feminist groups across the country. 3 Now this is evidenced by the SEC's 4 recent decision this week to approve the NASD 5 recommendation, which is supported by the EEOC, 6 that arbitration is not an appropriate forum 7 for resolution of sexual harassment and 8 discrimination cases, for the reasons I 9 mentioned before. 10 Now this is also a moment of 11 particular opportunity for us because of the 12 recent decision yesterday by Justice Constance 13 Baker Motley, who was presiding over the case 14 Martens v. Smith Barney. She has rejected the 15 settlement that was negotiated between class 16 counsel and the attorneys for Smith Barney and 17 she has raised concerns, some of which I 18 mentioned, about arbitration being the sole 19 remedy for plaintiffs and claimants in that 20 case. She's also raised serious concerns about 21 the diversity program, the effectiveness of the 22 diversity program that has been proposed by 23 Smith Barney. 24 Now this rejection of the settlement 25 gives us an opportunity to make some serious . 631 1 2 improvements, if there is going to be a 3 settlement in this case. I would like to read 4 those for the record. The recommendations that 5 NOW New York City is making are the following: 6 That Smith Barney/Travelers remove the 7 requirement that its employees take 8 discrimination and harassment complaints to 9 industry-wide arbitration; that no new 10 settlement be approved unless there is clear 11 provision that all claimants have a right to go 12 to the court or through arbitration; that there 13 be clear provision that all decisions rendered 14 through arbitration have the right to an appeal 15 in court; and that the court maintain 16 jurisdiction over any consent decree; that the 17 diversity program in question be improved and 18 expanded to include meaningful and ongoing new 19 initiatives without a time limit or cap; and 20 that funding be substantially increased to meet 21 the needs of such a large firm; and that 22 diversity training extend to include issues of 23 racisms impact on financing practices that act 24 to the detriment of African-Americans and other 25 minority groups; that procedural hurdles within . 632 1 2 any designated dispute resolution process, such 3 as limitations on powers of deposition or 4 subpoena, be removed and all due process 5 protections for complainants that would apply 6 in Title VII suits be respected; and, finally, 7 that the current structure of legal fees and 8 awards be reexamined to ensure both vigorous 9 prosecution and increased equity in 10 remuneration between attorneys and plaintiffs. 11 According to the standards accepted in the 12 industry, attorneys' fees should be capped at 13 no more than 33.3 percent of the total award. 14 (Continued on next page) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 633 1 2 Now from what I've heard about 3 Citicorp's practices, the merger between Smith 4 Barney, Travelers and Citicorp would amount to 5 a marriage of two isms, racism and sexism. 6 At a time of such opportunity and 7 change do we want a company that has reaffirmed 8 its commitment to mandatory arbitration for all 9 employees, and that invests on doing business 10 the old fashioned way, to begin and even, to 11 gain even more control over the direction of 12 employment policies and practices? 13 Do we want to allow a merchant of 14 shame to grow into a bloated corporate tyrant? 15 The answer is no. 16 This merger cannot be considered 17 until Smith Barney removes mandatory 18 arbitration requirements and resolves issues of 19 diversity, employment policies and work 20 environment satisfactorily. I strongly urge 21 you to reject this merger. To do any less, 22 would amount to and admission on the part of 23 the Federal Reserve Bank that it does not care 24 about the advancement of women and minorities 25 in the work place or the protections offered by . 634 1 2 our courts, and that the profit of corporate 3 giants outweighs civil rights. Thank you. 4 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Ms. Lin. 5 MS. LIN: Good afternoon. My name is 6 Karen Lin I'm here to represent State Senator 7 Catherine Abate who represents the 27th 8 District in New York which covers midtown 9 Manhattan, and most of lower Manhattan as well. 10 She has prepared a release which I 11 would like to read to you now briefly if I may. 12 In the wake of the federal judge's 13 decision to reject the settlement of Smith 14 Barney's sexual harassment suit, Senator Abate 15 joined with advocates to underscore the need to 16 ban mandatory predispute arbitration clauses in 17 employment contracts as a condition to 18 employment. 19 "All parties should use this 20 opportunity to create a dispute resolution 21 system that is fair for workers. Any system 22 that requires employees to give up their right 23 to a day in court as a condition of employment 24 is ultimately unfair and unconstitutional." 25 Senator Abate has found that the . 635 1 2 American Arbitration Association, the nation's 3 largest arbitration trade association, says 4 that companies they provide arbitration for 5 encompasses nearly four million employees. 6 About 40 percent of companies who use 7 arbitration force their employees to sign 8 mandatory arbitration contracts. This is 9 according to the federal General Accounting 10 Office. Also, according to the federal GAO, 11 more than half of all employees may be bound by 12 mandatory arbitration contracts by 2001. 13 Having saturated the securities 14 industry, mandatory arbitration is now 15 spreading rapidly into almost all other 16 occupations. 17 Senator Abate has introduced 18 legislation that will ban mandatory arbitration 19 in employment contracts as a condition to 20 employment. 21 "No New Yorker should have to check 22 his or her civil rights at the door in order to 23 get a job." This legislation, The Employee 24 Civil Rights Protection Act will end this 25 discriminatory practice and start to level the . 636 1 2 playing field between employer and employee. 3 Thank you. 4 MR. LONEY: Thank you. Do we have 5 any questions of this panel? 6 MR. ALVAREZ: Yes, I have a couple of 7 questions. 8 Mr. Brown, you made a couple of 9 statements that I'd like to ask you some 10 questions about. 11 One is you said Citi has not given 12 any mortgages to any housing development 13 programs in San Francisco. Did I understand 14 that correctly? 15 MR. BROWN: No, I said black and/or 16 minority. 17 MR. ALVAREZ: Was that statement 18 about single-family lending or multifamilly 19 lending? I wasn't sure what you meant by 20 housing. 21 MR. BROWN: Well, the record in 22 single-family dwellings is much to be desired, 23 but in terms of multifamily-dwellings the 24 record is zero. 25 MR. ALVAREZ: You mentioned that you . 637 1 2 were talking about property that Citicorp has 3 that apparently -- 4 MR. BROWN: Citicorp was one of the 5 original banks that financed this development, 6 about 1100 units, town houses and towers. The 7 bonds were sold by the city to help this 8 development in 1980 when it was begun, but when 9 it had gone through two owners and it was put 10 on the market, the minority groups got together 11 with all of the needed financing to purchase, 12 and the bidding process was very unfair. 13 MR. ALVAREZ: It was unfair in what 14 respect? 15 MR. BROWN: In terms of number one, 16 they did not receive notice regarding the 17 process; number two, there was a lot of basic 18 information that they did not get, and number 19 three, is just the basic concern of the 20 community and in terms of the Community 21 Reinvestment Act, Citicorp should have had 22 serious conversations with this black minority 23 developer to purchase this property that's 24 right in the redevelopment area. 25 Also, the minority group has made the . 638 1 2 commitment to rent control, something that is 3 desperately needed in San Francisco, and you 4 look at the number of African-Americans who 5 lodge in that city is unconscionable. In 1970s 6 we lost over twenty thousand African-Americans 7 in the City of San Francisco. 1970, the 8 population was 30 percent and knocked down to 9 17 percent and this has happened principally 10 because of gentrification, blacks or 11 African-Americans have not been able to get 12 mortgages and they have not been able to do 13 developments to the needs of that community. 14 And that's where we are coming from. 15 16 Morally, if the bank is concerned 17 about helping communities, this is a golden 18 opportunity for it to help a minority 19 community, and while we appreciate free 20 enterprise system and we know that all 21 financial deals must be sound, but something is 22 wrong in Denmark when blacks and other 23 minorities step to the plate and they are not 24 given the opportunity to fulfill their dream 25 and their hopes of owning real estate. . 639 1 2 MR. ALVAREZ: Thank you very much. 3 Ms. Martens or Ms. Lin or Ms. Sherwin, any of 4 you, you've spoken about mandatory arbitration. 5 I'm not sure I understand the facts. Most 6 folks that have a sexual harassment or other 7 kind of claim can go to the EEOC and the courts 8 and have that claim heard. 9 You say that at Smith Barney and 10 other places there is a requirement as 11 precondition to employment that you waive the 12 right to go to court and that all things be 13 settled in arbitration? 14 MS. SHERWIN: That's correct. 15 MR. ALVAREZ: Then no appeal to the 16 Court after arbitration? 17 MS. SHERWIN: Yes, it's the sole 18 remedy. According to industry regulations many 19 people are forced to sign a form B4. It is 20 also industry-wide. There's also requirements 21 in individual corporations that are internal 22 documents, agreements that are signed as a 23 precondition of employment, and that is so at 24 Smith Barney, and Smith Barney even in light of 25 the recent developments of this case, this . 640 1 2 sexual harassment case, recently reaffirmed its 3 policy of having all employees sign an internal 4 document signing away their right to go to 5 court and making arbitration their sole remedy. 6 MR. LONEY: Do you know if that goes 7 beyond Smith Barney within the Travelers Group? 8 MS. MARTENS: Precisely. Travelers 9 had the identical policy and I just want to 10 comment on that we're not talking about a 11 mutual forum. We're not talking about a fair 12 forum. One of the cornerstones of this would 13 be one of the scariest things I'd ever want to 14 imagine in America is that as the money and 15 power has grown at Smith Barney and Travelers, 16 Sanford Weil and James Diamond truly believe 17 they are above the law, and they have passed 18 down this attitude to their teams of corporate 19 attorneys. 20 For example, recently in one of the 21 arbitrations it was Mendez v. Shearson, but it 22 was tried by Smith Barney's attorneys. The 23 appellate court in Texas overturned the 24 arbitration decision because they quoted from 25 Smith Barney's attorneys closing arguments. It . 641 1 2 was a wage discrimination -- I'm sorry -- a 3 failure to pay overtime case, and the attorney 4 told the arbitrators, "we are telling you that 5 this is a bad law and you are to ignore this 6 law." 7 Now, as outrageous as this sounds, I 8 beg you to get a copy of that appellate 9 decision and read the outrageous demands that 10 Smith Barney's attorneys were giving to the 11 arbitrators. Even more shocking, the 12 arbitrators followed the demand from Smith 13 Barney necessitating that this go to an 14 appellate court. 15 This type of language has actually 16 now been put into the mandatory arbitration 17 agreement that they have forced their employees 18 to sign, and sign a receipt that they 19 understood that they were waiving their Title 20 VII, their harassment, discrimination, wage, 21 ERISA, race claims, and that arbitrators would 22 not be allowed to follow other law, but would 23 be required to follow "Smith Barney's lawful 24 business judgment." Apparently, Smith Barney's 25 lawful business judgment is that it is above . 642 1 2 the laws of America. 3 MR. LONEY: Thank you. Any other 4 questions? If not, I will thank the panel for 5 coming. 6 We have one other person who was 7 scheduled to testify earlier who has requested 8 time in the open microphone session, Lloyd 9 Williams. 10 MR. WILLIAMS: Thank you very much, 11 Mr. Chairman. My name is Lloyd Williams. I 12 serve as the President of the Greater Harlem 13 Chamber of Commerce, a business, civic and 14 trade organization celebrating its 102d year of 15 existence in the City of New York. 16 I just wanted to make brief comments. 17 One, listening to the comments of the National 18 Organization of Women as it relates to the 19 Martin v. Smith Barney matter, I want to go on 20 record as being very much in support of the 21 position of NOW, and other interested parties 22 in condemning the charges against Smith Barney, 23 and further, that we believe that too many of 24 the charges are in fact with substance. 25 Moving to the next point, the . 643 1 2 relationship of the merger proposed between 3 Travelers and Citicorp, the Greater Harlem 4 Chamber of Commerce wishes to go on record as 5 being supportive of that merger. It is our 6 view that Citicorp, particularly over the past 7 five years, has become more in tune certainly 8 in New York City with the needs of the sectors 9 of New York that are too frequently called the 10 outer boroughs, the four boroughs outside of 11 Manhattan and certainly sections in Manhattan 12 that are not in the midtown area, including the 13 Greater Harlem area. 14 Over the past five years Citibank 15 which had not been a leader in development in 16 that area, has stepped to the plate, and has 17 been in the forefront of student loans, 18 mortgage loans, business loans. 19 I should also note that Citibank is 20 opening in the central Harlem area on the 21 Frederick Douglas Boulevard between West 134th 22 and West 135th Street, the first Citibank loan 23 office that will open in August of this year, 24 that will provide specific loan information, 25 technical assistance and, in fact, direct loans . 644 1 2 to medium and small business sectors as well as 3 to homeowners. 4 We're very pleased that this is 5 taking place. It is going to be a model 6 project that we hope will be emulated 7 throughout not only the city, but far beyond. 8 In addition, I wanted to further make 9 particular note that there are some 10 distinguished persons at Citibank that I would 11 like to have their names recorded because of 12 their leadership. Mr. Hector Ramirez, and 13 Mr. Capocasanda, Ms. Bonnie Walsh, Mr. Allen 14 Stevens, and Mr. Darryl Dodson. It's a group 15 of women and men, different ethnic backgrounds, 16 different nationalities, that have come 17 together to serve the interest of our community 18 and in my view of the city. 19 The goals and objectives of our 20 service area which includes investments, 21 development, loans, Citibank has been 22 supportive of, and we would hope that by this 23 merger Travelers will join with the leadership 24 that is coming out of Citibank. 25 So without delaying your time . 645 1 2 further, we wanted to make sure that we did go 3 on record in supporting this merger, 4 encouraging you to give it all due 5 consideration, and, lastly, to commend Citibank 6 for the leadership it has provided in the past 7 years, and to encourage Citibank and Travelers 8 that through this merger hopefully they will be 9 able to provide more for those who have, as 10 well as for those who do not. I'd like to 11 thank you. 12 MR. LONEY: Thank you, Mr. Williams. 13 MR. ALVAREZ: Sir, Mr. Williams, 14 could I ask you a question? 15 MR. WILLIAMS: You absolutely can. 16 MR. ALVAREZ: You mentioned a loan 17 office would be opening. Could you state again 18 the location of that? 19 MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, it's on Frederick 20 Douglas Boulevard which is Eighth Avenue. It's 21 between 134th Street and 135th Street in the 22 Central Harlem area by City College. 23 MR. ALVAREZ: Someone had testified 24 earlier about that being a full-service branch. 25 Do you know for -- . 646 1 2 MR. WILLIAMS: No, there are two 3 things that are happening. That is not a 4 full-service bank, I know that absolutely for 5 sure, but in addition to that, directly across 6 the street there is a construction of a 170 7 unit condominium project 14 stories high with 8 48,000 square feet of commercial space and 9 underground parking for 140 automobiles. 10 Citibank is putting in a full-service 11 unit in that location across the street that 12 will be a combination of high tech as well as 13 persons directly servicing the interests of 14 that area, and, in addition, Citibank is the 15 lead financial bank for the construction of the 16 project. 17 MR. HODGETTS: Two separate 18 facilities across the street from each other? 19 MR. WILLIAMS: Right. And the new 20 construction would begin, I would believe, 21 September or October, and will take 22 approximately 18 to 20 months to finish, but 23 rather than wait for that to happen, Citibank 24 has opened this loan store across the street 25 and they will be in operation by August of this . 647 1 2 year. 3 MR. HODGETTS: Thank you. 4 MR. WILLIAMS: Thank you. 5 MR. LONEY: Did we have any more 6 people who have registered to testify? No 7 more. Does anybody else in the audience wish 8 to? 9 If not, we will adjourn these 10 proceedings. 11 Thank you very much. 12 (Adjourned) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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