May 7, 1997
Federal Reserve Districts
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Solid economic growth continues in the First District. Retail contacts report sales in line with expectations, with the majority citing strong growth. Most respondents in the manufacturing sector are also seeing revenues rise well. While retailers say they are raising prices somewhat, supplier prices are flat to down with only a few exceptions. Wages are rising slowly, except for selected high tech occupations. Office rents are increasing, notably in the Boston area, as demand for commercial real estate outstrips fairly level supplies. Insurance company revenues rose in the first quarter, led by annuities and mutual funds. Retail Unlike earlier in the year, many retailers now say increased demand is allowing them to raise prices, with corresponding improvements in profit margins. Most supplier prices are reported to be either holding steady or declining. The exception is lumber, for which prices are moving up. Employment seems to be picking up in all sectors and employee turnover is increasing. With the exception of building materials stores, wages are reported to be holding steady. The building materials sector, with rapidly growing head counts, sees wage growth of 4 percent. Capital expansions also appear to be picking up, with only the discount retail sector lacking significant expansion plans. In summary, retailers see a strong economy and expect solid growth to continue during the next six months. Manufacturing Most contacts report that materials costs are flat or down somewhat. Some contacts have avoided metals price increases by entering into long-term contracts. Selling prices also remain largely flat, although higher costs for hardwoods are putting upward pressure on furniture prices. Automakers reportedly are forcing lower prices and profitability onto equipment and parts manufacturers. Price trends for computer products vary considerably, depending on shifting demand for different technologies. Most respondents report very little net change in their head counts over the past year. For firms seeking to hire workers, labor availability is generally viewed as adequate, except for skilled technical positions. Company-wide wage and salary growth is mostly in the range of 2� to 5 percent, but engineers and software specialists are receiving increases that are considerably higher. A Connecticut-based manufacturer notes that market conditions no longer allow the company to freeze pay. Manufacturers generally anticipate reasonably good macroeconomic growth with little inflationary pressure for the remainder of 1997. Some express concerns about exchange rates or specific product lines. Commercial Real Estate Conditions in the rest of New England are mixed. Rhode Island is doing well and seems to be on its way to recovery. New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine have seen minor changes. Parts of Connecticut are very strong, mainly southwestern Connecticut (as a result of New York's strong economy). However, the Hartford, New Bedford (MA), and Worcester (MA) areas are still doing poorly, with high vacancy rates in most sectors. Nonbank Financial Services