August 6, 1997
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Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and based on information collected before July 28, 1997. This document summarizes comments received from business and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is not a commentary on the views of Federal Reserve officials. Economic activity generally expanded at a moderate rate in many districts in June and July, although several reported that growth was more brisk. The tempo of consumer spending picked up since the last Beige Book report, aided in part by improved weather. Automobile sales, however, were slightly softer. Manufacturing remained at a high level or expanded further across most industries, particularly for nonautomotive durables. Most districts indicated that manufacturers' inventories remained at generally desirable levels. Commercial real estate activity strengthened across much of the country as vacancy rates declined further and rents rose. Home sales and construction increased modestly in recent weeks, but still lagged slightly below year-ago levels. Labor markets tightened further but only scattered wage pressures were noted. Prices for most goods were stable, although reports indicated that lumber and some agricultural prices rose. Recent rains in some districts brought relief to crops damaged by heat and sparse rainfall. Several districts indicated that commercial lending strengthened while reports on consumer lending were more mixed.
Consumer Spending
Some districts attributed a rebound in sales growth to the arrival of warmer weather. However, New York stated that increased sales were not limited to seasonal items. Minneapolis reported that sales had increased, in part because some consumers had to replace flood-damaged belongings. Apparel demand appeared stronger in many districts, with Boston, New York, and Chicago citing particular strength in sales of women's fashions. However, Cleveland characterized the demand for children's apparel as soft, and Boston had weak sales of men's clothing. Consumer purchases of big-ticket items increased in New York, Richmond, and Chicago. Chicago also noted that sales of some luxury items were up "noticeably" from a year ago, particularly of personal watercraft and all-terrain vehicles. In most districts, vehicle sales edged lower; sales of light trucks and sport utility vehicles continued to display considerable strength, but sales of domestic passenger cars softened. Retail inventories were in line with sales across most districts. New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, and Chicago reported that retailers' inventories were on target. Kansas City said that retailers there had trimmed inventories and did not believe further reductions were necessary.
Production rose for aircraft and related products in the Boston district, but a shortage of skilled labor slowed aircraft production in the San Francisco district. Atlanta noted strength in shipbuilding. Chicago indicated that steel producers and manufacturers of heavy equipment continued to see increased production and strong orders. In the Cleveland district, however, demand for steel moderated, and in Philadelphia's district, primary metal producers faced slackening demand. Weaker demand for textiles reduced production in the Richmond and Philadelphia districts, while continued softness in apparel demand forced further plant closings in the Atlanta district. Furniture manufacturers in the Richmond district reported weaker product demand. The Philadelphia and Dallas districts noted greater demand for construction and building products. Few inventory problems were noted. Philadelphia and Kansas City reported that stocks of manufactured goods had been trimmed slightly, and further reductions were anticipated by Kansas City. Inventories in the Cleveland district were only slightly higher than earlier in the year.
Construction and Real Estate
Most districts reported strong commercial real estate activity, with declining vacancy rates and vigorous construction. Several districts also reported rising rents, from "modestly" in New York, to "sharply" in Boston. Richmond, St. Louis, and San Francisco reported strong nonresidential construction activity, as did Atlanta, although a lack of suitable land there was slowing industrial development. In the Chicago district, some areas experienced "record levels of activity," and Cleveland reported that "commercial building improved from the spring."
Labor Markets
Despite the persistent labor market tightness, wage pressures remained generally subdued. Exceptions included Richmond, where retail wages surged in July, and Chicago and Kansas City, with intensifying wage pressures for low-paying, entry-level, and clerical positions. Minneapolis described increased wage pressures accompanied by higher benefits costs. In the Boston district, employers were enhancing compensation packages and offering up-front bonuses to attract job candidates. Dallas reported that more employers were offering nonpecuniary forms of compensation instead of raising wages.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Livestock remained in good condition, and beef and hog producers enjoyed higher prices. Kansas City reported that many producers were marketing cattle early to head off further price declines, and that hog producers were expanding their operations. In Minneapolis, output from beef and hog producers was steady. Energy activity continued to improve, with Minneapolis stating that, because of new rigs coming on line, oil and gas exploration in that district was at its highest level in more than a decade. Kansas City reported that the rig count was well above a year ago, while Dallas noted that the rig count there had leveled off. San Francisco indicated that logging operations continued to expand at a "good clip." In sharp contrast, Minneapolis reported a noticeable decrease in Montana's production of forest products. Iron and steel production in that district also showed signs of falling off, but this was attributed to structural changes rather than weaker demand.
Banking and Finance
Delinquency rates fell somewhat in several districts. New York and Philadelphia reported that delinquency rates continued to decline for most types of loans. Delinquencies remained low in the Dallas district, especially in consumer lending. However, Cleveland reported a slight increase in consumer delinquencies. Cleveland and Kansas City reported tightening of credit standards, as some bankers cited concerns over credit quality.