Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
June 25-26, 2002 Presentation Materials -- Text Version
Presentation Materials (3.15 MB PDF)
Pages 130 to 179 of Transcript
Appendix 1: Materials used by Mr. Kos
Page 1
Top panel
Title: Rates Implied by Eurodollar Futures Curve Comparison of March 19, May 6, & June 24, 2002
Series: Eurodollar futures contracts
Horizon: September 2002 - December 2004
Description: The rates implied by eurodollar futures contracts over the time period declined from March 19, 2002 to May 6,
2002 to June 24, 2002.
Source: Bloomberg
Middle panel
Title: Eurodollar Deposit Futures Implied Volatility (December contract)
Series: Eurodollar deposit futures implied volatility
Horizon: March 1, 2002 to June 24, 2002
Description: Between March and June 2002, implied volatility on the December eurodollar deposit futures contract rose.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom-left panel
Title: 2-Year Treasury Yield
Series: 2-year Treasury yield
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: After an initial increase in March, yields declined over the period on the 2-year Treasury note.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom-right panel
Title: 10-Year Treasury Yield
Series: 10-year Treasury yield
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: After an initial increase in March, yields declined over the period on the 10-year Treasury note.
Source: Bloomberg
Page 2
Top panel
Title: U.S. Dollar Versus Selected Foreign Currencies
Series: U.S. dollar exchange rate versus the Japanese Yen, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc, British pound, euro dollar, and
Australian dollar
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: The exchange value of the dollar weakened against the aforementioned currencies over the period.
Source: Bloomberg
Middle panel
Title: 1-month Euro-Dollar and Dollar-Yen Exchange Rate Option Implied Volatility
Series: euro-dollar and dollar-yen 1-month implied volatility
Horizon: March 1, 2002 to June 24, 2002
Description: Implied volatility on 1-month dollar-yen options trended higher, while 1-month implied volatility on
euro-dollar trended lower in April and rose in late May and June.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom panel
Title: Global 10-yr. Government Bond Yields
Series: 10-year government yields from Japan, the U.S., Germany, the U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Sweden,
Australia, and New Zealand
Horizon: June 24, 2002
Description: Ten year government yields generally between 4.80 and 5.40 percent, with Japan much lower and Australia
and New Zealand higher.
Source: Bloomberg
Page 3
Top panel
Title: Domestic Equities
Series: The Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq indices
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: Equity indices prices declined over the period.
Source: Bloomberg
Middle panel
Title: S&P 100 Volatility Index (VIX)
Series: The VIX index
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: Volatility on the S&P 100 index rises, mostly after May.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom panel
Title: International Equities
Series: The Mexican Bolsa, U.K. FTSE, Japanese Nikkei, Swiss Market Index, German DAX
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: International equity indices fall following the May 7, 2002 FOMC meeting.
Source: Bloomberg
Page 4
Top-left panel
Title: Domestic Credit Spreads to Comparable Treasuries
Series: Spread between the 10-year Fannie Mae Benchmark yield and 10-year U.S. Treasury yield, spread between the
10-year U.S. interest rate swap rate and 10-year U.S. Treasury yield
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: Both the yield on the 10-year Fannie Mae benchmark security and the rate on 10-year U.S. interest rate
swaps decline in mid-April and remain stable over the remainder of the period.
Source: Bloomberg
Top-right panel
Title: Domestic Credit Spreads to Comparable Treasuries
Series: Spread between the A-1 Industrial Corporate yield and 10-year U.S. Treasury yield, spread between the
30-year Fannie Mae Current Coupon MBS to 30-year U.S. Treasury bond yield.
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: The spreads decline following the April 23, 2002 downgrade to WorldCom, and widen following the
May 29, 2002 downgrade to AT&T.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom panel
Title: U.S. Corporate High Yield, EMBI+ and the Brazilian Sub-Component
Series: Brazilian sub-component of the JPMorgan EMBI+ index (sovereign spread), JPMorgan EMBI+ index (sovereign
spread), and Merrill Lynch high yield index (sovereign spread).
Horizon: March 1, 2002 - June 24, 2002
Description: Spreads on the Brazilian sub-component widen the most, with the overall JPMorgan EMBI+ sovereign
spread and Merrill Lynch high yield spread widening to a less extent.
Source: Bloomberg
Page 5
Top panel
Title: Currency Component of M1 (excludes vault cash) Seasonally Adjusted
Series: currency component of M1, current estimates, and estimates as of the May FOMC meeting.
Horizon: December 2001 - December 2002
Description: Currency grew from December 2001 to May 2002, and is forecasted to grow through the end of 2002.
Bottom panel
Title: Total Outright Purchases and Net Soma Expansion
Series: SOMA portfolio purchases to offset redemptions, net portfolio expansion
Horizon: 1996 - 2002
Description: The SOMA portfolio was forecasted to increase over $60 billion in 2002.
Appendix 2: Materials used by Mr. Rolnick
Slide 1
Are Phillips Curves Useful for Forecasting Inflation?
40 years of debate
June 25, 2002
Arthur J. Rolnick
Slide 2
- The Phillips Curve has not been stable.
- Unemployment is not useful for predicting inflation.
- In the long run, money growth is a reliable predictor of inflation.
Slide 3
The Phillips Curve:
The U.S. Experience
Slide 4
There was a clear negative relationship in 1959-69…
Chart. A scatterplot with a trendline. The x-axis is labeled Unemployment. The y-axis is labeled Inflation. The trendline has negative slope, approximately -1.28. Approximate values for the data points are as follows.
Unemployment | Inflation |
3.40 | 5.47 |
3.40 | 5.06 |
3.43 | 5.50 |
3.53 | 5.17 |
3.57 | 4.89 |
3.57 | 4.88 |
3.57 | 4.67 |
3.70 | 3.18 |
3.73 | 4.35 |
3.77 | 2.93 |
3.80 | 4.18 |
3.83 | 4.26 |
3.83 | 3.90 |
3.83 | 2.96 |
3.87 | 3.10 |
3.90 | 4.47 |
4.10 | 3.36 |
4.37 | 3.18 |
4.67 | 2.54 |
4.90 | 2.18 |
4.97 | 2.02 |
5.00 | 1.87 |
5.10 | 1.46 |
5.13 | 1.22 |
5.20 | 1.83 |
5.23 | 1.12 |
5.27 | 1.59 |
5.47 | 1.67 |
5.50 | 1.68 |
5.53 | 1.44 |
5.53 | 1.03 |
5.53 | 1.01 |
5.57 | 1.41 |
5.57 | 0.96 |
5.60 | 1.45 |
5.63 | 1.05 |
5.73 | 1.47 |
5.77 | 1.34 |
5.83 | 1.14 |
6.20 | 1.32 |
6.27 | 1.03 |
6.77 | 1.33 |
6.80 | 1.42 |
7.00 | 1.37 |
Slide 5
…But it disappeared in 1970-2000…
Chart. A scatterplot with a trendline. The x-axis is labeled Unemployment. The y-axis is labeled Inflation. The trendline has positive slope, approximately 0.16. Approximate values for the data points are as follows.
Unemployment | Inflation |
3.97 | 1.84 |
4.00 | 2.22 |
4.03 | 2.26 |
4.07 | 2.31 |
4.10 | 2.40 |
4.17 | 4.95 |
4.23 | 2.37 |
4.27 | 2.00 |
4.30 | 2.23 |
4.43 | 1.39 |
4.43 | 1.50 |
4.53 | 1.36 |
4.63 | 1.31 |
4.67 | 1.13 |
4.77 | 4.92 |
4.77 | 9.96 |
4.80 | 9.11 |
4.87 | 1.23 |
4.93 | 7.34 |
4.93 | 8.00 |
5.00 | 1.16 |
5.13 | 10.46 |
5.17 | 5.11 |
5.20 | 3.56 |
5.20 | 9.55 |
5.23 | 1.39 |
5.23 | 3.72 |
5.23 | 3.95 |
5.27 | 1.88 |
5.30 | 4.12 |
5.33 | 1.83 |
5.33 | 3.52 |
5.33 | 3.69 |
5.37 | 6.76 |
5.37 | 4.07 |
5.47 | 1.97 |
5.47 | 3.54 |
5.47 | 3.96 |
5.50 | 2.06 |
5.53 | 1.94 |
5.57 | 1.86 |
5.57 | 5.90 |
5.63 | 2.09 |
5.63 | 8.37 |
5.67 | 1.90 |
5.67 | 1.93 |
5.70 | 3.39 |
5.70 | 4.00 |
5.70 | 5.06 |
5.70 | 8.58 |
5.77 | 4.06 |
5.83 | 3.59 |
5.83 | 4.63 |
5.87 | 8.64 |
5.87 | 8.68 |
5.90 | 3.90 |
5.90 | 8.33 |
5.93 | 4.30 |
5.93 | 4.59 |
5.97 | 9.26 |
6.00 | 2.08 |
6.00 | 3.62 |
6.00 | 7.93 |
6.03 | 3.86 |
6.03 | 8.31 |
6.13 | 3.06 |
6.20 | 2.22 |
6.27 | 3.21 |
6.30 | 9.60 |
6.33 | 7.58 |
6.57 | 2.25 |
6.60 | 2.67 |
6.60 | 2.93 |
6.60 | 7.20 |
6.63 | 2.04 |
6.67 | 7.17 |
6.80 | 2.14 |
6.83 | 2.51 |
6.83 | 3.17 |
6.87 | 2.18 |
6.90 | 7.19 |
6.97 | 3.04 |
7.03 | 2.15 |
7.03 | 2.67 |
7.07 | 1.99 |
7.10 | 2.27 |
7.13 | 2.08 |
7.13 | 6.66 |
7.17 | 2.92 |
7.20 | 2.22 |
7.23 | 2.28 |
7.30 | 2.09 |
7.30 | 2.93 |
7.33 | 9.19 |
7.37 | 2.34 |
7.37 | 2.39 |
7.40 | 5.86 |
7.40 | 6.38 |
7.40 | 8.07 |
7.43 | 2.91 |
7.43 | 3.24 |
7.43 | 6.89 |
7.50 | 6.37 |
7.57 | 6.40 |
7.60 | 2.32 |
7.63 | 2.44 |
7.67 | 8.88 |
7.73 | 6.23 |
7.73 | 5.78 |
7.77 | 6.47 |
7.87 | 3.36 |
8.23 | 5.09 |
8.27 | 6.01 |
8.30 | 5.27 |
8.47 | 5.24 |
8.53 | 3.48 |
8.83 | 4.45 |
8.87 | 5.62 |
9.37 | 3.65 |
9.43 | 4.06 |
9.90 | 3.55 |
10.13 | 3.72 |
10.37 | 3.81 |
10.67 | 3.38 |
Slide 6
A new Phillips Curve emerged in 1970-84…
Unemployment and Changes in Inflation
Chart. A scatterplot with a trendline. The x-axis is labeled Unemployment. The y-axis is labeled Changes in Inflation. The trendline has negative slope, approximately -0.69. The trendline intersects the horizontal line y = 0 at approximately x = 6.72; the intersection is labeled NAIRU, Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment. Approximate values for the plotted points are as follows.
Unemployment | Changes in Inflation |
4.17 | -0.52 |
4.77 | 3.20 |
4.77 | -0.58 |
4.80 | 3.21 |
4.93 | 3.28 |
4.93 | 2.94 |
5.13 | 3.12 |
5.17 | 0.23 |
5.20 | 1.55 |
5.37 | 2.46 |
5.57 | 2.04 |
5.63 | -0.74 |
5.70 | 1.16 |
5.70 | 0.65 |
5.77 | -0.54 |
5.83 | -0.26 |
5.87 | 1.06 |
5.87 | 0.37 |
5.90 | 1.17 |
5.90 | -1.02 |
5.93 | -0.33 |
5.93 | -0.36 |
5.97 | 0.93 |
6.00 | 1.26 |
6.03 | 1.12 |
6.03 | -1.25 |
6.30 | 0.96 |
6.33 | 1.21 |
6.60 | -2.76 |
6.67 | 0.70 |
6.90 | 0.96 |
7.13 | 0.27 |
7.33 | 0.61 |
7.40 | -1.19 |
7.40 | -2.80 |
7.40 | -3.02 |
7.43 | -2.70 |
7.50 | 0.58 |
7.57 | 0.78 |
7.67 | 0.20 |
7.73 | 0.98 |
7.73 | -0.23 |
7.77 | 1.20 |
8.23 | -2.98 |
8.27 | -4.45 |
8.30 | -1.93 |
8.47 | -3.13 |
8.53 | 0.10 |
8.83 | -2.44 |
8.87 | -3.93 |
9.37 | 0.10 |
9.43 | -2.32 |
9.90 | -2.31 |
10.13 | -0.34 |
10.37 | -0.64 |
10.67 | -1.71 |
Slide 7
…But the new Phillips Curve became less visible (1984-2000)…
Chart. A scatterplot with a trendline. The x-axis is labeled Unemployment. The y-axis is labeled Changes in Inflation. The trendline has negative slope, approximately -0.17. Approximate values for the plotted points are as follows.
Unemployment | Changes in Inflation |
3.97 | -0.57 |
4.00 | -0.01 |
4.03 | 0.27 |
4.07 | -0.05 |
4.10 | 0.90 |
4.23 | 1.00 |
4.27 | 0.68 |
4.30 | 0.85 |
4.43 | 0.38 |
4.43 | 0.23 |
4.53 | 0.14 |
4.63 | -0.08 |
4.67 | -0.71 |
4.87 | -0.65 |
5.00 | -0.90 |
5.20 | -0.43 |
5.23 | 0.41 |
5.23 | -0.23 |
5.23 | -0.55 |
5.27 | -0.06 |
5.30 | 0.56 |
5.33 | -0.02 |
5.33 | -0.03 |
5.33 | -0.08 |
5.37 | 0.56 |
5.47 | 0.75 |
5.47 | -0.08 |
5.47 | -0.28 |
5.50 | 0.16 |
5.53 | -0.03 |
5.57 | -0.23 |
5.63 | 0.05 |
5.67 | -0.14 |
5.67 | -0.32 |
5.70 | 1.07 |
5.70 | -0.56 |
5.83 | 0.42 |
6.00 | 0.58 |
6.00 | -0.07 |
6.13 | -1.01 |
6.20 | 0.23 |
6.27 | 0.29 |
6.57 | 0.17 |
6.60 | 0.26 |
6.60 | -1.45 |
6.63 | -0.36 |
6.80 | -0.30 |
6.83 | 1.02 |
6.83 | -1.18 |
6.87 | -1.21 |
6.97 | 0.82 |
7.03 | 0.39 |
7.03 | -0.78 |
7.07 | -0.32 |
7.10 | -0.79 |
7.13 | -0.26 |
7.17 | 0.83 |
7.20 | -0.69 |
7.23 | -1.08 |
7.30 | -0.55 |
7.30 | -1.15 |
7.37 | 0.12 |
7.37 | -0.33 |
7.43 | -0.49 |
7.43 | -0.74 |
7.60 | -0.19 |
7.63 | 0.26 |
7.87 | -0.45 |
Slide 8
1. The Phillips Curve has not been stable.
Slide 9
Some economists still insist that unemployment can predict inflation.
The test: Can NAIRU-based models forecast better than a naive model?
Slide 10
The Naive Model
Inflation over the next period is predicted to be equal to inflation over the previous period
Slide 11
Title: NAIRU-based Board Staff Model has not forecasted better than the Naive Model
Series: Three alternative forecasts of CPI inflation over the next four quarters. The forecast labeled
"NAIRU-based Board Staff Model" are CPI forecasts drawn from past issues of the Federal Reserve Staff's Greenbook.
The forecast labeled "Philadelphia Fed Survey of Professional Forecasters" are the CPI forecasts from the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's Survey of Professional Forecasters. These historical forecasts are available at Short-Term and Long-Term Inflation Forecasts: Survey of
Professional Forecasters. The forecast labeled "Naive Model" is equal to CPI inflation over the previous
four quarters.
Horizon: 1984:Q1 - 2000:Q2
Description: This chart provides a visual comparison of the history of these three alternative CPI inflation forecasts.
Slide 12
Evaluating Forecasting Models
- A better forecasting model has smaller average forecasting error
- The measure of success: \frac{Average Error of NAIRU Model}{Average Error of Naive Model}
- NAIRU wins if the the measure is less than one
Slide 13
Title: A large class of NAIRU-based models have not forecasted better than the Naive Model
Series: Ratios of Root Mean Squared Forecast Error of NAIRU-based Model to the Root Mean Squared Forecast Error of a Naive Model
Horizon: Forecasts from 1984-1999
Description: This chart summarizes results on forecasts comparisons published in Andrew Atkeson and Lee Ohanian's (2001)
article "Are Phillips Curves Useful for Forecasting Inflation (1.00 MB PDF)" Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review vol. 25, no. 1,
Winter, pp. 2-11. The numbers plotted in this chart are the three numbers in the second column of numbers (labeled "Maximum") in
the table titled "Why Use the NAIRU Phillips Curve?" in that article.
Slide 14
2. Unemployment is not useful for predicting inflation.
Slide 15
The Quantity Theory:
International Evidence for 94 Countries
Slide 16
Money growth and inflation are highly correlated over the long-term
(Approximately 25 year averages)
Chart. A scatterplot with points clustered around a dashed line with slope = 1. The x-axis is labeled Money (M2) growth (percent). The y-axis is labeled Inflation rate (percent). Approximate values for the plotted points are as follows.
Money (M2) growth (percent) |
Inflation rate (percent) |
7.24 | 3.89 |
7.56 | 4.92 |
8.25 | 4.84 |
8.70 | 3.36 |
9.30 | 4.52 |
9.53 | 7.06 |
9.59 | 3.48 |
10.03 | 3.72 |
10.06 | 7.16 |
10.13 | 6.49 |
10.30 | 6.79 |
10.32 | 4.32 |
10.50 | 5.40 |
10.57 | 10.06 |
10.80 | 5.05 |
10.88 | 6.78 |
10.96 | 6.60 |
11.03 | 8.29 |
11.03 | 4.17 |
11.12 | 4.50 |
11.34 | 9.51 |
11.50 | 6.73 |
11.82 | 8.72 |
11.86 | 6.31 |
12.05 | 5.79 |
12.05 | 6.00 |
12.18 | 5.80 |
12.22 | 8.16 |
12.51 | 7.34 |
12.53 | 5.34 |
12.62 | 5.56 |
12.63 | 7.42 |
12.64 | 8.42 |
12.64 | 9.20 |
12.76 | 7.65 |
12.79 | 3.27 |
12.79 | 9.53 |
12.89 | 7.87 |
12.92 | 7.33 |
12.97 | 6.60 |
13.15 | 4.48 |
13.32 | 8.53 |
13.41 | 8.28 |
13.42 | 8.68 |
13.44 | 5.58 |
13.72 | 8.53 |
13.74 | 3.62 |
13.78 | 7.36 |
13.81 | 7.71 |
13.91 | 7.57 |
13.94 | 5.46 |
14.03 | 8.60 |
14.11 | 8.48 |
14.22 | 7.35 |
14.28 | 9.05 |
14.30 | 8.09 |
14.54 | 8.82 |
14.67 | 7.24 |
14.84 | 10.22 |
15.00 | 9.50 |
15.46 | 11.17 |
15.73 | 12.89 |
15.84 | 6.71 |
15.95 | 9.82 |
15.99 | 12.18 |
16.05 | 5.28 |
16.05 | 8.66 |
16.08 | 12.31 |
16.12 | 10.03 |
16.42 | 10.94 |
16.69 | 14.64 |
16.76 | 8.20 |
16.83 | 8.55 |
16.96 | 12.60 |
16.97 | 8.21 |
17.02 | 10.62 |
17.14 | 9.49 |
17.32 | 9.82 |
17.57 | 12.53 |
17.88 | 11.38 |
18.07 | 12.70 |
18.10 | 11.88 |
18.27 | 10.93 |
18.46 | 4.75 |
18.94 | 17.66 |
19.60 | 10.15 |
19.76 | 8.21 |
20.24 | 12.22 |
20.76 | 13.70 |
20.83 | 11.72 |
21.41 | 15.75 |
21.56 | 10.43 |
22.25 | 17.31 |
24.80 | 24.98 |
25.12 | 10.70 |
26.25 | 28.49 |
27.55 | 22.80 |
29.63 | 22.88 |
29.64 | 22.69 |
31.42 | 13.40 |
37.40 | 35.40 |
38.09 | 30.38 |
40.48 | 17.02 |
41.62 | 34.13 |
45.61 | 35.37 |
47.72 | 45.02 |
47.92 | 52.36 |
48.52 | 54.10 |
52.44 | 42.26 |
82.03 | 80.76 |
Slide 17
3. In the long run, money growth is a reliable predictor of inflation.
Appendix 3: Materials used by Mr. Roberts and Mr. Lebow
Material for Board Staff Presentation on Explaining Low Inflation Since the Mid-1990s
Division of Research and Statistics
June 25, 2002
Exhibit 1
Top-left panel
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Rate | |
1990:Q1 | 5.3000 |
1990:Q2 | 5.3000 |
1990:Q3 | 5.7000 |
1990:Q4 | 6.1000 |
1991:Q1 | 6.6000 |
1991:Q2 | 6.8000 |
1991:Q3 | 6.9000 |
1991:Q4 | 7.1000 |
1992:Q1 | 7.4000 |
1992:Q2 | 7.6000 |
1992:Q3 | 7.6000 |
1992:Q4 | 7.4000 |
1993:Q1 | 7.2000 |
1993:Q2 | 7.1000 |
1993:Q3 | 6.8000 |
1993:Q4 | 6.6000 |
1994:Q1 | 6.6000 |
1994:Q2 | 6.2000 |
1994:Q3 | 6.0000 |
1994:Q4 | 5.6000 |
1995:Q1 | 5.5000 |
1995:Q2 | 5.7000 |
1995:Q3 | 5.7000 |
1995:Q4 | 5.6000 |
1996:Q1 | 5.5000 |
1996:Q2 | 5.5000 |
1996:Q3 | 5.3000 |
1996:Q4 | 5.3000 |
1997:Q1 | 5.2000 |
1997:Q2 | 5.0000 |
1997:Q3 | 4.9000 |
1997:Q4 | 4.7000 |
1998:Q1 | 4.6000 |
1998:Q2 | 4.4000 |
1998:Q3 | 4.5000 |
1998:Q4 | 4.4000 |
1999:Q1 | 4.3000 |
1999:Q2 | 4.3000 |
1999:Q3 | 4.2000 |
1999:Q4 | 4.1000 |
2000:Q1 | 4.0000 |
2000:Q2 | 4.0000 |
2000:Q3 | 4.1000 |
2000:Q4 | 4.0000 |
2001:Q1 | 4.2000 |
2001:Q2 | 4.5000 |
2001:Q3 | 4.8000 |
2001:Q4 | 5.6000 |
2002:Q1 | 5.6000 |
Top-right panel
Core PCE Prices
Core PCE Prices | |
1990:Q1 | 3.8015 |
1990:Q2 | 4.2535 |
1990:Q3 | 4.6284 |
1990:Q4 | 4.5030 |
1991:Q1 | 4.6172 |
1991:Q2 | 4.1654 |
1991:Q3 | 3.9470 |
1991:Q4 | 3.9242 |
1992:Q1 | 3.9421 |
1992:Q2 | 3.8302 |
1992:Q3 | 3.4369 |
1992:Q4 | 3.2873 |
1993:Q1 | 2.7916 |
1993:Q2 | 2.7340 |
1993:Q3 | 2.6566 |
1993:Q4 | 2.3997 |
1994:Q1 | 2.1197 |
1994:Q2 | 2.0555 |
1994:Q3 | 2.3858 |
1994:Q4 | 2.2673 |
1995:Q1 | 2.5889 |
1995:Q2 | 2.5271 |
1995:Q3 | 2.2762 |
1995:Q4 | 2.2739 |
1996:Q1 | 2.0387 |
1996:Q2 | 1.8695 |
1996:Q3 | 1.7390 |
1996:Q4 | 1.8341 |
1997:Q1 | 1.9658 |
1997:Q2 | 2.1088 |
1997:Q3 | 1.9768 |
1997:Q4 | 1.7276 |
1998:Q1 | 1.5449 |
1998:Q2 | 1.3899 |
1998:Q3 | 1.5214 |
1998:Q4 | 1.5763 |
1999:Q1 | 1.5253 |
1999:Q2 | 1.4174 |
1999:Q3 | 1.4089 |
1999:Q4 | 1.4845 |
2000:Q1 | 1.8451 |
2000:Q2 | 1.9684 |
2000:Q3 | 1.9913 |
2000:Q4 | 1.9258 |
2001:Q1 | 1.8531 |
2001:Q2 | 1.5868 |
2001:Q3 | 1.2942 |
2001:Q4 | 1.5996 |
2002:Q1 | 1.1992 |
Middle panel
- Have changes been occurring in the economy, over time, that have altered the inflation process?
- Why did inflation remain so low in the late 1990s when unemployment was also low?
- Can the recent good performance be repeated in coming years?
Bottom panel
Three key factors
1. Changes in monetary policy | A relatively small part of the recent story. |
2. The pickup of productivity growth | Our main explanation for the late 1990s; effects should diminish over time. |
3. Labor market developments | Also important; effects likely to persist. |
Exhibit 2
The FRB/US Model of Inflation Dynamics
Top panel
- \pi_t=\beta\pi_{t-1}+(1-\beta)\pi_t^e-\gamma(U_t-U_t^n) + relative price shocks + unit labor costs
\pi = rate of price inflation \pi^e = expected rate of price inflation U = unemployment rate U^n = natural rate of unemployment \beta, \gamma = coefficients - \pi^e reflects knowledge of the structure of the economy, including the conduct of monetary policy.
- How do our factors fit in this model?
- Changes in the conduct of monetary policy alter the influence of U on \pi^e.
- Changes in labor productivity growth affect inflation through unit labor costs.
- Labor market developments shift U^n
- Movements of (U-U^n) explain about 20 percent of the variation of year-to-year changes in inflation.
Exhibit 3
Monetary Policy
Top panel
Change in Core PCE Inflation vs. Unemployment
Top-left and top-right panels
Each panel presents a scatter plot with the four-quarter moving average of the unemployment rate plotted along the horizontal axis and the four-quarter change in the four-quarter percent change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures other than food and energy plotted along the vertical axis. In addition, each panel presents a regression line based on an OLS regression where the plotted change in inflation is the variable to be explained and the moving average of the unemployment rate is the explanatory variable. The panel on the left covers the period 1960 to 1983; the panel on the right, 1984 to 2001. The slope of the regression line in the earlier period (plotted on the left) is less than that for the latter period (plotted on the right). The plotted data points broadly follow this pattern. However, the data are much more dispersed around the regression line in the earlier period. In particular, the data on the change in inflation covers nearly the entire plotted vertical range (from -4 to +5), whereas the range of the data in the plot to the right is considerably narrower, running from -2 to +1.
Bottom panel
- Since the early 1980s, monetary policy has moved more aggressively to stabilize the economy than in the 1960s and 1970s.
- In FRB/US, such a change reduces the sensitivity of inflation to unemployment.
- Attars the formation of inflation expectations.
- Low unemployment is no longer as strong a signal of higher future inflation.
- Sensitivity reduced by about a third.
- So, low unemployment in the late 1990s induced less deterioration in inflation expectations. and thus in actual inflation.
- But policymakers cannot "exploit" this lower sensitivity.
- A reversion to a less-aggressive policy would alter how expectations are formed.
Exhibit 4
Top panel
- Hourly compensation responds only gradually when productivity accelerates.
- Costs of acquiring and processing information.
- Unit labor costs rise less rapidly, helping hold down inflation.
- A lower unemployment rate is consistent with stable inflation.
- Effect may be long-lived but not permanent.
- Effect worked in the opposite direction in the 1970s.
Middle panel
Estimated Effect of Productivity on Hourly Compensation
Estimated effect of productivity on hourly compensation. The period covered is from 1963 to early 2002, and the data are in percent. The panel presents two series. The staff estimate of structural productivity growth fluctuates between 2½ percent and 3½ percent from 1963 through 1973, moves down to around 1 to 1½ percent from 1974 through 1992, and then gradually rises to greater than 3 percent in 1999 and 2000 before falling back to 2½ percent in 2001 and early 2002. The second series is an estimate of the contribution of this structural productivity series to the growth in hourly compensation and looks like a smoothed and somewhat lagged version of the productivity series: It declines gradually from 3 percent in the mid-1960s to about 1½ percent by 1983, remains near that level until 1994, and then moves up gradually to 2½ percent by 2000.
Bottom-left panel
Estimated Effect on the Stable-Inflation Unemployment Rate
The panel presents the estimated effect of productivity growth on the stable-inflation unemployment rate, along with a 70 percent confidence interval around that estimate. The period covered is from 1963 to early 2002, and the data are in percentage points. The estimated effect moves up from zero in 1973 to 1 percent by 1976; gradually moves back down to zero by about 1984 and stays around zero through 1993; declines and reaches below -1 percent from 1998 to 2000; and then moves back to zero by late 2001. The width of the 70 percent confidence interval varies somewhat over time but generally averages between ¼ and ½ percentage point both above and below the estimated effect.
Bottom-right panel
- Uncertain speed of adjustment
- Results sensitive to measure of structural productivity
Exhibit 5
Labor Market Developments and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
Top panel
Impact on the Natural Rate of Unemployment In Recent Years
Lower natural rate
- Incarceration
- Disability insurance
- Help supply
- Worker insecurity
- The Internet
Neutral effect
- Minimum wage
- Unemployment insurance
- Demographics
Higher natural rate
- Welfare reform
Middle panel
Factors pushing natural rate lower
Middle-left panel
Disability insurance recipients | Help supply employment | Incarceration | |
1963 | 0.667258 | NA | NA |
1964 | 0.710555 | NA | NA |
1965 | 0.773107 | NA | NA |
1966 | 0.844952 | NA | NA |
1967 | 0.903779 | NA | NA |
1968 | 0.964295 | NA | NA |
1969 | 1.019155 | NA | NA |
1970 | 1.070478 | NA | NA |
1971 | 1.158071 | NA | NA |
1972 | 1.262241 | NA | NA |
1973 | 1.360536 | NA | NA |
1974 | 1.478687 | NA | NA |
1975 | 1.612612 | NA | NA |
1976 | 1.696862 | NA | NA |
1977 | 1.769693 | NA | NA |
1978 | 1.764301 | NA | NA |
1979 | 1.729218 | NA | NA |
1980 | 1.695018 | NA | 0.298603 |
1981 | 1.622275 | NA | 0.325329 |
1982 | 1.500636 | 0.240352 | 0.353027 |
1983 | 1.462021 | 0.278113 | 0.368489 |
1984 | 1.460142 | 0.361427 | 0.383970 |
1985 | 1.477154 | 0.407316 | 0.413793 |
1986 | 1.500769 | 0.460429 | 0.440474 |
1987 | 1.516453 | 0.538652 | 0.467424 |
1988 | 1.525161 | 0.606898 | 0.512683 |
1989 | 1.544939 | 0.648933 | 0.575744 |
1990 | 1.591275 | 0.680951 | 0.607014 |
1991 | 1.672058 | 0.664115 | 0.637959 |
1992 | 1.797255 | 0.731369 | 0.671266 |
1993 | 1.912099 | 0.857274 | 0.702649 |
1994 | 2.013420 | 1.025560 | 0.750202 |
1995 | 2.104758 | 1.101116 | 0.797344 |
1996 | 2.182683 | 1.171025 | 0.819198 |
1997 | 2.220074 | 1.308827 | 0.858702 |
1998 | 2.289237 | 1.426198 | 0.885326 |
1999 | 2.352336 | 1.566547 | 0.912645 |
2000 | 2.405310 | 1.664815 | 0.922325 |
2001 | NA | 1.455590 | NA |
NA not applicable Return to table
Middle-right panel
ISR employment insecurity index | |
1979 | 17.00000 |
1980 | 12.00000 |
1981 | 12.00000 |
1982 | 14.00000 |
1983 | 13.00000 |
1984 | 21.00000 |
1985 | 24.00000 |
1986 | 19.00000 |
1987 | 20.00000 |
1988 | 22.00000 |
1989 | 21.00000 |
1990 | 20.00000 |
1991 | 25.00000 |
1992 | 31.00000 |
1993 | 38.00000 |
1994 | 44.00000 |
1995 | 46.00000 |
1996 | 46.00000 |
1997 | 44.00000 |
1998 | 37.00000 |
1999 | 33.00000 |
2000 | 32.00000 |
2001 | 35.00000 |
Bottom-left panel
Factor pushing natural rate higher
Families on welfare | |
1963 | 0.764066 |
1964 | 0.788293 |
1965 | 0.812953 |
1966 | 0.837875 |
1967 | 0.921867 |
1968 | 1.049684 |
1969 | 1.241151 |
1970 | 1.583187 |
1971 | 1.941265 |
1972 | 2.099700 |
1973 | 2.123828 |
1974 | 2.135185 |
1975 | 2.266544 |
1976 | 2.274380 |
1977 | 2.237819 |
1978 | 2.157763 |
1979 | 2.113532 |
1980 | 2.201183 |
1981 | 2.241015 |
1982 | 2.041229 |
1983 | 2.097776 |
1984 | 2.088515 |
1985 | 2.057863 |
1986 | 2.069946 |
1987 | 2.055193 |
1988 | 2.020005 |
1989 | 2.026763 |
1990 | 2.143644 |
1991 | 2.353585 |
1992 | 2.502784 |
1993 | 2.571980 |
1994 | 2.556881 |
1995 | 2.409255 |
1996 | 2.206839 |
1997 | 1.841887 |
1998 | 1.486263 |
1999 | 1.244404 |
2000 | 1.056511 |
2001 | 0.992737 |
Bottom-right panel
On balance:
- Demographics aside, the natural rate may be about 1/2 percentage point lower than in the mid-1980s.
- One reason we don't favor a larger number:
Errors in hourly compensation models have not been large, on average, in recent years.
Exhibit 6
Accounting for Inflation since 1995
(based on dynamic simulations of the FRB/US price-wage sector)
Top-left panel
Core PCE Inflation
Actual | Simulation including all three factors | Simulation excluding all three factors | |
1990:Q1 | 3.8015 | ND | ND |
1990:Q2 | 4.2535 | ND | ND |
1990:Q3 | 4.6284 | ND | ND |
1990:Q4 | 4.5030 | ND | ND |
1991:Q1 | 4.6172 | ND | ND |
1991:Q2 | 4.1654 | ND | ND |
1991:Q3 | 3.9470 | ND | ND |
1991:Q4 | 3.9242 | ND | ND |
1992:Q1 | 3.9421 | ND | ND |
1992:Q2 | 3.8302 | ND | ND |
1992:Q3 | 3.4369 | ND | ND |
1992:Q4 | 3.2873 | ND | ND |
1993:Q1 | 2.7916 | ND | ND |
1993:Q2 | 2.7340 | ND | ND |
1993:Q3 | 2.6566 | ND | ND |
1993:Q4 | 2.3997 | ND | ND |
1994:Q1 | 2.1197 | ND | ND |
1994:Q2 | 2.0555 | ND | ND |
1994:Q3 | 2.3858 | ND | ND |
1994:Q4 | 2.2673 | ND | ND |
1995:Q1 | 2.5889 | 2.6116 | 2.6285 |
1995:Q2 | 2.5271 | 2.5720 | 2.6171 |
1995:Q3 | 2.2762 | 2.2775 | 2.3460 |
1995:Q4 | 2.2739 | 2.4443 | 2.5432 |
1996:Q1 | 2.0387 | 2.2792 | 2.4033 |
1996:Q2 | 1.8695 | 2.1515 | 2.3061 |
1996:Q3 | 1.7390 | 2.1825 | 2.3968 |
1996:Q4 | 1.8341 | 2.2801 | 2.5781 |
1997:Q1 | 1.9658 | 1.8415 | 2.2154 |
1997:Q2 | 2.1088 | 1.8207 | 2.2895 |
1997:Q3 | 1.9768 | 1.6096 | 2.1911 |
1997:Q4 | 1.7276 | 1.0356 | 1.7429 |
1998:Q1 | 1.5449 | 1.2678 | 2.1492 |
1998:Q2 | 1.3899 | 1.0107 | 2.0745 |
1998:Q3 | 1.5214 | 0.8570 | 2.1169 |
1998:Q4 | 1.5763 | 1.0709 | 2.4984 |
1999:Q1 | 1.5253 | 0.7579 | 2.3500 |
1999:Q2 | 1.4174 | 0.6955 | 2.4490 |
1999:Q3 | 1.4089 | 0.8347 | 2.7332 |
1999:Q4 | 1.4845 | 0.8087 | 2.8901 |
2000:Q1 | 1.8451 | 1.1053 | 3.3720 |
2000:Q2 | 1.9684 | 1.3002 | 3.7599 |
2000:Q3 | 1.9913 | 1.4057 | 4.0606 |
2000:Q4 | 1.9258 | 1.3837 | 4.1991 |
2001:Q1 | 1.8531 | 1.4898 | 4.4490 |
2001:Q2 | 1.5868 | 1.4713 | 4.5110 |
2001:Q3 | 1.2942 | 1.4343 | 4.5119 |
2001:Q4 | 1.5996 | 1.8079 | 4.8763 |
2002:Q1 | 1.1983 | 1.4831 | 4.4697 |
Top-right panel
Contributions to the 2002:Q1 Difference Between the Two Simulations (percent)
Productivity acceleration | 63 |
Labor market developments | 25 |
Change in monetary policy | 12 |
Middle panel
The role of pricing power
- Firms appear to lack "pricing power" in the low-inflation economy.
- This perception may be a natural consequence of accelerating productivity:
- Innovation may create winners and losers; the losers "lack pricing power."
- A productivity acceleration causes profit share to rise and then decline.
- Greater competition -- from globalization, deregulation, and the low-inflation environment -- may also have reduced pricing power.
- Reduced pricing power may spur firms to seek new technologies.
Bottom panel
Looking ahead
- If monetary policy remains aggressive, the smaller sensitivity of inflation to unemployment should continue.
- The productivity effect will fade, but may persist a while longer.
- Labor market developments should have a durable effect.
Appendix 4: Materials used by Mr. Stockton, Mr. Oliner, and Ms. Johnson
Material for Staff Presentation on the Economic Outlook
June 25, 2002
Chart 1
Forecast Overview
Top-left panel
Real GDP
2002 | ||
Q1 | Q2 | |
Current | 5.7 | 2.0 |
(June GB) | 5.5 | 1.8 |
Top-right panel
Real GDP and Final Sales
Real GDP | Real GDP-Forecast | Final Sales | Final Sales-Forecast | |
1997:Q1 | 4.43 | ND | 3.87 | ND |
1997:Q2 | 4.22 | ND | 3.47 | ND |
1997:Q3 | 4.78 | ND | 4.78 | ND |
1997:Q4 | 4.31 | ND | 3.91 | ND |
1998:Q1 | 4.74 | ND | 4.02 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 3.82 | ND | 4.40 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 3.80 | ND | 3.55 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 4.77 | ND | 4.66 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 4.02 | ND | 4.40 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 3.89 | ND | 4.02 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 4.02 | ND | 4.38 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 4.41 | ND | 4.28 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 4.23 | ND | 4.74 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 5.22 | ND | 4.73 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 4.38 | ND | 4.26 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 2.81 | ND | 3.35 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 2.55 | ND | 3.16 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 1.22 | ND | 2.36 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 0.54 | ND | 1.64 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 0.48 | ND | 1.99 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 1.52 | 1.50 | 1.49 | 1.50 |
2002:Q2 | ND | 1.88 | ND | 1.47 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 3.07 | ND | 2.20 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 3.54 | ND | 2.13 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 3.16 | ND | 2.45 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 3.73 | ND | 3.14 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 3.94 | ND | 3.48 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 4.10 | ND | 3.63 |
ND no data Return to table
Middle-left panel
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Rate | Forecast | |
1997:Q1 | 5.20 | ND |
1997:Q2 | 5.00 | ND |
1997:Q3 | 4.90 | ND |
1997:Q4 | 4.70 | ND |
1998:Q1 | 4.60 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 4.40 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 4.50 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 4.40 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 4.30 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 4.30 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 4.20 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 4.10 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 4.00 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 4.00 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 4.10 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 4.00 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 4.20 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 4.50 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 4.80 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 5.60 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 5.60 | 5.60 |
2002:Q2 | ND | 5.94 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 6.02 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 5.89 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 5.86 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 5.72 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 5.58 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 5.50 |
Middle-right panel
Total and Core PCE Inflation
Total | Total-Forecast | Core | Core-Forecast | |
1997:Q1 | 2.35 | ND | 1.97 | ND |
1997:Q2 | 1.99 | ND | 2.11 | ND |
1997:Q3 | 1.90 | ND | 1.98 | ND |
1997:Q4 | 1.54 | ND | 1.73 | ND |
1998:Q1 | 1.08 | ND | 1.54 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 1.04 | ND | 1.39 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 1.07 | ND | 1.52 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 1.09 | ND | 1.58 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 1.27 | ND | 1.53 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 1.53 | ND | 1.42 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 1.75 | ND | 1.41 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 2.01 | ND | 1.48 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 2.67 | ND | 1.85 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 2.69 | ND | 1.97 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 2.73 | ND | 1.99 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 2.61 | ND | 1.93 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 2.41 | ND | 1.85 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 2.22 | ND | 1.59 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 1.56 | ND | 1.29 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 1.28 | ND | 1.60 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 0.67 | 0.67 | 1.20 | 1.20 |
2002:Q2 | ND | 0.96 | ND | 1.47 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 1.33 | ND | 1.71 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 1.48 | ND | 1.37 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 1.65 | ND | 1.48 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 1.36 | ND | 1.39 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 1.39 | ND | 1.37 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 1.36 | ND | 1.36 |
Bottom-left panel
Staff Projection
Q4/Q4 | |||
2002 | 2003 | ||
Real GDP | June | 3.5 | 4.1 |
(Jan.) | 2.7 | 3.6 | |
Unemployment Rate | June | 5.9 | 5.7 |
(Jan.) | 6.0 | 5.9 | |
PCE Prices | June | 1.5 | 1.4 |
(Jan.) | 1.3 | 1.2 |
Bottom-right panel
Revision to Projection since January
2002 | |
Real GDP | .8 |
Contributions: | |
Household Spending | .5 |
Business Fixed Investment | .4 |
Government | .0 |
Net Exports | .1 |
Inventories | -.2 |
Chart 2
Near-term Indicators
Top-left panel
Manufacturing Industrial Production
Percent | |
2000 | 0.09 |
2001:H1 | -0.58 |
2001:H2 | -0.40 |
2002:Q1 | 0.46 |
Apr 2002 | 0.16 |
May 2002 | 0.22 |
Top-right panel
IP-based Days' Supply of Inventories*
3-month moving average | monthly | |
Jan 1997 | 57.14 | 56.97 |
Feb 1997 | 57.00 | 56.88 |
Mar 1997 | 56.93 | 56.94 |
Apr 1997 | 57.02 | 57.24 |
May 1997 | 56.98 | 56.76 |
Jun 1997 | 57.11 | 57.32 |
Jul 1997 | 56.88 | 56.57 |
Aug 1997 | 56.69 | 56.19 |
Sep 1997 | 56.30 | 56.15 |
Oct 1997 | 56.25 | 56.40 |
Nov 1997 | 56.15 | 55.91 |
Dec 1997 | 56.02 | 55.76 |
Jan 1998 | 55.96 | 56.23 |
Feb 1998 | 56.16 | 56.50 |
Mar 1998 | 56.36 | 56.35 |
Apr 1998 | 56.33 | 56.14 |
May 1998 | 56.16 | 55.99 |
Jun 1998 | 55.98 | 55.80 |
Jul 1998 | 56.24 | 56.92 |
Aug 1998 | 56.25 | 56.04 |
Sep 1998 | 56.39 | 56.21 |
Oct 1998 | 56.15 | 56.22 |
Nov 1998 | 56.28 | 56.41 |
Dec 1998 | 56.10 | 55.67 |
Jan 1999 | 55.99 | 55.90 |
Feb 1999 | 55.64 | 55.33 |
Mar 1999 | 55.65 | 55.71 |
Apr 1999 | 55.64 | 55.88 |
May 1999 | 55.64 | 55.32 |
Jun 1999 | 55.40 | 55.00 |
Jul 1999 | 55.24 | 55.41 |
Aug 1999 | 55.22 | 55.25 |
Sep 1999 | 55.43 | 55.61 |
Oct 1999 | 55.27 | 54.95 |
Nov 1999 | 55.30 | 55.34 |
Dec 1999 | 54.93 | 54.50 |
Jan 2000 | 54.99 | 55.14 |
Feb 2000 | 54.81 | 54.79 |
Mar 2000 | 54.83 | 54.57 |
Apr 2000 | 54.62 | 54.50 |
May 2000 | 54.38 | 54.08 |
Jun 2000 | 54.44 | 54.75 |
Jul 2000 | 54.67 | 55.17 |
Aug 2000 | 55.17 | 55.57 |
Sep 2000 | 55.12 | 54.61 |
Oct 2000 | 55.03 | 54.91 |
Nov 2000 | 55.02 | 55.54 |
Dec 2000 | 55.33 | 55.55 |
Jan 2001 | 55.56 | 55.59 |
Feb 2001 | 55.41 | 55.09 |
Mar 2001 | 55.17 | 54.83 |
Apr 2001 | 55.10 | 55.37 |
May 2001 | 55.22 | 55.45 |
Jun 2001 | 55.33 | 55.17 |
Jul 2001 | 55.30 | 55.27 |
Aug 2001 | 55.32 | 55.53 |
Sep 2001 | 55.45 | 55.55 |
Oct 2001 | 54.85 | 53.47 |
Nov 2001 | 54.46 | 54.38 |
Dec 2001 | 54.37 | 55.27 |
Jan 2002 | 54.70 | 54.46 |
Feb 2002 | 54.54 | 53.90 |
Mar 2002 | 53.95 | 53.49 |
Apr 2002 | 53.70 | 53.71 |
May 2002 | 53.60 | 53.59 |
Jun 2002 | 53.68 | 53.75 |
*Manufacturing Return to text
Middle-left panel
ISM New Orders Index
Percent | |
Jul 1997 | 61.30 |
Aug 1997 | 60.20 |
Sep 1997 | 55.20 |
Oct 1997 | 60.80 |
Nov 1997 | 57.10 |
Dec 1997 | 57.00 |
Jan 1998 | 57.00 |
Feb 1998 | 55.00 |
Mar 1998 | 55.20 |
Apr 1998 | 55.80 |
May 1998 | 51.50 |
Jun 1998 | 50.60 |
Jul 1998 | 52.00 |
Aug 1998 | 50.70 |
Sep 1998 | 48.50 |
Oct 1998 | 47.60 |
Nov 1998 | 47.60 |
Dec 1998 | 49.70 |
Jan 1999 | 52.00 |
Feb 1999 | 55.80 |
Mar 1999 | 56.70 |
Apr 1999 | 54.40 |
May 1999 | 58.40 |
Jun 1999 | 60.10 |
Jul 1999 | 54.40 |
Aug 1999 | 57.30 |
Sep 1999 | 62.00 |
Oct 1999 | 60.50 |
Nov 1999 | 61.60 |
Dec 1999 | 60.50 |
Jan 2000 | 60.50 |
Feb 2000 | 60.10 |
Mar 2000 | 57.00 |
Apr 2000 | 55.60 |
May 2000 | 52.30 |
Jun 2000 | 50.40 |
Jul 2000 | 50.60 |
Aug 2000 | 50.00 |
Sep 2000 | 47.80 |
Oct 2000 | 47.70 |
Nov 2000 | 47.90 |
Dec 2000 | 42.90 |
Jan 2001 | 38.20 |
Feb 2001 | 41.30 |
Mar 2001 | 42.70 |
Apr 2001 | 45.50 |
May 2001 | 45.70 |
Jun 2001 | 47.90 |
Jul 2001 | 47.30 |
Aug 2001 | 53.10 |
Sep 2001 | 49.00 |
Oct 2001 | 38.00 |
Nov 2001 | 48.40 |
Dec 2001 | 55.50 |
Jan 2002 | 55.30 |
Feb 2002 | 62.80 |
Mar 2002 | 65.30 |
Apr 2002 | 59.00 |
May 2002 | 63.10 |
Middle-right panel
Private Nonfarm Payroll Employment
Change | |
2000 | 137.83 |
2001:H1 | -76.00 |
2001:H2 | -239.33 |
2002:Q1 | -87.67 |
Apr 2002 | 18.00 |
May 2002 | 27.00 |
Bottom-left panel
Real Personal Consumption Expenditures
PCE | |
Jul 1997 | 5453.97 |
Aug 1997 | 5464.91 |
Sep 1997 | 5467.32 |
Oct 1997 | 5484.81 |
Nov 1997 | 5506.55 |
Dec 1997 | 5530.01 |
Jan 1998 | 5537.61 |
Feb 1998 | 5582.23 |
Mar 1998 | 5608.94 |
Apr 1998 | 5615.96 |
May 1998 | 5671.58 |
Jun 1998 | 5692.95 |
Jul 1998 | 5689.39 |
Aug 1998 | 5711.91 |
Sep 1998 | 5739.93 |
Oct 1998 | 5759.84 |
Nov 1998 | 5777.22 |
Dec 1998 | 5816.98 |
Jan 1999 | 5809.17 |
Feb 1999 | 5853.38 |
Mar 1999 | 5899.36 |
Apr 1999 | 5924.55 |
May 1999 | 5920.16 |
Jun 1999 | 5963.63 |
Jul 1999 | 5983.48 |
Aug 1999 | 6005.16 |
Sep 1999 | 6011.44 |
Oct 1999 | 6041.67 |
Nov 1999 | 6067.75 |
Dec 1999 | 6141.44 |
Jan 2000 | 6132.95 |
Feb 2000 | 6176.01 |
Mar 2000 | 6206.17 |
Apr 2000 | 6210.10 |
May 2000 | 6230.48 |
Jun 2000 | 6238.33 |
Jul 2000 | 6262.79 |
Aug 2000 | 6286.88 |
Sep 2000 | 6326.69 |
Oct 2000 | 6324.23 |
Nov 2000 | 6339.36 |
Dec 2000 | 6359.69 |
Jan 2001 | 6381.53 |
Feb 2001 | 6383.62 |
Mar 2001 | 6400.28 |
Apr 2001 | 6410.18 |
May 2001 | 6428.77 |
Jun 2001 | 6446.31 |
Jul 2001 | 6466.16 |
Aug 2001 | 6471.93 |
Sep 2001 | 6393.42 |
Oct 2001 | 6542.42 |
Nov 2001 | 6530.64 |
Dec 2001 | 6547.82 |
Jan 2002 | 6563.21 |
Feb 2002 | 6604.43 |
Mar 2002 | 6608.60 |
Apr 2002 | 6621.82 |
May 2002 | 6605.08 |
Quarterly average | Staff estimate | |
1997:Q1 | 5350.66 | ND |
1997:Q2 | 5375.68 | ND |
1997:Q3 | 5462.07 | ND |
1997:Q4 | 5507.13 | ND |
1998:Q1 | 5576.26 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 5660.17 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 5713.74 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 5784.68 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 5853.97 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 5936.11 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 6000.03 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 6083.62 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 6171.71 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 6226.30 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 6292.12 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 6341.09 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 6388.47 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 6428.42 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 6443.83 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 6540.29 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 6592.08 | ND |
2002:Q2 | ND | 6620.41 |
Bottom-right panel
Housing Starts
Single-family | Multifamily | Total | |
Jul 1997 | 1.13 | 1.44 | 2.57 |
Aug 1997 | 1.10 | 1.39 | 2.49 |
Sep 1997 | 1.21 | 1.55 | 2.75 |
Oct 1997 | 1.13 | 1.52 | 2.65 |
Nov 1997 | 1.15 | 1.51 | 2.66 |
Dec 1997 | 1.15 | 1.57 | 2.72 |
Jan 1998 | 1.23 | 1.53 | 2.75 |
Feb 1998 | 1.24 | 1.58 | 2.82 |
Mar 1998 | 1.22 | 1.57 | 2.79 |
Apr 1998 | 1.23 | 1.54 | 2.77 |
May 1998 | 1.21 | 1.54 | 2.75 |
Jun 1998 | 1.28 | 1.64 | 2.92 |
Jul 1998 | 1.30 | 1.70 | 3.00 |
Aug 1998 | 1.27 | 1.61 | 2.89 |
Sep 1998 | 1.26 | 1.58 | 2.84 |
Oct 1998 | 1.30 | 1.72 | 3.01 |
Nov 1998 | 1.38 | 1.66 | 3.04 |
Dec 1998 | 1.41 | 1.79 | 3.20 |
Jan 1999 | 1.35 | 1.75 | 3.10 |
Feb 1999 | 1.32 | 1.67 | 2.99 |
Mar 1999 | 1.35 | 1.71 | 3.06 |
Apr 1999 | 1.22 | 1.55 | 2.77 |
May 1999 | 1.31 | 1.61 | 2.92 |
Jun 1999 | 1.27 | 1.56 | 2.83 |
Jul 1999 | 1.31 | 1.67 | 2.98 |
Aug 1999 | 1.27 | 1.65 | 2.91 |
Sep 1999 | 1.29 | 1.64 | 2.92 |
Oct 1999 | 1.31 | 1.61 | 2.92 |
Nov 1999 | 1.32 | 1.65 | 2.97 |
Dec 1999 | 1.38 | 1.71 | 3.08 |
Jan 2000 | 1.27 | 1.64 | 2.90 |
Feb 2000 | 1.26 | 1.74 | 2.99 |
Mar 2000 | 1.31 | 1.60 | 2.92 |
Apr 2000 | 1.28 | 1.63 | 2.90 |
May 2000 | 1.23 | 1.58 | 2.81 |
Jun 2000 | 1.20 | 1.56 | 2.76 |
Jul 2000 | 1.14 | 1.46 | 2.61 |
Aug 2000 | 1.23 | 1.54 | 2.77 |
Sep 2000 | 1.20 | 1.51 | 2.70 |
Oct 2000 | 1.24 | 1.55 | 2.78 |
Nov 2000 | 1.21 | 1.55 | 2.76 |
Dec 2000 | 1.23 | 1.53 | 2.76 |
Jan 2001 | 1.31 | 1.63 | 2.93 |
Feb 2001 | 1.27 | 1.61 | 2.87 |
Mar 2001 | 1.22 | 1.60 | 2.82 |
Apr 2001 | 1.30 | 1.64 | 2.94 |
May 2001 | 1.28 | 1.60 | 2.89 |
Jun 2001 | 1.29 | 1.63 | 2.93 |
Jul 2001 | 1.29 | 1.66 | 2.96 |
Aug 2001 | 1.27 | 1.56 | 2.84 |
Sep 2001 | 1.26 | 1.58 | 2.85 |
Oct 2001 | 1.24 | 1.53 | 2.77 |
Nov 2001 | 1.24 | 1.60 | 2.85 |
Dec 2001 | 1.29 | 1.58 | 2.88 |
Jan 2002 | 1.34 | 1.71 | 3.06 |
Feb 2002 | 1.47 | 1.79 | 3.26 |
Mar 2002 | 1.30 | 1.68 | 2.97 |
Apr 2002 | 1.27 | 1.55 | 2.82 |
May 2002 | 1.39 | 1.73 | 3.12 |
Chart 3
The Policy Setting
Top-left panel
Estimated Equilibrium Real Federal Funds Rate
Top-right panel
The Federal Funds Rate
June GB - Staff |
Jan. GB - Staff |
2002:Q1 | ND | 1.75 |
2002:Q2 | 1.75 | 1.75 |
2002:Q3 | 1.75 | 1.75 |
2002:Q4 | 1.75 | 2.00 |
2003:Q1 | 1.90 | 2.25 |
2003:Q2 | 2.50 | 2.50 |
2003:Q3 | 3.00 | 2.75 |
2003:Q4 | 3.50 | 3.00 |
Day of June GB - Market | Day of Jan. GB - Market | |
15-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
16-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
17-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
18-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
19-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
20-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
21-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
22-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
23-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
24-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
25-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
26-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
27-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
28-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
29-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
30-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
31-Jan-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
1-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
2-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
3-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
4-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
5-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
6-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
7-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
8-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
9-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
10-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
11-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
12-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
13-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
14-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
15-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
16-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
17-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
18-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
19-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
20-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
21-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
22-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
23-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
24-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
25-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
26-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
27-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
28-Feb-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
1-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
2-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
3-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
4-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
5-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
6-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
7-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.68 |
8-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
9-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
10-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
11-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
12-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
13-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
14-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
15-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
16-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
17-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
18-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
19-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
20-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
21-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
22-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
23-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
24-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
25-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
26-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.67 |
27-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
28-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
29-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
30-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
31-Mar-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
1-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
2-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
3-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
4-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
5-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
6-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
7-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
8-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
9-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
10-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
11-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
12-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
13-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
14-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
15-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
16-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
17-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
18-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.66 |
19-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
20-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
21-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
22-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
23-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
24-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
25-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
26-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
27-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
28-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
29-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
30-Apr-2002 | ND | 1.65 |
1-May-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
2-May-2002 | ND | 1.69 |
3-May-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
4-May-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
5-May-2002 | ND | 1.70 |
6-May-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
7-May-2002 | ND | 1.71 |
8-May-2002 | ND | 1.72 |
9-May-2002 | ND | 1.72 |
10-May-2002 | ND | 1.72 |
11-May-2002 | ND | 1.73 |
12-May-2002 | ND | 1.73 |
13-May-2002 | ND | 1.73 |
14-May-2002 | ND | 1.74 |
15-May-2002 | ND | 1.74 |
16-May-2002 | ND | 1.74 |
17-May-2002 | ND | 1.75 |
18-May-2002 | ND | 1.75 |
19-May-2002 | ND | 1.75 |
20-May-2002 | ND | 1.76 |
21-May-2002 | ND | 1.76 |
22-May-2002 | ND | 1.77 |
23-May-2002 | ND | 1.77 |
24-May-2002 | ND | 1.77 |
25-May-2002 | ND | 1.78 |
26-May-2002 | ND | 1.78 |
27-May-2002 | ND | 1.78 |
28-May-2002 | ND | 1.79 |
29-May-2002 | ND | 1.79 |
30-May-2002 | ND | 1.79 |
31-May-2002 | ND | 1.80 |
1-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.80 |
2-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.80 |
3-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.81 |
4-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.81 |
5-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.82 |
6-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.82 |
7-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.82 |
8-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.83 |
9-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.83 |
10-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.83 |
11-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.84 |
12-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.84 |
13-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.84 |
14-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.85 |
15-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.85 |
16-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.86 |
17-Jun-2002 | 1.76 | 1.86 |
18-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.86 |
19-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.87 |
20-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.87 |
21-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.87 |
22-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.88 |
23-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.88 |
24-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.88 |
25-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.89 |
26-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.89 |
27-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.89 |
28-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.90 |
29-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.90 |
30-Jun-2002 | ND | 1.91 |
1-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.91 |
2-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.91 |
3-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.92 |
4-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.92 |
5-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.92 |
6-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.93 |
7-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.93 |
8-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.93 |
9-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.94 |
10-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.94 |
11-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.94 |
12-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.95 |
13-Jul-2002 | 0.58 | 1.95 |
14-Jul-2002 | 0.58 | 1.96 |
15-Jul-2002 | 0.58 | 1.96 |
16-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.96 |
17-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.97 |
18-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.97 |
19-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.97 |
20-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.98 |
21-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.98 |
22-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.98 |
23-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.99 |
24-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.99 |
25-Jul-2002 | ND | 1.99 |
26-Jul-2002 | ND | 2.00 |
27-Jul-2002 | ND | 2.00 |
28-Jul-2002 | ND | 2.01 |
29-Jul-2002 | ND | 2.01 |
30-Jul-2002 | ND | 2.01 |
31-Jul-2002 | ND | 2.02 |
1-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.02 |
2-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.03 |
3-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.03 |
4-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.04 |
5-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.04 |
6-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.05 |
7-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.05 |
8-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.06 |
9-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.06 |
10-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.07 |
11-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.07 |
12-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.08 |
13-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.08 |
14-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.09 |
15-Aug-2002 | 1.75 | 2.09 |
16-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.10 |
17-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.10 |
18-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.11 |
19-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.11 |
20-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.12 |
21-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.12 |
22-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.13 |
23-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.13 |
24-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.14 |
25-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.15 |
26-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.15 |
27-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.16 |
28-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.16 |
29-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.17 |
30-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.17 |
31-Aug-2002 | ND | 2.18 |
1-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.18 |
2-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.19 |
3-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.19 |
4-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.20 |
5-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.20 |
6-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.21 |
7-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.21 |
8-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.22 |
9-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.22 |
10-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.23 |
11-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.23 |
12-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.24 |
13-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.24 |
14-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.25 |
15-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.25 |
16-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.26 |
17-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.27 |
18-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.27 |
19-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.28 |
20-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.28 |
21-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.29 |
22-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.29 |
23-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.30 |
24-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.30 |
25-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.31 |
26-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.31 |
27-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.32 |
28-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.32 |
29-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.33 |
30-Sep-2002 | ND | 2.33 |
1-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.34 |
2-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.34 |
3-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.35 |
4-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.35 |
5-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.36 |
6-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.36 |
7-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.37 |
8-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.37 |
9-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.38 |
10-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.39 |
11-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.39 |
12-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.40 |
13-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.40 |
14-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.41 |
15-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.41 |
16-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.42 |
17-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.42 |
18-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.43 |
19-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.43 |
20-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.44 |
21-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.44 |
22-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.45 |
23-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.45 |
24-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.46 |
25-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.46 |
26-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.47 |
27-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.47 |
28-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.48 |
29-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.48 |
30-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.49 |
31-Oct-2002 | ND | 2.49 |
1-Nov-2002 | 1.85 | 2.50 |
2-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.51 |
3-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.51 |
4-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.52 |
5-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.52 |
6-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.53 |
7-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.53 |
8-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.54 |
9-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.54 |
10-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.55 |
11-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.55 |
12-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.56 |
13-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.56 |
14-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.57 |
15-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.57 |
16-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.58 |
17-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.58 |
18-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.59 |
19-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.59 |
20-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.60 |
21-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.60 |
22-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.61 |
23-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.61 |
24-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.62 |
25-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.62 |
26-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.63 |
27-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.63 |
28-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.64 |
29-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.64 |
30-Nov-2002 | ND | 2.65 |
1-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.65 |
2-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.66 |
3-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.66 |
4-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.67 |
5-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.67 |
6-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.68 |
7-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.68 |
8-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.69 |
9-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.69 |
10-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.70 |
11-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.70 |
12-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.71 |
13-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.71 |
14-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.72 |
15-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.72 |
16-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.73 |
17-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.74 |
18-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.74 |
19-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.75 |
20-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.75 |
21-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.76 |
22-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.76 |
23-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.77 |
24-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.77 |
25-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.78 |
26-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.78 |
27-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.79 |
28-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.79 |
29-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.80 |
30-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.80 |
31-Dec-2002 | ND | 2.81 |
1-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.81 |
2-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.82 |
3-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.82 |
4-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.83 |
5-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.83 |
6-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.84 |
7-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.84 |
8-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.85 |
9-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.85 |
10-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.86 |
11-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.86 |
12-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.87 |
13-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.87 |
14-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.88 |
15-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.88 |
16-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.89 |
17-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.89 |
18-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.90 |
19-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.90 |
20-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.91 |
21-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.91 |
22-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.92 |
23-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.92 |
24-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.93 |
25-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.93 |
26-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.94 |
27-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.94 |
28-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.95 |
29-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.95 |
30-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.96 |
31-Jan-2003 | ND | 2.97 |
1-Feb-2003 | 0.70 | 2.97 |
2-Feb-2003 | 0.70 | 2.98 |
3-Feb-2003 | 0.70 | 2.99 |
4-Feb-2003 | ND | 2.99 |
5-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.00 |
6-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.01 |
7-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.02 |
8-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.02 |
9-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.03 |
10-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.04 |
11-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.05 |
12-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.05 |
13-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.06 |
14-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.07 |
15-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.08 |
16-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.08 |
17-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.09 |
18-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.10 |
19-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.11 |
20-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.11 |
21-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.12 |
22-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.13 |
23-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.14 |
24-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.14 |
25-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.15 |
26-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.16 |
27-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.17 |
28-Feb-2003 | ND | 3.17 |
1-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.18 |
2-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.19 |
3-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.20 |
4-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.20 |
5-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.21 |
6-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.22 |
7-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.23 |
8-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.23 |
9-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.24 |
10-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.25 |
11-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.26 |
12-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.26 |
13-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.27 |
14-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.28 |
15-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.29 |
16-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.29 |
17-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.30 |
18-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.31 |
19-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.32 |
20-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.32 |
21-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.33 |
22-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.34 |
23-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.35 |
24-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.35 |
25-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.36 |
26-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.37 |
27-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.38 |
28-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.38 |
29-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.39 |
30-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.40 |
31-Mar-2003 | ND | 3.41 |
1-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.41 |
2-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.42 |
3-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.43 |
4-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.44 |
5-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.44 |
6-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.45 |
7-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.46 |
8-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.47 |
9-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.47 |
10-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.48 |
11-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.49 |
12-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.50 |
13-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.50 |
14-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.51 |
15-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.52 |
16-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.53 |
17-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.53 |
18-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.54 |
19-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.55 |
20-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.56 |
21-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.56 |
22-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.57 |
23-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.58 |
24-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.59 |
25-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.59 |
26-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.60 |
27-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.61 |
28-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.62 |
29-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.62 |
30-Apr-2003 | ND | 3.63 |
1-May-2003 | 2.67 | 3.64 |
2-May-2003 | ND | 3.65 |
3-May-2003 | ND | 3.65 |
4-May-2003 | ND | 3.66 |
5-May-2003 | ND | 3.66 |
6-May-2003 | ND | 3.67 |
7-May-2003 | ND | 3.67 |
8-May-2003 | ND | 3.68 |
9-May-2003 | ND | 3.69 |
10-May-2003 | ND | 3.69 |
11-May-2003 | ND | 3.70 |
12-May-2003 | ND | 3.70 |
13-May-2003 | ND | 3.71 |
14-May-2003 | ND | 3.71 |
15-May-2003 | ND | 3.72 |
16-May-2003 | ND | 3.73 |
17-May-2003 | ND | 3.73 |
18-May-2003 | ND | 3.74 |
19-May-2003 | ND | 3.74 |
20-May-2003 | ND | 3.75 |
21-May-2003 | ND | 3.76 |
22-May-2003 | ND | 3.76 |
23-May-2003 | ND | 3.77 |
24-May-2003 | ND | 3.77 |
25-May-2003 | ND | 3.78 |
26-May-2003 | ND | 3.78 |
27-May-2003 | ND | 3.79 |
28-May-2003 | ND | 3.80 |
29-May-2003 | ND | 3.80 |
30-May-2003 | ND | 3.81 |
31-May-2003 | ND | 3.81 |
1-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.82 |
2-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.82 |
3-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.83 |
4-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.84 |
5-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.84 |
6-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.85 |
7-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.85 |
8-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.86 |
9-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.86 |
10-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.87 |
11-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.88 |
12-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.88 |
13-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.89 |
14-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.89 |
15-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.90 |
16-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.91 |
17-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.91 |
18-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.92 |
19-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.92 |
20-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.93 |
21-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.93 |
22-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.94 |
23-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.95 |
24-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.95 |
25-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.96 |
26-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.96 |
27-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.97 |
28-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.97 |
29-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.98 |
30-Jun-2003 | ND | 3.99 |
1-Jul-2003 | ND | 3.99 |
2-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.00 |
3-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.00 |
4-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.01 |
5-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.01 |
6-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.02 |
7-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.03 |
8-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.03 |
9-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.04 |
10-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.04 |
11-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.05 |
12-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.05 |
13-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.06 |
14-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.07 |
15-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.07 |
16-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.08 |
17-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.08 |
18-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.09 |
19-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.10 |
20-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.10 |
21-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.11 |
22-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.11 |
23-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.12 |
24-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.12 |
25-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.13 |
26-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.14 |
27-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.14 |
28-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.15 |
29-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.15 |
30-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.16 |
31-Jul-2003 | ND | 4.16 |
1-Aug-2003 | 3.23 | 4.17 |
2-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.17 |
3-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.18 |
4-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.18 |
5-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.19 |
6-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.19 |
7-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.20 |
8-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.20 |
9-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.20 |
10-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.21 |
11-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.21 |
12-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.22 |
13-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.22 |
14-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.23 |
15-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.23 |
16-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.23 |
17-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.24 |
18-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.24 |
19-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.25 |
20-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.25 |
21-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.25 |
22-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.26 |
23-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.26 |
24-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.27 |
25-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.27 |
26-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.28 |
27-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.28 |
28-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.28 |
29-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.29 |
30-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.29 |
31-Aug-2003 | ND | 4.30 |
1-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.30 |
2-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.31 |
3-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.31 |
4-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.31 |
5-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.32 |
6-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.32 |
7-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.33 |
8-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.33 |
9-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.34 |
10-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.34 |
11-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.34 |
12-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.35 |
13-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.35 |
14-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.36 |
15-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.36 |
16-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.36 |
17-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.37 |
18-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.37 |
19-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.38 |
20-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.38 |
21-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.39 |
22-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.39 |
23-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.39 |
24-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.40 |
25-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.40 |
26-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.41 |
27-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.41 |
28-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.42 |
29-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.42 |
30-Sep-2003 | ND | 4.42 |
1-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.43 |
2-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.43 |
3-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.44 |
4-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.44 |
5-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.45 |
6-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.45 |
7-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.45 |
8-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.46 |
9-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.46 |
10-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.47 |
11-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.47 |
12-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.48 |
13-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.48 |
14-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.48 |
15-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.49 |
16-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.49 |
17-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.50 |
18-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.50 |
19-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.50 |
20-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.51 |
21-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.51 |
22-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.52 |
23-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.52 |
24-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.53 |
25-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.53 |
26-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.53 |
27-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.54 |
28-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.54 |
29-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.55 |
30-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.55 |
31-Oct-2003 | ND | 4.56 |
1-Nov-2003 | 1.23 | 4.56 |
2-Nov-2003 | 1.23 | 4.56 |
3-Nov-2003 | 1.23 | 4.57 |
4-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.57 |
5-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.57 |
6-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.57 |
7-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.58 |
8-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.58 |
9-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.58 |
10-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.58 |
11-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.59 |
12-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.59 |
13-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.59 |
14-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.59 |
15-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.60 |
16-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.60 |
17-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.60 |
18-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.60 |
19-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.61 |
20-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.61 |
21-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.61 |
22-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.61 |
23-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.62 |
24-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.62 |
25-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.62 |
26-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.62 |
27-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.63 |
28-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.63 |
29-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.63 |
30-Nov-2003 | ND | 4.63 |
1-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.64 |
2-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.64 |
3-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.64 |
4-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.64 |
5-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.65 |
6-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.65 |
7-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.65 |
8-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.65 |
9-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.66 |
10-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.66 |
11-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.66 |
12-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.66 |
13-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.67 |
14-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.67 |
15-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.67 |
16-Dec-2003 | ND | 4.67 |
Middle-left panel
Wilshire 5000
Wilshire 5000 | June GB | |
1998:Q1 | 9714.90 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 10529.21 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 10033.62 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 10231.39 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 11499.40 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 12145.75 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 12315.33 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 12756.19 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 13740.99 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 13373.21 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 13843.37 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 12607.99 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 11649.39 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 11415.97 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 10600.34 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 10349.82 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 10604.51 | 10575.00 |
2002:Q2 | 10150.00 | 10150.00 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 9700.00 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 9700.00 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 9850.00 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 10050.00 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 10250.00 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 10400.00 |
Middle-right panel
Exchange Value of the U.S. Dollar
Broad; quarterly | June GB | |
1998:Q1 | 114.15 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 114.01 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 116.80 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 112.42 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 113.30 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 114.16 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 113.67 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 112.82 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 114.00 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 116.64 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 117.88 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 120.96 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 122.52 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 124.97 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 124.40 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 125.12 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 127.15 | ND |
2002:Q2 | 125.42 | 125.42 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 123.98 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 123.33 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 122.80 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 122.38 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 121.96 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 121.56 |
Bottom-left panel
Fiscal Impetus
Fiscal impetus | Forecast | |
1970 | 0.02 | ND |
1971 | -0.25 | ND |
1972 | 1.00 | ND |
1973 | -0.61 | ND |
1974 | -0.06 | ND |
1975 | 0.75 | ND |
1976 | 0.19 | ND |
1977 | 0.22 | ND |
1978 | 0.44 | ND |
1979 | 0.08 | ND |
1980 | 0.07 | ND |
1981 | -0.46 | ND |
1982 | 0.85 | ND |
1983 | 1.03 | ND |
1984 | 0.39 | ND |
1985 | 0.41 | ND |
1986 | 0.06 | ND |
1987 | 0.27 | ND |
1988 | -0.13 | ND |
1989 | -0.31 | ND |
1990 | -0.25 | ND |
1991 | -0.49 | ND |
1992 | -0.28 | ND |
1993 | -0.36 | ND |
1994 | -0.46 | ND |
1995 | -0.38 | ND |
1996 | -0.17 | ND |
1997 | -0.06 | ND |
1998 | -0.01 | ND |
1999 | 0.29 | ND |
2000 | 0.10 | ND |
2001 | 0.43 | 0.43 |
2002 | ND | 1.22 |
2003 | ND | 0.62 |
Note: As shown in the chart, shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1969:Q4-1970:Q4, 1973:Q4-1975:Q1, 1980:Q1-1980:Q3, 1981:Q3-1982:Q4, and 1990:Q3-1991:Q1, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak in March 2001 for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1.
Bottom-right panel
Unified Budget Surplus
Fiscal year | Unified Budget Surplus |
2000 | 236 |
2001 | 127 |
2002 | -154 |
2003 | -127 |
Chart 4
Financial Conditions: Corporate Sector
Top-left panel
Corporate Bond Default Rate
Corporate Bond Default Rate. The period covered is from 1990 through May 2002. The data are percentage values showing the twelve-month moving average. A shaded bar denotes the recession period of 1990-1991, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1. The series begins in 1990 at just above 1 percent. It enters the recession (1990:Q3-1991:Q1) at about 1.5 percent and exits the recession at about 2.5 percent. The series then decreases rapidly, falling to just above 0 percent at the start of 1993. The series fluctuates between just above 0 percent and just below 1 percent between 1993 and the start of 1999, when it begins rising. The series reaches 1 percent at the start of 2000 and rises to just above 1 percent as it enters the NBER recession peak of 2001:Q1. It then rises sharply to about 3 percent in May 2002.
Source. Moody's.
Top-right panel
Real Debt Growth, Nonfinancial Corporations
Real Debt Growth, Nonfinancial Corporations.* The period covered is from 1970 through 2002:Q1. The data are percentage values showing the four-quarter percent change. A horizontal line is drawn at 0 percent. Five shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1969-1970, 1973-1975, 1980, 1981-1982, and 1990-1991, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1. The series begins at about 6 percent in 1970:Q1, during the first recession (1969:Q4-1970:Q4), and exits the recession at about 5 percent. The series increases to enter the second recession (1973:Q4-1975:Q1) at about 10 percent; it then declines sharply to exit the recession at about negative 2 percent. The series increases to enter the third recession (1980:Q1-1980:Q3) at about 6 percent and then decreases to exit the recession at about 0 percent. Next, the series increases to enter the fourth recession (1981:Q3-1982:Q4) at about 5 percent and remains at about that level throughout the recession. The series then begins to increase, hitting a peak of about 13 percent at the start of 1985 before gradually declining to about 0 percent at the start of the fifth recession (1990:Q3-1991:Q1). The series further declines before exiting the recession at about negative 5 percent. It rises to just above 10 percent in 1999, decreases to about 7 percent at the NBER peak in 2001:Q1, and further declines to about 4 percent in 2002:Q1.
*Growth of nominal debt less growth of the GDP chain-weight price index. Return to text
Middle-left panel
Interest Expense as a Share of Cash Flow, Speculative-grade Nonfinancial Firms
Interest Expense as a Share of Cash Flow, Speculative-grade Nonfinancial Firms. The period covered is from 1988 through 2002:Q1, and the data are percentage values that are annual for 1988-1997 and four-quarter moving averages thereafter. Data are plotted as two curves: The first is the 75th percentile, and the second is the median value. A shaded bar denotes the recession period of 1990-1991, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1. The two series follow similar paths between 1988 and 2000: The 75th percentile curve fluctuates around 75 percent, and the median curve fluctuates around 50 percent. In 2000, the 75th percentile curve rises sharply and continues rising through the 2001:Q1 NBER recession peak. Conversely, in 2000, the median curve levels off and begins a gradual decline in 2001:Q1.
More specifically, the 75th percentile curve begins at about 75 percent in 1988, rises to about 85 percent as it enters the 1990:Q3-1991:Q1 recession, and exits the recession at about 80 percent. The series then gradually declines, reaching a low point of about 60 percent at the start of 1998. It increases sharply, reaching about 80 percent at the 2001:Q1 NBER peak, and further increases to about 85 percent before dropping to about 80 percent in 2002:Q1. The median series begins at just below 50 percent in 1988, rises to about 60 percent as it enters the 1990:Q3-1991:Q1 recession, and exits the recession at about 55 percent. The series then gradually declines, reaching a low of about 40 percent at the start of 1998. It gradually increases, reaching just below 50 percent at the 2001:Q1 NBER peak, and then decreases to reach about 45 percent in 2002:Q1.
Source. Compustat.
Middle-right panel
Liquid Assets Relative to Short-Term Liabilities, Nonfinancial Corporations
Liquid Assets Relative to Short-Term Liabilities, Nonfinancial Corporations. The period covered is from 1970 through 2002:Q1, and the data are quarterly percentage values. Five shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1969-1970, 1973-1975, 1980, 1981-1982, and 1990-1991, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1. The series begins at about 24 percent in 1970:Q1, in the midst of the first recession (1969:Q4-1970:Q4), and exits the recession at about 23 percent. The series fluctuates slightly, enters the second recession (1973:Q4-1975:Q1) at about 23 percent, and exits the recession at about 28 percent. It increases sharply, reaching about 32 percent at the start of 1976, and then begins to decline steadily at the start of 1977, entering the third recession (1980:Q1-1980:Q3) at about 24 percent, where it stays throughout the recession. It decreases as it enters the fourth recession (1981:Q3-1982:Q4) at about 21 percent; it dips and then increases to exit the recession at about 22 percent. Next, the series begins to increase, reaching about 28 percent at the start of 1984 before gradually declining to about 20 percent at the start of the fifth recession (1990:Q3-1991:Q1). It increases to exit the recession at about 24 percent, gradually rises to enter the NBER peak in 2001:Q1 at about 31 percent, and continues to increase, to nearly 40 percent in 2002:Q1.
Bottom-left panel
Growth of Profits and Output
Growth of Profits and Output. The period covered is the thirty-four years from 1970 through 2003, and the data are average annual percent changes presented as a scatter plot. Each of the thirty-four dots in the chart shows, for a given year, the intersection of the average percent change in output (shown on the horizontal, or x, axis, which extends from negative 4 percent to positive 10 percent) with the average percent change in profits (shown on the vertical, or y, axis, which extends from negative 20 percent to positive 40 percent). Profits are measured as economic profits, and output is measured as nonfarm business GDP, less housing. A horizontal line is drawn at 0 percent change in profits, and a vertical line is drawn at 0 percent change in output. A trendline, representing the historical relationship between the two variables for the 1970-2003 period, extends from lower left to upper right through the following three x-y coordinates: beginning at the lower left at negative 4, negative 10; to the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines at about 0, 0; and ending at the upper right at positive 10, positive 23. The annual change in profits ranges from about negative 15 percent to just under 30 percent, and the yearly change in output ranges from almost negative 4 percent to about 8 percent. The only data points identified by year are those for 2002 and 2003. Compared with the historical relationship between output and profits, the 2002 data point was above the trendline, and the 2003 data point was below the trendline, but both were well within the range of historical variation. In 2002, profits grew about 15 percent, and output grew slightly less than 3 percent. In 2003, profit growth edged down to about 5 percent, and output growth increased to almost 5 percent.
Bottom-right panel
Analysts' Forecasts of Growth in S&P 500
Forecast | Bias Adjusted | |
2003 | 19.6 | 9 to 14 |
Long-term growth | 12.6 | 7-1/2 to 9 |
*As of June 21, 2002. Return to table
Chart 5
Financial Conditions: Household and Banking Sectors
Top-left panel
Household Debt Service Burden
Household Debt Service Burden.* The period covered is from 1980 through 2002:Q2, and the data are percentage values. Three shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1980, 1981-1982, and 1990-1991, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1. The series begins at just above 13 percent at the start of the first recession (1980:Q1-1980:Q3) and stays at that value throughout the recession. It then decreases as it enters the second recession (1981:Q3-1982:Q4) at about 12.5 percent; it fluctuates throughout the recession and exits at about 12.5 percent. After a brief dip, the series begins to increase, reaching about 14.25 percent at the start of 1987 before declining to about 13.25 percent at the start of the third recession (1990:Q3-1991:Q1). The series decreases, exiting the recession at about 13 percent, and it continues to drop, dipping to just below 12 percent at the start of 1993, where it stays until it begins to increase again in mid-1994. It rises steadily and enters the NBER peak in 2001:Q1 at just above 14 percent. It fluctuates a bit and is estimated to be just above 14 percent in 2002:Q2.
*Required debt payments relative to disposable personal income. Return to text
Top-right panel
Household Delinquency Rates
Household Delinquency Rates. The data are percentage values represented as three curves. The first curve is nonprime auto loans, and it covers the period from 1998 through March 2002. The second curve is household loans at commercial banks, and it covers the period from 1991 through 2002:Q1. The third curve is auto loans at finance companies, and it covers the period from 1990 through April 2002. Broadly, the household loans at commercial banks series and the auto loans at finance companies series have similar curve patterns, each fluctuating between about 2 percent and about 4 percent over the course of each series. The nonprime auto loans series follows a similar pattern as the other two series between 1997 and the start of 2001, although it fluctuates between about 5 percent and about 6.5 percent. In contrast to the other two series, in 2001 it begins a sharp increase, reaching nearly 9 percent in 2002:Q1.
Specifically, the nonprime auto loans series begins in 1998 at about 5 percent and then fluctuates between 5 percent and 6 percent until the beginning of 2001, when it starts to increase, reaching almost 9 percent in March 2002. The household loans at commercial banks series begins in 1991 at just below 4 percent, gradually declines to just above 2 percent at the start of 1995, fluctuates between 2 percent and 3 percent between 1995 and the end of 2001, and is just below 3 percent in 2002:Q1. The auto loans at finance companies series begins in 1990 at just above 2 percent, fluctuates between about 2 percent and about 3 percent from 1990 through early 1995, rises to almost 4 percent in mid-1997, and gradually decreases to about 2 percent in April 2002.
Notes. For household loans at commercial banks, data on consumer loans and residential real estate loans were from Call Report. Nonprime auto loans are staff calculations using Moody's data.
Middle-left panel
Household Assets and Liabilities Relative to Disposable Income
Household Assets and Liabilities Relative to Disposable Income. The period covered is from 1990 through 2003. Data are quarterly. Data are given as a ratio and are presented as two curves: The first curve shows the ratio of assets to disposable income, and the second shows liabilities relative to disposable income. The assets curve is generally flat between 1990 and 1995, rises from 1995 through 2000, and then decreases through the projected 2003 value. In contrast, the liabilities curve remains generally flat throughout the entire period, rising just slightly beginning in 1995.
More specifically, the assets series starts at a ratio of just below 6 at the beginning of 1990 and remains at about that level until 1995. In 1995, the ratio begins to rise, reaching about 6.5 in 1998 and hitting a peak of just above 7 at the start of 2000. The series then starts to decrease, reaching about 6.5 at the start of 2002, and it is projected to be about 6 at the end of 2003. The liabilities series begins with a ratio of just below 1 in 1990 and stays at that level through 1995. It gradually rises to reach about 1 in 1999 and continues its slight increase to just above 1 at the start of 2002. The series is projected to remain at just above 1 through the end of 2003.
Middle-right panel
Real House Prices
Real House Prices.* The period covered is from 1976 through 2003, and the data are the four-quarter percent change. A horizontal line is drawn at 0 percent. Three shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1980, 1981-1982, and 1990-1991, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1. The series begins at just above negative 2 percent in 1976 and increases sharply to about 7 percent in 1979. It decreases to about 5 percent at the start of the first recession (1980:Q1-1980:Q3) and drops sharply to exit the recession at about 0 percent. The series continues its decline, reaching about negative 2 percent at the start of the second recession (1981:Q3-1982:Q4) and exiting the recession at about negative 4 percent. The series begins to rise, reaching about 4 percent at the start of 1987 before decreasing again, entering the third recession (1990:Q3-1991:Q1) at about 0 percent and then dropping sharply to exit the recession at about negative 4 percent. It fluctuates and gradually increases to enter the NBER peak in 2001:Q1 at just below 8 percent and then drops sharply to just over 4 percent at mid-2002. Projections show it reaching just above 2 percent at the start of 2004.
*OFHEO repeat sales index deflated by core PCE chain-weight price index. Return to text
Bottom-left panel
Real House Prices and Income, Coastal Cities
Real House Prices and Income, Coastal Cities.* The period covered is from 1977 through 2001. Data are given as an annual index, with 1994 equal to 100, and are presented as two curves: The first is real house prices, and the second is real per-capita income. Both series follow similar curves between 1977 and the start of 1986, with each increasing at a gradual rate. At the start of 1986, the real house prices index rises sharply until 1989, after which it starts to decline until 1997. In 1997, the index starts to rise again and continues increasing through 2001. In contrast, the real per-capita income series stays on a generally steady upward path for the time period shown.
More specifically, in 1977, the real house prices index is at just above 63. The index rises to about 76 in 1980, dips slightly, and then increases to about 120 in 1989. It then starts to decrease, dropping to about 95 in 1997, before rising again, to reach about 132 in 2001. The real per-capita income index is at about 74 in 1997, reaches just above 76 in 1980, and continues rising to about 100 in 1989. It fluctuates between 100 and 102 from 1989 through 1996, and it then rises, reaching about 127 in 2001.
*Includes Seattle, San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. Return to text
Bottom-right panel
Health of the Banking Sector
Health of the Banking Sector. The period covered is from 1990 through 2002:Q1, and the data are percentage values. Data are presented as two curves: One is return on assets and is given as a quarterly value, and the other is the share of assets at well-capitalized banks. The curves are presented together but follow different percentage scales. Both series have similar curve patterns, generally rising between 1990 and 1994. In 1994, the return on assets series generally levels out, whereas the share of assets series continues to rise until mid-1995, after which it also levels out.
More specifically, the return on assets series begins at just below 0.5 percent at the start of 1990. It drops to about 0.25 percent in 1991 and then rises, reaching about 1.25 percent in 1994. The series then generally levels out, fluctuating between about 1 percent and nearly 1.5 percent between 1994 and 2002:Q1. The share of assets at well-capitalized banks series starts at about 30 percent in 1990 and rises slightly to about 35 percent in 1991. It then starts to rise sharply, reaching about 95 percent in mid-1995; the series then levels out, remaining between about 95 percent and just below 100 percent through 2002:Q1.
Chart 6
Business Investment
Top-left panel
Real Business Fixed Investment
2002 | 2003 | |||
Q1 | Q2 | H2 | ||
1. Total BFI | -8 | 1 | 5 | 11 |
2. E&S | -2 | 4 | 8 | 13 |
3. NRS | -23 | -7 | -2 | 4 |
Top-right panel
Semiconductors and Computers
Semiconductor production | Real computer shipments | |
Jan 2000 | 100.00 | 100.00 |
Feb 2000 | 104.74 | 93.78 |
Mar 2000 | 111.84 | 94.85 |
Apr 2000 | 117.77 | 103.36 |
May 2000 | 123.15 | 103.90 |
Jun 2000 | 126.76 | 104.71 |
Jul 2000 | 129.41 | 106.92 |
Aug 2000 | 130.55 | 105.20 |
Sep 2000 | 131.61 | 108.06 |
Oct 2000 | 132.69 | 108.45 |
Nov 2000 | 134.32 | 105.15 |
Dec 2000 | 135.05 | 109.49 |
Jan 2001 | 130.08 | 110.12 |
Feb 2001 | 128.41 | 106.31 |
Mar 2001 | 126.17 | 110.56 |
Apr 2001 | 121.01 | 105.14 |
May 2001 | 117.82 | 104.47 |
Jun 2001 | 113.23 | 99.13 |
Jul 2001 | 109.85 | 102.08 |
Aug 2001 | 109.55 | 87.60 |
Sep 2001 | 111.28 | 93.70 |
Oct 2001 | 113.46 | 98.97 |
Nov 2001 | 113.65 | 103.27 |
Dec 2001 | 114.91 | 105.52 |
Jan 2002 | 119.92 | 108.06 |
Feb 2002 | 125.06 | 105.61 |
Mar 2002 | 127.22 | 103.14 |
Apr 2002 | 129.28 | 109.43 |
May 2002 | 132.19 | ND |
Middle-left panel
Revisions to Year-Ahead Earnings for S&P 500
Revisions to Year-Ahead Earnings for S&P 500. The period covered is from 1999 through June 2002, and the data are percentage values given as a three-month moving average. Data are presented as two curves: One is telecom service, and the second curve is "all other." A horizontal line is drawn at 0 percent. The two series have similar curve patterns throughout 1999 but diverge in early 2000, with telecom service decreasing sharply and "all other" increasing slightly, then dropping gradually. Both series come together again in mid-2001 and have similar curve fluctuations through June 2002.
More specifically, telecom service enters 1999 at just above 0 percent and then dips to just below 0 percent, where it remains through 1999. In early 2000, the series decreases to about negative 3 percent, increases slightly, and then drops sharply to reach about negative 8 percent at the start of 2001. It then rises again, reaching negative 2 percent in late 2001 and ending just below negative 2 percent in June 2002. The "all other" series enters 1999 at about negative 1 percent, rises slightly to about 0 percent through the remainder of 1999, and then increases to just above 0 percent in mid-2000 before dropping to about negative 3 percent in mid-2001. The series drops a bit to about negative 4 percent at the end of 2001, increases to about 0 percent in early 2002, and then drops to negative 1 percent in June 2002.
Middle-right panel
Accelerator Effects
Accelerator* | Percent Change in E&S | Recent percent change | Trend E&S | |
1971 | -2.99 | -5.45 | ND | 0.56 |
1972 | 1.88 | 8.54 | ND | 11.04 |
1973 | 4.74 | 16.87 | ND | 17.19 |
1974 | -0.36 | 13.58 | ND | 6.22 |
1975 | -6.06 | -3.04 | ND | -6.04 |
1976 | -1.11 | -6.18 | ND | 4.60 |
1977 | 4.47 | 9.23 | ND | 16.61 |
1978 | 1.74 | 16.35 | ND | 10.74 |
1979 | 1.25 | 14.94 | ND | 9.68 |
1980 | -2.64 | 3.42 | ND | 1.31 |
1981 | -4.47 | -3.55 | ND | -2.62 |
1982 | -0.30 | 5.13 | ND | 6.35 |
1983 | -0.82 | -9.10 | ND | 5.23 |
1984 | 5.38 | 20.69 | ND | 18.57 |
1985 | 4.07 | 13.84 | ND | 15.75 |
1986 | -3.45 | 2.54 | ND | -0.43 |
1987 | -1.13 | 1.60 | ND | 4.56 |
1988 | 0.26 | 1.72 | ND | 7.55 |
1989 | 0.67 | 8.98 | ND | 8.43 |
1990 | -1.31 | 4.86 | ND | 4.17 |
1991 | -2.49 | -0.59 | ND | 1.64 |
1992 | -0.71 | -0.53 | ND | 5.47 |
1993 | 2.76 | 11.59 | ND | 12.93 |
1994 | 1.30 | 11.48 | ND | 9.79 |
1995 | -0.22 | 12.02 | ND | 6.52 |
1996 | -0.28 | 8.95 | ND | 6.39 |
1997 | 0.15 | 11.80 | ND | 7.32 |
1998 | 1.24 | 13.69 | ND | 9.66 |
1999 | 0.34 | 14.92 | ND | 7.72 |
2000 | -0.06 | 11.20 | ND | 6.86 |
2001 | -1.38 | 8.28 | -8.52 | 4.02 |
2002 | -2.50 | ND | 4.21 | 1.61 |
2003 | 0.49 | ND | 13.36 | 8.05 |
*(8-quarter percent change in real business output less year-earlier 8-quarter percent change) Return to table
Bottom-left panel
Nonresidential Buildings
Contracts | Construction | |
Jan 1985 | 69.79 | 62.67 |
Feb 1985 | 70.54 | 63.86 |
Mar 1985 | 71.48 | 64.93 |
Apr 1985 | 72.85 | 66.03 |
May 1985 | 73.15 | 67.08 |
Jun 1985 | 73.58 | 67.97 |
Jul 1985 | 74.61 | 68.85 |
Aug 1985 | 74.93 | 69.68 |
Sep 1985 | 76.31 | 70.50 |
Oct 1985 | 77.19 | 71.29 |
Nov 1985 | 77.32 | 72.10 |
Dec 1985 | 77.08 | 72.87 |
Jan 1986 | 76.65 | 73.25 |
Feb 1986 | 77.41 | 73.56 |
Mar 1986 | 76.67 | 73.47 |
Apr 1986 | 76.86 | 73.37 |
May 1986 | 75.88 | 72.89 |
Jun 1986 | 76.01 | 72.38 |
Jul 1986 | 75.26 | 71.93 |
Aug 1986 | 74.93 | 71.53 |
Sep 1986 | 74.54 | 70.93 |
Oct 1986 | 73.58 | 70.59 |
Nov 1986 | 73.47 | 70.00 |
Dec 1986 | 73.68 | 69.38 |
Jan 1987 | 73.42 | 68.79 |
Feb 1987 | 72.69 | 68.37 |
Mar 1987 | 73.22 | 67.99 |
Apr 1987 | 72.78 | 67.71 |
May 1987 | 72.29 | 67.92 |
Jun 1987 | 73.29 | 68.01 |
Jul 1987 | 74.48 | 68.27 |
Aug 1987 | 74.75 | 68.66 |
Sep 1987 | 74.95 | 69.15 |
Oct 1987 | 75.65 | 69.36 |
Nov 1987 | 75.64 | 69.96 |
Dec 1987 | 76.94 | 70.43 |
Jan 1988 | 76.57 | 70.89 |
Feb 1988 | 77.89 | 71.09 |
Mar 1988 | 77.81 | 71.80 |
Apr 1988 | 77.39 | 72.37 |
May 1988 | 77.77 | 72.78 |
Jun 1988 | 77.40 | 73.46 |
Jul 1988 | 76.72 | 73.87 |
Aug 1988 | 77.60 | 74.08 |
Sep 1988 | 77.11 | 74.15 |
Oct 1988 | 76.76 | 74.37 |
Nov 1988 | 76.84 | 74.37 |
Dec 1988 | 75.78 | 74.74 |
Jan 1989 | 77.24 | 75.33 |
Feb 1989 | 76.38 | 75.94 |
Mar 1989 | 76.21 | 76.39 |
Apr 1989 | 76.54 | 76.62 |
May 1989 | 77.37 | 76.85 |
Jun 1989 | 77.20 | 77.09 |
Jul 1989 | 77.34 | 77.41 |
Aug 1989 | 76.85 | 78.03 |
Sep 1989 | 78.49 | 78.74 |
Oct 1989 | 79.16 | 79.31 |
Nov 1989 | 79.32 | 80.03 |
Dec 1989 | 80.65 | 80.08 |
Jan 1990 | 80.20 | 80.35 |
Feb 1990 | 79.73 | 80.96 |
Mar 1990 | 79.93 | 81.36 |
Apr 1990 | 79.67 | 81.79 |
May 1990 | 78.83 | 82.22 |
Jun 1990 | 78.31 | 82.63 |
Jul 1990 | 77.07 | 83.25 |
Aug 1990 | 75.48 | 83.29 |
Sep 1990 | 73.25 | 83.21 |
Oct 1990 | 71.98 | 82.94 |
Nov 1990 | 71.36 | 82.38 |
Dec 1990 | 68.74 | 82.25 |
Jan 1991 | 66.78 | 81.62 |
Feb 1991 | 65.96 | 80.74 |
Mar 1991 | 64.41 | 79.71 |
Apr 1991 | 64.03 | 79.12 |
May 1991 | 63.11 | 77.82 |
Jun 1991 | 61.19 | 76.31 |
Jul 1991 | 60.31 | 74.49 |
Aug 1991 | 59.94 | 73.01 |
Sep 1991 | 58.49 | 71.43 |
Oct 1991 | 57.57 | 69.98 |
Nov 1991 | 55.84 | 68.49 |
Dec 1991 | 55.48 | 67.00 |
Jan 1992 | 55.80 | 65.65 |
Feb 1992 | 56.66 | 64.27 |
Mar 1992 | 56.46 | 63.45 |
Apr 1992 | 55.80 | 62.01 |
May 1992 | 55.08 | 61.34 |
Jun 1992 | 56.16 | 60.93 |
Jul 1992 | 56.71 | 60.73 |
Aug 1992 | 56.00 | 60.12 |
Sep 1992 | 56.78 | 59.96 |
Oct 1992 | 57.11 | 60.06 |
Nov 1992 | 57.25 | 60.21 |
Dec 1992 | 56.74 | 60.28 |
Jan 1993 | 56.13 | 60.28 |
Feb 1993 | 54.89 | 60.35 |
Mar 1993 | 55.37 | 60.10 |
Apr 1993 | 54.96 | 60.10 |
May 1993 | 55.00 | 60.27 |
Jun 1993 | 54.63 | 60.29 |
Jul 1993 | 54.85 | 60.17 |
Aug 1993 | 55.54 | 60.55 |
Sep 1993 | 55.58 | 60.83 |
Oct 1993 | 55.98 | 60.84 |
Nov 1993 | 56.35 | 61.10 |
Dec 1993 | 57.44 | 61.50 |
Jan 1994 | 58.53 | 61.63 |
Feb 1994 | 59.18 | 61.73 |
Mar 1994 | 59.81 | 62.41 |
Apr 1994 | 60.18 | 63.27 |
May 1994 | 60.77 | 63.97 |
Jun 1994 | 61.84 | 64.71 |
Jul 1994 | 62.20 | 65.35 |
Aug 1994 | 63.40 | 65.98 |
Sep 1994 | 64.47 | 66.59 |
Oct 1994 | 64.43 | 67.28 |
Nov 1994 | 65.87 | 67.96 |
Dec 1994 | 66.73 | 68.61 |
Jan 1995 | 67.72 | 69.66 |
Feb 1995 | 68.59 | 71.00 |
Mar 1995 | 69.48 | 71.90 |
Apr 1995 | 70.57 | 72.74 |
May 1995 | 72.23 | 73.42 |
Jun 1995 | 73.14 | 74.20 |
Jul 1995 | 73.97 | 75.33 |
Aug 1995 | 74.46 | 76.02 |
Sep 1995 | 75.43 | 76.72 |
Oct 1995 | 76.30 | 77.47 |
Nov 1995 | 77.57 | 78.13 |
Dec 1995 | 77.55 | 78.91 |
Jan 1996 | 78.03 | 79.81 |
Feb 1996 | 77.52 | 80.39 |
Mar 1996 | 77.72 | 80.76 |
Apr 1996 | 78.88 | 81.29 |
May 1996 | 79.20 | 81.88 |
Jun 1996 | 79.32 | 82.68 |
Jul 1996 | 79.96 | 83.11 |
Aug 1996 | 80.88 | 84.05 |
Sep 1996 | 81.39 | 85.08 |
Oct 1996 | 81.67 | 86.41 |
Nov 1996 | 82.35 | 87.79 |
Dec 1996 | 83.86 | 88.94 |
Jan 1997 | 84.24 | 90.11 |
Feb 1997 | 85.84 | 91.44 |
Mar 1997 | 86.16 | 92.54 |
Apr 1997 | 87.30 | 93.43 |
May 1997 | 89.07 | 94.35 |
Jun 1997 | 90.59 | 95.04 |
Jul 1997 | 92.46 | 96.28 |
Aug 1997 | 92.45 | 97.33 |
Sep 1997 | 93.69 | 98.15 |
Oct 1997 | 96.80 | 98.60 |
Nov 1997 | 97.44 | 98.91 |
Dec 1997 | 98.48 | 99.45 |
Jan 1998 | 100.00 | 100.00 |
Feb 1998 | 101.89 | 100.45 |
Mar 1998 | 104.03 | 101.33 |
Apr 1998 | 104.18 | 102.44 |
May 1998 | 104.61 | 103.29 |
Jun 1998 | 105.72 | 104.44 |
Jul 1998 | 106.59 | 105.02 |
Aug 1998 | 109.32 | 105.70 |
Sep 1998 | 110.39 | 106.24 |
Oct 1998 | 110.46 | 107.05 |
Nov 1998 | 111.51 | 108.10 |
Dec 1998 | 112.60 | 109.08 |
Jan 1999 | 114.66 | 109.76 |
Feb 1999 | 115.04 | 110.61 |
Mar 1999 | 115.58 | 111.25 |
Apr 1999 | 117.43 | 111.49 |
May 1999 | 118.42 | 111.86 |
Jun 1999 | 119.14 | 111.78 |
Jul 1999 | 118.99 | 111.96 |
Aug 1999 | 117.98 | 111.82 |
Sep 1999 | 118.30 | 111.86 |
Oct 1999 | 118.04 | 111.60 |
Nov 1999 | 117.96 | 111.38 |
Dec 1999 | 117.31 | 111.11 |
Jan 2000 | 114.52 | 111.05 |
Feb 2000 | 116.09 | 111.18 |
Mar 2000 | 118.03 | 111.50 |
Apr 2000 | 117.20 | 111.94 |
May 2000 | 116.49 | 112.68 |
Jun 2000 | 116.77 | 113.48 |
Jul 2000 | 116.67 | 114.31 |
Aug 2000 | 117.04 | 115.43 |
Sep 2000 | 116.98 | 116.57 |
Oct 2000 | 117.90 | 117.83 |
Nov 2000 | 118.35 | 118.89 |
Dec 2000 | 119.61 | 120.05 |
Jan 2001 | 121.93 | 121.34 |
Feb 2001 | 121.22 | 122.11 |
Mar 2001 | 119.30 | 123.08 |
Apr 2001 | 119.19 | 123.81 |
May 2001 | 118.79 | 123.90 |
Jun 2001 | 117.16 | 123.97 |
Jul 2001 | 116.01 | 123.94 |
Aug 2001 | 115.17 | 123.40 |
Sep 2001 | 113.58 | 122.83 |
Oct 2001 | 112.12 | 121.99 |
Nov 2001 | 110.11 | 120.93 |
Dec 2001 | 107.80 | 119.63 |
Jan 2002 | 105.09 | 118.10 |
Feb 2002 | 103.48 | 116.55 |
Mar 2002 | 100.61 | 114.50 |
Apr 2002 | 98.72 | 112.83 |
May 2002 | 97.44 | ND |
Bottom-right panel
Office Buildings
Vacancy rate (Percent) |
Real Investment (Billions of 1996 dollars) |
1985:Q1 | 15.70 | 55.83 |
1985:Q2 | 16.40 | 57.41 |
1985:Q3 | 16.10 | 56.94 |
1985:Q4 | 16.40 | 57.24 |
1986:Q1 | 16.80 | 54.94 |
1986:Q2 | 17.00 | 51.02 |
1986:Q3 | 17.30 | 47.76 |
1986:Q4 | 17.30 | 47.06 |
1987:Q1 | 17.70 | 44.74 |
1987:Q2 | 17.30 | 43.71 |
1987:Q3 | 17.30 | 44.72 |
1987:Q4 | 17.30 | 45.99 |
1988:Q1 | 18.90 | 44.45 |
1988:Q2 | 18.50 | 46.39 |
1988:Q3 | 18.30 | 45.95 |
1988:Q4 | 18.20 | 45.22 |
1989:Q1 | 18.20 | 45.75 |
1989:Q2 | 18.30 | 44.02 |
1989:Q3 | 18.30 | 44.46 |
1989:Q4 | 18.60 | 43.09 |
1990:Q1 | 18.80 | 42.87 |
1990:Q2 | 18.80 | 41.13 |
1990:Q3 | 18.70 | 40.94 |
1990:Q4 | 18.90 | 38.54 |
1991:Q1 | 19.00 | 34.90 |
1991:Q2 | 19.10 | 33.58 |
1991:Q3 | 18.80 | 31.54 |
1991:Q4 | 18.90 | 28.96 |
1992:Q1 | 19.10 | 27.88 |
1992:Q2 | 19.10 | 26.80 |
1992:Q3 | 18.90 | 25.34 |
1992:Q4 | 18.70 | 27.64 |
1993:Q1 | 18.30 | 28.05 |
1993:Q2 | 18.00 | 27.85 |
1993:Q3 | 17.60 | 26.01 |
1993:Q4 | 17.00 | 25.58 |
1994:Q1 | 16.80 | 26.29 |
1994:Q2 | 16.30 | 28.10 |
1994:Q3 | 15.90 | 27.21 |
1994:Q4 | 15.50 | 28.19 |
1995:Q1 | 15.20 | 29.77 |
1995:Q2 | 14.70 | 31.80 |
1995:Q3 | 14.40 | 31.35 |
1995:Q4 | 14.10 | 28.97 |
1996:Q1 | 13.80 | 28.09 |
1996:Q2 | 13.10 | 32.08 |
1996:Q3 | 12.80 | 34.07 |
1996:Q4 | 12.10 | 35.56 |
1997:Q1 | 11.60 | 37.08 |
1997:Q2 | 11.20 | 35.42 |
1997:Q3 | 10.50 | 40.15 |
1997:Q4 | 9.80 | 42.04 |
1998:Q1 | 9.50 | 44.11 |
1998:Q2 | 9.30 | 46.20 |
1998:Q3 | 9.00 | 44.55 |
1998:Q4 | 8.90 | 48.81 |
1999:Q1 | 9.50 | 50.41 |
1999:Q2 | 9.60 | 49.17 |
1999:Q3 | 9.60 | 50.08 |
1999:Q4 | 9.10 | 48.89 |
2000:Q1 | 8.60 | 50.02 |
2000:Q2 | 8.00 | 54.70 |
2000:Q3 | 7.70 | 57.48 |
2000:Q4 | 7.80 | 60.25 |
2001:Q1 | 9.10 | 59.17 |
2001:Q2 | 10.30 | 54.64 |
2001:Q3 | 12.00 | 49.06 |
2001:Q4 | 13.20 | 46.03 |
2002:Q1 | 14.20 | 40.79 |
Chart 7
Household Spending
Top panel
Growth in Real PCE and Residential Investment
Four quarters ending at peak | Recession | Four quarters after trough | |
1. Average in previous cycles | 2.0 | -.5 | 6.3 |
2. Current cycle and forecast | 3.2 | 3.3 | 2.5 |
Note. Previous cycles include all postwar peaks and troughs through 1991. Trough of current cycle is assumed to be 2002:Q1.
Middle panel
Growth of Real Capital Stocks
Consumer durables | Consumer durables-Forecast | Private Residential Structures | Private Residential Structures-Forecast | |
1970 | 4.19 | ND | 2.75 | ND |
1971 | 5.41 | ND | 3.75 | ND |
1972 | 6.78 | ND | 4.37 | ND |
1973 | 7.65 | ND | 4.12 | ND |
1974 | 4.38 | ND | 2.76 | ND |
1975 | 3.66 | ND | 2.08 | ND |
1976 | 5.42 | ND | 2.84 | ND |
1977 | 6.18 | ND | 3.63 | ND |
1978 | 6.00 | ND | 3.77 | ND |
1979 | 4.68 | ND | 3.38 | ND |
1980 | 1.91 | ND | 2.21 | ND |
1981 | 1.89 | ND | 1.83 | ND |
1982 | 1.42 | ND | 1.17 | ND |
1983 | 3.90 | ND | 2.25 | ND |
1984 | 6.10 | ND | 2.73 | ND |
1985 | 6.82 | ND | 2.65 | ND |
1986 | 7.33 | ND | 3.08 | ND |
1987 | 6.16 | ND | 2.95 | ND |
1988 | 5.97 | ND | 2.77 | ND |
1989 | 5.10 | ND | 2.52 | ND |
1990 | 3.49 | ND | 2.13 | ND |
1991 | 0.83 | ND | 1.53 | ND |
1992 | 1.82 | ND | 1.83 | ND |
1993 | 3.07 | ND | 2.20 | ND |
1994 | 3.87 | ND | 2.30 | ND |
1995 | 3.94 | ND | 2.13 | ND |
1996 | 4.24 | ND | 2.40 | ND |
1997 | 4.74 | ND | 2.32 | ND |
1998 | 6.02 | ND | 2.58 | ND |
1999 | 7.32 | ND | 2.72 | ND |
2000 | 8.00 | ND | 2.61 | ND |
2001 | 7.60 | 7.60 | 2.59 | 2.59 |
2002 | ND | 7.15 | ND | 2.65 |
2003 | ND | 6.56 | ND | 2.57 |
Note: As shown in the chart, shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1969:Q4-1970:Q4, 1973:Q4-1975:Q1, 1980:Q1-1980:Q3, 1981:Q3-1982:Q4, and 1990:Q3-1991:Q1, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak in March 2001 for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1.
Bottom panel
Growth of Real Disposable Income and Labor Productivity
Labor productivity, nonfarm business | Labor productivity, nonfarm business-Forecast | Real DPI | Real DPI-Forecast | |
1970 | 2.00 | ND | 4.30 | ND |
1971 | 2.14 | ND | 4.11 | ND |
1972 | 2.43 | ND | 4.19 | ND |
1973 | 2.47 | ND | 4.65 | ND |
1974 | 2.09 | ND | 3.87 | ND |
1975 | 2.35 | ND | 3.40 | ND |
1976 | 2.26 | ND | 3.39 | ND |
1977 | 1.89 | ND | 3.18 | ND |
1978 | 1.52 | ND | 2.80 | ND |
1979 | 1.77 | ND | 3.52 | ND |
1980 | 1.16 | 1.17 | 3.31 | ND |
1981 | 0.66 | 0.67 | 2.90 | ND |
1982 | 0.24 | 0.24 | 2.44 | ND |
1983 | 0.88 | 0.87 | 2.06 | ND |
1984 | 1.40 | 1.38 | 3.01 | ND |
1985 | 1.72 | 1.71 | 3.52 | ND |
1986 | 2.08 | 2.07 | 3.70 | ND |
1987 | 2.27 | 2.27 | 3.86 | ND |
1988 | 1.62 | 1.63 | 4.13 | ND |
1989 | 1.35 | 1.35 | 3.12 | ND |
1990 | 1.31 | 1.31 | 2.89 | ND |
1991 | 0.94 | 0.95 | 2.33 | ND |
1992 | 1.62 | 1.61 | 2.52 | ND |
1993 | 1.45 | 1.45 | 1.92 | ND |
1994 | 1.56 | 1.56 | 1.92 | ND |
1995 | 1.53 | 1.53 | 2.01 | ND |
1996 | 1.80 | 1.79 | 2.44 | ND |
1997 | 1.46 | 1.46 | 2.44 | ND |
1998 | 1.88 | 1.88 | 3.23 | ND |
1999 | 2.09 | 2.08 | 3.21 | ND |
2000 | 2.55 | 2.56 | 3.38 | ND |
2001 | 2.42 | 2.43 | 3.59 | 3.59 |
2002 | ND | 2.82 | ND | 3.84 |
2003 | ND | 2.60 | ND | 3.31 |
Note: As shown in the chart, shaded bars denote the recession periods of 1969:Q4-1970:Q4, 1973:Q4-1975:Q1, 1980:Q1-1980:Q3, 1981:Q3-1982:Q4, and 1990:Q3-1991:Q1, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a vertical line indicates the NBER peak in March 2001 for the recession beginning in 2001:Q1.
Chart 8
Top-left panel
Alternative Estimates of Labor Productivity
2000:Q1-2001:Q1 | 2001:Q1-2002:Q1 | |
Product side: | ||
Establishment hours | 2.6 | 4.2 |
Household hours | 2.2 | 3.4 |
Income side: | ||
Establishment hours | 2.7 | 5.1 |
Household hours | 2.3 | 4.3 |
Top-right panel
Structural Labor Productivity
Productivity | |
1973-1995 | 1.4 |
1995-2000 | 2.6 |
2001 | 2.3 |
2002 | 2.0 |
2003 | 2.5 |
Middle-left panel
Contribution of Private Capital Deepening
Contribution | |
1973-1995 | 0.6 |
1995-2000 | 1.3 |
2001 | 0.6 |
2002 | 0.4 |
2003 | 0.8 |
Middle-right panel
Multifactor Productivity
Productivity | |
1973-1995 | 0.6 |
1995-2000 | 1.1 |
2001 | 1.4 |
2002 | 1.3 |
2003 | 1.5 |
Bottom panel
Adjustment Costs and Labor Productivity
1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | |
1. Measured productivity | 2.9 | 3.0 | 2.6 | 2.1 | 3.1 | 1.8 |
Productivity net of adjustment costs: | ||||||
2a. Low adjustment costs | 3.0 | 3.0 | 2.7 | 2.0 | 3.2 | 1.9 |
2b. High adjustment costs | 3.3 | 3.2 | 2.9 | 1.8 | 3.2 | 2.2 |
Chart 9
Labor Markets
Top-left panel
Labor Productivity
Structural | Actual GB | Slower scenario (0%) | Faster scenario (2.5%) | Baseline scenario (1.0%) | |
2001:Q1 | 38.31 | 38.11 | ND | ND | ND |
2001:Q2 | 38.53 | 38.30 | ND | ND | ND |
2001:Q3 | 38.74 | 38.40 | ND | ND | ND |
2001:Q4 | 38.96 | 38.91 | ND | ND | ND |
2002:Q1 | 39.14 | 39.72 | ND | ND | ND |
2002:Q2 | 39.33 | 39.94 | 39.94 | 39.94 | 39.94 |
2002:Q3 | 39.52 | ND | 39.94 | 40.19 | 40.06 |
2002:Q4 | 39.72 | ND | 39.94 | 40.44 | 40.14 |
Top-right panel
Effects on Employment
Change in Payroll* ('000s) | Unemployment Rate | ||
average monthly | |||
Q3 | Q4 | Q4 | |
Faster | -60 | 40 | 6.6 |
Baseline | 150 | 200 | 5.9 |
Slower | 320 | 240 | 5.5 |
*Private Return to table
Middle-left panel
Initial Claims
Claims | 4-week moving average | |
8-Jan-2000 | 292.37 | 282.39 |
15-Jan-2000 | 284.81 | 282.79 |
22-Jan-2000 | 275.23 | 283.58 |
29-Jan-2000 | 283.56 | 283.99 |
5-Feb-2000 | 303.75 | 286.84 |
12-Feb-2000 | 292.56 | 288.78 |
19-Feb-2000 | 287.48 | 291.84 |
26-Feb-2000 | 271.19 | 288.75 |
4-Mar-2000 | 282.20 | 283.36 |
11-Mar-2000 | 267.56 | 277.11 |
18-Mar-2000 | 268.12 | 272.27 |
25-Mar-2000 | 273.50 | 272.84 |
1-Apr-2000 | 270.39 | 269.89 |
8-Apr-2000 | 266.94 | 269.74 |
15-Apr-2000 | 267.93 | 269.69 |
22-Apr-2000 | 263.84 | 267.28 |
29-Apr-2000 | 287.66 | 271.59 |
6-May-2000 | 289.44 | 277.22 |
13-May-2000 | 278.35 | 279.82 |
20-May-2000 | 279.15 | 283.65 |
27-May-2000 | 282.22 | 282.29 |
3-Jun-2000 | 289.06 | 282.20 |
10-Jun-2000 | 287.23 | 284.42 |
17-Jun-2000 | 287.60 | 286.53 |
24-Jun-2000 | 288.75 | 288.16 |
1-Jul-2000 | 277.49 | 285.27 |
8-Jul-2000 | 294.59 | 287.11 |
15-Jul-2000 | 298.60 | 289.86 |
22-Jul-2000 | 288.78 | 289.86 |
29-Jul-2000 | 293.92 | 293.97 |
5-Aug-2000 | 299.31 | 295.15 |
12-Aug-2000 | 311.77 | 298.44 |
19-Aug-2000 | 313.05 | 304.51 |
26-Aug-2000 | 314.73 | 309.71 |
2-Sep-2000 | 307.74 | 311.82 |
9-Sep-2000 | 317.83 | 313.34 |
16-Sep-2000 | 316.57 | 314.22 |
23-Sep-2000 | 295.94 | 309.52 |
30-Sep-2000 | 303.68 | 308.51 |
7-Oct-2000 | 310.89 | 306.77 |
14-Oct-2000 | 312.09 | 305.65 |
21-Oct-2000 | 310.70 | 309.34 |
28-Oct-2000 | 317.36 | 312.76 |
4-Nov-2000 | 332.00 | 318.04 |
11-Nov-2000 | 325.92 | 321.49 |
18-Nov-2000 | 332.07 | 326.84 |
25-Nov-2000 | 355.18 | 336.29 |
2-Dec-2000 | 338.77 | 337.99 |
9-Dec-2000 | 331.16 | 339.29 |
16-Dec-2000 | 351.35 | 344.11 |
23-Dec-2000 | 368.43 | 347.43 |
30-Dec-2000 | 370.50 | 355.36 |
6-Jan-2001 | 333.97 | 356.06 |
13-Jan-2001 | 312.71 | 346.40 |
20-Jan-2001 | 330.22 | 336.85 |
27-Jan-2001 | 366.02 | 335.73 |
3-Feb-2001 | 357.22 | 341.54 |
10-Feb-2001 | 356.99 | 352.61 |
17-Feb-2001 | 350.45 | 357.67 |
24-Feb-2001 | 377.90 | 360.64 |
3-Mar-2001 | 377.54 | 365.72 |
10-Mar-2001 | 388.64 | 373.63 |
17-Mar-2001 | 387.74 | 382.95 |
24-Mar-2001 | 377.68 | 382.90 |
31-Mar-2001 | 396.65 | 387.68 |
7-Apr-2001 | 397.42 | 389.87 |
14-Apr-2001 | 385.40 | 389.29 |
21-Apr-2001 | 400.40 | 394.97 |
28-Apr-2001 | 411.37 | 398.65 |
5-May-2001 | 380.05 | 394.30 |
12-May-2001 | 395.43 | 396.81 |
19-May-2001 | 403.03 | 397.47 |
26-May-2001 | 414.24 | 398.19 |
2-Jun-2001 | 409.11 | 405.45 |
9-Jun-2001 | 421.63 | 412.00 |
16-Jun-2001 | 388.77 | 408.44 |
23-Jun-2001 | 371.15 | 397.66 |
30-Jun-2001 | 385.30 | 391.71 |
7-Jul-2001 | 408.96 | 388.54 |
14-Jul-2001 | 399.05 | 391.12 |
21-Jul-2001 | 379.95 | 393.32 |
28-Jul-2001 | 376.97 | 391.23 |
4-Aug-2001 | 389.13 | 386.28 |
11-Aug-2001 | 387.62 | 383.42 |
18-Aug-2001 | 392.93 | 386.66 |
25-Aug-2001 | 403.06 | 393.19 |
1-Sep-2001 | 408.71 | 398.08 |
8-Sep-2001 | 431.78 | 409.12 |
15-Sep-2001 | 400.36 | 410.98 |
22-Sep-2001 | 470.09 | 427.74 |
29-Sep-2001 | 543.18 | 461.35 |
6-Oct-2001 | 485.88 | 474.88 |
13-Oct-2001 | 502.07 | 500.31 |
20-Oct-2001 | 516.40 | 511.88 |
27-Oct-2001 | 513.73 | 504.52 |
3-Nov-2001 | 444.54 | 494.19 |
10-Nov-2001 | 445.98 | 480.16 |
17-Nov-2001 | 424.46 | 457.18 |
24-Nov-2001 | 489.80 | 451.19 |
1-Dec-2001 | 466.84 | 456.77 |
8-Dec-2001 | 407.04 | 447.04 |
15-Dec-2001 | 386.73 | 437.60 |
22-Dec-2001 | 415.22 | 418.96 |
29-Dec-2001 | 420.67 | 407.42 |
5-Jan-2002 | 386.20 | 402.21 |
12-Jan-2002 | 406.38 | 407.12 |
19-Jan-2002 | 389.66 | 400.73 |
26-Jan-2002 | 403.17 | 396.35 |
2-Feb-2002 | 377.63 | 394.21 |
9-Feb-2002 | 385.26 | 388.93 |
16-Feb-2002 | 377.16 | 385.81 |
23-Feb-2002 | 387.95 | 382.00 |
2-Mar-2002 | 386.08 | 384.11 |
9-Mar-2002 | 394.30 | 386.37 |
16-Mar-2002 | 382.27 | 387.65 |
23-Mar-2002 | 409.81 | 393.12 |
30-Mar-2002 | 465.62 | 413.00 |
6-Apr-2002 | 435.26 | 423.24 |
13-Apr-2002 | 457.03 | 441.93 |
20-Apr-2002 | 429.04 | 446.74 |
27-Apr-2002 | 422.92 | 436.06 |
4-May-2002 | 410.19 | 429.79 |
11-May-2002 | 421.65 | 420.95 |
18-May-2002 | 417.06 | 417.96 |
25-May-2002 | 414.50 | 415.85 |
1-Jun-2002 | 381.61 | 408.70 |
8-Jun-2002 | 398.16 | 402.83 |
15-Jun-2002 | 385.05 | 394.83 |
Middle-right panel
Current Employment Conditions
Jobs plentiful | Jobs hard to get | |
Jan 1990 | 27.20 | 21.60 |
Feb 1990 | 28.10 | 20.50 |
Mar 1990 | 29.20 | 21.80 |
Apr 1990 | 26.60 | 22.30 |
May 1990 | 26.90 | 22.90 |
Jun 1990 | 23.40 | 23.70 |
Jul 1990 | 25.60 | 22.10 |
Aug 1990 | 21.40 | 25.80 |
Sep 1990 | 20.60 | 25.10 |
Oct 1990 | 15.30 | 29.80 |
Nov 1990 | 13.70 | 29.40 |
Dec 1990 | 12.40 | 31.70 |
Jan 1991 | 11.40 | 33.10 |
Feb 1991 | 10.00 | 33.20 |
Mar 1991 | 10.40 | 35.70 |
Apr 1991 | 9.40 | 35.50 |
May 1991 | 9.80 | 37.80 |
Jun 1991 | 8.70 | 37.50 |
Jul 1991 | 7.80 | 37.60 |
Aug 1991 | 8.60 | 38.60 |
Sep 1991 | 7.20 | 40.00 |
Oct 1991 | 5.50 | 43.50 |
Nov 1991 | 5.10 | 47.10 |
Dec 1991 | 4.30 | 47.80 |
Jan 1992 | 4.90 | 47.00 |
Feb 1992 | 4.40 | 48.90 |
Mar 1992 | 4.80 | 46.90 |
Apr 1992 | 5.00 | 45.20 |
May 1992 | 5.90 | 40.30 |
Jun 1992 | 6.30 | 40.60 |
Jul 1992 | 5.80 | 43.00 |
Aug 1992 | 5.60 | 46.80 |
Sep 1992 | 6.00 | 45.70 |
Oct 1992 | 5.40 | 45.70 |
Nov 1992 | 6.80 | 45.50 |
Dec 1992 | 7.00 | 42.80 |
Jan 1993 | 7.80 | 38.40 |
Feb 1993 | 7.00 | 40.20 |
Mar 1993 | 7.00 | 40.40 |
Apr 1993 | 7.80 | 41.60 |
May 1993 | 8.00 | 40.40 |
Jun 1993 | 7.50 | 41.00 |
Jul 1993 | 8.20 | 40.00 |
Aug 1993 | 8.50 | 40.50 |
Sep 1993 | 9.00 | 39.00 |
Oct 1993 | 9.10 | 38.80 |
Nov 1993 | 9.50 | 36.10 |
Dec 1993 | 9.50 | 36.30 |
Jan 1994 | 11.30 | 34.40 |
Feb 1994 | 12.20 | 31.70 |
Mar 1994 | 13.10 | 32.50 |
Apr 1994 | 14.50 | 28.90 |
May 1994 | 14.60 | 32.40 |
Jun 1994 | 15.90 | 29.50 |
Jul 1994 | 15.20 | 28.60 |
Aug 1994 | 15.60 | 28.20 |
Sep 1994 | 15.80 | 28.50 |
Oct 1994 | 16.10 | 29.70 |
Nov 1994 | 19.90 | 27.60 |
Dec 1994 | 21.10 | 24.20 |
Jan 1995 | 22.60 | 25.50 |
Feb 1995 | 21.80 | 24.50 |
Mar 1995 | 23.20 | 24.50 |
Apr 1995 | 23.00 | 23.70 |
May 1995 | 22.90 | 24.20 |
Jun 1995 | 21.00 | 24.60 |
Jul 1995 | 24.00 | 23.10 |
Aug 1995 | 23.60 | 24.60 |
Sep 1995 | 22.70 | 25.10 |
Oct 1995 | 20.60 | 27.00 |
Nov 1995 | 22.70 | 25.60 |
Dec 1995 | 21.60 | 24.80 |
Jan 1996 | 21.30 | 26.30 |
Feb 1996 | 21.80 | 23.40 |
Mar 1996 | 22.50 | 26.20 |
Apr 1996 | 23.00 | 21.40 |
May 1996 | 24.80 | 22.80 |
Jun 1996 | 24.60 | 23.60 |
Jul 1996 | 26.50 | 22.40 |
Aug 1996 | 27.00 | 21.90 |
Sep 1996 | 26.40 | 20.40 |
Oct 1996 | 25.40 | 22.40 |
Nov 1996 | 26.50 | 21.40 |
Dec 1996 | 28.80 | 20.70 |
Jan 1997 | 30.90 | 18.60 |
Feb 1997 | 32.50 | 18.50 |
Mar 1997 | 33.10 | 18.50 |
Apr 1997 | 31.10 | 19.50 |
May 1997 | 34.90 | 17.40 |
Jun 1997 | 36.00 | 16.50 |
Jul 1997 | 36.20 | 16.90 |
Aug 1997 | 37.20 | 17.00 |
Sep 1997 | 36.40 | 16.10 |
Oct 1997 | 33.50 | 18.80 |
Nov 1997 | 36.40 | 17.40 |
Dec 1997 | 40.10 | 16.00 |
Jan 1998 | 40.10 | 16.40 |
Feb 1998 | 42.80 | 13.20 |
Mar 1998 | 45.00 | 13.80 |
Apr 1998 | 44.30 | 14.30 |
May 1998 | 44.20 | 14.00 |
Jun 1998 | 44.70 | 13.50 |
Jul 1998 | 46.10 | 14.00 |
Aug 1998 | 44.80 | 13.80 |
Sep 1998 | 45.20 | 14.30 |
Oct 1998 | 41.90 | 15.30 |
Nov 1998 | 40.70 | 14.40 |
Dec 1998 | 42.50 | 14.60 |
Jan 1999 | 46.60 | 13.00 |
Feb 1999 | 47.80 | 11.90 |
Mar 1999 | 47.30 | 12.20 |
Apr 1999 | 47.80 | 12.70 |
May 1999 | 47.60 | 12.50 |
Jun 1999 | 47.30 | 12.30 |
Jul 1999 | 49.40 | 11.50 |
Aug 1999 | 49.40 | 12.70 |
Sep 1999 | 47.50 | 12.70 |
Oct 1999 | 47.60 | 13.30 |
Nov 1999 | 48.10 | 11.80 |
Dec 1999 | 51.80 | 11.80 |
Jan 2000 | 55.20 | 11.20 |
Feb 2000 | 51.20 | 11.40 |
Mar 2000 | 53.30 | 10.60 |
Apr 2000 | 52.40 | 12.10 |
May 2000 | 53.00 | 11.00 |
Jun 2000 | 53.70 | 11.20 |
Jul 2000 | 55.80 | 9.60 |
Aug 2000 | 53.50 | 11.50 |
Sep 2000 | 52.50 | 10.60 |
Oct 2000 | 50.00 | 12.00 |
Nov 2000 | 50.60 | 11.10 |
Dec 2000 | 50.80 | 12.40 |
Jan 2001 | 49.00 | 12.80 |
Feb 2001 | 43.70 | 12.40 |
Mar 2001 | 43.80 | 12.60 |
Apr 2001 | 40.10 | 14.20 |
May 2001 | 39.30 | 14.30 |
Jun 2001 | 38.30 | 13.90 |
Jul 2001 | 35.60 | 14.10 |
Aug 2001 | 33.60 | 16.00 |
Sep 2001 | 27.10 | 18.80 |
Oct 2001 | 20.90 | 20.60 |
Nov 2001 | 17.50 | 22.70 |
Dec 2001 | 17.90 | 21.90 |
Jan 2002 | 18.40 | 22.50 |
Feb 2002 | 18.20 | 22.60 |
Mar 2002 | 20.60 | 21.10 |
Apr 2002 | 20.90 | 22.70 |
May 2002 | 21.20 | 21.90 |
Jun 2002 | 20.10 | 23.10 |
Bottom panel
Hourly Labor Compensation
P&C compensation per hour | P&C compensation per hour-Forecast | Employment cost index | Employment cost index-Forecast | |
1995:Q1 | 1.25 | ND | 2.98 | ND |
1995:Q2 | 2.02 | ND | 2.87 | ND |
1995:Q3 | 2.59 | ND | 2.52 | ND |
1995:Q4 | 2.57 | ND | 2.67 | ND |
1996:Q1 | 2.75 | ND | 2.73 | ND |
1996:Q2 | 3.11 | ND | 2.79 | ND |
1996:Q3 | 3.18 | ND | 2.85 | ND |
1996:Q4 | 3.25 | ND | 2.91 | ND |
1997:Q1 | 3.23 | ND | 2.89 | ND |
1997:Q2 | 2.47 | ND | 2.87 | ND |
1997:Q3 | 2.72 | ND | 3.08 | ND |
1997:Q4 | 3.42 | ND | 3.44 | ND |
1998:Q1 | 4.56 | ND | 3.42 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 5.70 | ND | 3.54 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 5.91 | ND | 3.74 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 5.30 | ND | 3.40 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 4.53 | ND | 3.01 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 4.13 | ND | 3.28 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 4.25 | ND | 3.17 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 4.54 | ND | 3.43 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 5.32 | ND | 4.56 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 6.23 | ND | 4.58 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 6.79 | ND | 4.68 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 7.82 | ND | 4.50 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 7.30 | 7.34 | 4.23 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 6.48 | 6.51 | 4.05 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 5.54 | 5.55 | 3.94 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 3.88 | 3.86 | 4.10 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 3.40 | 3.33 | 3.86 | 3.86 |
2002:Q2 | ND | 2.85 | ND | 3.75 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 2.68 | ND | 3.71 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 2.95 | ND | 3.52 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 3.11 | ND | 3.50 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 3.28 | ND | 3.50 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 3.36 | ND | 3.50 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 3.40 | ND | 3.53 |
Chart 10
Top-left panel
Unit Labor Costs*
Unit Labor Costs | Forecast | |
1999 | 1.50 | ND |
2000 | 5.00 | ND |
2001 | 1.70 | ND |
2002 | ND | -0.29 |
2003 | ND | 1.58 |
Unit Labor Costs | Forecast | |
1999:Q1 | 1.65 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 1.23 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 1.31 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 1.57 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 2.30 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 3.17 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 3.69 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 4.66 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 4.39 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 3.77 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 3.03 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 1.57 | 1.57 |
2002:Q1 | ND | 1.13 |
2002:Q2 | ND | 0.73 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 0.64 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 0.98 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 1.01 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 1.04 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 0.99 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 0.89 |
*P&C basis. Return to text
Top-right panel
Core Non-oil Import Prices
Price | Forecast | |
1998:Q1 | -1.50 | ND |
1998:Q2 | -1.40 | ND |
1998:Q3 | -2.26 | ND |
1998:Q4 | -2.03 | ND |
1999:Q1 | -1.30 | ND |
1999:Q2 | -1.04 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 0.09 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 0.35 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 0.77 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 1.47 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 1.61 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 1.60 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 1.78 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 0.00 | ND |
2001:Q3 | -1.97 | ND |
2001:Q4 | -3.15 | ND |
2002:Q1 | -4.22 | -4.22 |
2002:Q2 | ND | -2.58 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 0.24 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 1.88 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 3.23 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 3.55 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 2.93 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 2.73 |
Middle-left panel
PCE Food and Energy Prices
Food | Food-Forecast | Energy | Energy-Forecast | |
1998 | 1.90 | ND | -9.58 | ND |
1999 | 1.97 | ND | 12.18 | ND |
2000 | 2.51 | ND | 15.35 | ND |
2001 | 3.20 | ND | -9.87 | ND |
2002 | ND | 1.62 | ND | 2.98 |
2003 | ND | 2.08 | ND | -0.87 |
Middle-right panel
Inflation Expectations
Percent | |
Jan 1998 | 2.30 |
Feb 1998 | 2.40 |
Mar 1998 | 2.50 |
Apr 1998 | 2.40 |
May 1998 | 2.60 |
Jun 1998 | 2.70 |
Jul 1998 | 2.60 |
Aug 1998 | 2.40 |
Sep 1998 | 2.30 |
Oct 1998 | 2.50 |
Nov 1998 | 2.30 |
Dec 1998 | 2.50 |
Jan 1999 | 2.70 |
Feb 1999 | 2.50 |
Mar 1999 | 2.70 |
Apr 1999 | 2.70 |
May 1999 | 2.80 |
Jun 1999 | 2.50 |
Jul 1999 | 2.70 |
Aug 1999 | 2.80 |
Sep 1999 | 2.70 |
Oct 1999 | 2.90 |
Nov 1999 | 2.90 |
Dec 1999 | 3.00 |
Jan 2000 | 3.00 |
Feb 2000 | 2.90 |
Mar 2000 | 3.20 |
Apr 2000 | 3.20 |
May 2000 | 3.00 |
Jun 2000 | 2.90 |
Jul 2000 | 3.00 |
Aug 2000 | 2.70 |
Sep 2000 | 2.90 |
Oct 2000 | 3.20 |
Nov 2000 | 2.90 |
Dec 2000 | 2.80 |
Jan 2001 | 3.00 |
Feb 2001 | 2.80 |
Mar 2001 | 2.80 |
Apr 2001 | 3.10 |
May 2001 | 3.20 |
Jun 2001 | 3.00 |
Jul 2001 | 2.60 |
Aug 2001 | 2.70 |
Sep 2001 | 2.80 |
Oct 2001 | 1.00 |
Nov 2001 | 0.40 |
Dec 2001 | 1.80 |
Jan 2002 | 1.90 |
Feb 2002 | 2.10 |
Mar 2002 | 2.70 |
Apr 2002 | 2.80 |
May 2002 | 2.70 |
Jun 2002 | 3.00 |
Percent | |
1998:Q1 | 2.25 |
1998:Q2 | 2.45 |
1998:Q3 | 2.48 |
1998:Q4 | 2.30 |
1999:Q1 | 2.20 |
1999:Q2 | 2.20 |
1999:Q3 | 2.38 |
1999:Q4 | 2.53 |
2000:Q1 | 2.50 |
2000:Q2 | 2.60 |
2000:Q3 | 2.70 |
2000:Q4 | 2.68 |
2001:Q1 | 2.50 |
2001:Q2 | 2.50 |
2001:Q3 | 2.60 |
2001:Q4 | 2.18 |
2002:Q1 | 2.20 |
2002:Q2 | 2.35 |
Bottom panel
Core Consumer Prices
Current-methods CPI | Current-methods CPI-Forecast | PCE | PCE-Forecast | Market-Based PCE | Market-Based PCE-Forecast | |
1995:Q1 | 2.36 | ND | 2.59 | ND | 2.04 | ND |
1995:Q2 | 2.49 | ND | 2.53 | ND | 1.83 | ND |
1995:Q3 | 2.54 | ND | 2.28 | ND | 1.78 | ND |
1995:Q4 | 2.69 | ND | 2.27 | ND | 1.86 | ND |
1996:Q1 | 2.60 | ND | 2.04 | ND | 1.66 | ND |
1996:Q2 | 2.37 | ND | 1.87 | ND | 1.53 | ND |
1996:Q3 | 2.29 | ND | 1.74 | ND | 1.39 | ND |
1996:Q4 | 2.21 | ND | 1.83 | ND | 1.40 | ND |
1997:Q1 | 2.10 | ND | 1.97 | ND | 1.40 | ND |
1997:Q2 | 2.20 | ND | 2.11 | ND | 1.55 | ND |
1997:Q3 | 1.99 | ND | 1.98 | ND | 1.42 | ND |
1997:Q4 | 1.92 | ND | 1.73 | ND | 1.19 | ND |
1998:Q1 | 2.04 | ND | 1.54 | ND | 1.18 | ND |
1998:Q2 | 2.01 | ND | 1.39 | ND | 1.07 | ND |
1998:Q3 | 2.17 | ND | 1.52 | ND | 1.27 | ND |
1998:Q4 | 2.17 | ND | 1.58 | ND | 1.38 | ND |
1999:Q1 | 2.01 | ND | 1.53 | ND | 1.40 | ND |
1999:Q2 | 1.99 | ND | 1.42 | ND | 1.39 | ND |
1999:Q3 | 2.00 | ND | 1.41 | ND | 1.28 | ND |
1999:Q4 | 2.08 | ND | 1.48 | ND | 1.41 | ND |
2000:Q1 | 2.20 | ND | 1.85 | ND | 1.48 | ND |
2000:Q2 | 2.36 | ND | 1.97 | ND | 1.58 | ND |
2000:Q3 | 2.51 | ND | 1.99 | ND | 1.74 | ND |
2000:Q4 | 2.48 | ND | 1.93 | ND | 1.73 | ND |
2001:Q1 | 2.62 | ND | 1.85 | ND | 1.84 | ND |
2001:Q2 | 2.63 | ND | 1.59 | ND | 1.64 | ND |
2001:Q3 | 2.64 | ND | 1.29 | ND | 1.63 | ND |
2001:Q4 | 2.69 | ND | 1.60 | ND | 1.65 | ND |
2002:Q1 | 2.54 | 2.51 | 1.20 | 1.20 | 1.30 | 1.33 |
2002:Q2 | ND | 2.51 | ND | 1.47 | ND | 1.56 |
2002:Q3 | ND | 2.39 | ND | 1.71 | ND | 1.54 |
2002:Q4 | ND | 2.27 | ND | 1.37 | ND | 1.45 |
2003:Q1 | ND | 2.22 | ND | 1.48 | ND | 1.50 |
2003:Q2 | ND | 2.14 | ND | 1.39 | ND | 1.36 |
2003:Q3 | ND | 2.11 | ND | 1.37 | ND | 1.32 |
2003:Q4 | ND | 2.08 | ND | 1.36 | ND | 1.29 |
Chart 11
Financial Developments
Chart 11 is a three-by-two array of panels, including graphs for nominal exchange rates, a previous depreciation episode, three-month euro futures rates, three-month yen futures rates, a table on interest rates, and a graph on broad stock price indexes.
Top-left panel
Nominal Exchange Rates
Nominal Exchange Rates, Foreign currency/U.S. dollar, on a weekly basis for 2000 through mid-2002. The range of the y-axis is [90, 140]; index, Jan. 3, 2000 = 100. The three series are the euro, the yen, and a basket of "major currencies," where the last is the trade-weighted average against major currencies. The chart shows the decline in the nominal exchange value of the dollar that has occurred since shortly after the January 2002 chart show in terms of these currencies. The major currencies index starts at 100, moves generally upward to about 118 by early 2002, and then declines to about 110 by mid 2002. The euro begins at 100, increases to about 120 by late 2000, drops to about 110 by the end of 2000, increases to about 120 by mid-2001, drops to about 108 a few months later, climbs to about 118 by early 2002, and then declines to about 105 by mid-2002. The yen starts at 100, fluctuates around 105 during most of 2000, rises to slightly over 130 by early 2002, and then declines to just over 120 by mid-2002.
Top-right panel
Previous Depreciation Episode
Previous Depreciation Episode, Foreign currency/U.S. dollar, on a weekly basis for 1984-1987. The range of the y-axis is [50, 130]; index, Jan. 3, 1984 = 100. The three series are the Canadian dollar, the German mark, and the yen. The Canadian dollar starts at 100, rises gradually to about 112 by early 1986, and then declines gradually to about 105 by the end of 1987. The German mark begins at about 100, dips immediately to about 94, rises to about 122 by early 1985, and then drops steeply to about 60 by the end of 1987. The yen starts at 100, dips immediately to about 96, rises to about 110 by early 1985, and then drops steeply to about 54 by the end of 1987.
Middle-left panel
Three-Month Euro Futures Rates
Three-Month Euro Futures Rates for 2002-2003, as of January 29, 2002, as of March 28, 2002, and as of June 24, 2002. The range of the y-axis is [3.0, 5.0]; unit is percent. The futures rates as of January 29, 2002, begin at about 3.5 percent and rise to about 4.8 percent by the end of the period. The futures rates as of March 28, 2002, begin at about 3.6 percent and rise to about 5 percent by the end of the period. The futures rates as of June 24, 2002, begin at about 3.5 percent and rise to about 4.5 percent by the end of the period.
Middle-right panel
Three-Month Yen Futures Rates
Three-Month Yen Futures Rates for 2002-2003, as of January 29, 2002, as of March 28, 2002, and as of June 24, 2002. The range of the y-axis is [0.0, 2.0]; unit is percent. The rates as of January 29, 2002, begin at about 0.1 percent and rise to about 0.4 percent by the end of the period. The rates as of March 28, 2002, and as of June 24, 2002 track almost identically; they begin at about 0.1 percent and rise to about 0.3 percent by the end of the period.
Bottom-left panel
Interest Rates
The table reports spot short-term and long-term interest rates and their change since the January 2002 meeting. The first column shows the level as of 6/24/02, and the second column shows the change from 1/29/02 to 6/24/02.
Level 6/24/02 | Change 1/29/02 to 6/24/02 | |
Three-Month | ||
1. Euro | 3.46 | 0.09 |
2. Japan | 0.02 | -0.02 |
3. United States | 1.81 | 0.01 |
Ten-Year | ||
1. Germany | 4.93 | -0.08 |
2. Japan | 1.32 | -0.15 |
3. United States | 4.84 | -0.18 |
Bottom-right panel
Broad Stock Price Indexes for the S&P 500, the DJ Euro, and the TOPIX for 2000 through mid-2002. The range of the y-axis is [50, 120]; index, Jan. 3, 2000 = 100. The S&P 500 starts at 100 and, with modest volatility, declines to about 70 by late 2001, rises to about 80 by early 2002, and then declines to about 70 by mid-2002. The DJ Euro starts at 100 and, with modest volatility, rises to about 112 in early 2000, declines to about 60 by late 2001, rises to about 75 by early 2002, and then declines to about 64 by mid-2002. The TOPIX starts at 100, and, with modest volatility, declines to about 60 by late 2001 and then fluctuates around 60 through mid-2002.
Chart 12
Foreign Outlook
Chart 12 is a three-by-two array of panels, including graphs of real GDP, foreign real GDP, industrial production, business confidence, and exports, and a table of real GDP growth for industrial countries.
Top-left panel
Real GDP
Real GDP (percent change, SAAR*), U.S. and total foreign,** as a bar chart for 2001:H1 (actual), 2001:H2 (actual), 2002:H1 (projected), 2002:H2 (projected), 2003:H1 (projected), and 2003:H2 (projected). The range of the y-axis is [-1, 6]. Approximate values for the six periods are as follows.
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | ||||
H1 | H2 | H1 | H2 | H1 | H2 | |
United States (red) | 0.8 | 0.1 | 3.9 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.1 |
Total foreign (blue) | -0.1 | 0.2 | 3.0 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.5 |
*Half years are Q2/Q4 or Q4/Q2. Return to text
**Total foreign GDP growth is calculated using U.S. total export weights. Return to text
Top-right panel
Foreign Real GDP
Foreign Real GDP* (percent change, Q4/Q4), for industrial countries, Asia, and Latin America, as a bar chart for 2001 (actual), 2002 (projected), and 2003 (projected). The range of the y-axis is [-2, 7]. Approximate values for the three years are as follows.
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | |
Industrial countries (red) | 0.3 | 2.8 | 2.8 |
Asia (blue) | 0.75 | 5.5 | 5.7 |
Latin America (green) | -1.6 | 2.4 | 3.7 |
*Foreign real GDP growth is calculated using U.S. total export weights. Return to text
Middle-left panel
Industrial Production
Industrial Production for 2000 through mid-2002 for the euro area, the U.K., Canada, and Japan. The range of the y-axis is [85, 110]; index, Jan. 2000 = 100, SA. All four indexes start at 100 at the beginning of the period. The index for the euro area rises to about 107 by the end of 2000, falls to about 102 by late 2001, and rises slightly to about 103 by the end of the period. The index for the U.K. rises to about 103 by mid-2000, declines to about 95 in early 2002, with a slight uptick to about 96 by mid-2002. The index for Canada rises to about 102 by mid-2000, declines to about 95 by end-2001, and then rises to about 98 by the end of the period. The index for Japan rises to about 106 by mid-2000, falls sharply to just below 90 by late 2001, and then rises slightly to about 92 by the end of the period.
Middle-right panel
Business Confidence
Business Confidence for 2000 through mid-2002 for the euro area, the U.K., Canada, and Japan. The graph uses diffusion indexes for the euro area, the U.K., and Japan; the range of the left y-axis is [-40, 30] for the euro area, the U.K., and Japan. The graph uses a business confidence index where 2000:Q1 = 100 for Canada; the range of the right y-axis is [50, 100] for Canada. The index for the euro area starts at about 0, and, with little volatility, rises to about 8 by mid-2000, declines to about -15 by late 2001, and then rises to about -8 by the end of the period. The index for the U.K. starts at about 10, and, with some volatility, drops to about -28 by end-2001 and then rises to about 5 by the end of the period. The index for Japan starts at -10, and, with little volatility, rises to about -8 by late 2000, falls to about -30 by late 2001, and then rises to about -15 by the end of the period. The index for Canada starts at 100, and, with significant volatility, falls to about 56 by mid-2001 and then rises strongly to about 88 by early 2002.
Bottom-left panel
Exports* for 2000 through mid-2002 for the euro area, Canada, the U.K., and Japan. The range of the y-axis is [75, 115]; index, Jan. 2000 = 100, SA. All four indexes start at 100 at the beginning of the period. The index for the euro area remains near 100 through late 2000, rises to about 107 by early 2001, declines quickly to about 100 and, with modest volatility, remains near 100 for the rest of the period. The index for the U.K. remains near 100 through late 2000, rises to about 104 by early 2001, declines to about 92 by early 2002, and rises to about 94 by the end of the period. The index for Canada rises to about 110 by early 2001, declines to about 90 by late 2001, and then rises to nearly 95 by the end of the period. The index for Japan rises to about 103 by late 2000, drops to about 78 by early 2002, and then rises to about 82 by the end of the period.
*Three-month moving average. Return to text
Bottom-right panel
Real GDP Growth
A table showing "Real GDP Growth, Percent, SAAR" for 2001:H2 (actual), 2002:H1 (forecast), 2002:H2 (forecast), and 2003 (forecast). Forecasts are the staff baseline forecast.
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | ||
H2 | H1 | H2 | ||
1. Industrial countries** | 0.1 | 2.7 | 3.0 | 2.9 |
2. Euro Area | -0.4 | 1.2 | 2.8 | 2.7 |
3. Japan | -3.5 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 1.2 |
4. Canada | 1.2 | 4.7 | 3.6 | 3.5 |
5. United Kingdom | 0.8 | 1.9 | 3.3 | 2.9 |
*Years are Q4/Q4; half years are Q2/Q4 or Q4/Q2. Return to table
**Calculations use U.S. total export weights. Return to table
Chart 13
Emerging Market Countries
(Weekly data)
Chart 13 is a three-by-two array of panels focusing on the contrasting experiences of the Asian and Latin American emerging market countries. Down the left-hand side of the page are the panels for Asia: a graph of nominal exchange rates, a graph of offshore-dollar bond spreads, and a table on real GDP growth. Down the right-hand side of the page are the panels for Latin America: a graph of nominal exchange rates, a graph of Brady bond spreads, and a table on real GDP growth.
Top-left panel
Nominal Exchange Rates
Nominal Exchange Rates, Foreign currency/U.S. dollar, for the Thai baht, the Korean won, and the Taiwanese dollar for 2000 through mid-2002. The range of the y-axis is [90, 125]; index, Jan. 7, 2000 = 100. The indexes for all the currencies start at 100 at the beginning of 2000. The index for the Thai baht rises to about 123 by mid-2001 and then declines to about 113 by mid-2002. The index for the Korean won rises to about 120 by early 2001, immediately declines slightly, ranges from about 111-117 through early 2002, and then falls to about 107 by mid-2002. The index for the Taiwanese dollar stays at around 100 for the most of 2000, rises to about 113 by mid-2001 and stays at about that level through early 2002, and then declines to about 109 by the end of the period.
Middle-left panel
Offshore-Dollar Bond Spreads
Offshore-Dollar Bond Spreads for 2000 through mid-2002 for China, Korea, and Thailand. The range of the y-axis is [0, 3]; unit is percentage points. The spreads for China start at about 1¼ percentage points, rise to about 1½ percentage points by late 2000, decline to about 1 percentage point by early 2001, and then rise gradually to about 1¾ percentage points by mid-2002. The spreads for Korea start at about 1½ percentage points, rise to about 2½ percentage points by late 2000, decline to about 1⅓ percentage points by late 2001, and then rise gradually to about 1¾ percentage points by mid-2002. The spreads for China and Korea are nearly the same from late 2001 through the end of the period. The spreads for Thailand start at about 1½ percentage points and range from 1¼ to 1½ percentage points through early 2001, then drop to just below 1 percentage point, rise to over 2 percentage points by mid-2001, drop to about ¾ percentage point by late 2001, and then fluctuate between about ⅔ percentage point and 1 percentage point through mid-2002, ending at about ⅔ percentage point.
Bottom-left panel
Real GDP Growth
A table showing "Real GDP Growth, Percent, SAAR" for 2001:H2 (actual), 2002:H1 (forecast), 2002:H2 (forecast), and 2003 (forecast). Forecasts are the staff baseline forecast.
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | ||
H2 | H1 | H2 | ||
1. Developing Asia** | 3.1 | 5.7 | 5.2 | 5.6 |
of which: | ||||
2. China | 7.1 | 7.8 | 7.2 | 7.5 |
3. Korea | 5.8 | 6.9 | 5.5 | 6.0 |
4. Taiwan | 2.3 | 6.7 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
5. Thailand | 3.4 | 7.1 | 4.5 | 4.5 |
*Years are Q4/Q4; half years are Q2/Q4 or Q4/Q2. Return to table
**Calculations use U.S. total export weights. Return to table
Latin America
Top-right panel
Nominal Exchange Rates, Foreign currency/U.S. dollar, for the Argentine peso, the Brazilian real, and the Mexican peso, from 2000 through mid-2002. The range of the y-axis is [50, 400]; index, Jan. 7, 2000 = 100. The indexes for all the currencies start at 100 at the beginning of 2000 and remain close to 100 for all of 2000. The index for the Argentine peso remains flat at 100 until the beginning of 2002, when the country ended its one-to-one peg to the U.S. dollar, at which point the currency began rising sharply, reaching about 370 by mid-2002. The index for the Brazilian real rises to just over 150 by late 2001, falls to about 130 by early 2002, and rises to just over 150 by the end of the period. The index for Mexico remains around 100 for the entire period.
Middle-right panel
Brady Bond Spreads for 2000 through mid-2002 for Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. The range of the y-axis is [0, 75]; unit is percentage points. The spreads for Argentina range from about 15-20 percentage points from the beginning of the period through late 2001, rise steeply to over 50 percentage points by end-2001, and then range from about 50 to about 70 percentage points, ending at about 60 percentage points at the end of the period. The spreads for Brazil range from about 10-15 percentage points for most of the period, with a slight increase to about 17 percentage points at the end of the period. The spreads for Mexico start at about 5 percentage points and trend slightly downward to about 3 percentage points by the end of the period.
Bottom-right panel
Real GDP Growth
A table showing "Real GDP Growth, Percent, SAAR" for 2001:H2 (actual), 2002:H1 (forecast), 2002:H2 (forecast), and 2003 (forecast). Forecasts are the staff baseline forecast.
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | ||
H2 | H1 | H2 | ||
1. Latin America** | -1.8 | 1.4 | 3.2 | 3.6 |
of which: | ||||
2. Mexico | -1.6 | 2.2 | 4.1 | 4.3 |
3. Brazil | -0.7 | 3.7 | 0.7 | 2.1 |
4. Argentina | -17.5 | -8.5 | -5.0 | -0.3 |
*Years are Q4/Q4; half years are Q2/Q4 or Q4/Q2. Return to table
**Calculations use U.S. total export weights. Return to table
Chart 14
External Outlook
Chart 14 shows five panels, including a table on recent developments in exports and imports, a graph on the real exchange rate outlook, tables on real export growth and real import growth, and a graph on the contribution of exports and imports to U.S. GDP growth.
Top-left panel
Recent Developments: Exports and Imports
The table "Recent Developments: Exports and Imports, Billions of dollars, SAAR" reports trade data for April that were released after the Greenbook forecast was completed.
2002: | Q1 | April |
1. Goods Exports | 659 | 683 |
of which: | ||
2. Capital goods | 284 | 290 |
3. Services | 276 | 279 |
4. Total Goods and Services | 934 | 961 |
5. Goods Imports | 1084 | 1162 |
of which: | ||
6. Oil | 77 | 111 |
7. Capital goods | 277 | 285 |
8. Services | 230 | 231 |
9. Total Goods and Services |
1314 | 1393 |
10. Balance | -379 | -431 |
Top-right panel
Real Exchange Rate Outlook
Real Exchange Rate Outlook* for 2000 through mid-2002 (actual), along with the January Greenbook forecast for early 2002 through 2003 and the June Greenbook forecast from mid-2002 through 2003. The range of the y-axis is [95, 125]; index, 2000:Q1 = 100. The actual real exchange rate starts at 100 at the beginning of the period, rises to about 116 by early 2002, and then declines to about 112 by mid-2002. The January Greenbook forecast starts at about 116 in early 2002 and stays roughly flat for the rest of the period. The June Greenbook forecast declines from about 112 in mid-2002 to about 106 by the end of 2003.
*Import/export weighted average of major foreign currencies. Return to table
Middle-left panel
Real Export Growth
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | |
Growth of real exports | ||||
1. G & S | 7.0 | -10.9 | 6.0 | 8.4 |
Percentage point contribution | ||||
2. Services | 1.2 | -2.0 | 2.4 | 1.9 |
3. Goods | 5.8 | -8.8 | 3.6 | 6.5 |
of which: | ||||
4. Core* | 3.5 | -5.8 | 2.4 | 3.8 |
*Excludes computers and semiconductors. Return to table
Middle-right panel
Real Import Growth
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | |
Growth of real imports | ||||
1. G & S | 11.3 | -8.5 | 9.4 | 9.2 |
Percentage point contribution | ||||
2. Services | 1.9 | -2.4 | 1.2 | 0.6 |
3. Goods | 9.5 | -6.4 | 8.1 | 8.4 |
of which: | ||||
4. Core* | 7.1 | -3.9 | 5.8 | 5.8 |
*Excludes computers, semiconductors, and oil. Return to table
Bottom panel
Contribution to U.S. GDP Growth
Contribution to U.S. GDP
Growth* by exports and
imports as a bar chart for 1999 (actual), 2000 (actual), 2001 (actual), 2002 (projected), and 2003 (projected) on a semi-annual basis. The
range of the y-axis is
[-3, 3]; unit is percentage points, AR. Approximate values for the ten half-year periods are as follows.
1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | ||||||
H1 | H2 | H1 | H2 | H1 | H2 | H1 | H2 | H1 | H2 | |
Exports (red) | -0.2 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 0.25 | -0.75 | -1.6 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.9 |
Imports (blue) | -1.25 | -1.5 | -2.25 | -0.75 | 1.0 | 1.4 | -1.6 | -1.1 | -1.3 | -1.2 |
*Half years are Q2/Q4 or Q4/Q2. Return to text
Chart 15
External Sector
Chart 15 is a three-by-two array of panels, including a chart on the U.S. current account, a table on U.S. capital flows, and graphs giving simulation results exploring the consequences of a substantial dollar depreciation on real GDP for the euro area, Japan, Canada and Mexico, and developing Asia.
Top-left panel
Current Account
Current Account in terms of percent of GDP and in terms of level (billions of dollars) for 1990 through early 2002 (actual) and for early 2002 through 2003 (forecast). The range of the left y-axis, measured in terms of percent of GDP, is [-7, 1]. The range of the right y-axis, measured in terms of level or billions of dollars, is [-700, 100]. The two series track closely for the entire period. The current account in terms of level starts at a deficit of about $100 billion, rises to a surplus of nearly $50 billion at the end of 1990, immediately drops back into deficit, which continues to widen to about $500 billion by early 2002. The forecast shows the deficit widening further, to about $600 billion by end-2003. The current account in terms of percent of GDP starts at a deficit of about 1½ percent of GDP, rises to a surplus of nearly 1 percent of GDP at the end of 1990, immediately drops back into deficit, which continues to widen to a deficit of about 4½ percent of GDP by early 2002. The forecast shows the deficit widening further, to around 5 percent of GDP by end-2003.
Top-right panel
Capital Flows
2001 | 2002 | ||
H1 | H2 | Q1 | |
1. Official capital, net | -37 | 37 | 39 |
2. Private capital, net | 414 | 350 | 359 |
of which: | |||
3. For. purch. of U.S. sec. | 448 | 352 | 259 |
4. of which stocks | 148 | 91 | 100 |
5. U.S. purch. of for. sec. | -157 | -32 | 8 |
6. of which stocks | -155 | -59 | 6 |
7. For. D.I. in U.S. | 189 | 72 | 103 |
8. U.S. D.I. abroad | -177 | -138 | -90 |
9. Statistical discrepancy | 37 | -15 | 51 |
Middle/bottom panel
Real GDP; Simulation Results
The bottom four panels use the staff model to explore the consequences of a substantial dollar depreciation on real GDP for the euro area, Japan, Canada and Mexico, and developing Asia. The black lines in each of the boxes show the Greenbook baseline forecast for real GDP for each of the four regions. The red lines are the alternative presented in the Greenbook for the negative shock to the dollar of 20 percent against most currencies, but only 10 percent against the Canadian dollar and Mexican peso. The blue lines are a second alternative scenario for a shock that is more concentrated toward the euro (about a 35 percent decline in the dollar in terms of the euro and the pound) and away from the yen and the currencies of developing Asia; the Canadian and Mexican currencies are left to be as near the Greenbook baseline in this second alternative as they were in the Greenbook alternative.
Middle-left panel
Simulation results for real GDP for the Euro Area for the Greenbook baseline (black line), the Greenbook alternative (red line), and the large euro shock (blue line) simulations for 2002:Q2 through 2003. The range of the y-axis is [100, 112]; index, 2002:Q2 = 100. All simulations start at 100 at the beginning of the period and rise, tracking closely, to just over 102 by mid-2003. In mid-2003, the simulation results diverge, with the Greenbook baseline simulation rising to just over 104, the Greenbook alternative simulation rising to just under 104, and the large euro shock simulation falling to just under 102 by end-2003.
Middle-right panel
Simulation results for real GDP for Japan for the Greenbook baseline (black line), the Greenbook alternative (red line), and the large euro shock (blue line) simulations for 2002:Q2 through 2003. The range of the y-axis is [100, 112]; index, 2002:Q2 = 100. All simulations start at 100 at the beginning of the period. The Greenbook baseline simulation rises to just under 102, the Greenbook alternative simulation rises to about 101, and the large euro shock simulation rises to just over 102 by end-2003.
Bottom-left panel
Simulation results for real GDP for Canada and Mexico for the Greenbook baseline (black line), the Greenbook alternative (red line), and the large euro shock (blue line) simulations for 2002:Q2 through 2003. The range of the y-axis is [100, 112]; index, 2002:Q2 = 100. All simulations start at 100 at the beginning of the period and rise, tracking nearly identically, to about 106 by end-2003.
Bottom-right panel
Simulation results for real GDP for Developing Asia for the Greenbook baseline (black line), the Greenbook alternative (red line), and the large euro shock (blue line) simulations for 2002:Q2 through 2003. The range of the y-axis is [100, 112]; index, 2002:Q2 = 100. All simulations start at 100 at the beginning of the period. The Greenbook baseline and Greenbook alternative simulations, tracking nearly identically, rise to about 103 by early 2003. In early 2003, the two simulation results diverge, with the Greenbook baseline simulation rising to just over 108, and the Greenbook alternative simulation rising to about 106 by end-2003. The large euro shock simulation tracks with the other two simulations for only one quarter, rising to about 101 by 2002:Q3; the euro shock simulation then diverges from the other two simulations and rises to nearly 111 by end-2003.
Chart 16
Top panel
FOMC | Staff |
Range | Central Tendency |
Percentage change, Q4 to Q4 | |||
Nominal GDP | 4½ to 5½ | 4¾ to 5¼ | 4.7 |
February 2002 | (3½ to 5½) | (4 to 4½) | (4.3) |
Real GDP | 3 to 4 | 3½ to 3¾ | 3.5 |
February 2002 | (2 to 3½) | (2½ to 3) | (2.7) |
PCE Prices | 1¼ to 2 | 1½ to 1¾ | 1.5 |
February 2002 | (1 to 2) | (About 1½) | (1.3) |
Average level, Q4, percent | |||
Unemployment rate | 5½ to 6¼ | 5¾ to 6 | 5.9 |
February 2002 | (5¾ to 6½) | (6 to 6¼) | (6) |
Central tendencies calculated by dropping high and low three from ranges.
Bottom panel
FOMC | Staff |
Range | Central Tendency |
Percentage change, Q4 to Q4 | |||
Nominal GDP | 4½ to 6 | 5 to 5¾ | 5.6 |
Real GDP | 3¼ to 4¼ | 3½ to 4 | 4.1 |
PCE Prices | 1 to 2¼ | 1½ to 1¾ | 1.4 |
Average level, Q4, percent | |||
Unemployment rate | 5 to 6 | 5¼ to 5½ | 5.5 |