Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
December 11, 2007 Presentation Materials -- Text Version
Pages 127 to 138 of the Transcript
Appendix 1: Materials used by Mr. Dudley
Class II FOMC - Restricted FR
Page 1
Top panel
Title: Subprime Mortgage Performance Continues to Worsen
Series: Percent of subprime mortgages that are 60+ days delinquent and percent of subprime
mortgages that have entered foreclosure
Horizon: January 1998 - September 2007
Description: The percentages of subprime mortgages that are 60+ days delinquent or entered
foreclosure are near or above their highs since 1998.
Source: Mortgage Bankers Association and Economy.com
Middle panel
Title: Subprime 60 Day+ Delinquency Rate by Vintage
Series: ABX 06.01, 06.02, 07.01, 07.02, and average 2000-2005 ARMs
Horizon: Loan Age from 5 to 28 months
Description: The ABX 07.02 vintage has been experiencing a sharper increase in 60 day+
delinquencies earlier in the vintage as compared to past ABX vintages.
Source: Merrill Lynch, Intex
Bottom panel
Title: Prime Mortgage Performance Also Worsens
Series: Percent of prime mortgages that are 60+ days delinquent and percent of prime
mortgages that have entered foreclosure
Horizon: January 1998 - September 2007
Description: The percentages of prime mortgages that are 60+ days delinquent or entered
foreclosure has increased in recent months.
Source: Mortgage Bankers Association and Economy.com
Page 2
Top panel
Title: Average Loss Estimated for 2006/07 ABS CDOs Based on Underlying Mortgage Loan
Series: Base case and 150 percent X base case losses estimates for mezzanine and high grade
2006/07 ABS CDOs and for the super senior tranche of the mezzanine and high grade 2006/07 ABS CDOs
Horizon: N/A
Description: In the base case, the percent loss for mezzanine and high grade 2006/07 ABS
CDOs and for the super senior tranche of the mezzanine and high grade 2006/07 ABS CDOs are expected to be
relatively small as compared to 150 percent X base case where they are expected to be substantial.
Source: UBS
Middle panel
Title: Estimated Losses for Super Senior Tranches of 2006/07 Mezzanine ABS CDOs
Series: Base case and 150 percent X base case losses for super senior tranches of 2006/07
mezzanine ABS CDOs
Horizon: N/A
Description: In the base case, the number of super senior tranches of 2006/07 mezzanine
ABS CDOs that are expected to experience significant losses is minimal but in the 150 percent X base case a
large portion of the sample bonds will experience substantial losses.
Source: UBS
Bottom panel
Title: Financial Guarantors' CDS Spreads and Equity Prices
Series: Credit default swap spreads and equity prices for Ambac and MBIA
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: While credit default swap spreads widened for Ambac and MBIA, their equity prices declined.
Source: Markit
Page 3
Top panel
Title: Outstanding ABCP Volume Contraction Accelerates Again
Series: Outstanding volume of ABCP and average 30-day and overnight rates on ABCP
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 5, 2007
Description: While rates on ABCP decline, the outstanding ABCP volume has been declining.
Source: Federal Reserve Board
Middle panel
Title: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's CDS Spreads and Equity Prices
Series: Credit default swap spreads and equity prices for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: While credit default swap spreads widened for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
their equity prices declined.
Source: Markit
Bottom panel
Title: Mortgage Insurers' CDS Spreads and Equity Prices
Series: Credit default swap spreads and equity prices for MGIC Investment Corp, PMI Group,
and Radian
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: While credit default swap spreads widened for MGIC Investment Corp, PMI Group,
and Radian, their equity prices declined.
Source: Markit
Page 4
Top panel
Title: Corporate Credit Spreads Widen
Series: Investment grade and high-yield debt spreads
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: Investment grade and high-yield debt spreads widened over the intermeeting
Source: Bloomberg
Middle panel
Title: Probabilities for Policy Rate Outcomes for December FOMC Meeting
Series: Probabilities for a 4.00, 4.25, or 4.50 percent target rate at the December 11
FOMC meeting
Horizon: November 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: In the days leading up to the December FOMC meeting, probabilities for 4.25
percent target rate increased sharply while probabilities declined significantly for 4.50 percent target rate.
Source: Cleveland Fed
Bottom panel
Title: Fed Funds Futures Rate Expectations Shift Lower
Series: Eurodollar futures curve as of 9/17/2007, 10/30/2007, and 12/7/2007
Horizon: September 17, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: The fed funds futures curve has shifted lower since the last FOMC meeting.
Source: Bloomberg
Page 5
Top panel
Title: Eurodollar Futures Curve Shifts Lower
Series: Eurodollar futures curve as of 9/17/2007, 10/30/2007, and 12/7/2007
Horizon: September 17, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: The Eurodollar futures curve has shifted lower since the last FOMC meeting.
Source: Bloomberg
Middle panel
Title: Distribution of Expected Policy Target Among Primary Dealers Prior to December 11
FOMC Meeting
Series: Dealer expectations for policy target rate by quarter, average forecast for
policy target by quarter, and market rate for policy expectation by quarter as of 12/3/2007
Horizon: Q4 2007 - Q4 2008
Description: There is less dispersion regarding where dealers expect the policy rate to
be in Q4 2007. Dealers on average expect higher rates than what is currently priced into Eurodollar futures
for 2008.
Source: Dealer Policy Survey
Bottom panel
Title: Distribution of Expected Policy Target Among Primary Dealers Prior to October 31
FOMC Meeting
Series: Dealer expectations for policy target rate by quarter, average forecast for
policy target by quarter, and market rate for policy expectation by quarter as of 10/23/2007
Horizon: Q4 2007 - Q4 2008
Description: Compared to the December policy survey, there is more dispersion of policy
rate expectation for Q4 2007. Dealers on average expect slightly higher rates than what is currently priced
into Eurodollar futures for 2008.
Source: Dealer Policy Survey
Page 6
Top panel
Title: TIPS Inflation Compensation: 5-10 Year Horizon
Series: Federal Reserve Board's 5-10 Year horizon TIPS inflation compensation and
Barclays 5-10 Year horizon TIPS inflation compensation
Horizon: June 1, 2006 - December 7, 2007
Description: TIPS inflation compensation over a 5-10 year horizon has increased since
June as measured by both the Federal Reserve Board and Barclays.
Source: Federal Reserve Board and Barclays Capital
Middle panel
Title: Day-to-Day Effective Rate Remains Volatile, But Cumulatively Close to Target
Series: Rolling cumulative effective rate since 11/1, target fed funds rate, and
effective fed funds rate
Horizon: November 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: The rolling cumulative effective rate since 11/1 has been trending closer
to the target rate during the intermeeting period.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
APPENDIX: Reference Exhibits
Page 7
Top panel
Title: Demand for Downside Protection on S&P 500
Series: Put-Call Equity Risk Reversal
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: Demand for downside protection on the S&P 500 equity index has
declined in the intermeeting period.
Source: OptionMetrics
Middle panel
Title: U.S. Equity Indices Partially Reverse Sharp Decline
Series: S&P 500 index, Nasdaq index, and Russell 2000 index
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: U.S. equity indices have partially reversed the sharp decline seen
soon after the October FOMC meeting.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom panel
Title: Equity Earning Expectations
Series: 2007 and 2008 S&P 500 bottom-up equity analyst forecasts
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - November 30, 2007
Description: While equity earning expectations have declined for 2007, the
earning forecast for 2008 has risen.
Source: Thompson Financial
Page 8
Top panel
Title: Global Credit Default Swap Spreads
Series: ITRAXX Crossover Series 7 spread and LCDX spread
Horizon: March 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: ITRAXX crossover spreads and LCDX spreads have widened modestly
since the October FOMC meeting.
Source: Bloomberg
Middle panel
Title: Implied Volatility Stays High
Series: VIX index, SMOVE 1-month index, 1-month Euro-Dollar volatility index,
and 1-month Dollar-Yen volatility index
Horizon: January 1, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: During the inter-meeting period, implied volatility across asset
classes has increased slightly in recent weeks.
Source: Bloomberg
Bottom panel
Title: Treasury Yield Curve Shifts Lower and Continues to Steepen
Series: Constant maturity Treasury yield curve as of 9/17/2007, 10/30/2007and 12/7/2007
Horizon: September 17, 2007 - December 7, 2007
Description: The Treasury yield curve has shifted lower and steepened since
the last FOMC meetings.
Source: Bloomberg
Appendix 2: Materials used by Mr. Madigan
Material for FOMC Briefing on Monetary Policy Alternatives
Brian Madigan
December 11, 2007
Class I FOMC - Restricted Controlled (FR)