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Finance and Economics Discussion Series: 2012-15 Screen Reader version

A Concordance Between Ten-Digit U.S. Harmonized System Codes and SIC/NAICS Product Classes and Industries*

Justin R. Pierce
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Peter K. Schott
Yale School of Management & NBER

January 2012

Keywords: International trade, industry classification


While the relationship between international trade and domestic economic activity is an important topic in economics, research in this area has been slowed due to data limitations. In this paper we provide tools that improve the existing data in two ways. First, we develop an algorithm that yields concordances between the ten-digit Harmonized System (HS) codes used to classify products in U.S. international trade and the SIC and NAICS industry codes used to classify domestic economic activity. These concordances then yield novel time series of industry-level international trade data for the years 1989 to 2009. Second, we provide concordances between HS codes and the SIC and NAICS product classes used to classify U.S. manufacturing production, allowing for matching at a more disaggregated level than was previously available.

JEL Classification: F1

1 Introduction

Empirical researchers in the fields of international trade and industrial organization are increasingly focused on examining the relationship between international trade and domestic economic activity. This research agenda was first pursued with industry-level data as in Revenga [9] and Sachs and Shatz [10]. More recently, demand for linked trade and production data has increased along with the massive growth of research using highly disaggregated plant and firm-level data, as in Bernard, Jensen and Schott [1] and Bernard, Redding and Schott [2]. Applied research in these fields has been slowed, however, due to an inability to create long time series of industry-level international trade and production data or to match trade data to detailed product-level domestic data.

In the U.S., international trade data have been classified since 1989 based on the World Customs Organization's Harmonized System (HS). In contrast, domestic economic activity has been classified using the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)--beginning with the 1997 economic census--and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), prior to the 1997 economic census.1 This creates two potential difficulties when linking trade and production data. First, the HS classifies products solely on physical characteristics while SIC and NAICS classify products based on physical characteristics and the type of economic activity. Second, the switch from SIC to NAICS beginning with the 1997 economic census means that it has been difficult to construct a time series linking trade and production data for the entire period from 1989 to present.

This paper improves on currently available data in two ways. First, we provide an algorithm that generates concordances linking the ten-digit HS codes used by the United States to track international trade with the four-digit SIC and six-digit NAICS industry codes used to characterize domestic economic activity. These concordances are assembled from published U.S. Census Bureau ("Census") data, which provide a mapping of HS to SIC and NAICS industries from 1989 to 2001 and 2000 to 2009, respectively. Our contribution here is to extend these mappings to match HS codes with SIC industries after 2001, and to match HS codes with NAICS industries before 2000. As a result, applied economists will be able to create--for the first time--linked datasets of trade and domestic production in both SIC and NAICS over a long time series-1989-2009 for NAICS and 1989-2006 for SIC.2

Second, we provide a set of concordances linking ten-digit import and export HS codes to one or more five-digit SIC (SIC5) or seven-digit NAICS (NAICS7) product classes. These concordances are constructed using bridge codes known as "basecodes," which are created by Census. In each year of an economic census, Census constructs two mappings linking HS codes to basecodes and linking basecodes to SIC5 or NAICS7 product classes, respectively. We combine the two mappings to directly link HS codes to product classes. This set of concordances then allows researchers to match international trade and domestic production data at a more disaggregated level than has previously been available. Each of the contributions in this paper improves the ability of empirical researchers to calculate measures of trade and domestic economic activity that are more directly comparable and hence more accurate for research purposes.

Finally, we briefly discuss how these concordances might be applied in current empirical international trade research. In particular, we provide background information useful for linking the firm-product-class domestic production data in the U.S. Census of Manufactures (CM) to the firm-product import and export data in the Longitudinal Firm Trade Transaction Database (LFTTD). For more detail on the former, see Bernard, Redding and Schott [2]. For more detail on the latter see Bernard, Jensen and Schott [1].

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a description of the HS, SIC and NAICS classification systems. Section 3 describes the HS to SIC4/NAICS6 industry concordance, while Section 4 describes the HS to SIC5/NAICS7 product-class concordance. Section 5 discusses how the latter can be used to link Census production and trade data. Section 6 concludes. Appendices provide the Stata code used to implement our algorithm and generate the concordances discussed in the paper and describe the key files used to construct the concordances.

2 A Description of the HS, SIC and NAICS Classification Systems

2.1 Classifying Products in U.S. International Trade - The Harmonized System

International trade data in all major trading countries--including the U.S.--are classified based on the Harmonized System developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). The WCO begins by assigning products into 99 broad 2-digit categories such as chapter 72, "Iron and Steel." These chapters are then further broken out into 6-digit HS codes for categories of goods such as heading 851670, which is defined in the 2007 HS as "Coffee or tea makers." Individual countries are then free to maintain more disaggregated classifications beyond the 6-digit level.

The U.S. maintains separate HS classifications for imports and exports and classifies products at the ten-digit level. Import codes are provided in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule and maintained by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC). Export codes--formally known as " Schedule B" codes--are maintained by the Foreign Trade Division (FTD) of the U.S. Census Bureau. In this paper we refer to import and export codes generically as HS codes. For import HS codes, the ITC further aggregates the 99 chapters into 22 broad " sections," which are listed in Table 1. The full listing of HS chapters and 10-digit HS import and export codes are available at websites of the ITC and FTD, respectively.

2.2 Classifying U.S. Domestic Economic Activity - SIC and NAICS

In contrast to the HS, which classifies products based solely on their physical characteristics, SIC and NAICS are classifications of business activities that incorporate product characteristics as well as the type of economic activity. SIC codes were used to classify U.S. economic activity until the Census Bureau's 1997 economic census, with major revisions of the SIC occurring in 1972 and 1987. Starting with the 1997 census, U.S. economic activity is classified according to the NAICS, which is standardized for the first five digits across the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Census refers to the first four digits of an SIC code, and the first six digits of a NAICS code, as an industry. It reserves the terms product class and product for the first five and seven digits of an SIC code, and the first seven and ten digits of a NAICS code, respectively. While the set of official U.S. industries is defined outside the Census Bureau, Census generally has discretion in defining product classes and products within these industries. The primary economic activity classifications for both SIC and NAICS are provided in Table 2.

There are a number of differences between SIC and NAICS. First, NAICS provides more granular industry definitions than SIC, with the movement from 1,004 industries in SIC compared to 1,170 industries in NAICS in 1997. Second, some activities were completely reclassified in the switch from SIC to NAICS, such as printing and publishing, which was reclassified from manufacturing (SIC 27) to wholesale trade (NAICS 51).

2.3 Some Complications Associated With Mapping HS to SIC/NAICS

As mentioned above, the HS and SIC/NAICS systems are fundamentally different in that the HS classifies products based solely on physical characteristics, while SIC and NAICS incorporate physical product characteristics as well as the type economic activity. This difference between the two systems can perhaps be most easily seen through a specific example. In the 1992 Schedule B codes used to classify U.S. exports, HS code 7215200000 tracks exports of "other bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished, less than 0.25 percent carbon." While this definition is based solely on physical characteristics, the SIC/NAICS product classes to which it matches also take into account the method of production. In particular, this HS10, maps to two separate SIC5 product classes, 33128--"cold-finished steel bars/bar shapes (made in mills)--and 33168--"cold-finished steel bars/bar shapes (not made in mills).

The switch from SIC to NAICS for classifying domestic production also complicates matters. Because international trade data are reported in SIC format only for the years 1989-2001 and in NAICS format only for the years 2000 to 2009, researchers have been unable to construct a long time series spanning SIC and NAICS years. The concordances provided in this table allow applied economists to construct these long time series for the years1989-2009 for NAICS and 1989-2006 for SIC.

Lastly, HS codes are continually revised over time. Changes to the U.S. import or export codes occur via three routes: changes by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to the official list of international six-digit prefixes; U.S. legislation that affects U.S. eight-digit codes (imports only); or changes by the Committee for Statistical Annotation of Tariff Schedules (known as the "484(f) Committee" ) to statistical ten-digit codes.3 For more information on changes in HS codes over time, including a concordance tracking these changes, see Pierce and Schott [7].

3 Concording HS to SIC4/NAICS6 Industries

As described above, empirical researchers have been hampered by an inability to generate long time series of industry-level international trade data and domestic production spanning SIC and NAICS years. This section describes an algorithm and concordances that we create, which link international trade and domestic economic activity data for the years 1989-2009. The concordances can be used to construct comparable datasets of international trade and domestic production data for longer time series than have previously been available.

The source data for the concordances is found in the monthly trade data published in CD format by Census's Foreign Trade Division.4 Each of the monthly CDs for imports and exports contains a dBase-formatted file (called concord.dbf) that separately matches the ten-digit import and export HS codes used in the month to four-digit SIC and/or six-digit NAICS codes. We refer to these four-digit SIC and six-digit NAICS codes as " baseroots" for reasons discussed in the next section, but they are almost always proper industries.5 Note that the December CD for each year contains annual, as well as monthly totals.

From 1989 to 2001, the mappings provided by Census match ten-digit HS codes to four-digit SIC baseroots. From 2000 to the present, they match ten-digit HS codes to six-digit NAICS baseroots. But for certain applications, it might be useful to extend each set of mappings beyond the years for which these official concordances are available. That is, it may be useful to have an HS-NAICS6 concordance for years prior to 2000 or an HS-SIC4 concordance for years after 2001.

We extend the HS-NAICS6 mappings to cover the period from 1989-2009 and the HS-SIC4 mappings for the years 1989-2006 using a three-step algorithm based on the procedures used previously in Feenstra et al. [5]. The algorithm is implemented on a "master list" of concordances assembled by appending the HS-baseroot mappings contained in the annual December trade CDs for the years 1989-2009. Note that we do not provide HS-SIC4 mappings for years after 2006 because the number of SIC4 codes that need to be assigned by hand-step 3 in the algorithm-rises to a level that makes the mapping less reliable, in our view.

The Stata code for steps 1 and 2, and for incorporating the results of step 3, is available in Appendix 1 under filename The Stata code for the algorithm was created using Intercooled Stata, version 9.2 on a 2.0 GHz T2700 Intel Core 2 CPU. The steps of the algorithm are described immediately below.

  1. Step 1 (Mechanical Match 1): Examine all ten-digit HS within a nine-digit category. If all assigned ten-digit HS within this category have the same NAICS6 (SIC4) assignment, assign that NAICS6 (SIC4) to any unassigned ten-digit HS within that nine-digit category. Repeat for eight-, seven-, etc. digit HS categories.
  2. Step 2 (Mechanical Match 2): Sort list by ten-digit HS code. Examine "gaps" consisting of HS codes, or groups of consecutive codes that have not been matched to a baseroot. If a gap is preceded and succeeded by the same NAICS6 (SIC4) code, use that NAICS6 (SIC4) code for all unassigned ten-digit HS codes in the gap.
  3. Step 3 (Hand Matching): Hand match remaining unmatched HS codes where possible. Note that any remaining unmatched ten-digit HS codes account for a very small fraction of U.S. imports or exports.

Tables 3 and 4 summarize the number of HS codes assigned using this procedure with SIC4 codes for years after 2001 and NAICS6 codes for years before 2000, respectively. The descriptions in the "source" column match those provided by the variable "matchtype" in the files described in Appendix 2 below.

By aggregating the HS-baseroot mappings for all available years and extending them for the full period in which the HS was in existence, we create HS to SIC4 and HS to NAICS6 concordances for both imports and exports, for the period from 1989 to 2006 and 1989 to 2009, respectively. See Appendix 2 for a full description of the final concordance files available in the electronic appendix to this paper.

4 Concording HS to SIC5/NAICS7 Product Classes

4.1 Census's Procedure for Mapping HS to SIC and NAICS

Researchers in international trade and industrial organization have recently begun studying the role of changes in product mix on plant and firm-level performance, as well as examining how exposure to international trade can affect firms' product mix. Examples of this research include Bernard, Redding and Schott [2], Pierce [8], Bernard, Redding and Schott [3] and Goldberg, Khandelwal, Pavcnik and Topalova [6]. With this growing interest in product-level data, it is increasingly important to be able to match international trade and domestic production data at a highly disaggregated level. This section describes the construction of concordances that match ten-digit HS codes to five-digit SIC and seven-digit NAICS product classes-a more disaggregated level than has previously been available to researchers.

The primary bridge between HS and SIC (NAICS) product classes is a code referred to by the Census Bureau as a " SIC-base" ("NAICS-base" ), which we refer to generically as " basecodes."7 Basecodes are eight-digit alphanumeric codes that can generally be thought of as describing product characteristics. The first four (six) digits of the SIC (NAICS) basecode represent the "root" industry of the basecode. We refer to basecode roots here as "baseroots" and use them in constructing the industry concordances, as described in the preceding section. The remaining digits are internal identifiers for whether the basecode encompasses one or more product classes, and, in the latter instance, whether those product classes are from different industries. For Census year 1992, enough data are available for us to also construct a HS to SIC5/NAICS7 concordance based on basecodes. For the 1997, 2002 and 2007 HS to SIC5/NAICS7 concordances, however, we are restricted by data limitations to matching HS and SIC/NAICS product codes through baseroots only. The differences between constructing concordances using basecodes versus baseroots are discussed in detail in the next sub-section.

We match HS product codes to SIC5/NAICS7 product classes via baseroots using two complementary mappings produced by Census. The first mapping, which we refer to here as an " HS-baseroot" concordance, assigns a single baseroot to each HS code. As noted above, these mappings are published in Census's monthly releases of U.S. trade data on CDs. The second mapping is known as the principle differences (PD) file, which is constructed for every economic census in years ending in 2 and 7. The PD file assigns a single baseroot to each product class in the SIC or NAICS. HS product codes can then be matched to SIC5/NAICS7 product classes through their baseroots. The HS-baseroot and PD mappings are discussed in detail in Appendixes 4 and 5 below, respectively.

At this point, an example may be useful for fixing ideas. In 1992, HS code 7215200000 was used to track exports of "other bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished, less than 0.25 percent carbon." According to the 1992 HS-baseroot concordance, this HS code - and 222 others - maps into SIC baseroot 3312. This baseroot, in turn, maps into 11 different SIC product class codes from 3 different four-digit SIC industries in the 1992 PD file: 33121, 33122, 33123, 33124, 33126, 33127, 33128, 3312C, 33167, 33168 and 33170.8 We note that in the official Census ten-digit HS to four-digit SIC mapping discussed in Section 3, HS code 7215200000 maps uniquely to SIC industry 3312.

This example highlights the " many-to-many" nature of the HS-product-class concordances. While each HS code maps to a single baseroot, many HS codes (223 in this example) can map to a single baseroot. Similarly, while each five-digit SIC product class maps to a single baseroot, many product classes (from three different industries, in this example) may map to a single baseroot. As discussed in Section 5 below, the HS-baseroot and PD files can be used to match the product classes U.S. manufacturing firms produce in each CM year to the products they import and export in those years.

4.2 Matching on Basecodes Versus Baseroots

Matching on baseroots is appealing because HS-baseroot mappings are available in all years, allowing us to create concordances for every economic census year since 1992. As noted above, however, we have access to more disaggregated HS-basecode and SIC5-basecode mappings for 1992. The primary advantage of concordances using basecodes is a " more precise" mapping between HS and SIC5.

To illustrate what we mean by "more precise", consider once again HS code 7215200000, which we used to illustrate matching through baseroots in the previous sub-section. As mentioned above, HS code 72150200000 and 222 other HS codes matched to 11 different SIC5 product classes through baseroot 3312. When HS and SIC5 codes are matched through full basecodes, rather than baseroots, however, we find that 7215200000 is one of only 10 HS codes that map to only two SIC5s - 33128 and 33168, defined under basecode 33128B00 - described as "cold-finished steel bars/bar shapes (made in mills)" and "cold-finished steel bars/bar shapes (not made in mills)." Because HS code 7215200000 is described as "other bars and rods of iron or nonalloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished, less than 0.25 percent carbon", it appears that assigning SIC5s based on a full basecode, rather than a baseroot, has provided a better match, by dropping unrelated SIC5 products like sheet and strip, pipe and tube and rails.

HS code 7215200000 was matched to 9 additional SIC5s when we matched HS codes to SIC5 codes with baseroots versus basecodes. This matching of HS codes to additional SIC5s when matching with baseroots is not uncommon, as illustrated in the following analysis of 1992, the only year for which we can do both types of mappings. Of the 16,022 import HS codes in use in 1992, 9,289 are matched to additional SIC5s when using baseroot matching. The mean number of additional SIC5s matched to each import HS is 2.35. Similarly, of the 8,054 export HS codes in use in 1992, 5,396 are matched to extra SIC5s under baseroot matching. The mean number of additional SIC5s matched to each export HS is 2.72. Table 5 displays the number of extra SIC5s associated with HS10 import and export codes for 1992.

For some types of research, matching HS and SIC5/NAICS7 codes through full basecodes might be useful. Pierce [8], for example, identifies U.S. manufacturing establishments that received antidumping protection by matching the HS10s used to classify products in antidumping investigations to the SIC5 product-classes that establishments reported producing in the CM. In this case, matching on baseroots, rather than full basecodes, would likely lead to some unprotected plants being incorrectly identified as recipients of antidumping protection.

Unfortunately, Census published a full HS10-basecode mapping only for 1992. As a result, matching on basecodes can only be performed in a somewhat limited time period. In the electronic appendix, we provide HS10 to SIC5 concordances constructed with basecode matching for 1992 with filenames m_basecode_92.csv and x_basecode_92.csv for imports and exports, respectively. In the import concordance, 16,022 HS codes are matched to 1,564 SIC5 codes through 812 basecodes.9 In the export concordance 8,053 HS codes are matched to 1,555 SIC5 codes through 806 basecodes.10

5 Linking the LFTTD and CM

As mentioned above, a large new literature has grown around examining changes in product mix at firms and plants, and especially how those changes are related to international trade. This brief section illustrates how the concordances generated above can be used to created a firm-baseroot-level dataset of trade and production. Firm-level trade data for every U.S. importer and exporter are located in Census's Longitudinal Firm Trade Transactions Database, which is described in detail in Bernard, Jensen and Schott [1]. Firm-product-level domestic production data for every U.S. manufacturer are from the product trailer data of Census's Census of Manufactures. Once these datasets are merged, researchers will possess a firm-baseroot-level dataset recording production, imports and exports at the same level of aggregation (i.e., according to SIC or NAICS baseroots) for a particular census year. This merged dataset will then greatly increase researchers' ability to understand changes in firms' product mix over time.

The merged trade and production dataset can be constructed relatively simply, as follows. First, the international trade data in the LFTTD are merged with the trade concordance described in Section 3 by HS code and year, yielding data on the full set of baseroots imported and exported by U.S. firms. Then, the product trailer files of the CM-which contain data on output by product for every U.S. manufacturing establishment-are merged with the PD file for the appropriate year, and aggregated to the firm-baseroot-level. Lastly, these two datasets are merged by baseroot. The resulting dataset contains information on the value of shipments, imports and exports for every U.S. manufacturing firm in SIC or NAICS format. This process is illustrated in Fig. 1.

6 Conclusion

While empirical economists increasingly study the relationship between international trade and domestic economic activity, research has been slowed due to gaps in these datasets. This paper creates an algorithm and provides sets of concordances linking the ten-digit HS codes used by the United States to track international trade with the SIC and NAICS categories used to characterize domestic economic activity. Through the use of these concordances it is now possible to create linked datasets of trade and domestic production from 1989-2009. In addition, we provide concordances linking ten-digit HS codes to five-digit SIC and seven-digit NAICS product classes. These concordances then allow researchers studying the product-switching behavior of U.S. firms to match trade and domestic production data at a more disaggregated level than was previously available.


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A. Appendix 1: Stata Code

Contents of

**0 Prelim


set more off

set mem 500m

**1 SIC Mapping

foreach zzz in exp imp {

        **1.1 read in the hs-sic mappings provided by census in its monthly trade cd files

        cd C:\pks4\Documents\My Dropbox\research\concordances\production\for_schott\"

        *create list of mappings

        use `zzz'_concord_89_106, clear

        *keep latest year for which sic is available

        keep if year==101

        keep commodity sic

        drop if sic==""

        duplicates drop commodity, force

        sort commodity

        save temp0, replace


        *read in the list of raw hs10 export codes

        use `zzz'_concord_89_106, clear

        *only need to match years in which sic data are not provided

        keep if year>101

        keep commodity

        duplicates drop commodity, force

        sort commodity

        merge commodity using temp0, keep(sic)

        tab _merge

        drop _merge

        destring commodity, force g(hs)

        egen sic87=group(sic)

        save `zzz'temp_01, replace

        *save group-sic mapping for below

        use `zzz'temp_01, clear

        collapse (mean) sic87, by(sic)

        rename sic87 sic87_new1

        rename sic sic_new1

        drop if sic_new1=="" | sic87_new1==.

        sort sic87_new1

        save temp1, replace


        use `zzz'temp_01, clear

        collapse (mean) sic87, by(sic)

        rename sic87 sic87_new2

        rename sic sic_new2

        drop if sic_new2=="" | sic87_new2==.

        sort sic87_new2

        save temp2, replace

        **1.2 First Mechanical Match

        **Create new matches mechanically by looking to see what the already-matched sic look like.

        **Look at all hs9 to see what sic87 the already-matched have; if unanimous, use that. If not,

        **go up one level. and so on.

        use `zzz'temp_01, clear

        gen sic87_new1 = sic87

        sum hs sic87*

        quietly {

        foreach x in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 {

                noisily display [`x']

                local y = 10-`x'

                gen hs`x' = int(hs/(10 \wedge`y'))

                egen t1 = mean(sic87), by(hs`x')

                egen t2 = sd(sic87), by(hs`x')

                egen t3 = count(sic87), by(hs`x')

                gen sic87_`x' = t1 if t2==0 | t3==1

                replace sic87_new1 = sic87_`x' if sic87==. & sic87_new1==.

                drop t1 t2 t3

                drop hs`x' sic87_`x'



        sum hs sic87 sic87_new1

        sort hs

        save `zzz'temp_02, replace


        **1.3 Second Mechanical Match

        **Look at gaps. If last known and next know are the same, use them to fill in.

        use `zzz'temp_02, clear

        gen sic87_new2 = sic87_new1

        gen begin = 1 if sic87_new1==. & sic87_new1[_n-1]~=.

        gen end = sic87_new1==. & sic87_new1[_n+1]~=.

        gen bsum = sum(begin)

        gen gap = sic87_new1==.

        replace bsum=. if gap==0

        gen sb = sic87_new1[_n-1]*begin

        gen se = sic87_new1[_n+1]*end

        egen tb = mean(sb), by(bsum)

        egen te = mean(se), by(bsum)

        gen match = tb==te

        replace sic87_new2 = tb if match==1 & sic87_new1==.

        sum hs sic87*

        drop begin end bsum gap sb se tb te match

        sort hs

        save `zzz'temp_03, replace


        *1.4 Recover groups from above

        use `zzz'temp_03, clear

        sort sic87_new1

        merge sic87_new1 using temp1, keep(sic_new1)

        tab _merge

        drop _merge

        sort sic87_new2

        merge sic87_new2 using temp2, keep(sic_new2)

        tab _merge

        drop _merge

        sort hs

        gen t=sic87_new1~=.

        tab t

        drop t

drop sic87*

        format hs %15.0g

        drop if hs<100

        save `zzz'_concord_89_106_sicfillin, replace


**2 naics

foreach zzz in exp imp {

        **2.1 read in the hs-sic mappings provided by census in its monthly trade cd files


        *create list of mappings

        use `zzz'_concord_89_106, clear

        *keep earliest year for which naics is available

        keep if year==100

        keep commodity naics

        drop if naics==""

        duplicates drop commodity, force

        sort commodity

        save temp0, replace


        *read in the list of raw hs10 export codes

        use `zzz'_concord_89_106, clear

        *Only need years for which there is no naics

        keep if year<100

        keep commodity

        duplicates drop commodity, force

        sort commodity

        merge commodity using temp0, keep(naics)

        tab _merge

        drop _merge

        destring commodity, force g(hs)

        egen naics87=group(naics)

        save `zzz'temp_01, replace

        *save group-naics mapping for below

        use `zzz'temp_01, clear

        collapse (mean) naics87, by(naics)

        rename naics87 naics87_new1

        rename naics naics_new1

        drop if naics_new1=="" | naics87_new1==.

        sort naics87_new1

        save temp1, replace


        use `zzz'temp_01, clear

        collapse (mean) naics87, by(naics)

        rename naics87 naics87_new2

        rename naics naics_new2

        drop if naics_new2=="" | naics87_new2==.

        sort naics87_new2

        save temp2, replace

        **2.2 First Mechanical Match

        **Create new matches mechanically by looking to see what the already-matched naics look like.

        **Look at all hs9 to see what naics87 the already-matched have; if unanimous, use that. If not,

        **go up one level. and so on.

        use `zzz'temp_01, clear

        gen naics87_new1 = naics87

        sum hs naics87*

        quietly {

        foreach x in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 {

                noisily display [`x']

                local y = 10-`x'

                gen hs`x' = int(hs/(10 \wedge`y'))

                egen t1 = mean(naics87), by(hs`x')

                egen t2 = sd(naics87), by(hs`x')

                egen t3 = count(naics87), by(hs`x')

                gen naics87_`x' = t1 if t2==0 | t3==1

                replace naics87_new1 = naics87_`x' if naics87==. & naics87_new1==.

                drop t1 t2 t3

                drop hs`x' naics87_`x'



        sum hs naics87 naics87_new1

        sort hs

        save `zzz'temp_02, replace


        **2.3 Second Mechanical Match

        **Look at gaps. If last known and next know are the same, use them to fill in.

        use `zzz'temp_02, clear

        gen naics87_new2 = naics87_new1

        gen begin = 1 if naics87_new1==. & naics87_new1[_n-1]~=.

        gen end = naics87_new1==. & naics87_new1[_n+1]~=.

        gen bsum = sum(begin)

        gen gap = naics87_new1==.

        replace bsum=. if gap==0

        gen sb = naics87_new1[_n-1]*begin

        gen se = naics87_new1[_n+1]*end

        egen tb = mean(sb), by(bsum)

        egen te = mean(se), by(bsum)

        gen match = tb==te

        replace naics87_new2 = tb if match==1 & naics87_new1==.

        sum hs naics87*

        drop begin end bsum gap sb se tb te match

        sort hs

        save `zzz'temp_03, replace


        *2.4 recover groups from above

        use `zzz'temp_03, clear

        sort naics87_new1

        merge naics87_new1 using temp1, keep(naics_new1)

        tab _merge

        drop _merge

        sort naics87_new2

        merge naics87_new2 using temp2, keep(naics_new2)

        tab _merge

        drop _merge

        sort hs

        gen t=naics87_new1~=.

        tab t

        drop t

drop naics87*

        format hs %15.0g

        drop if hs<100

        save `zzz'_concord_89_106_naicsfillin, replace


**3 Add in hand matches to imports and exports, respectively, first for sic and then for naics

** Any missing matches after the last section were matched by hand by kitjawat. Add these

** hand matches into the data here and then also create a variable that identifies each

*** mapping according to whether it is from Census, mechanical match 1, mechanical match 2 or

** from kitjawat's hand matching.


** 2009.10.16 change sic 2612 to 2621 in kitjawat_handmatch_imports_sic_20080821 per Justin's email

** also add leading zero to sic's from handmatch and fix missing naics for 1605106000


use imp_concord_89_106_sicfillin, clear

sort hs

merge hs using kitjawat_handmatch_imports_sic_20080821

tab _merge

drop if _merge==2

replace kitjawat = 2621 if kitjawat==2612

drop _merge

gen sic_new3=sic_new2

tostring kitjawat, g(kitjawats)

replace kitjawats = "0"+kitjawats if kitjawat>=100 & kitjawat<=999

replace sic_new3=kitjawats if sic_new3=="" & kitjawats!=""

replace sic_new3="" if sic_new3=="."

sort hs

merge hs using sic_imp_jrp

tab _merge

replace sic_new3=sic_new4 if sic_new3=="" & sic_new4!=""

codebook sic_new3

gen id = "From Census"

gen newsic = sic

replace id = "From mechanical match 1" if sic==""

replace newsic = sic_new1 if sic==""

replace id = "From mechanical match 2" if newsic==""

replace newsic = sic_new2 if newsic==""

replace id = "From hand match" if newsic==""

replace newsic = kitjawats if newsic==""

label var id "SIC match type"

keep commodity hs newsic id

rename newsic sic

rename id sic_matchtype

rename sic new_sic

keep commodity new_sic sic_matchtype

order commodity new_sic sic_matchtype

sort commodity

save sic_imp_final, replace

use imp_concord_89_106_naicsfillin, clear

sort hs

merge hs using kitjawat_handmatch_imports_naics_20081016

tab _merge

drop if _merge==2

drop _merge

gen naics_new3=naics_new2

tostring kitjawat, g(kitjawats)

replace kitjawats = "311711" if commodity=="1605106000"

replace naics_new3=kitjawats if naics_new3=="" & kitjawats!=""

replace naics_new3="" if naics_new3=="."

sort hs

merge hs using naics_imp_jrp

tab _merge

replace naics_new3=naics_new4 if naics_new3=="" & naics_new4!=""

codebook naics_new3

gen id = "From Census"

gen newnaics = naics

replace id = "From mechanical match 1" if naics==""

replace newnaics = naics_new1 if naics==""

replace id = "From mechanical match 2" if newnaics==""

replace newnaics = naics_new2 if newnaics==""

replace id = "From hand match" if newnaics==""

replace newnaics = kitjawats if newnaics==""

label var id "NAICS match type"

drop naics

rename newnaics naics

rename id naics_matchtype

rename naics new_naics

keep commodity new_naics naics_matchtype

order commodity new_naics naics_matchtype

sort commodity

save naics_imp_final, replace

use exp_concord_89_106_sicfillin, clear

sort hs

merge hs using kitjawat_handmatch_exports_sic_20080821

tab _merge

drop if _merge==2

drop _merge

gen sic_new3=sic_new2

tostring kitjawat, g(kitjawats)

replace kitjawats = "0"+kitjawats if kitjawat>=100 & kitjawat<=999

replace sic_new3=kitjawats if sic_new3=="" & kitjawats!=""

replace sic_new3="" if sic_new3=="."

sort hs

merge hs using sic_exp_jrp

tab _merge

replace sic_new3=sic_new4 if sic_new3=="" & sic_new4!=""

codebook sic_new3

gen id = "From Census"

gen newsic = sic

replace id = "From mechanical match 1" if sic==""

replace newsic = sic_new1 if sic==""

replace id = "From mechanical match 2" if newsic==""

replace newsic = sic_new2 if newsic==""

replace id = "From hand match" if newsic==""

replace newsic = kitjawats if newsic==""

label var id "SIC match type"

drop sic

rename newsic sic

rename id sic_matchtype

rename sic new_sic

keep commodity new_sic sic_matchtype

order commodity new_sic sic_matchtype

sort commodity

save sic_exp_final, replace

use exp_concord_89_106_naicsfillin, clear

sort hs

merge hs using kitjawat_handmatch_exports_naics_20081016

tab _merge

drop if _merge==2

drop _merge

gen naics_new3=naics_new2

tostring kitjawat, g(kitjawats)

*replace kitjawats = "0"+kitjawats if kitjawat>=100 & kitjawat<=999

replace naics_new3=kitjawats if naics_new3=="" & kitjawats!=""

replace naics_new3="" if naics_new3=="."

sort hs

merge hs using naics_exp_jrp

tab _merge

replace naics_new3=naics_new4 if naics_new3=="" & naics_new4!=""

codebook naics_new3

gen id = "From Census"

gen newnaics = naics

replace id = "From mechanical match 1" if naics==""

replace newnaics = naics_new1 if naics==""

replace id = "From mechanical match 2" if newnaics==""

replace newnaics = naics_new2 if newnaics==""

replace id = "From hand match" if newnaics==""

replace newnaics = kitjawats if newnaics==""

label var id "NAICS match type"

drop naics

rename newnaics naics

rename id naics_matchtype

rename naics new_naics

keep commodity new_naics naics_matchtype

order commodity new_naics naics_matchtype

sort commodity

save naics_exp_final, replace

**4 Reassemble HS-SIC data for all years


use imp_concord_89_106, clear

sort commodity

merge commodity using sic_imp_final

tab _merge

drop _merge

replace sic_matchtype="From Census" if sic!=""

replace sic=new_sic if sic=="" & new_sic!=""

sort commodity

merge commodity using naics_imp_final

tab _merge

drop _merge

replace naics_matchtype="From Census" if naics!=""

replace naics=new_naics if naics=="" & new_naics!=""

drop new* descrip*

destring commodity, g(hs) force

append using imp_107_concord

append using imp_108_concord

append using imp_109_concord

order commodity hs year sic sic_matchtype naics naics_matchtype

sort commodity year

save hs_sic_naics_imports_89_109_20111004, replace

outsheet using hs_sic_naics_imports_89_109_20111004.csv, replace


use exp_concord_89_106, clear

sort commodity

merge commodity using sic_exp_final

tab _merge

drop _merge

replace sic_matchtype="From Census" if sic!=""

replace sic=new_sic if sic=="" & new_sic!=""

sort commodity

merge commodity using naics_exp_final

tab _merge

drop _merge

replace naics_matchtype="From Census" if naics!=""

replace naics=new_naics if naics=="" & new_naics!=""

drop new* descrip*

destring commodity, g(hs) force

*This drops several special classification codes for U.S. goods returned from Puerto Rico

drop if hs<10

append using exp_107_concord

append using exp_108_concord

append using exp_109_concord

order commodity hs year sic sic_matchtype naics naics_matchtype

sort commodity year

save hs_sic_naics_exports_89_109_20111004, replace

outsheet using hs_sic_naics_exports_89_109_20111004.csv, replace

Contents of


capture log close

set more off

set mem 1000m

log using full_conc_92.log, replace

use appndxd, clear

keep sicbase92 pc5

rename pc5 sic5

drop if sic5=="N/A"

sort sicbase92

save t1, replace

use hs_sic_m_allsources_1989_2006, clear

keep hs sicbase92

drop if sicbase92==""

sort sicbase92

joinby sicbase92 using t1, unmatched(both)

tab _merge

keep if _merge==3

drop _merge

rename sicbase92 basecode

sort hs

save m_basecode_92, replace

outsheet using m_basecode_92.csv, replace

use hs_sic_x_allsources_1989_2006, clear

keep hs sicbase92

drop if sicbase92==""

sort sicbase92

joinby sicbase92 using t1, unmatched(both)

tab _merge

keep if _merge==3

drop _merge

rename sicbase92 basecode

sort hs

save x_basecode_92, replace

outsheet using x_basecode_92.csv, replace

capture log close

Contents of


set more off

set mem 1000m

cd "C:\Users\Justin \Documents\RA Work\Jensen_Schott_Bernard\hs_sic_naics_concordance"

capture log close

log using baseroot_conc_create.log, replace

foreach x in imports exports {

        use hs_sic_naics_`x'_89_106_20091016, clear

        keep commodity sic sic_matchtype

        order commodity sic

        keep commodity sic

        rename commodity hs

        rename sic sicbaseroot

        sort sicbaseroot

        save hs_sic_`x', replace


foreach x in imports exports {

        use hs_sic_naics_`x'_89_106_20091016, clear

        keep commodity naics naics_matchtype

        order commodity naics

        keep commodity naics

        rename commodity hs

        rename naics naicsbaseroot

        sort naicsbaseroot

        save hs_naics_`x', replace


foreach x in imports exports {

        use pd92, clear

        keep sicbase92 pc5

        drop if pc5=="N/A"

        gen sicbaseroot=substr(sicbase92,1,4)

        rename pc5 sic5

        keep sicbaseroot sic5

        sort sicbaseroot

        joinby sicbaseroot using hs_sic_`x', unmatched(both)

        tab _merge

        keep if _merge==3

        drop _merge

        order hs sic5

        save hs_sic5_`x'_92, replace

        outsheet using hs_sic5_`x'_92.csv, replace


foreach y in 97 02 {

        foreach x in imports exports {

                noisily display "`x'`y'"

                use pd`y', clear

                keep baseroot pc7

                drop if baseroot=="N/A"

                drop if pc7=="N/A"

                rename pc7 naics7

                rename baseroot naicsbaseroot

                sort naicsbaseroot

                joinby naicsbaseroot using hs_naics_`x', unmatched(both)

                tab _merge

                keep if _merge==3

                drop _merge

                order hs naics7

                save hs_naics7_`x'_`y', replace

                outsheet using hs_naics7_`x'_`y'.csv, replace



capture log close

B. Appendix 2: Downloads


All files described here are available in a zip archive accompanying this paper on Schott's website.11

B.1 HS-SIC4/NAICS6 Concordance Files

The HS-NAICS6 (SIC4) industry concordances for 1989 to 2009 (1989 to 2006) are available in two files for exports and imports, named, respectively, hs_sic_naics_imports_89_109_20111004.dta and hs_sic_naics_exports_89_109_20111004.dta, where 89 represents the beginning year of 1989, 109 represents the ending year of 2009 and 20101220 represents the version date.

  1. HS: ten-digit HS import or export code
  2. SIC: corresponding four-digit SIC code
  3. NAICS: corresponding six-digit NAICS code
  4. SIC_MATCHTYPE: description of match origin (see Table 3)
  5. NAICS_MATCHTYPE: description of match origin (see Table 3)
  6. COMMODITY: a string version of HS, with leading zeroes, where applicable

The Stata do-file used to create these concordances are also available in the electronic appendix with filename

B.2 HS-SIC5 (1992, Using Full Basecodes)

The HS-SIC5 (basecode) concordances for 1992 are available in two files named m_basecode_92.csv for imports and x_basecode_92.csv for exports. These files contain the following variables:

  1. HS: ten-digit HS import or export code
  2. Basecode: eight-character basecode associated with HS
  3. SIC5: The SIC5s associated with a particular HS and basecode.

Note that there may be multiple entries for a single HS code when it matches to more than one SIC5. The Stata do-file used to create these concordances is also available in the electronic appendix with

B.3 HS-SIC5 (1992, Using Baseroots)

The HS-SIC5 (baseroot) concordances for 1992 are available in two files named hs_sic5_imports_92.csv for imports and hs_sic5_exports_92.csv for exports. These files contain the following variables:

  1. HS: ten-digit HS import or export code
  2. SICBASEROOT: four-character SIC baseroot associated with HS
  3. SIC5: The SIC5s associated with a particular HS and basecode.

Note that there may be multiple entries for a single HS code when it matches to more than one SIC5. The Stata do-file used to create these concordances is also available in the electronic appendix with filename

B.4 HS-NAICS7 (1997 and 2002, Using Baseroots)

The HS-NAICS7 (baseroot) concordances for 1997 and 2002 are available in four files named hs_naics7_imports_yy.csv for imports and hs_naics7_exports_yy.csv for exports, where yy is the last two digits of the year. These files contain the following variables:

  1. HS: ten-digit HS import or export code
  2. NAISBASEROOT: six-character NAICS baseroot associated with HS
  3. NAICS7: The NAICS7 associated with a particular HS and basecode.

Note that there may be multiple entries for a single HS code when it matches to more than one NAICS7. The Stata do-file used to create these concordances is also available in the electronic appendix with filename hs_sic5_naics7_baseroots_04.

B.5 HS-SITC Concordance Files

Census's mapping of HS and SITC codes from its published trade data are available in two files named hs_sitc_imports.csv for imports and hs_sitc_exports.csv for exports. These files contain the following variables:

  1. HS: ten-digit HS import or export code
  2. Corresponding five-digit revision 3 SITC code.

C. Appendix 3: Other Concordances

This appendix discusses the relationship between the concordances developed above and two other HS-SIC/NAICS concordances that can be found on the web.

C.1 The Feenstra (2002) Concordance

Feenstra et al. [5] provide background for U.S. HS10-level trade data for 1989 to 2001. Those data have subsequently been extended to 2006 and are available on Feenstra's website. Of the 26,277 ten-digit HS codes used to track U.S. imports (exports) in the Feenstra et al. [5] 1989 to 2001 dataset, Census provided a baseroot concordance for all but 1,222. Of these 1,222 HS codes, 898 were assigned to a four-digit SIC category using a HS to 1987-revision MSIC concordance from Feenstra [4]. Though in principle MSIC codes differ from SIC codes, a number of MSIC codes map directly into regular SIC codes. The remaining 324 products were assigned to industries via an algorithm similar to that described in Section 3 above.

The set of HS codes found in the Feenstra et al. concordances differs slightly from that of the master list described in Section 3. Of the 25,329 (11,509) unique import (export) HS codes that result from merging Feenstra et al.'s concordances with our own, we find that 24,947 (11,472) are in common while 382 (37) are only in the Feenstra et al [5] concordance. We don't have an explanation for the codes unique to the Feenstra et al [5] dataset though we suspect they may be due to Census' periodic revisions of the trade data.

C.2 The EIIT Concordance

A five-digit SIC to ten-digit HS concordance of unknown origin is posted to the EIIT website.12 This concordance does not distinguish between import or export HS categories and it does not note the years to which its HS codes apply.

The EIIT concordance contains 17,436 HS codes and maps them to 805 five-digit SIC categories, 741 of which are in manufacturing. If collapsed to the four-digit SIC level, this list comprises 439 four-digit SIC codes, 386 of which are in manufacturing. This compares with the 1,440 five-digit and 459 four-digit manufacturing SIC codes contained in the 1987 revision of the SIC, and the 1,462 five-digit and 459 four-digit manufacturing SIC codes in the 1992 revision of the SIC. The 386 unique manufacturing codes in the EIIT concordance are similar to the 386 " super-sic" codes described in Feenstra et al [5].

The EIIT concordance appears to be a close cousin of the concordance described in Section 4. Of the 8,215 (15,120) export (import) HS codes which appear in both concordances, 6,058 (10,762) have the same four-digit root.

D. Appendix 4: Census's HS-Baseroot Concordances

Census produces an HS-basecode concordance only for the years in which there is an economic census. However, it provides more aggregate, HS-baseroot concordances with its monthly published trade statistics. Census constructs the HS-to-basecode and HS-baseroot concordances so that the Foreign Trade Division can publish trade statistics using the same industry categories it uses to publish domestic production statistics. As alluded to above and as discussed in more detail at, the HS to basecode mappings often make more sense for exports than for imports: "It is somewhat easier to find a reasonable statistical basis for comparing domestic output with exports than with imports. This is because there are substantial numbers of imported commodities which are not produced in the United States or are produced in very small quantities. On the other hand, the merchandise exported from the United States is ordinarily produced in this country and reflects items important to output."

As discussed above, we assemble a "master list" of these mappings by appending the HS-baseroot concordances contained in the December trade CD-roms. The Stata files containing these lists are discussed in Section B They are available on Schott's website.


Census's HS-baseroot concordances virtually always map HS codes to a single four-character SIC root. As noted above, these roots are the first four characters of an eight-character SIC basecode.13 For the most part, these baseroots are proper industries, but there are some (e.g., 3XXX) that reflect the difficulties noted in Sections 3 and 4 above. We note the following:

  • As indicated in Table 6, the number of unique HS export (import) codes in the master list that have SIC basecodes associated with them in at least one year ranges from 7,908 (14,402) in 1989 to 8,629 (17,183) in 2001. 2001 is the final year in which SIC codes appear in the concordance.
  • The number of unique SIC codes to which these export (import) HS codes match ranges from 429 (443) in 1989 to 449 (450) in 2001.14
  • Some of the SIC basecodes to which HS codes are assigned are incomplete (e.g., 23XX), while others are outside manufacturing (e.g., 0273). As noted in the third column of each panel in Table 6, the number of manufacturing SIC basecodes to which these export (import) codes match ranges from 371 (386) in 1989 to 391 (392) in 2001. The fact that there are fewer than the official number of 459 manufacturing SIC codes in the concordance files is consistent with the discussion in Sections 3 and 4 above.


As with the SIC, Census's concordance files virtually always map HS codes to a unique six-digit NAICS baseroot. For the most part, these baseroots are proper NAICS industries, but there are some that reflect the difficulties noted in Sections 3 and 4 above. We note the following:

  • As summarized in Table 7, the number of HS export (import) codes in the master list that have NAICS basecodes associated with them in at least one year ranges from 8,628 (16,897) in 2000 to 8,882 (17,745) in 2009. 2000 is the first year that NAICS codes appear in the concordance files.
  • The number of NAICS basecodes to which these export (import) codes match ranges from 454 in 2000 to 456 in 2009 for imports and switches between 453 and 454 for exports.15
  • Some of the NAICS basecodes to which HS codes are assigned are incomplete, while others are outside manufacturing. As noted in the third column of each panel of Table 7, the number of manufacturing NAICS industry codes to which these export (import) codes match ranges from 387 (387) in 2000 to 386 (388) in 2009. As with the SIC, these numbers of manufacturing codes are lower than the 473 official manufacturing industries in the NAICS.

E. Appendix 5: Census's Principle Differences (Product Class-Basecode) Concordances

This section summarizes Census' PD files for 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007.

E.1 1992 Economic Census

The 1992 PD file maps five-digit SIC product classes to eight-digit (SIC-based) basecodes and is available in the electronic appendix with filename pd92.csv. We note the following:

  • 814 unique basecodes match to a product class (PC) in the 1992 PD file, 768 of which are in manufacturing. Table 8 summarizes the distribution of these basecodes according to the number of five-digit SIC product classes into which they map. As a group, the eight-digit basecodes contain 418 unique four-character basecode roots, 391 of which are in manufacturing. Note that there are 459 unique four-digit SIC manufacturing industries in 1992.16
  • 1,566 unique five-digit SIC product classes are matched to an eight-digit basecode in the 1992 PD file. The official list of SIC categories for the 1992 CM encompasses 1,462 five-digit product classes for manufacturing.17
    • A merge of the unique five-digit SIC codes from the PD concordance into the official list from Census reveals that 1400 codes match exactly and that they are all in manufacturing. The largest portion (24) of the 62 in the official list but not in the PD concordance end in " 9", and their descriptions indicate they are generally receipts for contract work on the good categorized by the first four digits. Code 22579 in the PD file, for example, is "contract and commission receipts for knitting only or knitting and finishing weft (circular) knit fabrics". Code 22573, which appears in both the PD and the official list, by comparison, is " finished weft (circular) knit fabrics, excluding hosiery".
    • There are 166 five-digit SIC codes that are matched to HS codes in the PD concordance but do not appear in the official SIC list. Of the 166, 102 end in "0" and 95 are in manufacturing. We suspect that the 102 codes ending in " 0" are used to facilitate the matching of SIC and basecodes by capturing a range of goods spread across five-digit codes with the same four-digit root. For example, 20220 is in the PD file but not on the official list, and is described as "cheese, natural and processed, not specified as to kind", versus 20223 and 20224, both of which are in both the PD and the official list but which break cheese down into natural and processed cheese, respectively. All three of these codes map into the same basecode, 20223B00, which maps to HS codes beginning with 0406, i.e., "cheese and curd".

E.2 1997 Economic Census

The 1997 PD file maps seven-digit NAICS product classes to eight-digit (NAICS-based) basecodes and is available in the electronic appendix with filename pd97.csv.18 We note the following:

  • 841 unique basecodes are matched to a product class (PC) in the 1997 PD file, 763 of which are in manufacturing (i.e., begin with a "3"). Table 9 summarizes the distribution of these basecodes according to the number of seven-digit NAICS product classes into which they map. As a group, the eight-digit basecodes contain 451 unique six-character basecode roots, 388 of which are in manufacturing.
  • 1559 unique seven-digit NAICS product classes are matched to an eight-digit basecode in the 1997 PD file, of which 1418 are in manufacturing. The official list of NAICS categories for the 1997 CM encompasses 1469 seven-digit product classes in manufacturing.

E.3 2002 Economic Census

The 2002 PD file maps seven-digit NAICS product classes to eight-digit (NAICS-based) basecodes and is available in the electronic appendix with filename pd02.csv. We note the following:

  • 832 unique basecodes are matched to a product class (PC) in the 2002 PD file, 754 of which are in manufacturing (i.e., begin with a "3"). Table 10 summarizes the distribution of these basecodes according to the number of seven-digit NAICS product classes into which they map. As a group, the eight-digit basecodes contain 450 unique six-character basecode roots, 388 of which are in manufacturing.
  • 1,547 unique seven-digit NAICS product classes are matched to an eight-digit basecode in the 1997 PD file, of which 1,406 are in manufacturing. The official list of NAICS categories for the 2002 CM encompasses 1,450 seven-digit product classes in manufacturing.

E.4 2007 Economic Census

The 2007 PD file maps seven-digit NAICS product classes to eight-digit (NAICS-based) basecodes and is available in the electronic appendix with filename pd07.csv. We note the following:

  • 799 unique basecodes are matched to a PC in the 2007 PD file, 724 of which are in manufacturing (i.e., begin with a "3"). Table 11 summarizes the distribution of these basecodes according to the number of seven-digit NAICS product classes into which they map. As a group, the eight-digit basecodes contain 454 unique six-character basecode roots, 390 of which are in manufacturing.
  • 1,496 unique seven-digit NAICS product classes are matched to an eight-digit basecode in the 2007 PD file, of which 1,383 are in manufacturing. The official list of NAICS categories for the 2007 CM encompasses 1,435 seven-digit product classes in manufacturing.

Figure 1: Linking the LFTTD to the CMF at the Firm-Baseroot-Level

Figure 1: Linking the LFTTD to the CMF at the Firm-Baseroot-Level. This figure is a flowchart with two branches that lead to a box labeled (Linked Production and Trade Data, Firm-Baseroot Level) on the right. The two boxes leading into this box from the left are labeled (LFTTD Trade Data, Firm-Baseroot level) and (CM Production Data, Firm-Baseroot Level). The two boxes leading into (LFTTD Trade Data, Firm-Baseroot level) are labeled (LFTTD Trade Data, Firm-HS Level) and (Trade Concordance, HS-Baseroot Level). The two boxes leading to (CM Production Data, Firm-Baseroot Level) are labeled (CM Production Data, Firm-Product Class Level) and (PD File, Product-Class Baseroot Level).

Table 1: Import HS Sections and Chapters

Section Name HS Chapters
1 Live Animals; Animal Products 1-5
2 Vegetable Products 6-14
3 Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 15
4 Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages Spirits Tobacco 16-24
5 Mineral Products 25-27
6 Products of the Chemical or Allied Industries 28-38
7 Plastics Rubber and Articles Thereof 39-40
8 Raw Hides Skins Leather 41-43
9 Wood and Articles of Wood 44-46
10 Pulp of Wood Paper 47-49
11 Textile and Textile Articles 50-63
12 Footwear Headgear etc. 64-67
13 Articles of Stone Plaster Cement Ceramics Glass 68-70
14 Pearls precious stones precious metals 71
15 Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal 72-83
16 Machinery Appliances Electrical Equipment 84-85
17 Vehicles Aircraft Vessels 86-89
18 Precision Instruments 90-92
19 Arms and Ammunitions 93
20 Misc. Manufactured Articles 94-96
21 Works of Art 97
22 Special Classification Provisions 98-99
Notes: This table displays sections and chapters U.S. Import HS Codes. Section names have been shortened for brevity. See the website of the U.S. International Trade Commission for full section names.

Table 2: Import NAICS Categories

NAICS Categories Description
11 Agriculture Forestry Fishing and Hunting
21 Mining Quarrying and Oil and Gas Extraction
22 Utilities
23 Construction
31-33 Manufacturing
42 Wholesale Trade
44-45 Retail Trade
48-49 Transportation and Warehousing
51 Information
52 Finance and Insurance
53 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
54 Professional Scientific and Technical Services
55 Management of Companies and Enterprises
56 Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
61 Educational Services
62 Health Care and Social Assistance
71 Arts Entertainment and Recreation
72 Accommodation and Food Services
81 Other Services (except Public Administration)
92 Public Administration

Table 2b: Import SIC Categories

SIC Categories Description
01-09 Agriculture Forestry Fisheries
10-14 Mineral Industries
15-17 Construction Industries
20-39 Manufacturing
41-49 Transportation Communication Utilities
50-51 Wholesale Trade
52-59 Retail Trade
60-67 Finance Insurance and Real Estate
70-89 Service Industries
91-97 Public Administration
Notes: Table displays the primary categories of economic activity in the NAICS and SIC classification systems. Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

Table 3: Extending the HS-SIC4 Concordance

Source 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Import HS Codes From Census 16043 15989 15915 15854 15805
Import HS Codes From Mechanical Match 1 1101 1184 1289 1377 1469
Import HS Codes From Mechanical Match 2 209 215 216 218 235
Import HS Codes From Hand Match 293 300 308 308 355
Export HS Codes From Census 7912 7886 7883 7856 7853
Export HS Codes From Mechanical Match 1 752 768 773 839 843
Export HS Codes From Mechanical Match 2 132 132 134 134 134
Export HS Codes From Hand Match 151 151 150 150 150
Notes: This table displays the method used to assign SIC codes to HS codes for years after 2001 when Census stopped reporting HS-SIC matches.

Table 4: Extending the HS-NAICS6 Concordance

Source 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Import HS Codes From Census 10464 11293 11630 11874 12057 12834 14964 16345 16853 16926 17110
Import HS Codes From Mechanical Match 1 2991 2981 2862 2711 2599 2407 1237 394 354 132 66
Import HS Codes From Mechanical Match 2 340 317 297 263 258 220 137 68 58 23 2
Import HS Codes From Hand Match 607 623 625 582 588 519 292 75 80 18 1
Export HS Codes From Census 6750 6874 7117 7117 7200 7338 7468 8250 8478 8592 8620
Export HS Codes From Mechanical Match 1 827 769 676 673 658 624 592 228 69 14 6
Export HS Codes From Mechanical Match 2 143 139 137 137 137 120 99 54 19 9 0
Export HS Codes From Hand Match 188 189 180 180 172 157 149 61 43 5 0
Notes: This table displays the method used to assign NAICS codes to HS codes for years before 2000 the year in which Census began reporting HS-NAICS matches.

Table 5: Additional SIC5s Associated With Each HS Under Baseroot Matching

Exports HS10 Exports Additional SIC5 Imports HS10 Imports Additional SIC5
2658 0 6733 0
1090 1 1818 1
1102 2 1983 2
742 3 1294 3
731 4 1225 4
389 5 618 5
181 6 289 6
400 7 819 7
283 8 368 8
212 9 402 9
42 10 107 10
25 11 38 11
74 12 112 12
50 13 75 13
33 14 60 14
23 16 57 16
11 17 13 17
1 20 1 20
3 24 6 24
4 27 4 27
Notes: Table displays the number of "Additional SIC5s" associated with HS10 export and import codes in 1992. Additional SIC5s are SIC5 product codes that are associated with a particular HS10 when matchcing with 4-digit baseroots rather than a full 8-digit basecode.

Table 6: HS and Four-Digit SIC Codes in the "Master List"

Year Exports HS10 Exports NAICS6 Exports Man. NAICS Imports HS10 Imports NAICS6 Imports Man. NAICS
1989 7908 429 371 14402 443 386
1990 7971 447 387 15214 446 387
1991 8110 448 387 15414 446 387
1992 8107 448 387 15430 448 388
1993 8167 449 391 15502 447 389
1994 8239 449 391 15980 447 389
1995 8308 449 391 16630 447 389
1996 8593 449 391 16882 447 389
1997 8609 449 391 17345 447 389
1998 8620 449 391 17099 447 389
1999 8626 449 391 17179 450 392
2000 8635 449 391 17215 450 392
2001 8629 449 391 17183 450 392
Notes: Table displays number of ten-digit HS codes four digit SIC codes and four-digit manufacturing SIC codes appearing in the concordance files accompanying the U.S. monthly trade statistics sold by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Table 7: HS and Six-Digit NAICS Codes in the "Master List"

Year Exports HS10 Exports NAICS6 Exports Man. NAICS Imports HS10 Imports NAICS6 Imports Man. NAICS
2000 8628 454 387 16897 454 387
2001 8622 453 386 16910 453 386
2002 8940 453 386 17351 453 386
2003 8930 454 386 17390 454 386
2004 8933 454 386 17382 454 386
2005 8971 453 386 17717 453 386
2006 8972 453 386 17746 453 386
2007 8878 453 385 17665 455 387
2008 8883 453 385 17728 455 387
2009 8882 454 386 17745 456 388
Notes: Table displays number of ten-digit HS codes six-digit NAICS codes and six-digit manufacturing NAICS codes appearing in the concordance files accompanying the U.S. monthly trade statistics sold by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Table 8: Number of Product Classes per Basecode and Basecode Root (1992)

Product Classes Overall Basecodes Overall Basecode Roots Manufacturing Basecodes Manufacturing Basecode Roots
1 549 117 520 111
2 109 60 103 54
3 59 76 53 69
4 36 50 32 46
5 20 39 19 37
6 17 25 17 24
7 9 13 9 13
8 2 7 2 7
9 2 9 2 8
10 2 5 2 5
11 1 2 1 2
12 2 4 2 4
14   3   3
15   1   1
16 1   1  
18 1 3 1 3
20 1   1  
21   1   1
22 1   1  
23 1 1 1 1
25 1 1 1 1
28   1   1
Total 814 418 768 391
Notes: Table displays distribution of basecodes and basecode roots according to the number of product classes into which they map overall and for manufacturing.

Table 9: Number of Product Classes per Basecode and Basecode Root (1997)

Product Classes Overall Basecodes Overall Basecode Roots Manufacturing Basecodes Manufacturing Basecode Roots
1 576 143 518 105
2 130 91 120 80
3 55 71 50 65
4 24 44 21 40
5 25 38 23 35
6 7 16 7 15
7 6 12 6 12
8 5 7 5 7
9 4 6 4 6
10 3 4 3 4
11   4   4
12   4   4
13 1 1 1 1
14   2   2
16   1   1
17   1   1
18 2 2 2 2
19   1   1
24 1 1 1 1
30 1   1  
36   1   1
44 1 1 1 1
Total 841 451 763 388
Notes: Table displays distribution of basecodes and basecode roots according to the number of product classes into which they map overall and for manufacturing.

Table 10: Number of Product Classes per Basecode Root

Product Classes Overall Basecodes Overall Basecode Roots Manufacturing Basecodes Manufacturing Basecode Roots
1 567 143 509 105
2 132 90 122 80
3 53 73 48 67
4 25 42 22 39
5 25 39 23 36
6 7 19 7 17
7 6 11 6 11
8 4 4 4 4
9 4 6 4 6
10 2 5 2 5
11   2   2
12   4   4
13 2 2 2 2
14   1   1
15   2   2
17   2   2
18 1   1  
19 1 2 1 2
23 1 1 1 1
31 1   1  
37   1   1
43 1 1 1 1
Total 832 450 754 388
Notes: Table displays distribution of basecodes and basecode roots according to the number of product classes into which they map overall and for manufacturing.

Table 11: Number of Product Classes per Basecode Root (2007)

Product Classes Overall Basecodes Overall Basecode Roots Manufacturing Basecodes Manufacturing Basecode Roots
1 558 170 498 123
2 115 82 107 75
3 48 67 46 65
4 23 42 19 37
5 25 34 24 32
6 8 19 8 18
7 7 9 7 9
8 5 5 5 5
9 3 5 3 5
10 1 4 1 4
11   3   3
12 1 5 1 5
13 1 1 1 1
14   2   2
15   1   1
18   1   1
20 1 1 1 1
22 1 1 1 1
29 1 1 1 1
30 1   1  
36   1   1
Total 799 454 724 390
Notes: Table displays distribution of basecodes and basecode roots according to the number of product classes into which they map overall and for manufacturing.


* We thank Julie Linden of the Yale University Social Sciences Library for generous help in securing the publicly available U.S. trade data. We thank Kitjawat Tacharoen and Matt Flagge for research assistance. We thank Alvin Venning, Carol Ann Aristone, James Kristoff and Mendel Gayle of the U.S. Census Bureau for many enlightening conversations. Schott thanks the National Science Foundation (SES-0241474 and SES-0550190) for research support. Pierce thanks the U.S. Census Bureau where he was employed for a large portion of this project. We also thank the editor for helpful comments. The analysis and conclusions set forth in this paper are those of the authors and do not indicate concurrence by the Board of Governors, other members of the research staff or the National Science Foundation. Return to Text
† Correspondence: 20th & C ST NW, Washington, DC 20551; email:; telephone: 202-452-2980; fax: 202-736-1937. Return to Text
‡ 135 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06520, tel: (203) 436-4260, fax: (203) 432-6974, email: Return to Text
1. Each of these product classification systems is described in more detail in Section 2. Return to Text
2. The reason for the shorter time period for HS-SIC4 mappings is discussed in Section 3 below. Return to Text
3. See, and for more detail. Return to Text
4. CDs are available starting in December, 1989 for exports and January 1989 for imports. The CDs are available for purchase from Census and are often also available in university libraries. The copies used here are provided generously by the Yale University Social Sciences Library. Return to Text
5. Of the 461 NAICS baseroots in the HS-NAICS6 import concordance and 455 NAICS baseroots in the HS-NAICS6 export concordance, 10 are not real industries as defined in the NAICS. They are 11211X, 1123XX, 31131X 31181X, 31511X, 33631X, 910000, 920000, 980000, 990000. Of the 471 SIC baseroots in the HS-SIC import concordance, 5 are not real industries as defined in the SIC. They are 314X, 9100, 9200, 9800, 9900. Of the 470 SIC baseroots in the HS-SIC export concordance, 7 are not real industries. They are 314X, 3XXX, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9800, 9900. Return to Text
6. The file is also available electronically on Schott's website: Return to Text
7. A more detailed discussion of Census' SIC and NAICS concordance methods is available at Return to Text
8. The product descriptions for these SIC5 product-classes are as follows: 33121 - Coke over and blast furnace products; 33122 - Steel ingot and semifinished shapes; 33123 - Hot-rolled sheet and strip including tin-milled products; 33124 - Hot-rolled bars and bar shapes, plates, structural; 33126 - Steel pipe and tubes (made in steel mills); 33127 - Cold-rolled steel sheet and strip (made in mills); 33128 - Cold-finished steel bars/bar shapes (made in mills); 3312C - Other steel mill products, including steel rails; 33167 - Cold-rolled steel sheet and strip (not made in mills); 33168 - Cold-finished steel bars and bar shapes (not made in mills); 33170 - Steel pipe and tubes. Return to Text
9. Six-hundred twenty-five import HS codes have basecodes with no SIC5 match. Two SIC5 codes have basecodes with no import HS match. Return to Text
10. Four-hundred eight export HS codes have basecodes with no SIC5 match. Eleven SIC5 codes have basecodes with no export HS match. Return to Text
11. See Return to Text
12. See Return to Text
13. Though the concordance files included with the monthly trade data do not include the full, internal-to-Census basecode, that mapping is available for 1992 at (see second paragraph). Return to Text
14. There are 459 "official" four-digit SIC manufacturing codes in 1992 and 1997 economic censuses. For a complete list, see Return to Text
15. There are 473 "official" six-digit NAICS manufacturing codes in the 2002 economic census. For a complete list of the six-digit codes, see Return to Text
16. The set of four-digit SIC manufacturing industries in 1992 is identical to the set used in 1987. See Return to Text
17. See Census (1992) at Return to Text
18. We thank Alvin Venning of the U.S. Census Bureau for providing us with a copy of the 1997, 2002 and 2007 PD files. Return to Text

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