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1945 RFDs

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1945-25 (December 1945)
The Agreement with Britain: An Appraisal; Settlement of Lend-Lease, Surplus Property, and Other Claims; The Fund, Exchange Restrictions, and the British Loan Agreement; The Commercial Policy Agreement
Lloyd A. Metzler, Lewis N. Dembitz, Alice Bourneuf, and Charles R. Harley
Full paper (2131 KB PDF)

1945-24 (December 1945)
Foreign Credit Requirements of the Netherlands; Senate Approval of Export-Import Bank Directors; Communication of Par Values to the Fund; Interconvertibility of Currencies Under the Fund Agreement; China's Relief Program; Potential Foreign Lending by the United States; SUPPLEMENT: Bretton Woods Legislation in Latin American Countries
J. Herbert Furth, Rosa Ernst, Alice Bourneuf, Toni Giese, Janet G. Chapman, Robert Triffin, and Henry Wallich
Full paper (1787 KB PDF)

1945-23 (November 1945)
Nationalization of the Bank of England; Bretton Woods Deadline; Results of the Netherlands Currency Exchange; Foreign Exchange Control in Canada; Nominations to the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank; SUPPLEMENT: The Silver Situation
Karl R. Bopp, Alice Bourneuf, and Mary Maroney
Full paper (1296 KB PDF)

1945-22 (November 1945)
War Damage and Reconstruction Needs in the Netherlands; Reconstruction Loans Granted by Canada; Canadian-Russian Trade Deal Falters; The British Balance of Payments and National Income; New Exchange Control Law for Paraguay
J. Herbert Furth, Lloyd A. Metzler, and Gerald Alter
Full paper (980 KB PDF)

1945-21 (October 1945)
Tied Loans and United States Commercial Policy; The U.S.S.R. and Bilateralism in Eastern Europe; Program for Disposal of British Empire Surplus Wool; Slight Improvements in the Philippines; Inflation in Hungary
Howard S. Ellis, Alexander Gerschenkron, and Toni Giese
Full paper (716 KB PDF)

1945-20 (October 1945)
Authorized and Pending Loans of the Export-Import Bank; Italian Budget for 1945-46; Future of the Chilean Exchange Rate; Effect of Imperial Preference on Source of British Imports; Surplus Disposal in the Near East; New Economic Disturbances in Greece
M.J. Roberts, Florence Nixon, and Randall Hinshaw
Full paper (579 KB PDF)

1945-19 (September 1945)
Canadian Reconversion Well Advanced; Financial Program of the Belgian Government; Currency Confusion in Czechoslovakia; Central Bank Developments in Czechoslovakia; British Imports, War and Pre-War
Wendell E. Thorne, J.H. Adler, and C.R. Harley
Full paper (730 KB PDF)

1945-18 (September 1945)
Nationalization of the Bank of England; The Swiss Banking Crisis; Netherlands Gold; National Income and Private Consumption in Germany and in the United States
Beatrice Bulla, Rosa Ernst, and Paul Hermberg
Full paper (816 KB PDF)

1945-17 (August 1945)
Problems of UNRRA; Currency Developments in the Philippines; Russia and an International Trade Convention
Charles R. Harley, Toni Giese, and Alexander Gerschenkron
Full paper (923 KB PDF)

1945-16 (August 1945)
Economic Developments in Liberated Greece; Switzerland's Foreign Trade in 1944; Economic Developments in Liberated Yugoslavia
J. Herbert Furth and Rosa Ernst
Full paper (928 KB PDF)

1945-15 (July 1945)
Expanded Role of the Export-Import Bank; Currency Exchange in the Netherlands; Problems of Italian Fiscal Policy; Senate Amendments to Bretton Woods; SUPPLEMENT: Notes on World Gold Production
M.J. Roberts and Mary Maroney
Full paper (976 KB PDF)

1945-14 (July 1945)
Currency Problems in Southeastern Europe; Devaluation of the Finnish Markka; Financial Conditions in Belgium; The Pound Sterling - Dollar Ratio; The United Nations Organization and Bretton Woods
J. Herbert Furth and Hans J. Dernburg
Full paper (906 KB PDF)

1945-13 (June 1945)
Exchange of Bank Notes in France; Further Depreciation of the Hungarian Currency; New Plans for a Danubian Customs Union; Bolivian Exchange Control and Bretton Woods; War Damage and Reconstruction Needs in Italy; SUPPLEMENT: World Income: 1929-1937
Hans J. Dernburg, J. Herbert Furth, David L. Grove, and Randall Hinshaw
Full paper (1198 KB PDF)

1945-12 (June 1945)
Proposed Interpretations of the Bretton Woods Agreements; New Devaluation of the Greek Currency; Russian Economic Policies in Occupied Germany; Policy Statements in Lend-Lease Budget Request; The Istanbul Gold and Exchange Market
Alice Bourneuf and Hans J. Dernburg
Full paper (545 KB PDF)

1945-11 (May 1945)
Will France Adopt Export Subsidies; Future Policy on Lend-Lease Aid to the Soviet Union; Currency Expansion in the Netherlands; Scandinavian Exchange Rates; Recent Financial Developments in Greece; Foreign Financial Contributions to Germany During the War
Paul Hermberg
Full paper (1332 KB PDF)

1945-10 (May 1945)
International Control of Shipping After V-E Day; Monetary coordination Among the Allies in Germany; Currency Circulation and Bank Deposits in Italy; United States Gold Coin Found in Germany; Lend-Lease Agreements with Belgium and the Netherlands; Economic Integration of North Italy; SUPPLEMENT: The French Exchange Rate
J. Hans Adler, Theodore A. Sumberg, and Hans J. Dernburg
Full paper (1118 KB PDF)

1945-9 (April 1945)
Recent European Financial Agreements and the International Monetary Fund; Belgian Expenditures for the allied Armed Forces; Government Finance in the Third Reich; Rumania Issues Gold Coins; Currency Problems in Liberated Yugoslavia; Report of Swiss National Bank for 1944; SUPPLEMENT: Economic Relations Between the United States and Near Eastern Countries
Alice Bourneuf, Paul Hermberg, and J. Herbert Furth
Full paper (1340 KB PDF)

1945-8 (April 1945)
The Devaluation of the Axis Currencies; Exchange Rates and Prices in Hungary; The Significance of British Financial Agreements; Post-War Problems and Policies in Switzerland; The German Gold Holdings; Now Taxation Trends in Latin America
Hans J. Dernburg, Lloyd A. Metzler, Rosa Ernst, Hans J. Dernburg, and Paul Vinelli
Full paper (765 KB PDF)

1945-7 (April 1945)
Lend-Lease and Rehabilitation; Recent Financial Developments in Turkey; The Anglo-Swedish Monetary Agreement; Anit-Inflationary Measures in Denmark
Charles R. Harley, J. Herbert Furth, J. Hans Adler, and Agnete Laursen
Full paper (834 KB PDF)

1945-6 (March 1945)
Re-Interpretation of the Principle of the Most-Favored-Nation?; Foreign Investment and World Prosperity; Administration of the Bank of Italy Since the Liberation; Recent Financial Developments in Free Italy; Earmarked Gold
Alexander Gerschenkron, Randall Hinshaw, Beatrice Bulla, and J. Herbert Furth
Full paper (798 KB PDF)

1945-5 (March 1945)
The Export-Import Bank; Brazil's Evolution Toward Central Banking; German Foreign Trade During the War; SUPPLEMENT: Reparations for Russia
M.J. Roberts, Robert Triffin, Paul Hermberg, and Alexander Gerschenkron
Full paper (1705 KB PDF)

1945-4 (February 1945)
Restoration of Franc Currencies in Territories Formerly Annexed by Germany; Exchange Control in the Near East; The Repatriation of the Argentine Public Debt; "De-Penetration" in Balkan Countries; New Zealand Price Policy; New Depreciation of the Greet Currency
Hans J. Dernburg and Paul Vinelli
Full paper (667 KB PDF)

1945-3 (February 1945)
Cheap Money in France; Monetary Developments in Liberated Poland; Deficit Finance in Belgium; British Attitudes Toward Free Trade; Sterilization of Foreign Exchange in Venezuela
Bruno Foa, Lucy Axelbank, Lloyd A. Netzler, and Eduardo Wontealogro
Full paper (1037 KB PDF)

1945-2 (January 1945)
Gold; Central Banking in Liberated Belgium; Note Circulation in Hungary; Future Composition of Russian Exports; Croat Corporation Returns; A New European Foreign Exchange Rate Structure
Hans J. Dernburg, J. Herbert Furth, Alexander Gerschenkron, and Mary Maroney
Full paper (860 KB PDF)

1945-1 (January 1945)
The French Liberation Loan; Current Russian Exchange Rate Policy; The Turkish Pound; Len-Lease - Second Phase; Reorientation of Swedish Foreign Trade
J. Hans Adler and Charles R. Harley
Full paper (999 KB PDF)

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