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Statistical Supplement | August 2004

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, August 2004

3.25  Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions1
Millions of dollars; net purchases, or sales (-) during period
Area or country 2002 2003 2004 2003 2004
Jan - May Nov Decr Janr Febr Marr Aprr Mayp
1 Total estimated 119,921 272,827r 202,634 33,420r 29,754 46,910 37,014 61,474 35,346 21,890
2 Foreign countries 117,910 273,553r 202,350 33,349r 29,750 46,786 37,139 61,370 35,145 21,910
3 Europe 43,678 46,922r 44,519 2,007r -8,510 19,596 3,667 21,906 18,871 -19,521
4 Belgium2 2,046 1,736 -835 331 -754 161 -1,573 -131 495 213
5 Germany -3,931 7,885 3,808 -794 -873 2,104 -1,464 -952 4,762 -642
6 Luxembourg2 -1,609 909r 255 61 -359 301 440 -411 -182 107
7 Netherlands -17,020 153 1,123 592 -558 903 -785 -341 2,526 -1,180
8 Sweden 2,923 432 1,950 -623 176 60 1,099 -183 -532 1,506
9 Switzerland -448 4,899r 3,825 -563r 924 -52 711 1,053 1,992 121
10 United Kingdom 61,606 30,551 38,606 -2,126 1,824 9,206 13,379 18,784 9,597 -12,360
11 Channel Islands and Isle of Man3 724 1,555 -1,327 -80 18 1,070 438 -128 282 -2,989
12 Other Europe and former U.S.S.R. -613 -1,198r -2,886 5,209 -8,908 5,843 -8,578 4,215 -69 -4,297
13 Canada -5,197 10,783 7,439 1,577 3,660 664 1,750 1,457 2,589 979
14 Latin America and Caribbean 20,023 24,122r 30,638 2,002r 6,875 1,101 5,186 6,796 -6,092 23,647
15 Venezuela -59 317r -30 6r -3 -5 -27 -3 -6 11
16 Other Latin America and Caribbean 20,862 16,964r 26,318 1,754r 4,863 -85 2,402 4,101 -2,157 22,057
17 Netherlands Antilles -780 6,841 4,350 242 2,015 1,191 2,811 2,698 -3,929 1,579
18 Asia 55,656 184,649r 122,698 27,444 26,358 26,998 25,859 33,047 20,077 16,717
19 Japan 30,498 148,932 107,477 24,325 20,659 26,590 30,249 30,520 5,485 14,633
20 Africa 841 55 220 42r -80 -16 -61 -30 202 125
21 Other 2,909 7,022 -3,164 277 1,447 -1,557 738 -1,806 -502 -37
22 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 2,011 -726 284 71 4 124 -125 104 201 -20
23 International 1,642 -446 -42 150 325 -341 79 300 -114 34
24 Latin American Caribbean regional -3 -53 -76 10 0 -1 -13 -2 28 -88
25 Foreign countries 117,910 273,553r 202,350 33,349r 29,750 46,786 37,139 61,370 35,145 21,910
26 Official institutions 7,149 109,345 113,586 18,883 11,329 26,910 16,071 33,905 22,140 14,560
27 Other foreign 110,761 164,208r 88,764 14,466r 18,421 19,876 21,068 27,465 13,005 7,350
  Oil-exporting countries  
28 Middle East4 -3,880 -6,910 436 806 222 -837 -133 1,027 -271 650
29 Africa5 29 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1. Official and private transactions in marketable U.S. Treasury securities having an original maturity of more than one year. Data are based on monthly transactions reports. Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries.   Return to table

2. Before January 2001, combined data reported for Belgium and Luxembourg.   Return to table

3. Before January 2001, these data were included in the data reported for the United Kingdom.   Return to table

4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

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