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Statistical Supplement | May 2005

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, May 2005

3.17  Liabilities to Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1--Continued Payable in U.S. dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Item 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005
Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Marp
Area or Country  
45 Total, all foreigners 1,985,588 2,315,606 2,812,297r 2,684,504 2,771,880 2,813,283 2,812,297r 2,727,445r 2,764,315r 2,707,395
46 Foreign countries 1,972,121 2,301,457 2,798,982r 2,671,283 2,756,290 2,799,703 2,798,982r 2,711,672r 2,746,467r 2,691,898
47 Europe 653,988 781,550 970,765r 985,099 1,006,057 1,011,392 970,765r 957,701r 1,028,327r 989,993
48 Austria 2,818 4,826 4,277 5,430 4,999 4,539 4,277 3,706 4,103 5,129
49 Belgium13 9,536 9,359 13,815 13,355 15,361 13,600 13,815 14,665 13,735 15,627
50 Denmark 5,106 3,631 3,202 4,506 4,071 3,613 3,202 4,221 3,584 3,107
51 Finland 1,693 1,783 1,418 1,220 1,373 1,299 1,418 3,022 3,197 965
52 France 40,399 40,719 57,243 48,134 55,783 57,679 57,243 63,622r 64,533r 57,129
53 Germany 34,650 46,806 50,801 55,623 58,224 53,398 50,801 48,210 52,044 59,393
54 Greece 2,975 1,264 1,205 1,527 1,529 1,555 1,205 2,040 1,540 1,048
55 Italy 5,568 6,215 7,247 7,693 8,112 8,274 7,247 8,013 7,928 8,035
56 Luxembourg13 31,945 35,855 50,713 51,935 51,306 51,961 50,713 52,278 54,358 52,311
57 Netherlands 10,839 15,857 20,175r 13,795 17,146 17,065 20,175r 20,708 22,777 23,629
58 Norway 18,879 22,429 32,749 38,714 34,755 25,773 32,749 27,044 23,187 26,062
59 Portugal 3,574 952 1,607 1,071 1,174 2,029 1,607 3,353 1,647 2,227
60 Russia 23,146 41,673 70,358 58,790 64,621 63,859 70,358 70,254 76,440 75,814
61 Spain 14,039 9,902 8,483 9,321 8,504 10,100 8,483 10,281 9,571 5,981
62 Sweden 4,647 7,082 6,582 6,745 6,217 5,946 6,582 6,372 5,519 5,178
63 Switzerland 132,895 110,626 99,925 111,854 120,688 116,224 99,925 91,842 119,981 83,002
64 Turkey 12,131 13,748 5,190 9,512 9,114 7,980 5,190 6,997 3,705 4,873
65 United Kingdom 185,970 332,528 415,208 436,672 433,283 450,760 415,208 402,267r 434,256r 432,668
66 Channel Islands and Isle of Man14 47,594 20,802 20,710 21,389 22,097 22,024 20,710 20,916 20,832 21,776
67 Yugoslavia15 301 162 110 96 141 101 110 91 100 187
68 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.16 65,283 55,331 99,747r 87,717 87,559 93,613 99,747r 97,799r 105,290r 105,852
69 Canada 27,323 35,590 32,993r 34,376 34,316 33,124 32,993r 32,558r 34,475r 31,946
70 Latin America 107,357 110,566 136,228r 130,434 134,375 136,137 136,228r 126,249r 127,812r 133,056
71 Argentina 10,878 9,758 10,817 11,452 11,906 11,025 10,817 10,963r 9,322r 9,414
72 Brazil 10,040 16,283 15,227 15,827 15,966 15,495 15,227 17,265 20,864 23,641
73 Chile 6,146 4,438 7,306r 6,098 8,196 8,356 7,306r 7,362 7,077 6,611
74 Colombia 4,158 4,235 6,263 5,169 5,372 5,380 6,263 6,204 6,179 6,304
75 Ecuador 2,299 2,567 2,676 2,597 2,507 2,600 2,676 2,665 2,586 2,469
76 Guatemala 1,379 1,547 1,526 1,543 1,486 1,472 1,526 1,492 1,466 1,308
77 Mexico 36,109 35,389 50,760 48,532 47,818 51,029 50,760 37,643r 37,973r 40,651
78 Panama 3,864 4,093 4,512 3,857 4,128 4,295 4,512 4,500 4,659 4,967
79 Peru 1,363 1,401 1,968 1,537 1,866 1,727 1,968 2,301 1,551 1,769
80 Uruguay 2,815 3,670 4,152 3,931 4,076 4,187 4,152 4,020 3,898 3,951
81 Venezuela 21,939 21,222 24,599 23,544 24,513 24,163 24,599 25,360 25,507r 24,972
82 Other Latin America17 6,367 5,963 6,422 6,347 6,541 6,408 6,422 6,474 6,730 6,999
83 Caribbean 837,666 969,986 1,197,819r 1,072,811 1,121,401 1,163,422 1,197,819r 1,140,615r 1,137,490r 1,123,686
84 Bahamas 163,543 153,554 185,258 144,887 146,698 171,301 185,258 177,258r 184,432r 177,476
85 Bermuda 24,674 38,964 93,680r 59,574 70,184 78,937 93,680r 70,894r 69,766r 56,031
86 Cayman Islands18 630,446 739,204 870,784r 826,489 862,677 864,486 870,784r 852,859r 841,716r 845,940
87 Cuba 91 96 108 97 107 107 108 109 110 112
88 Jamaica 829 669 829 806 872 873 829 815 776 818
89 Netherlands Antilles 5,004 8,689 5,860 3,861 4,627 4,787 5,860 5,501 4,511r 5,875
90 Trinidad and Tobago 1,405 1,253 1,624 1,383 1,355 1,341 1,624 1,773 1,785 1,953
91 Other Caribbean17 11,674 27,557 39,676 35,714 34,881 41,590 39,676 31,406r 34,394r 35,481
92 Asia 319,487 373,024 418,423r 416,500 419,675 415,461 418,423r 409,821r 382,153r 371,859
93 Mainland 15,483 13,236 53,131 57,398 65,643 52,768 53,131 58,299 36,647 36,036
94 Taiwan 18,693 26,808 26,583 22,002 21,384 24,678 26,583 26,189 27,399 23,788
95 Hong Kong 33,066 49,557 42,745r 40,244 37,202 36,532 42,745r 37,155r 38,732r 37,450
96 India 7,951 14,534 11,270 10,959 11,650 11,818 11,270 12,425 14,312 14,522
97 Indonesia 14,123 14,373 5,931 8,266 7,662 6,560 5,931 7,191 5,706 2,864
98 Israel 7,477 12,223 11,237 12,993 9,659 11,057 11,237 11,989 12,484 10,991
99 Japan 161,667 162,003 163,567 170,871 171,972 166,701 163,567 153,106 149,752 147,982
100 Korea (South) 8,968 12,647 12,495 10,918 10,319 12,804 12,495 15,775 14,475 20,117
101 Philippines 1,811 1,683 2,969 2,101 2,109 2,343 2,969 2,496 2,515 2,432
102 Thailand 7,605 7,226 11,441 9,491 10,499 11,417 11,441 12,376 12,123 11,136
103 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries19 16,365 23,626 38,535r 39,097 38,182 41,958 38,535r 41,791 40,989 36,899
104 Other 26,278 35,108 38,519 32,160 33,394 36,825 38,519 31,029 27,019 27,642
105 Africa 12,251 13,828 15,613 16,559 17,695 14,265 15,613 17,547 16,597 16,617
106 Egypt 2,655 2,336 2,755 2,561 2,349 2,256 2,755 4,272 4,156 4,180
107 Morocco 306 376 169 95 99 124 169 166 124 172
108 South Africa 1,114 3,715 3,381 3,942 4,001 3,571 3,381 3,758 3,105 3,299
109 Congo (formerly Zaire) 2 18 4 4 6 3 4 21 49 10
110 Oil-exporting countries20 4,370 3,498 5,220 6,206 7,373 4,331 5,220 5,780 5,417 5,266
111 Other 3,804 3,885 4,084 3,751 3,867 3,980 4,084 3,550 3,746 3,690
112 Other countries 14,049 16,913 27,141 15,504 22,771 25,902 27,141 27,181 19,613 24,741
113 Australia 11,991 14,020 23,199 11,897 19,057 21,616 23,199 22,586 16,685 21,726
114 New Zealand21 1,796 2,465 3,437 2,967 3,035 3,748 3,437 4,116 2,418 2,627
115 All other 262 428 505 640 679 538 505 479 510 388
116 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 13,467 14,149 13,315 13,221 15,590 13,580 13,315 15,773r 17,848r 15,497
117 International22 11,282 10,500 10,909 10,938 13,431 11,549 10,909 13,423r 15,337r 13,233
118 Latin American regional23 507 420 345 343 345 357 345 373 486 308
119 Other regional24 1,611 3,166 1,948 1,870 1,731 1,575 1,948 1,863 1,929 1,883

13. Before January 2001, data for Belgium-Luxembourg were combined.   Return to table

14. Before January 2001, these data were included in data reported for the United Kingdom.   Return to table

15. In February 2003, Yugoslavia changed its name to Serbia and Montenegro. Data for other entities of the former Yugoslavia recognized as independent states by the United States are reported under "Other Europe."   Return to table

16. Includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.   Return to table

17. Before January 2001, data for "Other Latin America" and "Other Caribbean" were combined in "Other Latin America and Caribbean."   Return to table

18. Beginning January 2001, data for the Cayman Islands replaced data for the British West Indies.   Return to table

19. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

20. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

21. Before January 2001, these data were included in "All other."   Return to table

22. Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Excludes "holdings of dollars" of the International Monetary Fund.   Return to table

23. Principally the Inter-American Development Bank.   Return to table

24. Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and European regional organizations, except the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Europe."   Return to table

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Last update: June 2, 2005