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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

1.12  Reserves and Borrowings, Depository Institutions1
Millions of dollars
Reserve classification Prorated monthly averages of biweekly averages
2002 2003 2004 2005
Dec Dec Decr Mayr Juner Julyr Augr Septr Oct Nov
1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks2 9,926 10,863r 12,046 12,022 11,233 10,863 10,354 11,150 9,637 9,495
2 Total vault cash3 43,362 44,063 47,264 45,616 46,268 47,264 48,149 47,280 49,516r 49,208
3 Applied vault cash4 30,347 32,086 34,801 34,442 34,855 35,594 34,506 34,467 34,477r 34,495
4 Surplus vault cash5 13,016 11,976 12,463 11,175 11,413 11,670 13,642 12,813 15,039r 14,713
5 Total reserves6 40,272 42,949r 46,847 46,464 46,088 46,457 44,860 45,616 44,113 43,990
6 Required reserves 38,263 41,906 44,938 44,927 44,306 44,716 43,238 43,569 42,213 42,193
7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks7 2,009 1,043r 1,909 1,537 1,782 1,741 1,622 2,047 1,900 1,797
8 Total borrowing at Reserve Banks 80 46 63 139 249 425 362 332 284 126
9 Primary ... 17 11 6 85 176 63 12 35 20
10 Secondary ... 0 0 0 0 12 3 5 29 0
11 Seasonal 45 29 52 133 164 237 297 315 220 106
12 Adjustment 35 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
 Biweekly averages of daily figures for two-week periods ending on dates indicated
Aug 3r Aug 17r Aug 31r Sept 14r Sept 28r Oct 12r Oct 26r Nov 9 Nov 23 Dec 7
1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks2 12,611 8,566 11,659 9,571 12,981 9,384 9,941 9,394 9,426 9,762
2 Total vault cash3 47,190 49,300 47,203 46,876 47,307 49,915 49,439 48,773r 49,701 48,783
3 Applied vault cash4 36,931 32,879 35,614 32,448 36,729 32,764 35,957 34,444r 34,421 34,712
4 Surplus vault cash5 10,259 16,421 11,589 14,428 10,578 17,151 13,482 14,329 15,280 14,071
5 Total reserves6 49,542 41,445 47,273 42,019 49,710 42,148 45,897 43,838r 43,846 44,474
6 Required reserves 47,410 40,122 45,462 40,253 47,418 39,848 44,180 42,383r 41,752 42,834
7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks7 2,131 1,323 1,811 1,766 2,292 2,299 1,717 1,455r 2,094 1,640
8 Total borrowing at Reserve Banks 527 357 333 317 336 415 224 137 135 95
9 Primary 230 79 11 12 7 59 25 4 35 12
10 Secondary 34 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0
11 Seasonal 264 279 322 305 330 280 199 132 100 83
12 Adjustment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1. Data in this table also appear in the Board's H.3 (502) weekly statistical release. Data are not break-adjusted or seasonally adjusted.   Return to table

2. Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float and includes other off-balance-sheet "as-of" adjustments.   Return to table

3. Vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements. It includes only vault cash held by those banks and thrift institutions that are not exempt from reserve requirements. Dates refer to the maintenance periods in which the vault cash can be used to satisfy reserve requirements.   Return to table

4. All vault cash held during the lagged computation period by "bound" institutions (that is, those whose required reserves exceed their vault cash) plus the amount of vault cash applied during the maintenance period by "nonbound" institutions (that is, those whose vault cash exceeds their required reserves) to satisfy current reserve requirements.   Return to table

5. Total vault cash (line 2) less applied vault cash (line 3).   Return to table

6. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks (line 1) plus applied vault cash (line 3).   Return to table

7. Total reserves (line 5) less required reserves (line 6).   Return to table

Statistical Supplement | February 2006 | Tips for printing wide tables | Symbols and Abbreviations

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Last update: March 2, 2006