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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

1.26  Commercial Banks in the United States, Assets and Liabilities1--Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks
Billions of dollars
Account Monthly averages Wednesday figures
2005 2005 2006 2006
Jan July Aug Sept Octr Novr Decr Jan Jan 4 Jan 11 Jan 18 Jan 25
  Seasonally adjusted
1 Bank credit 6,218.9 6,536.8 6,592.8 6,627.4 6,626.7 6,632.0 6,672.5 6,732.8 6,695.7 6,700.3 6,727.5 6,757.0
2 Securities in bank credit 1,683.1 1,738.0 1,734.5 1,730.2 1,712.9 1,697.6 1,690.4 1,713.5 1,690.1 1,694.9 1,716.6 1,724.2
3 Treasury and Agency securities2 1,096.3r 1,091.7r 1,089.3r 1,080.8r 1,076.3 1,059.8 1,054.5 1,071.6 1,056.5 1,057.6 1,076.7 1,077.8
4 Other securities 586.8r 646.3r 645.2r 649.3r 636.6 637.9 635.9 641.9 633.7 637.3 640.0 646.3
5 Loans and leases in bank credit3 4,535.8 4,798.8 4,858.3 4,897.2 4,913.8 4,934.3 4,982.1 5,019.3 5,005.5 5,005.4 5,010.8 5,032.8
6 Commercial and industrial 798.8 843.4 849.1r 853.5r 859.9 867.9 875.5 891.8 883.5 887.3 891.3 896.3
7 Real estate 2,554.1 2,771.1 2,809.2 2,825.6r 2,844.9 2,856.6 2,882.0 2,908.1 2,899.2 2,909.8 2,902.3 2,910.0
8 Revolving home equity 407.3 437.9 439.5 438.7 436.8 436.8 436.2 434.6 434.2 434.9 435.3 435.0
9 Other 2,146.8 2,333.3 2,369.7 2,386.9r 2,408.1 2,419.9 2,445.8 2,473.4 2,465.0 2,474.9 2,467.1 2,475.0
10 Consumer 702.7 710.5 717.2 719.9 708.7 709.2 704.4 708.1 705.2 705.0 711.1 711.1
11 Security4 99.0 103.4 103.6 108.5 104.4 109.1 121.5 112.4 122.1 105.5 110.9 116.8
12 Other loans and leases 381.2 370.4r 379.1r 389.7r 395.7 391.5 398.8 398.9 395.5 397.7 395.1 398.5
13 Interbank loans 244.2 211.4 232.2 242.5 244.4 260.9 236.7 245.9 228.3 237.6 253.0 254.9
14 Cash assets5 262.0 267.2 263.0 267.7 260.5 254.4 260.9 266.1 282.2 258.0 265.5 260.1
15 Other assets6 629.7 644.5 652.0 657.3 664.7 666.2 670.8 692.9 678.6 684.7 681.9 701.7
16 Total assets7 7,285.6 7,592.5 7,672.4 7,726.9 7,728.4 7,745.6 7,772.9 7,870.7 7,817.2 7,813.5 7,860.9 7,906.8
17 Deposits 4,803.1 5,005.6 5,034.0 5,056.5 5,062.9 5,104.5 5,131.6 5,161.1 5,195.2 5,158.1 5,162.6 5,137.0
18 Transaction 652.1 650.0 674.1 660.5 643.2 656.1 647.3 644.9 617.4 602.1 647.1 689.2
19 Nontransaction 4,151.0 4,355.6 4,359.9 4,396.0 4,419.7 4,448.4 4,484.3 4,516.2 4,577.8 4,556.0 4,515.5 4,447.8
20 Large time 687.6 770.3 774.2 793.2r 805.2 816.5 830.4 842.9 845.2 843.9 836.6 838.9
21 Other 3,463.5 3,585.2 3,585.7 3,602.8r 3,614.5 3,632.0 3,653.9 3,673.3 3,732.6 3,712.1 3,678.9 3,608.9
22 Borrowings 1,206.1 1,259.0 1,290.3 1,305.7 1,296.2 1,294.6 1,298.7 1,303.4 1,257.2 1,270.5 1,306.7 1,332.2
23 From banks in the U.S. 320.9 299.6 299.3 307.5 300.4 309.5 301.0 314.9 297.1 301.5 315.4 331.7
24 From others 885.2 959.4 991.0 998.2 995.8 985.1 997.7 988.5 960.1 969.0 991.3 1,000.5
25 Net due to related foreign offices 253.9 247.9 258.3 251.8 271.7 257.3 263.4 283.0 286.3 284.5 283.5 295.6
26 Other liabilities 385.7 390.2 389.6 396.7 385.7 385.0 384.2 389.1 387.1 385.6 386.0 390.0
27 Total liabilities 6,648.8 6,902.7 6,972.3 7,010.7 7,016.5 7,041.3 7,077.9 7,136.6 7,125.7 7,098.7 7,138.9 7,154.7
28 Residual (assets less liabilities)8 636.8 689.9 700.1 716.2 711.8 704.2 695.0 734.1 691.5 714.8 722.0 752.1
  Not seasonally adjusted
29 Bank credit 6,226.8 6,520.7 6,587.4 6,636.3 6,644.0 6,669.3 6,714.1 6,741.1 6,727.1 6,715.4 6,742.3 6,746.9
30 Securities in bank credit 1,685.6 1,732.0 1,732.9 1,726.8 1,711.0 1,707.1 1,699.0 1,717.4 1,698.7 1,701.9 1,722.0 1,723.8
31 Treasury and Agency securities2 1,091.6r 1,090.3r 1,085.5r 1,074.0r 1,071.4 1,068.2 1,058.3 1,067.2 1,051.1 1,054.0 1,073.7 1,071.6
32 Other securities 594.0r 641.7r 647.4r 652.8r 639.6 639.0 640.7 650.2 647.6 647.9 648.3 652.2
33 Loans and leases in bank credit3 4,541.2 4,788.7 4,854.5 4,909.6r 4,933.0 4,962.1 5,015.1 5,023.8 5,028.4 5,013.5 5,020.3 5,023.1
34 Commercial and industrial 794.0 842.8r 845.5r 851.6r 860.3 868.6 874.7 886.4 883.4 880.5 885.5 888.7
35 Real estate 2,553.2 2,765.8 2,811.0 2,833.8r 2,854.3 2,875.3 2,892.1 2,907.1 2,899.4 2,910.9 2,902.6 2,906.5
36 Revolving home equity 405.4 438.7 440.9 440.6 438.0 436.8 435.0 432.6 431.9 432.3 433.0 433.1
37 Other 2,147.7 2,327.1 2,370.1 2,393.2 2,416.4 2,438.5 2,457.2 2,474.5 2,467.5 2,478.6 2,469.6 2,473.4
38 Other residential 1,075.0r 1,162.1r 1,189.7r 1,193.8r 1,201.6 1,213.3 1,218.2 1,221.3 1,222.2 1,229.4 1,215.6 1,216.9
39 Commercial 1,072.7r 1,165.0r 1,180.4r 1,199.4r 1,214.8 1,225.2 1,238.9 1,253.1 1,245.2 1,249.2 1,253.9 1,256.5
40 Consumer 716.2 703.0 713.8 721.4 711.4 713.9 716.4 721.6 719.9 718.1 725.4 725.0
41 Credit cards and related plans 319.3 308.0 308.7 311.5 302.9 309.1 319.9 317.7 322.2 317.5 320.7 319.1
42 Other 396.8 395.0 405.1 409.9 408.4 404.7 396.6 403.9 397.7 400.6 404.7 405.9
43 Security4 98.0 103.9 104.5 109.9 108.0 110.4 126.7 111.4 120.2 107.0 111.7 112.5
44 Other loans and leases 379.8 373.1 379.6r 393.0r 399.0 394.0 405.0 397.3 405.5 397.0 395.2 390.5
45 Interbank loans 240.3 208.2 231.7 236.9 241.3 264.2 239.4 241.4 231.7 234.8 250.8 239.8
46 Cash assets5 271.6 262.4 253.4 268.3 264.9 264.2 278.4 275.8 321.2 256.4 294.6 256.0
47 Other assets6 628.3 646.7 654.4 661.8 669.4 669.6 671.8 691.4 686.6 684.8 681.2 692.5
48 Total assets7 7,298.0 7,570.8 7,659.3 7,735.3r 7,752.1 7,799.5 7,835.6 7,882.8 7,899.4 7,824.4 7,901.9 7,868.3
49 Deposits 4,797.2 4,991.0 5,020.4 5,057.6 5,076.5 5,130.6 5,162.6 5,153.4 5,249.6 5,164.5 5,175.3 5,069.7
50 Transaction 664.3 647.6 655.6 652.3 641.9 662.4 683.6 657.0 671.1 608.7 674.9 678.1
51 Nontransaction 4,132.8 4,343.4 4,364.8 4,405.3 4,434.5 4,468.2 4,479.1 4,496.4 4,578.5 4,555.8 4,500.4 4,391.6
52 Large time 691.5 768.4 773.8 791.2r 807.6 820.6 832.2 847.9 846.7 850.4 842.8 842.9
53 Other 3,441.3 3,575.0 3,591.0 3,614.1r 3,626.9 3,647.6 3,646.9 3,648.5 3,731.8 3,705.4 3,657.6 3,548.7
54 Borrowings 1,202.8 1,260.5 1,284.7 1,310.0r 1,293.2 1,287.1 1,283.9 1,300.5 1,246.9 1,253.4 1,310.4 1,334.3
55 From banks in the U.S. 317.9 299.4 300.9 307.8 300.5 307.4 299.7 312.2 295.9 297.8 313.9 327.8
56 From others 884.8 961.1 983.8 1,002.2 992.8 979.7 984.2 988.3 950.9 955.6 996.5 1,006.4
57 Net due to related foreign offices 258.0 241.2 257.8 254.5 275.7 266.1 271.0 287.9 288.6 287.4 288.0 303.9
58 Other liabilities 390.7 382.3 389.2 400.3 390.4 395.3 392.8 394.1 390.0 388.6 390.6 397.8
59 Total liabilities 6,648.6 6,875.0 6,952.0 7,022.3 7,035.8 7,079.1 7,110.3 7,135.9 7,175.0 7,094.0 7,164.3 7,105.6
60 Residual (assets less liabilities)8 649.3 695.8 707.3 713.0 716.3 720.4 725.2 746.9 724.4 730.4 737.6 762.7

Notes. Tables 1.26, 1.27, and 1.28 have been revised to reflect changes in the Board's H.8 statistical release, "Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States." Table 1.27, "Assets and Liabilities of Large Weekly Reporting Commercial Banks," and table 1.28, "Large Weekly Reporting U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks," are no longer being published in the Statistical Supplement. Instead, abbreviated balance sheets for both large and small domestically chartered banks have been included in table 1.26, parts C and D. Data are both merger-adjusted and break-adjusted. In addition, data from large weekly reporting U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks have been replaced by balance sheet estimates of all foreign-related institutions and are included in table 1.26, part E. These data are break adjusted.

1. Covers the following types of institutions in the fifty states and the District of Columbia: domestically chartered commercial banks that submit a weekly report of condition (large domestic); other domestically chartered commercial banks (small domestic); branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act and Agreement corporations (foreign-related institutions). Excludes international banking facilities. Data are Wednesday values or pro rata averages of Wednesday values. Large domestic banks constitute a universe; data for small domestic banks and foreign-related institutions are estimates based on weekly samples and on quarter-end condition reports. Data are adjusted for breaks caused by reclassifications of assets and liabilities.
   The data are adjusted to remove the estimated effects of mergers between these two groups. The adjustment for mergers changes past levels to make them comparable with current levels. Estimated quantities of balance sheet items acquired in mergers are removed from past data for the bank group that contained the acquired bank and put into past data for the group containing the acquiring bank. Balance sheet data for acquired banks are obtained from Call Reports, and a ratio procedure is used to adjust past levels.   Return to table

2. Treasury securities are liabilities of the U.S. Treasury. Agency securities are liabilities of U.S. government agencies and U.S. government-sponsored enterprises.   Return to table

3. Excludes federal funds sold to, reverse RPs with, and loans made to commercial banks in the United States, all of which are included in "Interbank loans."   Return to table

4. Consists of reverse RPs with brokers and dealers and loans to purchase and carry securities.   Return to table

5. Includes vault cash, cash items in process of collection, balances due from depository institutions, and balances due from Federal Reserve Banks.   Return to table

6. Excludes the due-from position with related foreign offices, which is included in "Net due to related foreign offices."   Return to table

7. Excludes unearned income, reserves for losses on loans and leases, and reserves for transfer risk. Loans are reported gross of these items.   Return to table

8. This balancing item is not intended as a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis. On a seasonally adjusted basis, this item reflects any differences in the seasonal patterns estimated for total assets and total liabilities.   Return to table

9. Fair value of derivative contracts (interest rate, foreign exchange rate, other commodity and equity contracts) in a gain/loss position, as determined under FASB Interpretation No. 39. The fair market value of derivative contracts in a gain position is included in "Other securities, trading account." The fair value of derivative contracts in a loss position is included in "Other liabilities."   Return to table

10. Includes mortgage-backed securities issued by U.S. government agencies, U.S. government-sponsored enterprises, and private entities.   Return to table

11. Difference between fair value and historical cost for securities classified as available-for-sale under FASB Statement No. 115. Data are reported net of tax effects. Data shown are restated to include an estimate of these tax effects.   Return to table

12. Total amount outstanding.   Return to table

Statistical Supplement | February 2006 | Tips for printing wide tables | Symbols and Abbreviations

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