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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

1.45  New Security Issues, State and Local Governments
Millions of dollars
Type of issue or issuer, or use 2002 2003 2004 2005
Apr Mayr Juner July Augr Septr Octr Nov
1 All issues, new and refunding1 363,888 384,311 357,875 31,148r 35,998 44,313 34,729r 33,923 32,460 27,600 39,085
  By type of issue  
2 General obligation 145,323 144,056 130,471r 13,076 13,683 16,805 10,584 11,103 12,541 5,847 10,289
3 Revenue 214,788 238,204 227,404r 18,072r 22,315 27,508 24,145r 22,819 19,919 21,753 28,796
  By type of issuer  
4 State 33,931 49,795 47,365 2,664 1,942 3,258 1,735 1,837 4,734 790 2,925
5 Special district or statutory authority2 259,070 253,536 234,237 20,495 25,226 32,904 27,057r 23,863 21,150 22,067 30,484
6 Municipality, county, or township 67,121 78,962 76,273 7,989r 8,830 8,151 5,937 8,223 6,576 4,744 5,675
7 Issues for new capital 242,882 264,697 228,357r 15,909r 17,983 25,309 17,367r 20,006 16,893 17,697 24,392
  By use of proceeds  
8 Education 57,894 70,394 65,426r 5,172 4,566 8,551 8,730r 5,590 3,925 4,922 7,228
9 Transportation 22,093 23,809 20,546 1,266 1,177 3,965 985 4,345 2,205 2,179 1,952
10 Utilities and conservation 33,404 10,251 9,242 612 805 721 413r 1,448 1,474 1,015 790
11 Social welfare n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
12 Industrial aid 7,227 22,339 19,050 2,103 1,719 1,483 1,307 901 1,374 2,132 1,713
13 Other purposes 73,033 97,736 80,438r 3,892 5,985 6,287 3,880 5,257 5,504 3,338 9,514

1. Par amounts of long-term issues based on date of sale.   Return to table

2. Includes school districts.   Return to table

Source. Securities Data Company beginning January 1990; Investment Dealer's Digest before then.

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Last update: March 2, 2006