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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

1.51  Domestic Finance Companies, Assets and Liabilities1
Billions of dollars, end of period; not seasonally adjusted
Account 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3r
1 Accounts receivable, gross2 951.2 1,022.2 1,145.0 1,056.2 1,075.4 1,097.2 1,145.0 1,141.6 1,153.6 1,171.0
2 Consumer 321.4 365.8 430.4 374.4 390.1 416.4 430.4 425.7 423.8 431.9
3 Business 455.3 457.4 471.7 475.6 471.3 456.3 471.7 469.2 478.1 474.6
4 Real estate 174.5 198.9 242.9 206.2 213.9 224.5 242.9 246.7 251.7 264.6
5 Less:  Reserves for unearned income 57.0 50.8 46.3 49.6 47.3 46.5 46.3 45.4 44.8 37.9
6 Less:  Reserves for losses 23.8 24.6 24.8 24.1 24.0 24.1 24.8 23.4 23.1 24.2
7 Accounts receivable, net 870.3 946.8 1,073.9 982.5 1,004.1 1,026.5 1,073.9 1,072.9 1,085.7 1,109.0
8 All other 586.4 753.9 765.4 750.4 732.2 746.8 765.4 747.9 764.4 659.8
9 Total assets 1,456.8 1,700.8 1,839.3 1,732.9 1,736.4 1,773.3 1,839.3 1,820.9 1,850.0 1,768.7
Liabilities and Capital  
10 Bank loans 48.0 56.2 65.2 59.8 52.6 64.1 65.2 63.1 60.0 70.5
11 Commercial paper 141.5 136.3 163.9 138.6 141.4 154.3 163.9 149.2 136.2 132.8
12 Owed to parent 88.2 99.9 118.2 104.9 108.1 112.7 118.2 114.7 116.8 122.9
13 Not elsewhere classified 631.9 747.1 828.3 760.6 769.1 776.7 828.3 855.5 872.1 778.1
14 All other liabilities 339.8 424.7 415.3 435.6 426.6 422.6 415.3 388.0 398.6 431.0
15 Capital, surplus, and undivided profits 207.3 236.6 248.3 233.4 238.5 242.9 248.3 250.5 266.3 233.5
16 Total liabilities and capital 1,456.8 1,700.8 1,839.3 1,732.9 1,736.4 1,773.3 1,839.3 1,820.9 1,850.0 1,768.7

Note. Some of the data presented in the table is available in the Board's monthly G.20 (422) statistical release.

1. Includes finance company subsidiaries of bank holding companies but not of retailers and banks. Data are amounts carried on the balance sheets of finance companies; securitized pools are not shown, as they are not on the books.   Return to table

2. Before deduction for unearned income and losses. Excludes pools of securitized assets.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006