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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.16  Liabilities to, and Claims on, Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1 Payable in Foreign Currencies
Millions of dollars, end of period
Item 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Dec Mar June Sept
1 Banks' own liabilities 79,363 80,543 63,119 98,349 91,509 102,989 108,305
2 Deposits n.a. n.a. 36,674 52,410 51,305 55,982 60,840
3 Other liabilities n.a. n.a. 26,445 45,939 40,204 47,007 47,465
4 Banks' own claims 74,640 71,724 81,669 129,544 110,063 109,277 102,541
5 Deposits 44,094 34,287 38,102 51,029 47,433 47,053 43,649
6 Other claims 30,546 37,437 43,567 78,515 62,630 62,224 58,892
7 Claims of banks' domestic customers2 17,631 35,923 21,365 32,056 41,261 45,207 45,076
8 Deposits n.a. n.a. 5,064 8,519 21,014 21,686 21,574
9 Other claims n.a. n.a. 16,301 23,537 20,247 23,521 23,502

1. Data on claims exclude foreign currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities.   Return to table

2. Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the accounts of the domestic customers.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006