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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.17  Liabilities to Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1 Payable in U.S. dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Item 2003 2004 2005 2005
June July Aug Septr Octr Novr Decp
By Holder and Type of Liability  
1 Total, all foreigners 2,315,606 2,911,516 3,065,456 2,960,651 2,964,669 3,005,701 3,016,701 3,007,550 3,087,240 3,065,456
2 Banks' own liabilities 1,677,193 2,082,981 2,285,326 2,152,354 2,178,789 2,236,964 2,252,429 2,227,495 2,305,839 2,285,326
  By type of liability  
3 Deposits2 852,803 955,072 1,046,012 990,369 975,141 1,027,517 1,044,949 986,816 1,048,831 1,046,012
4 Other 824,390 1,127,909 1,239,314 1,161,985 1,203,648 1,209,447 1,207,480 1,240,679 1,257,008 1,239,314
5 Of which: repurchase agreements3 460,191 665,127 700,881 674,633 677,002 690,063 719,088 729,065 726,434 700,881
6 Banks' custody liabilities4 638,413 828,535 780,130 808,297 785,880 768,737 764,272 780,055 781,401 780,130
  By type of liability  
7 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 258,797 318,783 259,575 277,613 270,784 271,491 252,174 258,264 275,506 259,575
8 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 202,774 315,169 320,554 321,674 310,864 298,768 302,589 313,245 311,314 320,554
9 Of which: negotiable time certificates of deposit held in custody for foreigners 34,394 48,260 53,509 55,494 51,887 50,732 51,299 55,929 54,340 53,509
10 Of which: short-term agency securities7 83,633 152,789 136,721 144,067 132,475 126,541 132,250 125,064 122,035 136,721
11 Other 176,842 194,583 200,001 209,010 204,232 198,478 209,509 208,546 194,581 200,001
12 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations8 14,149 15,654 17,631 16,638 16,212 16,454 17,894 18,721 17,103 17,631
13 Banks' own liabilities 12,577 10,363 12,450 10,729 10,640 10,540 11,593 13,455 11,179 12,450
14 Deposits2 6,134 6,098 4,865 5,359 5,020 5,781 5,615 5,888 3,730 4,865
15 Other 6,443 4,265 7,585 5,370 5,620 4,759 5,978 7,567 7,449 7,585
16 Banks' custody liabilities4 1,572 5,291 5,181 5,909 5,572 5,914 6,301 5,266 5,924 5,181
17 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 110 1,879 1,085 2,247 2,122 2,131 2,097 939 1,026 1,085
18 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 1,462 3,412 4,096 3,571 3,448 3,779 4,197 4,325 4,896 4,096
19 Other 0 0 0 91 2 4 7 2 2 0
20 Official institutions9 401,856 515,586 496,520 493,629 490,257 490,944 484,949 488,796 500,663 496,520
21 Banks' own liabilities 117,737 145,516 168,994 162,252 169,936 171,533 169,576 175,429 176,339 168,994
22 Deposits2 24,208 26,613 45,276 39,098 38,951 40,882 39,338 40,730 44,587 45,276
23 Other 93,529 118,903 123,718 123,154 130,985 130,651 130,238 134,699 131,752 123,718
24 Banks' custody liabilities4 284,119 370,070 327,526 331,377 320,321 319,411 315,373 313,367 324,324 327,526
25 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 212,032 245,199 201,863 204,897 203,174 205,404 195,367 199,801 214,852 201,863
26 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 69,638 123,165 124,538 121,942 116,789 113,466 119,019 111,871 108,590 124,538
27 Other 2,449 1,706 1,125 4,538 358 541 987 1,695 882 1,125
28 Banks10 1,380,639 1,574,793 1,788,736 1,676,828 1,666,535 1,717,782 1,725,142 1,704,175 1,787,623 1,788,736
29 Banks' own liabilities 1,163,309 1,354,437 1,565,574 1,440,173 1,436,112 1,493,314 1,499,359 1,472,597 1,569,816 1,565,574
30 Deposits2 706,536 773,703 840,742 791,523 773,784 827,029 838,244 783,632 845,118 840,742
31 Other 456,773 580,734 724,832 648,650 662,328 666,285 661,115 688,965 724,698 724,832
32 Banks' custody liabilities4 217,330 220,356 223,162 236,655 230,423 224,468 225,783 231,578 217,807 223,162
33 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 18,267 26,978 23,723 33,704 28,491 29,867 23,331 24,700 22,360 23,723
34 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 49,311 52,400 48,756 47,176 47,678 43,290 40,696 47,789 48,939 48,756
35 Other 149,752 140,978 150,683 155,775 154,254 151,311 161,756 159,089 146,508 150,683
36 Other foreigners11 518,962 805,483 762,569 773,556 791,665 780,521 788,716 795,858 781,851 762,569
37 Banks' own liabilities 383,570 572,665 538,308 539,200 562,101 561,577 571,901 566,014 548,505 538,308
38 Deposits2 115,925 148,658 155,129 154,389 157,386 153,825 161,752 156,566 155,396 155,129
39 Other 267,645 424,007 383,179 384,811 404,715 407,752 410,149 409,448 393,109 383,179
40 Banks' custodial liabilities 135,392 232,818 224,261 234,356 229,564 218,944 216,815 229,844 233,346 224,261
41 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 28,388 44,727 32,904 36,765 36,997 34,089 31,379 32,824 37,268 32,904
42 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 82,363 136,192 143,164 148,985 142,949 138,233 138,677 149,260 148,889 143,164
43 Other 24,641 51,899 48,193 48,606 49,618 46,622 46,759 47,760 47,189 48,193
44 Own foreign offices12 1,125,352 1,349,777 1,557,176 1,423,818 1,429,151 1,481,935 1,509,917 1,459,021 1,537,183 1,557,176

1. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as some banks/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Excludes bonds and notes of maturities longer than one year. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include liabilities of brokers and dealers to affiliated foreign offices.   Return to table

2. Non-negotiable deposits and brokerage balances.   Return to table

3. Data available beginning January 2001.   Return to table

4. Financial claims on residents of the United States, other than long-term securities, held by or through reporting banks for foreign customers. Effective February 2003, also includes loans to U.S. residents in managed foreign offices of U.S. reporting institutions.   Return to table

5. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries.   Return to table

6. Principally bankers acceptances, commercial paper, negotiable time certificates of deposit, and short-term agency securities.   Return to table

7. Data available beginning January 2001.   Return to table

8. Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. Excludes "holdings of dollars" of the International Monetary Fund.   Return to table

9. Foreign central banks, foreign central governments, and the Bank for International Settlements.   Return to table

10. Excludes central banks, which are included in "Official institutions." Includes positions with affiliated banking offices also included in memo line (44) above.   Return to table

11. As of February 2003, includes positions with affiliated non-banking offices also included in memo line (44) above.   Return to table

12. For U.S. banks, includes amounts owed to own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in the quarterly Consolidated Reports of Condition filed with bank regulatory agencies. For agencies, branches, and majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks, consists principally of amounts owed to the head office or parent foreign office, and to foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of the head office or parent foreign bank. Effective February 2003, includes amounts owed to affiliated foreign offices of U.S. brokers and dealers.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006