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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.17  Liabilities to Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1--Continued Payable in U.S. dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Item 2003 2004 2005 2005
June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Decp
Area or Country  
45 Total, all foreigners 2,315,606 2,911,516 3,065,456 2,960,651 2,964,669 3,005,701 3,016,701r 3,007,550r 3,087,240r 3,065,456
46 Foreign countries 2,301,457 2,895,862 3,047,825 2,944,013 2,948,457 2,989,247 2,998,807r 2,988,829r 3,070,137r 3,047,825
47 Europe 781,550 1,050,895 1,213,887 1,128,681 1,129,775 1,198,691 1,183,763r 1,173,282r 1,245,750r 1,213,887
48 Austria 4,826 4,355 3,593 4,060 4,473 4,174 4,095 5,243 4,141 3,593
49 Belgium13 9,359 13,512 16,043 15,811 16,304 15,302 17,892 19,069 18,862 16,043
50 Denmark 3,631 3,147 1,537 1,877 5,709 2,010 2,364 1,765 2,413 1,537
51 Finland 1,783 1,088 3,612 1,916 2,398 1,941 747 972 1,367 3,612
52 France 40,719 81,852 71,331 79,596 85,014 90,213 77,750 87,625 88,155 71,331
53 Germany 46,806 54,822 56,905 56,266 59,308 64,879 64,650 61,615 60,068 56,905
54 Greece 1,264 1,178 1,234 1,424 1,063 1,528 1,113 1,375 1,237 1,234
55 Italy 6,215 7,198 7,094 7,987 7,741 8,470 5,589 6,814r 9,883r 7,094
56 Luxembourg13 35,855 50,305 55,562 57,962 56,346 56,670 58,600 59,764 64,476 55,562
57 Netherlands 15,857 18,170 14,606 17,513 20,512 17,749 18,729 18,727 22,233 14,606
58 Norway 22,429 32,742 25,981 20,740 21,084 22,033 31,499 24,911 20,338 25,981
59 Portugal 952 1,545 2,717 2,093 2,345 2,964 2,680 3,747 2,860 2,717
60 Russia 41,673 70,186 101,335 85,023 85,164 83,616 86,022 88,986 90,716 101,335
61 Spain 9,902 8,410 9,487 13,018 12,479 11,962 9,361 10,850 11,200 9,487
62 Sweden 7,082 6,118 4,771 5,888 4,086 4,909 3,078 3,959 4,671 4,771
63 Switzerland 110,626 99,224 139,151 106,162 100,695 159,069 146,994r 95,612r 149,383r 139,151
64 Turkey 13,748 5,188 9,895 6,787 7,998 6,601 5,735 6,946 10,214 9,895
65 United Kingdom 332,528 470,304 558,266 522,234 515,141 528,245 531,232r 553,378r 559,532r 558,266
66 Channel Islands and Isle of Man14 20,802 21,262 29,569 26,093 23,635 25,886 27,614 27,230 29,568 29,569
67 Yugoslavia15 162 110 119 103 104 111 102 100 111 119
68 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.16 55,331 100,179 101,079 96,128 98,176 90,359 87,917 94,594r 94,322r 101,079
69 Canada 35,590 34,248 33,190 33,086 37,301 40,679 38,428 38,436 37,331 33,190
70 Latin America 110,566 135,970 133,238 133,664 128,109 131,770 125,684r 131,863r 144,972r 133,238
71 Argentina 9,758 10,817 9,600 9,660 9,986 9,565 9,320 9,568 9,981 9,600
72 Brazil 16,283 15,186 11,968 17,807 15,139 16,126 12,860 13,754 17,594 11,968
73 Chile 4,438 7,299 8,896 7,276 6,878 7,312 6,987 6,733 7,467r 8,896
74 Colombia 4,235 6,286 6,429 5,575 6,029 6,048 6,122 7,025 6,700 6,429
75 Ecuador 2,567 2,687 3,357 2,499 2,927 2,541 2,832 2,956 3,024 3,357
76 Guatemala 1,547 1,530 1,643 2,044 1,959 1,848 1,638 1,642 1,632 1,643
77 Mexico 35,389 50,575 42,585 42,658 38,051 41,718 40,084r 41,838r 49,333r 42,585
78 Panama 4,093 4,513 5,260 4,761 4,770 4,401 4,552 4,769 4,969 5,260
79 Peru 1,401 1,971 3,063 3,336 3,469 3,679 3,183 3,135 2,613 3,063
80 Uruguay 3,670 4,150 4,669 4,932 4,880 4,991 4,987 4,853 4,979 4,669
81 Venezuela 21,222 24,573 27,216 25,396 26,428 25,913 25,395 27,608 28,232 27,216
82 Other Latin America17 5,963 6,383 8,552 7,720 7,593 7,628 7,724 7,982 8,448 8,552
83 Caribbean 969,986 1,212,209 1,217,583 1,207,145 1,214,314 1,177,489 1,212,552r 1,210,080r 1,202,987r 1,217,583
84 Bahamas 153,554 186,097 212,764 201,828 189,942 185,055 192,200 195,531 203,620 212,764
85 Bermuda 38,964 92,577 52,166 60,953 63,797 64,973 63,693 63,375 54,021 52,166
86 Cayman Islands18 739,204 884,980 910,676 905,856 919,117 886,603 917,275r 911,531r 905,421r 910,676
87 Cuba 96 110 120 113 115 115 116 116 118 120
88 Jamaica 669 829 917 790 1,230 707 981 829 784 917
89 Netherlands Antilles 8,689 5,863 5,733 4,846 5,736 5,936 4,939 5,232 4,693 5,733
90 Trinidad and Tobago 1,253 1,624 2,830 2,017 2,415 2,381 2,901 2,541 2,442 2,830
91 Other Caribbean17 27,557 40,129 32,377 30,742 31,962 31,719 30,447r 30,925r 31,888r 32,377
92 Asia 373,024 420,635 408,249 393,279 390,239 396,191 400,309 397,267 396,815 408,249
93 Mainland 13,236 52,767 46,458 59,318 51,335 52,203 57,494 50,030 42,495 46,458
94 Taiwan 26,808 26,496 23,277 22,089 19,938 21,918 19,982 20,719 20,484 23,277
95 Hong Kong 49,557 42,788 34,400 42,190 43,365 42,472 37,027 38,004 36,001 34,400
96 India 14,534 11,154 13,737 12,963 14,176 12,717 11,561 11,162 12,083 13,737
97 Indonesia 14,373 5,903 4,306 2,444 2,635 2,296 2,805 3,226 3,521 4,306
98 Israel 12,223 11,214 9,789 7,354 8,104 7,237 6,675 6,484 5,964 9,789
99 Japan 162,003 167,008 155,515 148,919 150,864 150,267 154,041 152,935 152,194 155,515
100 Korea (South) 12,647 12,421 27,091 15,574 17,011 19,397 20,581 21,111 26,108 27,091
101 Philippines 1,683 2,949 3,770 2,669 2,594 2,602 2,592 3,167 3,000 3,770
102 Thailand 7,226 11,355 9,973 10,320 9,676 9,246 10,397 12,289 11,032 9,973
103 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries19 23,626 38,257 49,545 39,149 40,960 44,001 46,853 49,516 52,900 49,545
104 Other 35,108 38,323 30,388 30,290 29,581 31,835 30,301 28,624 31,033 30,388
105 Africa 13,828 14,580 20,217 18,229 16,470 15,646 15,577 15,291 17,753 20,217
106 Egypt 2,336 2,711 4,980 3,497 3,653 3,383 2,437 2,261 3,316 4,980
107 Morocco 376 156 138 133 129 131 166 151 105 138
108 South Africa 3,715 3,284 3,048 3,483 3,002 3,229 3,763 3,820 3,386 3,048
109 Congo (formerly Zaire) 18 4 7 6 8 5 4 5 12 7
110 Oil-exporting countries20 3,498 4,326 6,905 7,119 5,259 4,587 5,192 4,665 6,134 6,905
111 Other 3,885 4,099 5,139 3,991 4,419 4,311 4,015 4,389 4,800 5,139
112 Other countries 16,913 27,325 21,461 29,929 32,249 28,781 22,494r 22,610r 24,529r 21,461
113 Australia 14,020 23,391 17,767 26,969 27,865 25,092 18,931 18,818 19,576 17,767
114 New Zealand21 2,465 3,429 3,122 2,485 3,690 2,898 2,820 3,051 4,113 3,122
115 All other 428 505 572 475 694 791 743r 741r 840r 572
116 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 14,149 15,654 17,631 16,638 16,212 16,454 17,894r 18,721r 17,103r 17,631
117 International22 10,500 11,542 12,828 13,066 12,535 12,537 13,429r 14,157r 12,701r 12,828
118 Latin American regional23 420 1,993 2,036 1,749 1,965 2,257 3,004 3,181 2,515 2,036
119 Other regional24 3,166 2,006 2,673 1,787 1,650 1,601 1,391 1,302 1,785 2,673

13. Before January 2001, data for Belgium-Luxembourg were combined.   Return to table

14. Before January 2001, these data were included in data reported for the United Kingdom.   Return to table

15. In February 2003, Yugoslavia changed its name to Serbia and Montenegro. Data for other entities of the former Yugoslavia recognized as independent states by the United States are reported under "Other Europe."   Return to table

16. Includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.   Return to table

17. Before January 2001, data for "Other Latin America" and "Other Caribbean" were combined in "Other Latin America and Caribbean."   Return to table

18. Beginning January 2001, data for the Cayman Islands replaced data for the British West Indies.   Return to table

19. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

20. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

21. Before January 2001, these data were included in "All other."   Return to table

22. Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Excludes "holdings of dollars" of the International Monetary Fund.   Return to table

23. Principally the Inter-American Development Bank.   Return to table

24. Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and European regional organizations, except the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Europe."   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006