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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.19  Banks' Own and Domestic Customers' Claims on Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1 Payable in U.S. dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of claim 2003 2004 2005 2005
June July Aug Sept Octr Novr Decp
1 Total claims reported by banks 1,603,404 2,026,841 ... 2,179,354 ... ... 2,288,755 ... ... ...
2 Banks' own claims on foreigners 1,322,363 1,664,223 1,831,282 1,787,969 1,790,725 1,862,906 1,862,561 1,811,942 1,893,705 1,831,282
3 Foreign official institutions2 57,897 77,868 78,281 88,081 95,688 89,307 88,613 95,466 88,216 78,281
4 Foreign banks3 980,099 1,187,954 1,383,929 1,295,801 1,308,642 1,364,765 1,375,163 1,298,118 1,396,696 1,383,929
5 Other foreigners4 284,367 398,401 369,072 404,087 386,395 408,834 398,785 418,358 408,793 369,072
6 Claims on banks' domestic customers5 281,041 362,618 ... 391,385 ... ... 426,194 ... ... ...
7 Non-negotiable deposits 135,939 152,520 ... 157,192 ... ... 170,254 ... ... ...
8 Negotiable CDs 72,196 107,533 ... 102,750 ... ... 109,231 ... ... ...
9 Other short-term negotiable instruments6 63,107 88,423 ... 115,684 ... ... 128,870 ... ... ...
10 Other claims 9,799 14,142 ... 15,759 ... ... 17,839 ... ... ...
11 Non-negotiable deposits7 500,085 668,255 741,612 737,294 738,944 731,828 722,172 716,197 737,950 741,612
12 Negotiable CDs7 376 3,970 2,804 4,668 4,044 3,260 3,971 4,723 4,019 2,804
13 Other short-term negotiable instruments7 5,328 3,888 6,765 7,227 9,699 11,278 9,012 11,530 11,637 6,765
14 Other claims7 816,574 988,110 1,080,101 1,038,780 1,038,038 1,116,540 1,127,406 1,079,492 1,140,099 1,080,101
15 Own foreign offices8 934,166 1,097,873 1,282,234 1,201,764 1,199,940 1,249,724 1,283,649 1,199,760 1,286,411 1,282,234
16 Loans collateralized by repurchase agreements9 344,753 479,422 470,523 527,196 527,403 545,571 527,668 550,242 533,490 470,523

1. For banks' claims, data are monthly; for claims of banks' domestic customers, data are for the quarter ending with the month indicated.
   Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as banks/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include claims of brokers and dealers on affiliated foreign offices and cross-border balances.   Return to table

2. Prior to February 2003, reflects claims on all foreign public borrowers.   Return to table

3. Includes positions with affiliated banking offices also included in memo line (15) above.   Return to table

4. As of February 2003, includes positions with affiliated non-banking offices also included in memo line (15) above.   Return to table

5. Assets held by reporting banks in the accounts of their domestic customers. Effective March 2003, includes balances in off-shore sweep accounts.   Return to table

6. Primarily bankers acceptances and commercial paper. Prior to February 2003, also includes negotiable certificates of deposit.   Return to table

7. Data available beginning February 2003.   Return to table

8. For U.S. banks, includes amounts due from own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in quarterly Consolidated Reports of Condition filed with bank regulatory agencies. For agencies, branches, and minority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks, consists principally of amounts due from the head office or parent foreign bank, and from foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of the head office or parent foreign bank. Effective February 2003, includes amounts due from affiliated foreign offices of U.S. brokers and dealers.   Return to table

9. Data available beginning January 2001.   Return to table

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