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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.22  Liabilities to Foreigners, Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in
the United States--Continued
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of liability, and area or country 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
June Sept Dec Mar June Sept
38 Commercial liabilities 25,645 28,103 30,090 32,141 29,386 29,162 33,113 36,238 37,537
39 Trade payables 11,781 14,699 17,174 18,386 18,362 18,181 21,678 22,851 24,201
40 Advance payments and other liabilities 13,864 13,404 12,916 13,755 11,024 10,981 11,435 13,387 13,336
  By currency  
41 Payable in U.S. dollars 24,162 26,243 27,632 29,662 26,090 25,811 29,890 33,364 34,751
42 Payable in foreign currencies2 1,483 1,860 2,458 2,479 3,296 3,351 3,223 2,874 2,786
43 Canadian dollars n.a. n.a. 199 183 241 224 200 143 163
44 Euros n.a. n.a. 787 729 1,030 1,058 1,026 1,028 1,041
45 United Kingdom pounds sterling n.a. n.a. 606 593 600 704 634 585 397
46 Japanese yen n.a. n.a. 209 255 302 296 314 119 286
47 All other currencies n.a. n.a. 657 719 1,123 1,069 1,049 999 899
  By area or country  
  Commercial liabilities  
48 Europe 9,219 8,257 9,821 9,719 8,843 9,030 10,087 10,831 11,533
49 Belgium-Luxembourg 99 141 159 135 133 123 100 103 124
50 France 734 765 900 1,092 1,050 1,019 1,600 1,669 1,818
51 Germany 905 781 855 1,275 1,021 1,024 1,020 965 1,006
52 Netherlands 1,163 590 384 289 315 305 322 403 329
53 Switzerland 790 433 1,367 638 616 564 740 950 1,112
54 United Kingdom 2,279 2,649 3,025 3,035 3,127 3,407 3,576 3,243 3,589
55 Euro area3 5,141 4,200 4,198 4,549 3,831 3,731 4,414 5,077 5,290
56 Canada 1,622 1,588 2,166 2,533 1,995 2,145 2,143 2,185 2,848
57 Latin America and Caribbean 2,727 3,073 3,406 4,388 4,317 4,276 4,894 5,361 5,228
58 Bahamas 52 51 14 39 35 32 66 79 74
59 Bermuda 591 538 513 801 635 515 511 774 621
60 Brazil 290 253 233 167 98 113 97 127 143
61 British West Indies4 45 36 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
62 Cayman Islands n.a. n.a. 40 32 29 101 29 76 100
63 Mexico 899 1,170 1,298 1,755 1,925 1,942 2,154 2,210 1,921
64 Venezuela 166 177 329 481 477 433 640 522 738
65 Asia 10,517 13,382 13,311 13,484 12,707 12,239 14,470 16,371 16,623
66 Japan 2,581 4,292 4,370 4,755 4,288 4,221 5,324 5,673 5,892
67 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries5 2,639 3,979 3,148 2,311 3,312 2,910 3,900 4,271 3,914
68 Africa 836 827 782 1,082 956 947 935 1,010 851
69 Oil-exporting countries6 436 405 372 567 488 424 447 627 459
70 All other7 724 976 604 935 568 525 584 480 454
71 Financial liabilities to foreign affiliates8 n.a. n.a. 9,540 14,715 16,676 16,330 23,230 25,998 27,975

1. Data available beginning March 2003.   Return to table

2. Foreign currency detail available beginning March 2003.   Return to table

3. Comprises Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. As of December 2001, also includes Greece.   Return to table

4. Beginning March 2003, data for the Cayman Islands replaced data for the British West Indies.   Return to table

5. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

6. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

7. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations.   Return to table

8. Data available beginning March 2003. Includes financial liabilities to foreign affiliates of insurance underwriting subsidiaries of bank/financial holding companies and other financial intermediaries. These data are included in lines 1-6 above.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006