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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.23  Claims on Foreigners, Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in
the United States
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of claim, and area or country 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
June Sept Dec Mar June Sept
1 Total 113,082 102,566 165,901 188,506 192,336 197,696 201,771 182,146 188,520
  By type  
2 Financial claims 81,287 71,389 132,332 154,096 160,552 164,981 168,943 148,995 156,877
3 Non-negotiable deposits 29,801 27,064 35,920 42,974 50,314 47,883 52,316 48,975 51,353
4 Negotiable securities 51,486 44,325 3,211 5,468 7,595 9,892 11,912 8,894 11,845
  Of which:  
5 Negotiable CDs1 n.a. n.a. 157 129 70 103 94 173 82
6 Other claims 51,486 n.a. 93,201 105,654 102,643 107,206 104,715 91,126 93,679
  Of which:  
7 Loans1 n.a. n.a. 69,208 66,849 64,968 59,683 64,386 57,548 56,381
8 Repurchase agreements1 n.a. n.a. 3,253 19,073 17,685 24,034 12,737 8,069 8,499
  By currency  
9 U.S. dollars 74,471 65,070 122,879 117,735 124,592 121,909 125,119 111,366 116,909
10 Foreign currency2 6,816 6,319 9,453 36,361 35,960 43,072 43,824 37,629 39,968
11 Canadian dollars n.a. n.a. 912 1,400 1,278 1,329 7,216 10,031 10,837
12 Euros n.a. n.a. 2,776 8,534 13,129 20,651 17,593 10,935 11,712
13 United Kingdom pounds sterling n.a. n.a. 3,242 13,992 9,618 9,219 7,687 7,714 8,853
14 Japanese yen n.a. n.a. 831 7,952 7,829 7,345 6,111 4,007 4,058
15 All other currencies n.a. n.a. 1,692 4,483 4,106 4,528 5,217 4,942 4,508
16 Financial claims on unaffiliated foreigners n.a. n.a. 67,347 92,499 101,867 110,517 115,412 101,634 111,939
  By area or country  
17 Europe 26,118 29,018 28,970 46,343 47,040 48,714 54,240 41,763 46,211
18 Belgium-Luxembourg 625 722 391 1,206 292 2,177 2,651 1,998 801
19 France 1,450 3,247 3,049 4,375 3,620 1,452 3,177 4,593 4,338
20 Germany 1,068 4,245 2,859 3,151 2,299 5,386 7,126 4,534 3,335
21 Netherlands 2,138 3,648 2,789 2,974 3,149 7,389 7,692 1,738 3,313
22 Switzerland 589 383 617 453 585 978 845 1,237 1,475
23 United Kingdom 16,510 10,663 11,438 23,575 26,641 23,982 25,828 18,016 23,119
24 Euro area3 8,626 17,281 15,067 17,830 14,965 22,053 25,235 18,609 18,074
25 Canada 6,193 5,013 5,311 4,533 5,825 6,412 11,361 11,905 14,290
26 Latin America and Caribbean 41,201 29,612 26,215 34,256 42,091 47,149 39,893 38,945 41,643
27 Bahamas 976 1,038 1,049 801 1,346 1,576 1,899 3,436 3,802
28 Bermuda 918 724 564 1,410 1,063 4,708 2,128 1,316 1,113
29 Brazil 2,127 2,286 1,832 1,749 1,833 1,823 1,839 1,486 1,793
30 British West Indies4 32,965 21,528 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
31 Cayman Islands n.a. n.a. 20,015 27,613 35,188 36,160 31,162 30,448 31,768
32 Mexico 3,075 2,921 1,629 1,706 1,527 1,738 1,727 1,392 1,968
33 Venezuela 83 104 131 135 139 155 164 62 167
34 Asia 6,430 5,358 5,317 5,976 5,633 6,840 7,990 7,401 7,664
35 Japan 1,604 1,277 1,194 1,011 1,050 993 1,268 1,832 1,562
36 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries5 135 79 158 121 138 137 133 114 93
37 Africa 414 395 419 238 258 306 290 282 347
38 Oil-exporting countries6 49 25 12 8 3 8 16 23 55
39 All other7 931 1,993 1,115 1,153 1,020 1,096 1,638 1,338 1,784

1. Data available beginning March 2003.   Return to table

2. Foreign currency detail available beginning March 2003.   Return to table

3. Comprises Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. As of December 2001, also includes Greece.   Return to table

4. Beginning March 2003, data for the Cayman Islands replaced data for the British West Indies.   Return to table

5. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

6. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

7. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations.   Return to table

8. Data available beginning March 2003. Includes financial claims on foreign affiliates of insurance underwriting subsidiaries of bank/financial holding companies and other financial intermediaries. These data are included in lines 1-8 above.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006