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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.23  Claims on Foreigners, Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in
the United States--Continued
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of claim, and area or country 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
June Sept Dec Mar June Sept
40 Commercial claims 31,795 31,177 33,569 34,410 31,784 32,715 32,828 33,151 31,643
41 Trade receivables 27,513 26,385 28,618 29,884 27,346 29,229 28,311 29,055 28,052
42 Advance payments and other claims 4,282 4,792 4,951 4,526 4,438 3,486 4,517 4,096 3,591
  By currency  
43 Payable in U.S. dollars 29,393 26,481 25,494 27,380 27,908 27,439 28,075 28,826 27,934
44 Payable in foreign currencies2 2,402 4,696 8,075 7,030 3,876 5,276 4,753 4,325 3,709
45 Canadian dollars n.a. n.a. 1,557 649 446 512 499 407 372
46 Euros n.a. n.a. 1,542 1,196 1,026 1,561 1,530 1,442 1,227
47 United Kingdom pounds sterling n.a. n.a. 1,187 1,204 1,169 1,586 1,110 1,098 780
48 Japanese yen n.a. n.a. 589 598 191 238 239 153 206
49 All other currencies n.a. n.a. 3,200 3,383 1,044 1,379 1,375 1,225 1,124
  By area or country  
  Commercial claims  
50 Europe 14,022 14,187 14,552 13,531 13,000 13,457 13,765 13,390 12,530
51 Belgium-Luxembourg 268 269 247 235 298 257 366 402 396
52 France 2,921 3,164 2,816 2,603 2,582 2,261 2,867 2,233 2,023
53 Germany 1,658 1,202 1,273 1,509 1,331 1,401 1,477 1,484 1,439
54 Netherlands 529 1,490 395 345 396 494 490 461 339
55 Switzerland 611 503 1,921 1,257 1,218 1,528 1,477 1,406 1,426
56 United Kingdom 3,833 3,727 3,928 3,904 3,815 3,742 3,491 3,287 3,326
57 Euro area3 7,961 8,580 7,340 7,185 6,832 6,894 7,769 7,419 6,741
58 Canada 2,818 2,790 3,070 2,288 2,260 2,017 2,146 2,142 2,004
59 Latin America and Caribbean 4,859 4,346 5,153 5,628 6,141 6,477 6,510 6,310 6,524
60 Bahamas 42 31 26 25 58 55 41 29 27
61 Bermuda 369 287 460 690 766 650 591 581 498
62 Brazil 954 750 903 1,025 905 935 1,049 952 1,028
63 British West Indies4 95 19 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
64 Cayman Islands n.a. n.a. 52 66 124 160 75 143 294
65 Mexico 1,391 1,259 1,339 1,244 1,767 2,018 1,859 1,838 1,812
66 Venezuela 288 288 230 252 263 319 365 393 390
67 Asia 7,849 7,324 7,352 8,165 8,601 8,943 8,508 9,427 8,728
68 Japan 2,006 2,341 1,757 1,784 1,847 1,855 1,918 1,932 1,749
69 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries5 850 818 888 1,085 961 1,071 1,148 1,317 1,271
70 Africa 645 584 636 711 783 629 767 873 788
71 Oil-exporting countries6 88 95 138 224 209 154 205 226 234
72 All other7 1,602 1,946 2,806 4,087 999 1,192 1,132 1,009 1,069
73 Financial claims on foreign affiliates8 n.a. n.a. 64,985 61,597 58,685 54,464 53,531 47,361 44,938

1. Data available beginning March 2003.   Return to table

2. Foreign currency detail available beginning March 2003.   Return to table

3. Comprises Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. As of December 2001, also includes Greece.   Return to table

4. Beginning March 2003, data for the Cayman Islands replaced data for the British West Indies.   Return to table

5. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

6. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

7. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations.   Return to table

8. Data available beginning March 2003. Includes financial claims on foreign affiliates of insurance underwriting subsidiaries of bank/financial holding companies and other financial intermediaries. These data are included in lines 1-8 above.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006