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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

3.25  Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions1
Millions of dollars; net purchases, or sales (-), during period
Area or country 2004 2005 2005 2005
Jan - Dec June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Decp
1 Total estimated 352,079 350,825 350,825 16,537 28,304 28,184 21,813 29,859r 54,548r 18,280
2 Foreign countries 351,360 347,851 347,851 15,293 28,356 28,016 21,917 29,427r 54,477r 17,986
3 Europe 88,431 174,604 174,604 15,967 15,584 14,849 7,145 13,367r 38,182r 10,797
4 Belgium2 118 502 502 -51 84 186 77 -53 405 482
5 Germany 8,804 14,579 14,579 -540 1,122 -30 108 1,147 938 1,712
6 Luxembourg2 -575 1,668 1,668 -724 -256 591 587 -146 4 194
7 Netherlands -3,153 -6,387 -6,387 -321 872 -485 -476 340 -1,853 -1,075
8 Sweden 3,236 1,907 1,907 1,358 -443 310 246 -177 481 -869
9 Switzerland 5,342 -4,070 -4,070 -1,019 -2,164 744 -226 -16 -957 -379
10 United Kingdom 78,661 134,271 134,271 16,919 14,587 13,268 9,097 5,227r 34,024r 10,728
11 Channel Islands and Isle of Man3 1,175 702 702 -2,473 181 383 61 212 356 -171
12 Other Europe and former U.S.S.R. -5,177 31,432 31,432 2,818 1,601 -118 -2,329 6,833 4,784r 175
13 Canada 16,098 21,458 21,458 2,905 2,316 1,731 24 3,240 2,566r -114
14 Latin America and Caribbean 33,544 81,125 81,125 -11,285 67 5,881 4,387 9,129r 7,557r -1,466
15 Venezuela -15 540 540 32 76 101 35 95r 107r 142
16 Other Latin America and Caribbean 21,963 79,751 79,751 -11,290 1,619 5,173 4,063 9,135r 7,370r -2,617
17 Netherlands Antilles 11,596 834 834 -27 -1,628 607 289 -101 80 1,009
18 Asia 214,788 69,009 69,009 9,258 9,515 4,997 10,563 2,054r 5,714r 8,606
19 Japan 166,377 -4,047 -4,047 -5,656 237 1,682 3,081 -6,352 422 2,260
20 Africa 677 2,158 2,158 -635 162 523 143 804 373 106
21 Other -2,178 -503 -503 -917 712 35 -345 833 85 57
22 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 719 2,974 2,974 1,244 -52 168 -104 432 71 294
23 International 2 2,570 2,570 1,276 -13 72 -129 433 80 280
24 Latin American Caribbean regional -26 -8 -8 0 -35 0 40 10 -3 1
25 Foreign countries 351,360 347,851 347,851 15,293 28,356 28,016 21,917 29,427r 54,477r 17,986
26 Official institutions 201,140 61,243 61,243 16,666 3,616 3,223 -1,134 4,896 3,731 5,610
27 Other foreign 150,220 286,608 286,608 -1,373 24,740 24,793 23,051 24,531r 50,746r 12,376
  Oil-exporting countries  
28 Middle East4 9,041 1,920 1,920 -18 496 282 -268 1,241 743 1,548
29 Africa5 249 2,027 2,027 -712 99 589 180 994 438 23

1. Official and private transactions in marketable U.S. Treasury securities having an original maturity of more than one year. Data are based on monthly transactions reports. Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries.   Return to table

2. Before January 2001, combined data reported for Belgium and Luxembourg.   Return to table

3. Before January 2001, these data were included in the data reported for the United Kingdom.   Return to table

4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

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Last update: March 2, 2006