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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

4.30  Assets and Liabilities, of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks, September 30, 20051--Continued
Millions of dollars except as noted
Item All states2 New York California Illinois
Total including IBFs3 IBFs only3 Total including IBFs IBFs only Total including IBFs IBFs only Total including IBFs IBFs only
114 Federal funds purchased 70,279 19,522 53,067 12,493 1,177 299 4,012 961
115 With depository institutions in the U.S. 25,671 2,671 21,346 1,698 980 181 1,536 135
116 With others 44,608 16,852 31,721 10,795 197 118 2,476 826
117 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 161,503 3,972 159,575 3,972 281 0 22 0
118 With depository institutions in the U.S. 15,829 0 15,801 0 28 0 0 0
119 With others 145,675 3,972 143,774 3,972 253 0 22 0
120 Other borrowed money 196,673 19,823 170,050 18,388 1,250 1,101 22,772 53
121 Owed to nonrelated commercial banks in United States (including their IBFs) 19,467 3,807 18,886 3,544 363 255 151 0
122 Owed to U.S. offices of nonrelated U.S. banks 13,638 57 13,538 57 83 0 14 0
123 Owed to U.S. branches and agencies of nonrelated foreign banks 5,829 3,750 5,349 3,487 280 255 137 0
124 Owed to nonrelated banks in foreign countries 17,354 12,267 16,372 11,484 537 497 102 53
125 Owed to foreign branches of nonrelated U.S. banks 1,092 161 959 110 71 51 0 0
126 Owed to foreign offices of nonrelated foreign banks 16,263 12,106 15,412 11,374 466 446 102 53
127 Owed to others 159,852 3,749 134,792 3,360 350 349 22,519 0
128 All other liabilities 143,606 650 115,415 588 299 20 22,603 2
129 Branch or agency liability on acceptances executed and outstanding 765 n.a. 672 n.a. 31 n.a. 38 n.a.
130 Trading liabilities 115,923 38 92,077 38 17 0 21,636 0
131 Other liabilities to nonrelated parties 26,918 612 22,665 550 250 20 930 2
132 Net due to related depository institutions5 99,884 20,643 84,645 20,521 5,823 87 2,160 3
133 Net due to head office and other related depository institutions5 99,884 n.a. 84,645 n.a. 5,823 n.a. 2,160 n.a.
134 Net due to establishing entity, head office, and other related depository institutions5 n.a. 20,643 n.a. 20,521 n.a. 87 n.a. 3
135 Holdings of own acceptances included in commercial and industrial loans 369 n.a. 273 n.a. 10 n.a. 23 n.a.
136 Commercial and industrial loans with remaining maturity of one year or less (excluding those in nonaccrual status) 69,559 n.a. 47,555 n.a. 3,300 n.a. 14,701 n.a.
137 Predetermined interest rates 20,633 14,095 1,094 3,612 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
138 Floating interest rates 48,926 n.a. 33,461 n.a. 2,206 n.a. 11,089 n.a.
139 Commercial and industrial loans with remaining maturity of more than one year (excluding those in nonaccrual status) 97,382 n.a. 85,530 n.a. 3,037 n.a. 4,226 n.a.
140 Predetermined interest rates 11,064 n.a. 9,481 n.a. 282 n.a. 293 n.a.
141 Floating interest rates 86,318 n.a. 76,049 n.a. 2,755 n.a. 3,933 n.a.

1. Data are aggregates of categories reported on the quarterly form FFIEC 002, "Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks." The form was first used for reporting data as of June 30, 1980, and was revised as of December 31, 1985. From November 1972 through May 1980, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks had filed a monthly FR 886a report. Aggregate data from that report were available through the Federal Reserve monthly statistical release G.11, last issued on July 10, 1980. Data in this table and in the G.11 tables are not strictly comparable because of differences in reporting panels and in definitions of balance sheet items.   Return to table

2. Includes the District of Columbia.   Return to table

3. Effective December 1981, the Federal Reserve Board amended Regulations D and Q to permit banking offices located in the United States to operate international banking facilities (IBFs). Since December 31, 1985, data for IBFs have been reported in a separate column. These data are either included in or excluded from the total columns as indicated in the headings. The notation "n.a." indicates that no IBF data have been reported for that item, either because the item is not an eligible IBF asset or liability or because that level of detail is not reported for IBFs. From December 1981 through September 1985, IBF data were included in all applicable items reported.   Return to table

4. Total assets and total liabilities include net balances, if any, due from or owed to related banking institutions in the United States and in foreign countries (see note 5). On the former monthly branch and agency report, available through the G.11 monthly statistical release, gross balances were included in total assets and total liabilities. Therefore, total asset and total liability figures in this table are not comparable to those in the G.11 tables.   Return to table

5. Related depository institutions includes the foreign head office and other U.S. and foreign branches and agencies of a bank, a bank's parent holding company, and majority-owned banking subsidiaries of the bank and of its parent holding company (including subsidiaries owned both directly and indirectly).   Return to table

6. In some cases, two or more offices of a foreign bank within the same metropolitan area file a consolidated report.   Return to table

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