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Statistical Supplement | March 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, March 2006

1.18  Federal Reserve Banks, Condition and Federal Reserve Note Statements1
Millions of dollars
Account Wednesday End of month
2005 2005
Nov 30 Dec 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec 28 Oct Nov Dec
  Consolidated condition statement
1 Gold certificate account 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,039
2 Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
3 Coin 684 695 711 704 688 733 684 686
4 Securities, repurchase agreements, and loans 779,504 776,298 772,528 789,275 789,574 764,754 779,504 791,036
5 Securities held outright 744,168 744,179 744,189 744,200 744,210 740,595 744,168 744,215
6 U.S. Treasury2 744,168 744,179 744,189 744,200 744,210 740,595 744,168 744,215
7 Bills3 271,270 271,270 271,270 271,270 271,270 270,781 271,270 271,270
8 Notes and bonds, nominal3 449,595 449,595 449,595 449,595 449,595 446,792 449,595 449,595
9 Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed3 19,983 19,983 19,983 19,983 19,983 19,983 19,983 19,983
10 Inflation compensation4 3,319 3,330 3,341 3,351 3,362 3,038 3,319 3,366
11 Federal agency3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Repurchase agreements5 35,250 32,000 28,250 45,000 45,250 24,000 35,250 46,750
13 Loans 86 119 89 75 114 159 86 72
14 Items in process of collection 6,976 8,103 8,528 9,117 7,750 2,816 6,976 5,930
15 Bank premises 1,846 1,849 1,848 1,856 1,826 1,845 1,846 1,823
16 Other assets 35,505 35,768 36,810 36,842 37,339 38,064 35,505 37,496
17 Denominated in foreign currencies6 18,736 18,596 19,171 18,928 18,973 19,125 18,736 18,928
18 All other7 16,769 17,172 17,639 17,913 18,366 18,938 16,769 18,568
19 Total assets 837,752 835,951 833,661 851,030 850,414 821,448 837,752 850,211
20 Federal Reserve notes, net of F.R. Bank holdings 744,567 743,496 746,571 752,969 759,246 732,641 744,567 758,358
21 Reverse repurchase agreements8 30,055 27,792 26,575 26,762 30,372 26,180 30,055 30,505
22 Deposits 25,174 25,626 21,546 32,061 21,666 28,336 25,174 25,843
23 Depository institutions 20,204 20,188 16,228 26,405 17,062 22,221 20,204 19,043
24 U.S. Treasury, general account 4,634 5,076 4,990 5,290 4,243 5,712 4,634 4,573
25 Foreign official 82 81 84 86 85 88 82 83
26 Other 255 281 244 280 276 315 255 2,144
27 Deferred availability cash items 6,091 7,105 6,179 7,103 6,697 2,471 6,091 5,039
28 Other liabilities and accrued dividends9 4,231 4,335 4,381 4,354 4,419 4,062 4,231 4,014
29 Total liabilities 810,118 808,352 805,252 823,249 822,400 793,690 810,118 823,759
Capital Accounts  
30 Capital paid in 13,501 13,523 13,530 13,536 13,536 13,454 13,501 13,536
31 Surplus 11,630 11,630 11,630 11,629 11,630 11,630 11,630 12,916
32 Other capital accounts 2,503 2,446 3,250 2,617 2,849 2,675 2,503 0
33 Total capital 27,634 27,599 28,409 27,781 28,014 27,758 27,634 26,452
34 Marketable securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts3, 10 1,506,953 1,512,011 1,510,793 1,516,044 1,522,015 1,476,100 1,506,953 1,523,963
35 U.S. Treasury 1,101,226 1,105,026 1,102,760 1,100,624 1,100,594 1,084,172 1,101,226 1,095,984
36 Federal agency 405,727 406,985 408,033 415,420 421,421 391,928 405,727 427,979
37 Securities lent to dealers 5,052 3,377 2,115 2,717 1,490 3,386 5,052 3,776
  Federal Reserve notes and collateral statement
38 Federal Reserve notes outstanding 899,790 902,011 905,201 908,267 907,100 892,900 899,790 906,510
39 Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks not subject to collateralization 155,223 158,515 158,630 155,298 147,854 160,259 155,223 148,152
40 Federal Reserve notes to be collateralized 744,567 743,496 746,571 752,969 759,246 732,641 744,567 758,358
41 Collateral held against Federal Reserve notes 744,567 743,496 746,571 752,969 759,246 732,641 744,567 758,358
42 Gold certificate account 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,037 11,039
43 Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
44 U.S. Treasury and agency securities pledged11 731,330 730,259 733,334 739,732 746,009 719,404 731,330 745,119
45 Other assets pledged 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Total U.S. Treasury and agency securities11 779,418 776,179 772,439 789,200 789,460 764,595 779,418 790,965
47 Less: face value of securities under reverse repurchase agreements12 30,092 27,826 26,640 26,791 30,401 26,370 30,092 30,559
48 U.S. Treasury and agency securities eligible to be pledged 749,326 748,353 745,800 762,409 759,059 738,225 749,326 760,406

1. Some of the data in this table also appear in the Board's H.4.1 (503) weekly statistical release.   Return to table

2. Includes securities lent to dealers, which are fully collateralized by other U.S. Treasury securities.   Return to table

3. Face value of the securities.   Return to table

4. Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities.   Return to table

5. Cash value of agreements, which are fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.   Return to table

6. Valued daily at market exchange rates.   Return to table

7. Includes special investment account at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in Treasury bills maturing within ninety days.   Return to table

8. Cash value of agreements, which are fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.   Return to table

9. Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.   Return to table

10. Includes U.S. Treasury STRIPs and other zero coupon bonds at face value.   Return to table

11. Includes face value of U.S. Treasury and agency securities held outright, compensation to adjust for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities, and cash value of repurchase agreements.   Return to table

12. Face value of agreements, which are fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.   Return to table

Statistical Supplement | March 2006 | Tips for printing wide tables | Symbols and Abbreviations

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Last update: April 4, 2006