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Statistical Supplement | October 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 2006

3.24  Foreign Transactions in Securities
Millions of dollars
Transaction, and area or country 2004 2005r 2006 2006
Jan - Aug Febr Marr Apr May June July Augp
  U.S. corporate securities
1 Foreign purchases 3,862,043 4,740,672 4,036,167 438,434 516,363 456,731 609,929 551,041 478,553 527,441
2 Foreign sales 3,833,567 4,660,298 3,958,507 421,832 497,140 450,138 607,225r 555,012 468,120 523,025
3 Net purchases, or sales (-) 28,476 80,374 77,660 16,602 19,223 6,593 2,704r -3,971 10,433 4,416
4 Foreign countries 28,616 80,417 77,621 16,596 19,204 6,590 2,702r -3,971 10,431 4,413
5 Europe 19,571 38,016 52,056 12,439 15,005 5,570 -1,314r -3,483 4,033 6,030
6 France -876 7,675 10,887 1,108 267 3,936 -1,621 -850 178 2,280
7 Germany -2,360 -3,278 -4,591 1,464 1,319 -707 -912 -4,274 -127 -726
8 Netherlands 1,697 -2,326 -2,075 -831 -473 -1,024 -766 18 10 180
9 Switzerland -1,194 1,334 2,723 1,491 570 -44 -517 -347 138 513
10 United Kingdom 15,208 18,199 28,772 8,423 12,450 -920 -2,878r 1,021 3,009 2,979
11 Channel Islands and Isle of Man1 -180 350 1,202 -95 70 -43 67 1,195 136 -149
12 Canada 1,292 16,549 9,424 525 3,170 -535 762 2,754 1,955 14
13 Latin America and Caribbean 631 15,311 3,326 3,516 453 -1,355 1,276r -5,304 3,430 -2,215
14 Middle East2 6,485 1,789 8,114 318 975 3,324 120 771 1,078 491
15 Other Asia -320 8,399 3,850 -429 -339 -639 1,979 1,323 -315 48
16 Japan 2,832 72 1,758 -43 -783 -117 583 447 -310 434
17 Africa -41 281 283 98 3 101 71 -5 -4 1
18 Other countries 998 72 568 129 -63 124 -192 -27 254 44
19 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations -140 -43 39 6 19 3 2 0 2 3
20 Foreign purchases 2,380,796 2,375,137 1,870,668 230,648 246,749 224,440r 273,112r 241,638 204,764 241,951
21 Foreign sales 1,844,895 1,783,481 1,383,783 165,051 178,644 171,947 196,520r 179,942 167,252 173,192
22 Net purchases, or sales (-) 535,901 591,656 486,885 65,597 68,105 52,493r 76,592r 61,696 37,512 68,759
23 Foreign countries 533,422 588,531 485,372 65,293 67,800 52,416r 76,414r 61,562 37,662r 68,491
24 Europe 256,263 297,273 234,142 31,287 41,646 28,223 39,597r 36,123 5,602 29,284
25 France 7,369 13,656 7,646 1,402 1,455 884 405 388 1,660 3,252
26 Germany 12,124 12,426 7,108 1,178 1,505 1,038 819 1,070 -657 128
27 Netherlands 1,929 4,031 1,096 -99 325 333 222 88 13 199
28 Switzerland 6,972 1,771 4,322 891 608 46 -563 1,390 731 1,035
29 United Kingdom 160,243 209,700 167,593 22,913 33,405 19,903 28,043r 24,981 3,559 19,636
30 Channel Islands and Isle of Man1 6,477 16,624 5,484 502 395 714 1,428 1,188 -342 203
31 Canada 12,095 14,832 12,707 2,092 3,509 556r 1,694 3,045 536 918
32 Latin America and Caribbean 105,994 80,468 77,779 9,977 6,343 5,903 11,526 4,020 14,067 15,559
33 Middle East2 4,702 2,832 10,477 717 708 1,394 1,737 1,307 1,558 2,389
34 Other Asia 151,858 185,862 143,148 20,384 13,049 14,341 21,668 16,048 15,645 20,329
35 Japan 77,905 84,818 39,844 4,968 1,291 4,000 9,027 3,329 5,098 5,061
36 Africa 512 291 47 -126 90 62 -73 91 -3r 97
37 Other countries 1,998 6,973 7,072 962 2,455 1,937 265 928 257 -85
38 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 2,479 3,125 1,513 304 305 77 178 134 -150r 268
  Foreign securities
39 Stocks, net purchases, or sales (-) -84,970 -127,296 -42,923 -12,547 -11,702 -8,098 -4,850r 1,119r -2,908 7,140
40 Foreign purchases 1,664,076 2,240,104 2,276,505 271,741 294,550 268,954 371,188r 307,312r 245,933 272,919
41 Foreign sales 1,749,046 2,367,400 2,319,428 284,288 306,252 277,052 376,038r 306,193r 248,841 265,779
42 Bonds, net purchases, or sales (-) -67,872 -45,095 -72,705 -207 -7,154 -8,119r -15,644 -10,339r -18,759r -9,878
43 Foreign purchases 1,459,043 1,459,882 1,138,936 141,170 165,624 129,758 168,141 139,733r 119,475r 135,072
44 Foreign sales 1,526,915 1,504,977 1,211,641 141,377 172,778 137,877r 183,785 150,072 138,234r 144,950
45 Net purchases, or sales (-), of stocks and bonds -152,842 -172,391 -115,628 -12,754 -18,856 -16,217r -20,494r -9,220r -21,667r -2,738
46 Foreign countries -141,025 -165,403 -118,106 -12,537 -19,294 -16,300r -20,435r -9,171r -21,296r -5,488
47 Europe -124,892 -81,669 -102,996 -5,730 -11,697 -7,975r -22,514r -20,404r -24,329r -9,508
48 Canada -5,492 -4,559 -13,900 -1,472 -2,552 -3,131 -853 2,051 -1,475 -3,291
49 Latin America and Caribbean 9,184 -18,013 2,304 127 -500 1,697 -1,938r 2,049 209 1,959
50 Asia -12,814 -45,551 442 -5,080 -3,820 -3,803 4,771r 7,650 2,933 5,329
51 Japan -20,640 -32,842 8,874 -161 -368 434 4,515 3,178 1,129 2,039
52 Africa 1,591 -1,668 -1,518 -246 -387 -1,312 128 155 320 43
53 Other countries -8,602 -13,943 -2,438 -136 -338 -1,776 -29 -672 1,046 -20
54 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations -11,817 -6,988 2,478 -217 438 83 -59 -49 -371 2,750

1. Before January 2001, data included in United Kingdom.   Return to table

2. Comprises oil-exporting countries as follows: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

3. Includes state and local government securities and securities of U.S. government agencies and corporations. Also includes issues of new debt securities sold abroad by U.S. corporations organized to finance direct investments abroad.   Return to table

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Last update: November 1, 2006