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Statistical Supplement | March 2007

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, March 2007

3.25  Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions1
Millions of dollars; net purchases, or sales (-), during period
Area or country 2005 2006 2007 2006 2007
Jan - Jan July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Janp
1 Total reported 338,112 198,230r 15,312 11,156 44,103 1,655 25,008r 33,475r 10,581 15,312
2 Foreign countries 335,160 197,116r 15,451 10,785 44,224 1,668 25,176r 32,860r 10,666 15,451
3 Of which: by foreign official institutions 68,689 62,530 -5,275 8,239 16,882 7,706 18,463 1,016 6,092 -5,275
4 Europe 173,638 99,397r 9,926 -2,531 14,190 7,089 21,077r 19,980r 8,171 9,926
5 Belgium 500 580 -631 147 113 -370 -91 -99 -1 -631
6 France 9,559 -1,600 2,396 -2,356 -1,803 -2,430 5,379 2,628 -494 2,396
7 Germany 14,497 1,571r 4,041 1,200 818 1,375 62r -610 -29 4,041
8 Ireland 1,246 -1,293 898 0 1,475 -521 655 -526 -2,786 898
9 Luxembourg 2,046 -1,290 -256 85 -550 593 -265 -555 -28 -256
10 Netherlands -6,095 690 769 -1,089 -830 726 410 280 1,309 769
11 Norway 6,414 5,129 -11,683 7,497 4,003 1,922 13,370 6,121 -4,071 -11,683
12 Sweden 1,832 703 1,932 191 32 -547 -908 -153 174 1,932
13 Switzerland -4,904 -2,884 -245 -289 238 -438 25 -898 -1,828 -245
14 United Kingdom 134,118 92,087r 10,418 -11,383 10,626 6,894 26r 13,986r 16,705 10,418
15 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 419 -96 -98 76 -128 -235 234 -44 -258 -98
16 Other Europe and former U.S.S.R. 14,006 5,800 2,386 3,390 196 120 2,180 -151 -521 2,386
17 Canada 21,452 18,122r 903 809 5,801 2,001 -1,220r -2,624r 717 903
18 Latin America 23,368 21,869 2,354 -1,447 10,214 3,210 491 3,054 -2,202 2,354
19 Brazil 12,269 23,100 1,702 -1,643 11,244 1,990 1,434 4,476 994 1,702
20 Mexico 9,756 -308 631 678 -1,670 592 -874 -1,138 -3,720 631
21 Venezuela 518 242 5 -48 -18 -22 43 59 211 5
22 All other Latin America 825 -1,165 16 -434 658 650 -112 -343 313 16
23 Caribbean 44,997 -9,576 -3,887 11,572 -3,967 -9,779 2,293 15,608 -16,775 -3,887
24 Asia 68,317 66,422 5,388 2,281 16,828 -541 2,073 -2,760 21,131 5,388
25 China, Mainland 37,369 37,709 235 1,741 4,953 1,501 3,140 -798 7,187 235
26 Hong Kong 12,313 16,234 2,232 -182 1,961 -898 260 678 1,671 2,232
27 Japan -5,015 2,015 3,286 398 11,365 -3,432 781 -256 8,645 3,286
28 Korea 1,459 6,768 -3,684 1,220 -922 2,420 -702 -833 -825 -3,684
29 Middle East Oil Exporters2 2,063 4,183 1,399 133 -540 -81 -2,538 -1,097 1,199 1,399
30 All other Asia 20,128 -487 1,920 -1,029 11 -51 1,132 -454 3,254 1,920
31 Africa 2,222 3,517r 179 460 414 163 641 -638r 188 179
32 African oil exporters3 2,027 2,400 501 417 101 -1 -6 -744 -4 501
33 Other countries 1,166 -2,635 588 -359 744 -475 -179 240 -564 588
34 International and regional organizations 2,952 1,114 -139 371 -121 -13 -168 615 -85 -139

1. Official and private transactions in marketable U.S. Treasury securities having an original maturity of more than one year. Data are based on monthly transactions reports. Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries.   Return to table

2. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

3. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

4. Includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.   Return to table

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Last update: March 30, 2007