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Statistical Supplement | April 2007

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, April 2007

3.18  Banks' Own Claims on Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1
Payable in U.S. dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Area or country 2004 2005 2006r 2006 2007
Augr Septr Octr Novr Decr Janr Febp
1 Total, all foreigners 1,664,223 1,864,834 2,249,371 2,107,304 2,144,228 2,208,959 2,330,324 2,249,371 2,377,668 2,434,397
2 Foreign countries 1,658,247 1,857,584 2,240,197 2,100,469 2,135,558 2,200,646 2,323,172 2,240,197 2,369,700 2,426,549
3 Europe 806,546 918,660 1,137,594 1,038,167 1,092,189 1,112,209 1,178,217 1,137,594 1,235,494 1,282,533
4 Austria 4,429 4,139 4,277 6,186 4,134 5,357 4,957 4,277 4,752 4,794
5 Belgium2 7,751 11,900 13,592 13,198 13,788 12,921 13,109 13,592 16,824 31,717
6 Denmark 735 864 1,032 944 300 419 1,319 1,032 355 404
7 Finland 11,840 9,247 9,434 8,496 12,740 10,231 10,470 9,434 8,947 10,175
8 France 90,941 88,873 112,350 96,245 103,456 105,888 114,964 112,350 132,089 128,512
9 Germany 26,196 30,027 17,983 19,977 16,357 18,583 17,872 17,983 20,502 20,514
10 Greece 94 97 250 157 143 161 129 250 182 271
11 Ireland 14,023 16,426 24,301 19,067 18,526 20,921 20,684 24,301 27,900 27,208
12 Italy 16,906 18,482 30,991 23,705 25,425 25,976 28,643 30,991 30,935 28,022
13 Luxembourg2 5,864 8,201 7,138 10,103 10,072 9,722 8,044 7,138 7,332 7,804
14 Netherlands 22,090 20,958 29,508 23,442 25,613 28,830 30,187 29,508 26,781 35,027
15 Norway 25,517 14,688 30,978 22,599 26,106 26,450 26,266 30,978 23,153 24,215
16 Portugal 1,576 832 924 804 835 843 944 924 943 969
17 Russia 1,089 1,264 1,732 1,662 1,676 1,602 2,078 1,732 1,681 1,664
18 Spain 8,452 8,372 9,734 8,102 9,714 12,344 12,019 9,734 9,660 19,295
19 Sweden 17,027 9,452 8,905 10,141 10,124 11,318 9,385 8,905 7,930 7,071
20 Switzerland 114,167 143,892 105,364 108,674 132,266 148,282 153,615 105,364 135,731 151,264
21 Turkey 2,542 3,270 3,697 3,421 3,611 3,467 3,359 3,697 3,674 3,847
22 United Kingdom 404,844 487,492 682,097 626,140 641,047 632,818 680,565 682,097 730,396 733,464
23 Channel Islands and Isle of Man3 26,878 32,566 36,893 29,799 30,281 31,258 34,575 36,893 40,060 39,051
24 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.4 3,585 7,618 6,414 5,305 5,975 4,817 5,033 6,414 5,668 7,244
25 European Union5 n.a. n.a. 957,345 870,561 896,718 899,459 956,436 957,345 1,029,741 1,060,151
26 Canada 51,088 64,104 71,471 75,337 65,624 72,011 74,926 71,471 79,530 68,904
27 Latin America 49,378 51,170 58,374 55,642 53,390 63,076 64,788 58,374 58,078 61,005
28 Argentina 2,220 2,290 2,703 2,193 2,170 3,326 2,627 2,703 2,685 2,697
29 Brazil 14,094 15,111 19,835 18,534 14,386 23,017 25,289 19,835 19,760 22,319
30 Chile 6,213 6,642 6,474 6,428 6,758 6,650 6,172 6,474 5,198 5,125
31 Colombia 2,645 2,438 2,490 2,606 2,684 2,654 2,648 2,490 3,346 3,471
32 Ecuador 469 582 604 551 579 583 637 604 717 674
33 Guatemala 866 872 1,016 845 883 918 972 1,016 1,058 1,048
34 Mexico 13,440 14,601 16,531 16,441 17,090 17,096 17,431 16,531 16,590 16,676
35 Panama 1,939 2,076 2,316 2,212 2,315 2,251 2,596 2,316 2,196 2,132
36 Peru 1,529 1,226 1,446 1,298 1,320 1,500 1,498 1,446 1,489 1,432
37 Uruguay 403 464 347 353 517 407 422 347 397 433
38 Venezuela 2,844 2,273 2,279 1,941 2,363 2,223 2,183 2,279 2,293 2,693
39 Other Latin America6 2,716 2,595 2,333 2,240 2,325 2,451 2,313 2,333 2,349 2,305
40 Caribbean 596,931 620,474 735,125 709,057 691,363 727,838 780,100 735,125 772,394 795,203
41 Bahamas 80,183 113,458 120,806 156,675 135,539 141,022 157,465 120,806 121,423 127,679
42 Bermuda 33,294 17,846 17,704 18,589 18,369 18,597 21,642 17,704 18,448 17,823
43 British Virgin Islands6 n.a. n.a. 2,807 3,589 3,743 4,465 4,588 2,807 2,666 3,024
44 Cayman Islands7 469,166 475,227 583,324 515,411 523,063 553,847 586,430 583,324 619,073 635,881
45 Jamaica 351 444 636 675 666 646 648 636 628 633
46 Netherlands Antilles 5,554 4,444 2,484 8,010 3,945 2,404 2,318 2,484 2,402 2,393
47 Trinidad and Tobago 755 907 1,055 730 745 807 723 1,055 1,093 893
48 Other Caribbean6 7,628 8,148 6,309 5,378 5,293 6,050 6,286 6,309 6,661 6,877
49 Asia 142,656 190,610 221,554 203,751 216,271 206,895 208,669 221,554 207,568 202,760
50 Mainland 9,267 14,807 15,448 19,406 15,223 8,552 10,215 15,448 15,587 15,039
51 Hong Kong 5,622 8,412 6,751 9,475 9,219 9,071 9,814 6,751 6,499 4,978
52 India 2,117 2,518 2,827 2,174 2,646 2,343 2,583 2,827 2,948 2,617
53 Indonesia 555 440 518 367 439 506 464 518 574 591
54 Israel 1,326 4,288 5,315 5,201 4,853 8,617 5,436 5,315 7,025 5,991
55 Japan 82,207 106,377 140,242 118,039 123,298 127,355 133,140 140,242 127,248 122,845
56 Korea (South) 15,531 17,254 24,463 18,698 29,028 23,494 22,523 24,463 20,278 24,433
57 Philippines 993 1,790 973 1,093 1,094 847 803 973 871 829
58 Taiwan 10,589 8,626 3,166 4,790 5,563 4,082 2,975 3,166 3,757 2,818
59 Thailand 1,144 7,796 5,727 7,150 7,333 5,841 5,565 5,727 6,138 5,939
60 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries8 7,022 12,330 10,570 11,403 10,588 9,664 9,845 10,570 11,262 11,451
61 Other 6,283 5,972 5,554 5,955 6,987 6,523 5,306 5,554 5,381 5,229
62 Africa 1,262 1,621 1,845 1,910 2,007 1,860 1,786 1,845 1,906 1,760
63 Egypt 228 422 597 603 601 589 592 597 595 661
64 Morocco 53 63 56 69 48 95 53 56 63 55
65 South Africa 318 331 247 309 282 259 195 247 333 189
66 Oil-exporting countries9 223 317 403 332 323 345 338 403 332 290
67 Other 440 488 542 597 753 572 608 542 583 565
68 Other countries 10,386 10,945 14,234 16,605 14,714 16,757 14,686 14,234 14,730 14,384
69 Australia 9,695 10,226 12,835 15,739 13,595 15,539 13,825 12,835 13,520 13,430
70 New Zealand10 609 541 1,157 656 901 1,004 647 1,157 948 491
71 All other 82 178 242 210 218 214 214 242 262 463
72 International and regional organizations11 5,976 7,250 9,174 6,835 8,670 8,313 7,152 9,174 7,968 7,848

1. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as bank/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include claims of brokers and dealers on affiliated foreign offices and cross-border brokerage balances.   Return to table

2. Before January 2001, combined data reported for Belgium-Luxembourg.   Return to table

3. Before January 2001, data included in United Kingdom.   Return to table

4. For data prior to June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.   Return to table

5. As of May 2004, the European Union includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Data available beginning in June 2006.   Return to table

6. Before January 2001, "Other Latin America" and "Other Caribbean" were reported as combined "Other Latin America and Caribbean." Before June 2006, data for the British Virgin Islands were included in "Other Caribbean."   Return to table

7. Beginning 2001, Cayman Islands replaced British West Indies in the data series.   Return to table

8. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

9. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

10. Before January 2001, included in "All other."   Return to table

11. Includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.   Return to table

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Last update: May 2, 2007