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Statistical Supplement | April 2007

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, April 2007

3.24  Foreign Transactions in Securities
Millions of dollars
Transaction, and area or country 2005 2006r 2007 2006 2007
Jan - Feb Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Febp
  U.S. corporate securities
1 Foreign purchases 4,731,749 6,904,113 1,256,353 583,195r 562,165 643,028 610,621 573,252 624,681r 631,672
2 Foreign sales 4,649,799 6,753,857 1,220,062 575,077r 547,511r 615,986r 603,563r 584,852 601,903r 618,159
3 Net purchases, or sales (-) 81,950 150,256 36,291 8,118r 14,654r 27,042r 7,058r -11,600 22,778r 13,513
4 Foreign countries 81,993 150,212 36,304 8,116r 14,651r 27,043r 7,058r -11,604 22,788r 13,516
5 Of which: by foreign official institutions 954 5,766 -242 207 -682 -407 -2,098 -499 -571 329
6 Europe 39,592 96,946 17,179 9,640r 11,305r 15,417r 3,395r -10,077 13,819r 3,360
7 Belgium 5,757 1,622 -222 375 167 -399 -781 -272 151r -372
8 France 7,675 21,738 2,829 2,239 893 6,128 2,889 974 3,577r -748
9 Germany -3,278 -8,164 2,951 -819 865 1,267 -7 -5,300 -892r 3,843
10 Ireland 1,660 -1,775 963 -182 25 -560 -287 -1,574 38 925
11 Luxembourg 7,924 11,611 127 252 93 426 1,367 233 -382r 509
12 Netherlands -2,326 -5,428 -714 169 267 -2,005 -927 -679 1,401r -2,115
13 Switzerland 1,334 1,194 -257 513 -222 -379 -1,156 228 579r -836
14 United Kingdom 19,775 75,858 10,949 6,620r 9,908r 11,356r 2,222r -1,598 8,045r 2,904
15 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 350 96 290 -149 -148 -88 74 -944 229 61
16 Canada 16,549 11,821 -461 14 355 915 838 290 -141r -320
17 Latin America -103 2,151 74 -208 68 200 -55 343 72 2
18 Caribbean 15,414 35,039 20,029 -1,914 5,463 12,472 5,938 -1,157 10,387r 9,642
19 Middle East Oil Exporters1 1,789 7,965 590 491 -300 418 -487 218 648r -58
20 Other Asia 8,399 -4,486 -1,860 48 -2,285 -1,993 -2,742 -1,316 -2,495r 635
21 China, Mainland -528 465 -118 -50 -52 403 -76 444 -92 -26
22 Hong Kong 1,050 -465 -148 26 -252 -55 -432 -396 205r -353
23 Japan 72 -668 -330 434 -790 -741 -218 -677 -1,249 919
24 Africa 281 89 -76 1 -87 -111 26 -22 10r -86
25 Other countries 72 687 829 44 132 -275 145 117 488 341
26 International and regional organizations2 -43 44 -13 2 3 -1 0 4 -10 -3
U.S. Government Agency Bonds  
27 Foreign purchases 1,097,458 1,572,182 285,235 127,242 123,864 127,613 140,619 154,126 143,450r 141,785
28 Foreign sales 878,202 1,282,602 247,441 94,057r 98,413r 111,642r 124,893r 126,320r 107,677r 139,764
29 Net purchases, or sales (-) 219,256 289,580 37,794 33,185r 25,451r 15,971r 15,726r 27,806r 35,773r 2,021
30 Foreign countries 218,983 289,344 37,847 33,319r 25,448r 15,916r 15,751r 27,843r 35,790r 2,057
31 Of which: by foreign official institutions 31,629 92,632 19,931 9,599r 7,872 5,260 3,955 15,506 15,751 4,180
32 Europe 55,564 88,746 10,808 10,277r 8,701r 6,618r 4,577r 10,336r 12,074r -1,266
33 Belgium -398 -193 -25 -19 3 -45 -70 -75 -30 5
34 France 500 -261 1,608 344 759 8 -66 857 706 902
35 Germany 5,938 4,471 -52 84 436 190 805 270 252 -304
36 Ireland 3,591 4,168 -336 481 819 -585r 57r 675r -195r -141
37 Luxembourg 1,583 5,028 -644 315r 1,018 -149 -299 187 -2,156 1,513
38 Netherlands 1,259 -648 -505 52 -39 -368 13 155 -361 -144
39 Switzerland -1,971 -185 -291 20r 20r 214r -171 131 -78 -213
40 United Kingdom 40,819 53,311 7,428 5,251 4,706r 3,487 3,765 6,770 10,384 -2,956
41 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 54 1,528 343 282r 13 501 694 293 31 312
42 Canada 12,476 9,507 900 400 919 697r 498 1,812 521 379
43 Latin America 15,473 14,181 3,302 -267 810 -87 1,920 5,289 2,150 1,152
44 Caribbean 17,304 39,750 -3,139 7,665r 3,844r 1,820r 4,461r 2,527r 3,377r -6,516
45 Middle East Oil Exporters1 1,810 7,037 3,200 1,443 575 11 -488 1,140 2,189 1,011
46 Other Asia 115,851 129,141 22,575 13,882r 10,578r 6,783r 4,854 6,771 15,389 7,186
47 China, Mainland 22,986 37,461 13,684 4,770r 2,545 1,156 610 383 11,400 2,284
48 Hong Kong 16,289 31,659 5,987 3,699 1,422 2,363 1,132 3,599 2,823 3,164
49 Japan 59,140 45,062 6 3,214 5,004 3,857 2,534 -578 -1,088 1,094
50 Africa -103 -118 46 -19 4 25 -23 -36 10 36
51 Other countries 608 1,100 155 -62 17 49 -48 4 80 75
52 International and regional organizations2 273 236 -53 -134 3 55 -25 -37 -17 -36
Corporate Bonds3  
53 Foreign purchases 1,277,006 1,666,037 312,680 131,424r 157,346r 149,055r 173,943r 166,971r 155,259r 157,421
54 Foreign sales 904,784 1,165,329 224,247 90,722r 99,050r 108,405r 111,595r 131,666r 112,220r 112,027
55 Net purchases, or sales (-) 372,222 500,708 88,433 40,702r 58,296r 40,650r 62,348r 35,305r 43,039r 45,394
56 Foreign countries 369,370 499,632 88,290 40,264r 58,322r 40,640r 62,144r 35,706r 42,956r 45,334
57 Of which: by foreign official institutions 19,141 28,556 7,908 2,761r 1,830 2,006 3,220r 2,864 2,383 5,525
58 Europe 241,709 305,763 57,219 20,083r 44,616r 25,122r 41,261r 12,780r 30,729r 26,490
59 Belgium 3,625 -653 -2,303 -1,458 173r -138 -32 -374r -1,519 -784
60 France 13,156 21,563 5,226 2,869r 3,029 3,423 2,636 3,038r 3,723 1,503
61 Germany 6,488 -11,985 480 27r 836 -2,948 764r -14,901r 285 195
62 Ireland 12,184 14,010 3,254 442r 3,118r 1,430r 2,589r 24r 1,989r 1,265
63 Luxembourg 4,610 3,564 177 -395r 1,713r -519 548r -33r -746r 923
64 Netherlands 2,772 3,216 -462 144r 64r 1,135 61 585r -217 -245
65 Switzerland 3,742 9,755 1,264 1,015 635 1,139 2,477r 376r 491r 773
66 United Kingdom 168,881 242,349 1,264 15,538r 30,387r 19,825r 31,664r 20,797r 27,729r 21,182
67 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 16,570 10,388 1,093 -81 3,108r 883 -670r 1,612 650 443
68 Canada 2,279 8,052 3,499 439r 776r -159r 1,317 1,301r 376r 3,123
69 Latin America 7,203 10,035 802 1,578 1,024 977 762 680 704 98
70 Caribbean 40,488 91,370 8,618 10,698r 7,577r 8,711r 9,433r 12,282r 3,593r 5,025
71 Middle East Oil Exporters1 1,022 4,674 244 911r -486 -56 414r -89r 221 23
72 Other Asia 69,910 72,404 15,076 6,468r 3,982 5,681r 8,899r 8,778r 7,487r 7,589
73 China, Mainland 26,130 31,251 7,339 2,319 1,869 1,367 3,334 3,639 3,401 3,938
74 Hong Kong 11,012 14,810 1,451 1,006 669 1,776 1,402r 1,615 1,234 217
75 Japan 25,617 12,671 2,315 2,050r 268 1,468 2,377 2,318 1,564r 751
76 Africa 394 -178 -34 111r 63 31 49r -435 -86 52
77 Other countries 6,365 7,512 2,866 -24 770 333 9r 409 -68 2,934
78 International and regional organizations3 2,852 1,076 143 438 -26 10 204 -401 83 60

1. Comprises oil-exporting countries as follows: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

2. Includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.   Return to table

3. Includes state and local securities. Also includes issues of new debt securities sold abroad by U.S. corporations organized to finance direct investment abroad.   Return to table

4. Net foreign sales (-) of foreign securities are equivalent to net U.S. purchases of foreign securities.

5. Comprises Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. As of December 2001, also includes Greece.

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Last update: May 2, 2007